Hello everybody I am viperhat and welcome to one of the few interlude one shots I will do before beginning Trials of Ice. TRE (Th Ripple Effect) TOI (Trials Of Ice)

This first one shot is a Gray x Mirajane one shot. The world needs more of it.

Lets begin.


It was just a normal day for the fairy tail guild. Natsu and Gray were indulging in their usual brawl. Elfman was shouting about how manly fighting was on the sidelines. Erza was enjoying a piece of cheesecake. Lucy was talking with Levy and Gajeel.

Everyone was having a great time until Gray was sent flying into Erza's beloved cheesecake. Said cake was currently up in the air and everyone was staring at it in horror. Everyone knew what was about to happen and they were instantly ready to point at the two people responsible for the amount of pain they were about to go through.

The cake finally crashed into the ground, bits of it flying onto the Titania's horrified face…

She just stared at the cake for a few seconds before Glaring at both the floored Gray and scared stiff Natsu.

"What have you done!?" She bellowed at the two and Natsu instantly started trying to blame the other for the situation they found themselves in right now.

"I-I-It was that ice stripper that started it!" Stuttered Natsu.

"H-Hey don't blame me! You threw the first punch. Ash face!" Gray defended himself.

Unfortunately for the both of them, Erza wasn't interested. She got and rushed at Natsu before he could retort and was instantly beating the snot out of him. Everyone looked on in sympathy as Natsu was thrown around into walls and smashed on top of his head every few seconds within each punch.

Gray saw an opportunity to hide and his self preservation instincts kicked in and he made a mad dash behind the bar counter whilst Erza was occupied. He looked around and was greeted by the face of Mirajane.

"In trouble again are we Gray?" She asked, her voice as sweet and teasing as ever…

"Please, pretend i'm not here for a few minutes." Whispered Gray in a frantic tone. He wanted to see tomorrow and being found by the enraged red head was not the right way of going about achieving that.

"I don't know Gray, she seems pretty angry today..." Mira smirked at his rapidly paling complexion. This was absolutely priceless! She knew that Gray knew that she was going to milk the situation as much as she could.

Luckily, Gray was too damn scared to bargain with her. It was too risky…

"P-Please! I'll do anything, I just wanna live!" He pleaded.

He fell right into her trap and he knew it. But this was the lesser of two evils. At least he had the chance of living through whatever the matchmaker had in store for him.

"Okay, I won't let her know where you are." She started. "If you do what I say for the rest of the day..."

Scratch that, both outcomes were equally as bad as eachother…

"Fine, just please save me!"


(30 minutes later)

Erza had finally calmed down and ordered another slice of cheesecake before leaving the guild. Natsu was left in the middle of the guild unconscious and whining in pain. Elfman and Gajeel took the job of finding the chairs and tables that were still intact and the rest of the guild members were getting back to what they were doing before the massive beat down Natsu had brought on himself.

Mirajane had instantly put her new temporary slave to work helping her serve some drinks (some needed ice), baking pies and bread in the kitchens with her and fetching her some refreshments.

Gray was lightly annoyed at the situation he was in. All he wanted was to stop Erza from mauling him alive and he was now being turned into the very definition of a whipped boyfriend. He wasn't afraid to admit he had a slight crush on the FT barmaid. Who wouldn't? She was kind, caring, mature and funny.

Anyone who didn't slightly like her had either had no idea of what love was (Natsu), or had next to no sexual drive (Laxus and this didn't make him a perv).

She of course was very pretty, being a famous Ft model made having looks essential for the job. But she could be a massive tease and a huge task master when she wanted to, not to mention her matchmaking tendencies.

She was the most dangerous kind of person just because of her matchmaker mode (dubbed by everyone in the guild)…

But Over the day Gray had been noticing those things a lot more than usual. He felt annoyed at his situation but he was more than happy to do what she said. He felt like being around her more because she was actually a lot more peaceful and easy to like than most of the other guild members.

"Oh Gray..." He heard her sing song to him.

He sighed.

"Yes Mira?" He replied. "What do you want me to do do?"

"Come out here and help me clean up, the guilds closing up tonight and I need your help out here if you're done in there..." She asked.

He looked around the kitchen, nothing was out of place and it he had scrubbed and cleaned every nook and cranny his eyes had laid upon. It was clean that was for sure.

