Since I got so many nice reviews on the first part thought I'd treat you guys to a short follow up. Enjoy.

Title: Safe and Sound
author: Cindy Ryan
notes and summary: see part one

It was late or really early depending on one's opinion. Sam hadn't bothered to look at the clock to know what time it was. He was content to be where he was lying in bed holding Andy as she slept. She'd taken the news of the baby being a girl about as well as he had. A bit overwhelmed and happy. Still Sam knew the whole situation was a mess but they'd make it work. He was just grateful for this moment. Grateful that all the scenarios his over active imagination had come up with for the prison riot hadn't happened. Tightening his hold on Andy he leaned back against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

Sam's thoughts drifted back to the evidence room bombing. Of the fear he'd felt finding Andy's still form tucked against the wall. Those horrifying moments of trying to clear debris. Not knowing if she was alive or dead. Trying to brace himself for the worst and failing. Hearing her voice above the emergancy alert had been one of the best sounds ever.

Just like today seeing Andy walk out of the conference room was one of the best sights Sam had seen. He hadn't really allowed himself to relax until that moment. Sometimes the hardest part of the job was the job itself. They'd both been in dangerous situations more times than Sam cared to count. Sometimes it was hard for Sam to let the training officer part of him retire. To step back and let Andy handle whatever the situation was. To be there to help if needed. More often than not she handled things just fine on her own which made Sam very proud of the cop she'd become. Not that it kept the worry at bay but it helped ebb it a little.

Leaning forward Sam kissed Andy lightly on the forehead before resting his head back on the pillow and shutting his eyes. Little moments like this made enduring the bad moments worth it. Bad times were part of life's package and always would be. Today could've easily been one of those bad moments and the what if's would haunt Sam's dreams for some time to come. Still there were many things to be happy about today. He had a daughter on the way and the woman he loved in his arms. Thinking about those two things Sam finally drifted off to sleep.
