Hey Readers! Welcome to the final chapter of the story! A very special thank you to everyone who has reviewed, followed, and favourited this story. Your support is so appreciated!

As always, I own nothing, except Rebecca, Edmund's Matchmaking Corporation, Loony Lareleen, Arianna, and this story.


King Edmund the Matchmaker

Chapter 11

Peter nervously looked at Rebecca as he stated, "I...Rebecca, I love you."

A smile crept over Rebecca's shocked face. "Well then, your majesty, there's something I must tell you."

"If anyone here knows any lawful reason why the two of you may not be joined in holy matrimony, I ask them to speak now or forever hold their peace," stated the Priest.

Both Peter and Rebecca looked hesitantly at Edmund. He had promised to be silent, but they were still worried. However, Edmund did not say a word, so the Priest continued.

Edmund leaned back in his chair. "Well, Lucy, there. We officially have one successful match at Edmund's Matchmaking Corporation! I'm going to be famous in no time!"

Lucy grabbed another cookie from a tray and shoved it into her mouth. "I'm so glad that everything went well. Susan and Rebecca worked very hard arranging everything."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"Didn't you notice that I behaved myself the entire day?"


"I so wanted to say something stupid when the Priest asked us to speak or hold our peace. I could have said something so good!"

"And you would have been sleeping in the dungeon."

"No I wouldn't have. I'm the guest of honor tonight!"

"Um, isn't it Peter and Rebecca's wedding?"

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me!"

"You do realize that Peter proposed and Rebecca accepted. You had nothing to do with that!"

"Minor details, Lucy."

"MINOR! Ed, there wouldn't have been a wedding otherwise!"

"I would have figured it out."

"I'm sure you would have."

Three Years Later...

Edmund kicked his heels into his horse, urging him to run as fast as he could. The horse raced along the dirt road. The dust in the air burned Edmund's eyes, but he couldn't stop now. He couldn't miss this!

Finally, Cair Paravel came into sight, and a few minutes later he was riding up to the front entrance way. He jumped off of his horse and raced for the doors.

"Edmund just arrived," reported Lucy from her position at the window.

Susan looked up from her book. "Good - I was starting to wonder if the messenger reached him."

"I know - I was surprised that it took him so long to get here!"

The door flew open, and Edmund bolted in. "Is she okay? Is the baby here yet?"

"Edmund," sighed Susan. "Do calm down! Rebecca is fine. She hasn't had the baby yet. Don't worry; you haven't missed anything."

Edmund began to pace around the room. "What if something goes wrong?"

"Ed," Lucy walked over to him. "You need to calm down! Really, it's not like it's your wife who's having a baby."

"Well, you know, Susan could be a little more worried!" Edmund exclaimed. "She's just sitting there reading!"

Susan turned a page of her book. "Rebecca is in very capable hands."

"This is very uncharacteristic of you, Susan!"

"As is your behavior! You need to worry less."

"You need to worry more!"

"Will that make you worry less?"


"All right then," sighed Susan. "I'm worried."

Edmund looked at her. "Aren't you at least going to pace the floor or something?"

Susan shook her head and continued reading.

"Where's Peter?" Edmund asked.

"With Rebecca," Lucy answered. "Where else should he be when his wife's having a baby?"

"I just didn't know if he needed me to calm him down!"

"Ed, think about something else. Think about how wonderful it is that all of this happened because of your matchmaking corporation!"

Edmund sat down. "You're right! Just think, Lu, if not for me, Peter would have been living these last three years in loveless solitude!"

"He does have us, you know."

"Big deal - he needed something more, and it's all because of me that he has it! Now, time to move on to other things! Susan, how did you like the Duke from Calormen?"

Without looking up from her book, Susan replied, "Ask me again once he figures out that my name is Susan and not Sharon."

"Should I tell him to call you Golden Eyes and that the way to your heart is by breaking the doors to your wardrobe?"

"You do that and I'll make sure you never have the opportunity to play matchmaker for the rest of your life!"

"Sheesh! All hail Queen Susan the gentle! What was Aslan thinking?"

"Edmund," warned Lucy.

"Fine. I'll move on to more important things. I'm going to go get some cookies."

Edmund sat across from Lucy at the chess table.

"It's your move," Lucy stated.

"I know! I've been thinking!"

"For the last four minutes?"

"Give me a break, will you? Really! See, I'm moving! Are you happy?"

Edmund moved his piece to a different square on the board. Lucy grinned, and said, "Are you sure you want to move there?"


"All right. Well, checkmate!"

Edmund groaned. "Again?"

Susan looked up. "You seem to be worrying less about Rebecca."

"Are you kidding? When you've lost chess seven times to Lucy, you're not exactly at your best!"

"Hey!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Okay, okay! You're not the worst chess player in the world! You're a lot better than Peter!"

"That's it," Susan said, "insult Peter when he's not here to defend himself!"

"Hey, don't scold me for pointing out the facts! Lucy, I'm done with chess for today! Pass me that file folder over there."

"What's in it?"

"The files of possible suitors for Golden Eyes."

"Edmund, I can have it arranged that you never get to spend time with your niece or nephew," Susan replied, turning a page in her second book.

"But I'm too lovable!"

"You tell yourself that."

"Your majesties," began a maid as she entered.

Edmund bolted up. "Is the baby here?"

She nodded. "The High King said that you may go and-"

Edmund ran out of the room and raced down the hallway, sliding around the corner as he turned. Finally, he reached the room. He banged his fist against the door twice, and after not hearing any protests, threw the door open and hurried in.

Peter looked up and smiled at his brother. "I figured you'd be the first one in here."

Edmund sighed. "Cut the formalities, Pete! Where is my little niece or nephew?"

"Come on."

Peter led his brother into a different room, where Rebecca was sitting on the bed, holding a tiny baby in her arms.

"Come here, Ed," Rebecca called.

Susan and Lucy arrived, and the three went over to meet the baby.

Edmund was practically jumping up and down with excitement. "Is it a boy or a girl? Have you named it?"

"It's a girl," Peter replied.

"Have you called her Edwina after me?" Edmund asked.

Rebecca smiled. "No. We called her Lareleen."

Edmund froze. "You're kidding, right?"

Rebecca laughed. "Don't worry! Her name is actually Arianna."

"Can I hold her first?" Edmund asked.

Rebecca nodded, and carefully handed the squirming bundle to Edmund, who eagerly cradled her in his arms.

He walked away a few steps and showed her to Lucy. "See! She loves me!"

Lucy smiled. "She's so adorable. So sweet. Look at those tiny little hands!"

"She's perfect," said Edmund. "Just like me!"

"And she quite likes her Uncle Ed. Now, Arianna, remember that his name is Uncle Ed. Uncle Edmund or Uncle Ed." Smirking, Lucy walked away.

Edmund leaned down and quietly whispered in his new niece's ear, "But, little one, when it's just you and me, you can call me Uncle Eddy."

And that's it. I hope that you enjoyed this story!

Please review!

Thanks so much for reading,
