These characters belong to Mutant Enemy, Joss, Fox - pretty much everyone BUT me. Everything that happens at Camp Sunny-D is all mine (based loosely on a place I know and love)!!

Please read and review. This is going to be a long series and I have a sequel planned. So let me know what you think.

Thanks Flames for the super speedy beta.


Summer Nights


9 a.m. - Buffy Summers' Bedroom

Buffy Summers looked around her room, trying to figure out just what it was that she was forgetting. After all, packing for 7 weeks at an overnight camp was a serious responsibility, especially with all the hottie potential running around.

"Ok, time to pull out the checklist," Buffy said as she pulled out her Palm Pilot: "1 trunk with clothes for nighttime fun and all-around cuteness - check! 1 suitcase with everyday stuff, dance attire, and beachwear - check! Backpack with photos, toiletries, books, CDs, DVDs, hairdryer, curling iron, blah, blah, blah, - check! Cosmetic bag - check! - 1 laundry basket of shoes including, jazz shoes, 3 pairs strappy sandals, 2 pairs sneakers (1 cute, 1 for outdoor activities), 2 pairs chunky heels, flip-flops, and 3 pairs miscellaneous - check."

"Aha!" she yelled triumphantly. "2 sexy dresses, sure to stop the hearts of the male counseling staff," she said in a deep sultry voice as she pulled a hanging bag out of her nearly empty closet and tossed it onto her bed.

Buffy bounced over to her vanity and surveyed herself in the mirror. She really was a beautiful girl, although her confidence sometimes wavered. Her green eyes glistened with excitement as thoughts of another summer at Camp Sunnydale swam throughout her head.

As she was collecting earrings off her dresser, the phone rang. An excited voice on the other end shrieked in her ear, "Has it really been a year already?"

"Hey Wills."

Willow Rosenberg sat in front of her desk, her shiny red hair pulled loosely into a ponytail, and big brown doe-eyes fixed on the computer screen of her IMAC laptop, fingers clicking away, cordless phone balanced precariously on her shoulder. Willow and Buffy had been best friends since they first met at camp when they were 5-years old.

"I know, it seems like just yesterday everyone was saying their goodbyes and off to do who-knows-what. Have you talked to anyone else?" Buffy asked.

"Xander mostly."

Xander was Willow's good friend from college. She had convinced him to work at the camp two-years ago, and now he was in for life.

"So, how is the Xand-man? Any smoochies goin' on there yet or what? Seriously, if that boy doesn't wake up soon and notice the hottie that is you, I'm going to personally pummel some sense into him while forcing you to find some new cutie more worthy of your attention."

"Look who's talking." Willow said as she rolled her eyes, "Exactly how many more seconds were going to go by before you were planning on mentioning a certain tall, dark, handsome, and Angelic counselor?"

Liam 'Angel' O'Connor was a 24 year-old forth-year counselor who Buffy had been "in-love" with since his first summer at the camp. Granted, he was gorgeous, but he knew it. And he also knew about Buffy's crush on him. Willow was so tired of having to listen to her best-friend rave about a guy who used her as an ego boost and nothing more.

"Very funny Wills. This summer is going to be different. His skanky-ho of a girlfriend won't be there, so he won't be able to resist my charms, or my new bikini."

Silence crossed the airwaves for a few seconds before the redhead finally asked quietly "Buffy, didn't you hear?"

"Hear what?" she said into the mirror while reapplying her lip-gloss.

"Well, Xander called me last night and said that Darla IM-ed him that she was coming back. I thought you knew, since your Mom does run the camp and all."

Buffy froze and said stiffly, "I guess she forgot to tell me."

Willow sighed, "Maybe it's for the best. There's going to be a ton of fresh meat this year with the new counselors coming in from the UK. Who knows, maybe they'll make you forget all about Angel."

"Doubtful," Buffy said glumly.

"Well, try not to let this ruin your summer before it's even started. I'll be over to pick you up in twenty-minutes. You did pack lighter this year right? I don't want to have to spend hours re-packing like last time?"

Buffy stared guiltily at her room full of luggage. "Of course. No over- packing here."

"Yeah right," Willow said knowingly before she hung up.

As soon as Buffy clicked off the phone, she yelled as though her life depended on it. "Moooooommmmmm!"

Joyce Summers came bounding up the stairs and burst into Buffy's room, "Honey, what happened? Are you ok?"

