A/N: Hey, here with the next chapter. Quick disclaimers. I do not own glee, that belongs to RIB and Fox. I don't own the Broadway show Peter Pan, just a DVD of the Cathy Rigby performance. The dialogue in Italics comes directly from lines in the musical, not mine. The songs in this chapter are also from the musical, not the Disney version. I recommend you look up the song Tender Shepherd Peter Pan Live, and I Gotta Crow for the full effect. Should be the first Youtube clips. We meet a lot of characters in this chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter Two

They were sitting on the edge of the stage, feet dangling over the edge, when Marley walked into the auditorium. The kids who had given the best performances during the first audition were there for one reason, to do so again and earn their roles in Manhattan Prep's production of Peter Pan. Many of these kids, she had worked with before, but some, like her nephew Bryan, were taking part in their first official MP production.

"Alright all, we're gonna start with a run through of Tender Shepherd. So I need Timothy, Bryan, Kyra and Lizzie."

Bryan blinked as Jonah grinned in his direction. "Mrs. Rose…" He refused to call her Marley in a school setting no matter what she told him. He raised his hand. "A...are you sure?"

Kyra extended a hand. "Come on Bry, you'll be great!"

"You didn't specify and this part seems like a good fit. I want to see if I'm right." She smiled.

"Okay." He followed Kyra as they sat in their positions: Timothy and Bryan on one side, Kyra on the other and Lizzie in the center. Lizzie and Timothy started their exchange.

"Oh Dear, I wish I weren't going out to dinner tonight."

"Can anything harm us, Mother, while the night lights are lit?" Timothy looked up to Kyra earnestly, tugging her sleeve.

"Oh, nothing Precious. They are the eyes a mother leaves behind to guard her children. Now," she looked to each of them. "Sing your goodnight song and into your beds."


Tender Shepherd

Tender Shepherd

Let me help you count your sheep

1 in the meadow

2 in the garden

3 in the nursery fast asleep

(fast asleep now children)

Kyra started the round as Bryan awaited his cue.


Tender Shepherd

Tender Shepherd

Let me help you count your sheep

1 say a prayer and

2 close your eyes and

3 in the nursery fast asleep

Fall asleep

Fall asleep

Bryan removed his glasses placing them on a side table, as John would do as he joined the round and Lizzie kissed his forehead.


Tender Shepherd

Tender Shepherd

Let me help you count your sheep

1 say a prayer and

2 close your eyes and

3 in the nursery fast asleep

Fall asleep

Fall asleep

Bryan watched out of the corner of his eye as Timothy joined. The kid was good. He didn't get lost in the nonsense that would usually happen with rounds. He even threw in a tiny yawn as he lie down.


Tender Shepherd

Tender Shepherd

Let me help you count your sheep

1 say a prayer and

2 close your eyes and

3 in the nursery fast asleep

Fall asleep

Fall asleep

They continued as their voices blended and overlapped in harmony. Bryan was actually enjoying this, Kyra and Timothy were pretty fun to bounce off of.


Tender Shepherd

Tender Shepherd

Let me help you count your sheep

1 say a prayer and

2 close your eyes and

3 in the nursery fast asleep

Fall asleep

Fall asleep

"Great, wonderful job!" Marley smiled. "Alright Jonah, Tanner we're going to do I Gotta Crow and Hook's Tango after a quick break."

Jonah clapped Bryan on the shoulder. "Wow, that was awesome. I knew you'd audition for John."

"Mrs. Rose must be insane!" They looked up as they saw Millie Porter. "That or it's just nepotism."

"Give it a rest Mil'." Lizzie sighed. "He did a good job."

"Maybe for an amateur hour."

Bryan watched the exchange as his brow furrowed. Maybe this had been a bad idea. After all, he had only done it because Jonah had asked him to. The fun he had had earlier didn't matter. He stood and ran out of the auditorium, not even caring when he heard Jonah calling his name. He wouldn't cry in front of them, then Millie would have won.

He sat on a step wrapping his arms around his knees. Why he even thought he could do it was beyond him. Performing may have been in his blood, but he was too quiet to ever pull anything off. When there was a crowd, a real actual crowd, he gummed up.

"There he is! Jonah, he's over by the steps!" He heard Tanner, but didn't dare look up. "Bryan,"

"Bryan, what happened?" Jonah ran over. " You got out so fast…"

Bryan shook his head. "I can't do it. I… I thought I could but, Millie's right. I'm no good."

Jonah put a hand on his shoulder sitting next to him on the step. "Millie Porter's a diva. Just another David." He frowned shuddering. "I hope they never start dating."

Bryan laughed.

"She's just jealous she didn't get asked to read for Wendy." Tanner said. "Between us, I think she should have got cast for Tink."

"That's silly. Tink's just a light." Bryan grinned.

"Exactly. That way she'd be in the back and offstage."


Marley came out. "Boys, are you ready? Tanner, you'll go first."

They had watched Tanner's performance, and now Jonah and Kyra were on stage.

"Oh I am so clever, oh the cleverness of me!" Jonah's chest puffed out as he delivered the line, looking to where the nursery window and his shadow would be.

"Of course, I did nothing. " Kyra sighed. "You're conceited."



Not me,

It's just that I am what I am

And I'm me!

When I look at myself

And I see in myself

All the wonderful things that I see

If I'm pleased with myself

I have ev'ry good reason to be.

I've gotta crow!

I'm just the cleverest fellow

'Twas ever my fortune to know;

I taught a trick to my shadow

To stick to the tip of my toe

I've gotta crow!