"Yeah, i'm coming."

he got up from his chair and walked out into the guild hall and was shocked to see that it really was night time and that everyone else had left. It was just him and Mira.

She seemed to be smirking slightly, she probably was hoping that he didn't see it so he just kept quiet but was curious.

"okay" Started Mira. "You start putting the chairs in the tables and I'll start cleaning the bar."

Gray got to work and started tucking the many chairs in. He came across some broken and charred ones and instantly knew that Natsu had woken up at some point of the day.

"So when did Flame brain wake up?" He asked out curiosity.

"Oh!" She jumped, not expecting him to talk. "He woke up a few minutes after I sent you into the kitchens to fetch the alcohol for Cana." She explained.

"I'm sure he was pissed to find out that he was the only one half dead after Erza's wrath was unleashed." he chuckled.

Mira giggled…

"He sure was, in fact your tucking in some of the chairs he burned and broke in his fight with Elfman. He was sulking afterwards for a bit before Lucy forced him to go home."

Gray just laughed at the idiots expense. Natsu was truly a child at heart.

"Okay. Anyway I wanna know. Do you have someone you like?" Gray questioned, taking Mirajane off guard with the question. "I mean, you have all of these plans to pair Natsu and Lucy up as well as others such as you're Brother and Evergreen or Gajeel and Levy. So I was wondering, what about you." He explained after seeing her confused expression.

She realised what he meant and then her smirk from earlier came back full force…


They had both done there jobs and they were now just talking because they could.

Mira looked at Gray and then gave him an order that slightly confused him.

"Gray, can you come over here please?"

He walked over and when he stood at arms reach she asked him to come a bit closer. This was getting awkward for him…

"Here is you're answer to you're question." She said quietly before Pulling Gray to her and planting her lips firmly on his own. He clearly didn't expect Mira to do that as he was motionless for a few seconds before Mirajane pulled apart from his lips. Looking at him deviously.

She giggled a bit at his flabbergasted expression…

"You look slightly shocked." She giggled even more when he stuttered at what had just happened.

"M-Me? I-Im the one you like?" He asked dazedly. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Mirajane liked him over other much better people in the guild. After all he wasn't without his flaws. In fact he may have the most flaws in the guild. Well maybe the exception of flame brain.

"Yeah" She started "I think many of the women in this didn't realise the man you have become until the Grand magic games."

Gray was surprised to hear that more of the girls in his guild had the hots for him. He knew he was a good looking guy. But he knew people like Laxus had a bit more charm to him than he did.

He did feel flattered however…

"I was probably the first to see it but I know that Erza and Lucy had started looking at you a bit more than usual..." She continued on.

"But I do like you Gray, you are not a child Like Natsu, arrogant like Laxus, mean and intimidating like Gajeel or just simple minded like the others. You're more complex, fun and apparently obedient ." She smiled at his blush.

Then he realised something.

"You planned this whole day out, didn't you?" He stated, smirking at her now shocked expression her face took after he said that.

She then smirked once more.

"I guess I can add intelligent on to the list of things I like about you." She said before kissing him again. This however Gray kissed back.

They were both wondering how the guild would react to this development. But at the moment, they didn't care a single bit.

They just wanted to enjoy each other arms wrapped around them for the time being…


I know, I know. I was rushed and pretty poorly explained but I really can't ad lib stories like most of you guys can.

Anyway; I want to save as much creative juice as I can to make TOI as good as it can be.


1. how would you respond too hate mail?

I respond in that way that would annoy the hater. I would point out any hypocrisy and spelling mistakes too actively aggravate the hater. Then I would say how funny the haters message was…

I am quite annoying to the one who tries to annoy me…

2. Do you have a favourite youtuber?

Mine used to be Pewdiepie and then he became to mainstream and it felt like he was trying to hard to be funny, thus ruining his overall value in my opinion. He still cool to watch but I am a Jacksepticeye guy. He reminds me of when Pewds was more genuine and personal. How someone should be on Youtube, they should enjoy themselves…

3. What are/did you study/studying in college?

I am doing performing arts acting and English literature… (even though I am obviously bad at it…)

Thanks for reading and I am sorry for those who enjoy TRE but I will promise you that I will finish it. It will just take longer than it does now.

Stay cool,