"Am I ok? AM I OK?" she said eyes flashing "Why didn't you tell me that you hired Darla again?"

Joyce's breathing slowed. "Oh, is that all, I thought you were being attacked. Well, either that or a spider on the wall," she said with a smirk, acknowledging her daughter's silly fear of spiders.

"Not funny Mom. Now will you please tell me what possessed you to hire that bitch back?"

"Watch your mouth dear. Well, it's really very simple. Our new Waterfront Director backed out and we needed someone with certification right away. You know the ACA is visiting us this summer and Darla was available so..." she said trailing off.

Buffy groaned, "But Mom, she's a terrible counselor and she's never in the pool anyway. She's just going to run around things." she grumbled catching herself.

"Like what...Angel? That is what this is really about right. When will you finally get over this adolescent fantasy you have with Angel?" Joyce said with exasperation.

"Adolescent fantasy?" Buffy said angrily, "You don't think I have a chance with him do you?"

"That's not what I meant. It's just that, he's not good enough for you baby. You put him up on this pedestal, when he's really just a man. And not a very bright one at that. Just let him have Darla and you just take care of yourself for awhile." Joyce reached to put a hand on Buffy's shoulder, only to have her pull away sharply.

"Yeah, well I have to finish up, Wills is gonna be here in 15-minutes so..." she said quickly while nodding towards the door.

Joyce sighed "Well I have to go take the van to pick up your Uncle so we can get there before the staff arrives. Remember sweetie, it's a new summer and anything can happen," she smiled and closed the door behind her.

Buffy threw her arms up, and plopped down on her bed, "that's what everyone keeps saying."


11 a.m. - Summers' Driveway

"Finally," Willow said gasping for air as she finally got the trunk of her car closed. "I never thought it was all going to fit."

Buffy jumped into the passenger seat and looked behind her as the suitcases and bags toppled over to the front seats. She smiled sheepishly as Willow climbed into the car, maneuvering a suitcase strap off the seat and into the back.

"And we're off," said Willow excitedly as she pulled the car out of the Summers' driveway. "5 hours and we reach our destination."

"Yup, and I made the perfect mix to pass the time," Buffy said as she dug a tape out of the bottom of the backpack at her feet. "This has all of our bar-tunes on it from last year as well as some that will remind us of classic moments from summers-past. Including my personal favorite "I Touch Myself."

Willow burst into giggles as she remembered them at 11 dancing on the stage to Divinyls as the crowd looked on in shock. "I can't believe the staff let us do that for the talent show! Your mom is so mean!"

"I know," Buffy said laughing, her face turning bright red, "and we had no idea why the oldest kids gave us a standing ovation. We just thought we had the best dance in the talent show."

The song came on as the girls sang along at the top of their lungs.

4 p.m.

Buffy and Willow didn't realize they had been driving for 5 hours until they drove through the camp gates. As they pulled into the circle drive in front of the main building they noticed a large group congregating on the porch a few faces they recognized.

"Hey what took you guys so long?" Xander said excitedly, pulling Buffy out of the car to give her a big bear hug.

"Luggage mishap." Willow said as she climbed out.

"Again?" Xander said, looking knowingly at Buffy.

"What?!" she said defensively. "We're really far away from a decent shopping mall, so I had to make sure nothing was forgotten."

"You know Buffy," Xander said teasingly "the foreign counselors are only allowed to bring one suitcase and one carry-on for the entire summer, and they seem to manage just fine."

"Speaking of the new blood, shouldn't the airport van be here by now?" Willow said looking around eagerly.

"Yeah, well," Xander said with a sigh, "Jonathan got lost driving to the airport so they won't be here for another couple of hours. So Buffster, did your Mom hire me a sweet Irish lass or a fine mademoiselle this year to keep me company during the hot summer nights?"

Willow and Buffy both rolled their eyes at him as the blonde responded, "No luck this summer Xander. But, I think she did pick up a girl from England who's going to work with me in the dance department. Another girl is coming in from Ohio to work in the business office and teach general classes, a couple other newbies from around Cali and maybe one from New York."

"That'll do," Xander said with a grin.

"There's also a new guy from LA, one from Iowa, oh, and a new guy from London who I think plays soccer."

"As long as they know who is in charge around here, we won't have any problems," Xander said while puffing out his chest, which only made him look like a marshmallow in his white staff shirt. Buffy poked him in the stomach causing him to giggle like the Pillsbury doughboy.

