Yuki stepped out of the car when her husband opened the car door for her and their daughter to jump out.

"Carry me, Mama," little Ai demanded and Yuki smiled down at her.

"Mama's carrying flowers, there's no room for you," she said as she took a bouquet of roses from their chauffer.

"Carry me, Papa," Ai turned to her father and Kaname smiled, lifting her up to rest on his side.

"You'll spoil her rotten," Yuki warned as they began walking down the pavement.

"She is my darling little Ai," Kaname said with a soft smile.

"Where are we, Papa?" Ai asked as she looked around.

"The graveyard," Kaname forced his next smile.

"What's that?"

"It's where your Aunt Mana is sleeping."

It took all of Yuki's strength to suppress a sob. A few minutes later, filled with Ai's inquisitive questions, Yuki arrived at her sister's grave, her husband a few steps behind. Yuki hesitated as she saw a bouquet of lilies at the headstone. Only one person would be leaving those here. Before Kaname and Ai caught up, she took a look around frantically.

"Z-Zero…" she stuttered and Kaname glared down at the lilies when he arrived beside her.


What was left of Mana, when Kaname had returned to the manor, was a nightgown, shards of crystal and a bullet that no doubt came from Zero's anti-vampire weapon, Bloody Rose. Mysteriously enough, Zero had vanished, no-one knew where he was. Kaname lied to Yuki about where he had found Mana's remains, leaving out all the details that wouldn't have made sense. For all Yuki knew, Mana's body, as a human, was buried at this spot. Of course, she believed him, Yuki never doubted him. As Yuki knelt down to place the roses down, Ai spoke up again.

"What's that, Papa?"

"It's where your Aunt Mana is sleeping," Kaname automatically answered.

"Is she going to wake up?"

Kaname looked away.

"No, she is sleeping forever."

"Huh…put me down, Papa."

Kaname let Ai down and she wandered over to the headstone. She looked at Yuki and frowned.

"Why are you crying, Mama?"

Yuki jolted out of her daze and wiped her eyes dry.

"Oh, I…miss your Aunt Mana," she replied.

"Ma…na…" Ai tried the new word curiously "Mana…"

She then noticed something which distracted her and she began catching the leaves that were falling from the trees. Kaname gazed down at the grave sullenly whilst Yuki stood, dabbing her eyes. Yuki sniffed a little as she took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She felt broken, as if half of her was completely shattered and she was hobbling around with only half of herself.

"Shall we go?" she murmured, not taking her eyes off the grave.

"Take Ai back to the car, I would like a few moments alone…"

Yuki looked up at Kaname sympathetically before taking Ai and leading her back to the car. Kaname stood alone for a few moments before his eyes flared up. The lilies were torn apart mercilessly as he covered his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He gritted his teeth, sorely wishing death on the vampire hunter who had ended his beloved's life. He took another deep breath, dropping his hand and gazing back down at the grave.

"You don't want something to remind you of your murderer," he murmured before stalking off.

All was quiet for a few more minutes until the branches rustled in the trees. Next followed a moment of silence. Zero grunted as he landed behind Mana's grave, walking around to grab the bouquet of roses. He glared at the direction where Kaname had disappeared to, nearly pricking his fingers when he gripped the bouquet tightly.

"Indeed," he grumbled as he threw them in the bin nearby.

He sat down before Mana and sighed, thumbing his necklace. The crystal glinted in the light as he smiled grimly. Silence enveloped the scene as he closed his eyes, trying to find words to speak. He wanted to speak but at the same time he wanted to keep the silence. Silence was golden but then again, golden things were often overrated.

"I'm back, Mana," he said "I've just been to Cross Academy, it's still running believe it or not. No-one saw me, I am still lying low. After all, Kuran's got me on the hit list. I know, vampires have no sense of justice, it's sickening. …I'm sorry for this, Mana, but I broke into your art room."

He could picture her glare that promised murder. With a chuckle, he sat back, still adorning the bittersweet smile.

"I…didn't realise how many portraits you had of me in there," he said "I haven't counted but who needs a number? Your feelings were really strong, weren't they? I still can't believe how I didn't see it… At least I can understand why you wouldn't let anyone in, you'd probably be marked a stalker of some kind."

He chuckled, picturing an embarrassed and furious Mana trying to attack him whilst he held her at arm's distance.

"You also had paintings of scenery, but they're places where I've never seen before," he continued talking "It didn't take long to realise that they're fantasy paintings…that room really was your own world. It makes me feel even worse for breaking into there."

He clenched the necklace tighter.

"I'm really sorry that I breached your privacy, Mana, but someone had to do it in the end," he sighed "I don't know if Cross or Kuran or Yuki had done so already, it didn't look it when I went in. Again, I'm sorry but I took all your work. They're safe, don't worry, I've got them somewhere safe where they won't get damaged."

He bristled as his alarm on his watch went off and he jumped to his feet.

"I have to keep moving," he whispered as he placed a hand over the headstone "I love you, Mana. I'll come back."

He grimaced.

"I'll always come back."

Then he was gone.