I've gotta brag!

I think it's sweet

I have fingers and feet I can wiggle and wag.

I can climb trees and play tag with the breeze

In the meadows below

I've gotta crow!

If I were a very ordinary

Ev'ry day thing,

I'd never be heard cock-a-doodling

'Round like a bird!

So Naturally

When I discover the cleverness of a remarkable me,

How can I hide it

When deep down inside it just tickles me so

That I've gotta let go and crow!

I'm really a rare thing,

Such a fair thing,

I can't keep still!

I'm bursting with pride

And I just couldn't keep it inside

If I tried so...


When I discover the cleverness of a remarkable me,

How can I hide it

When deep down inside it just tickles me so

That I've gotta let go and crow!

By the end of the performance, everyone was grinning. Jonah really brought something to the part and they all knew it. Bryan knew it especially well, because Jonah was just naturally silly.

"Well, now I know who I'm gonna be after." Tanner smiled roughing Jonah's hair. "You've got it in the bag." He looked to Bryan. "Both of you."

"You too." Jonah said.

"Thanks." Bryan grinned.

"That was really great!" Bryan said. "You did awesome. I can't wait to see you on the wires."

"Don't forget, you're on the wires too." Jonah knocked him in the shoulder as they got their bikes.

"I don't think I've cinched it. Not like you guys."

"Bull, you're downplaying." Jonah stuck his tongue out.



"There they are! Get 'em!" As Bryan and Jonah rounded the corner, they saw David and his group.

"Aw come on!" Bryan sighed. "Come on Jonah, pedal!" He pushed off and cruised along the sidewalk. One advantage, they were on bikes.

"The library's this way." Jonah said. "We can hide there."

"Good idea."

They pulled into the library parking lot just as David and his friends were heading their way.

"Well," They saw the head librarian Mrs. Hawnie emptying the book return. "Hello Bryan, Jonah."

Bryan's eyes were darting left and right searching for any sign of the bullies. "Hi Mrs. Hawnie…"

"You look exhausted. Why don't you step in for a moment? We could use the company."

"Okay." Jonah and Bryan nodded. Mission accomplished.

As Bryan stepped into the library, he was assaulted by memories. His dad had taken him here every weekend when he was younger, but of course things had changed since then. The most noticeable change was the young man shelving books in the corner. Bryan had never seen him before.

"Now, boys, why don't you sit at the table? I think I have a box of cookies in the back." Mrs. Hawnie placed the stack of books down on the same table she had pointed out just a few feet from the man who was still shelving. "I'll be back shortly."

"We lucked out didn't we?" Jonah said. "Those morons'll never set foot in a library."

Bryan nodded, only half listening. He was too busy watching the man. It was odd, because every time he picked up a book he looked in their direction grinning.

"Do you know him or something?" Jonah leaned forward jerking a thumb toward him. "He keeps looking at you."

Bryan shook his head. "Never seen him before."

"Here we are!" Mrs. Hawnie came out. "I knew I had some treats in the back." She looked at the man. "Ryder, why don't you come on over and introduce yourself? I see you looking this way."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Hawnie." The man walked over looking at his feet. "I know I should be working." He grinned grabbing a cookie. "I'm Ryder."

Bryan smiled. "Bryan Hudson. This is Jonah."

"Do you like to read?" Ryder asked.

Bryan blinked. It wasn't a weird question, not by any stretch, but Ryder asked it with such an eagerness that it felt out of left field. There was no tact in the man's posturing. He leaned forward tapping his feet like he couldn't wait to get moving. What was the phrase his grandfather used? Ants in his pants, that was it.

Jonah shrugged. "I guess."

"Yeah." Bryan smiled. He liked this man.

"There are a lot of books here. I've read almost all of them. I like adventures like the one with the boys who solve mysteries. What were they called again Mrs. Hawnie?"

Mrs. Hawnie shrugged. "Ryder, remember what I told you."

Jonah and Bryan looked at each other as Bryan ventured an answer. "You mean the Hardy Boys?"

"Sorry Bryan, sorry Jonah." Ryder sighed. "Mrs. Hawnie always tells me to slow down, but I forget."

"It's okay."

"Oh! I'll be right back!" Ryder ran off to another room in search of who knew what, leaving Mrs. Hawnie alone with the two boys.

"What's wrong with him?" Jonah asked, always upfront.

"Jonah…" Bryan hissed.

Mrs. Hawnie sighed. "It's okay, perfectly normal reaction. I'd be surprised if you didn't ask. He's just had a rough time of it. Took its toll."

"So he's… always been like that?"

"For as long as I've been taking care of him." Mrs. Hawnie turned in the direction Ryder had just went. "Ryder can be so zealous, it scares folks, but he really is a sweetheart. He just could use a friend or two."

Bryan and Jonah looked at each other, both coming to the same conclusion as Bryan spoke. "We can help him Mrs. Hawnie… I mean... if you'd let us."

Mrs. Hawnie smiled. "I think that would be wonderful."

A/N: Okay, so they had callbacks. We met Timothy, who is portrayed by August Maturo, Kyra who is portrayed by Kelli Burgland, Millie, who is portrayed by Cierra Ramirez and Tanner, who is portrayed by Shawn Mendes. The songs they performed were Tender Shepherd and I Gotta Crow, both from the Broadway version of Peter Pan. We also met Deborah Hawnie, who is portrayed by Lily Tomlin. And got our first introduction to Ryder. Next chapter, it's back to Finn and Rachel, and Bryan and Jonah find out the results of the callbacks.