Willow scanned the crowd on the porch. "So who's here already? Is that Cordelia over there putting the moves on Angel? Guess you're not the only one who didn't get the memo that Darla was coming back this summer," her pointed finger caused Buffy to quickly turn and look for her dream boy.

There he was, leaning on the post as Cordelia yapped at him about Daddy's latest grand purchase. 'He leans great' Buffy thought as her stomach fluttered a bit. Just as she got up the courage to walk over and ask about his year, Buffy's Uncle Giles came running out with a clipboard.

Rupert Giles had married Buffy's Aunt Cathy after meeting her in a London pub 5-years ago. Cathy was notorious for her inability to commit to just one man and the couple had divorced less than a year later. However, Cathy had made the mistake of bringing Giles up to the campgrounds during their brief marriage, and he immediately fell in love with the place. So, while Cathy barely even visited Camp Sunnydale, Giles worked year round making sure the business stayed a success.

"Ah yes," Giles said looking at his clipboard, "if everyone could gather around for me just a moment we can send you off in the proper direction. As most of you know, I am Rupert Giles, Assistant Director for Camp Sunnydale. But you can call me Uncle Giles, everyone seems to. Anyway, the airport shuttle was . . . er . . . sidetracked, and should arrive in a few hours. The rest of you can take your bags over to the appropriate cabins."

"When you say appropriate do you mean I can bunk with any of these fine ladies I choose for the next few days, right?" Angel said scanning the crowd and finally acknowledging Buffy.

Giles flushed, "Er, uh, no Angel, of course not. You know the rules. The cabins are not co-ed. Xander please lead the gentlemen over to The Razorback and Buffy take the ladies to, uh, Hemory Hall. Remember this is only temporary, as we will be making final cabin assignments over the next few days. Please meet back at the dining hall in 2 hours for supper. Any questions?" One hand waved excitedly, "Yes Xander."

"Is it true that we have a new kitchen staff this year? Something about the secret to last year's mystery meat being revealed and Miss Summers not being to happy about a connection to Soilent Green."

A few faces that Buffy didn't recognized looked around nervously.

Giles froze then quickly covered for Xander's mouth, "Yes, we have a new kitchen staff. And no, the Doublemeat Burgers were NOT people," he said shooting a glare at Xander. "I'm sure you will be quite satisfied with the new food service here. I assure you it is the finest in the country. Now go, um, mingle and be back in two hours."

6 p.m. - Dinner Time

The staff gradually made their way into the mess hall. Buffy and Willow waved to Xander and approached his table. Buffy saw that he was sitting with a guy, probably about 21 with spiked orangish hair.

"Hey guys, this is Oz. Oz, these are the two finest ladies in all of Camp Sunnydale."

Oz said, "Hey," with a little wave.

"Ah, a man of few words - my kind of guy," Xander said with a wink to Buffy and Willow.

"He's only saying that because he likes to do all the talking. We can never get a word in edge-wise. I'm Buffy Summers, nice to meet you." Buffy said shaking hands with Oz, noticing the blue finger-nail polish, making a mental note to ask him the shade later.

"Any relation?" Oz asked.

"Unfortunately," Buffy groaned, "but really, I'm just like everyone else here. No special privileges. I swear, people run around thinking I'm part of the Sunny-D Mafia or something. Ready to rat them out for any little mistake."

"Considering Buffy and I have caused our fair share of trouble over the years, I know that couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm Willow by the way." The redhead said with a smile, finally getting a good look at the mysterious man in front of her. He was definitely a cutie, but not in the typical way, more artsy. The guy might have some potential if she can get him to open up a bit. What was it she'd said to Buffy, something about new summer and fresh meat?

While Willow talked up the new guy, Buffy scanned the table for Angel, finally spotting him at a table with Cordelia, Harmony (one of Cordelia's minions) and Gunn (a second year counselor). He caught her eye and gave her a little wink, which made Buffy blush and look away quickly.

As they ate their dinners, Buffy, Willow and Xander regaled Oz with tales mayhem from previous summers.

" . . . and then Willow and Buffy made it out of the cabin right before Uncle Giles burst in to find me in my room tied to my chair in a wig and bra and my boxers. They just left me there for my campers to find me the next day. Saucy wenches!"

Xander had only been able to stay angry with the girls for a few hours. It was pretty funny. Besides, he did steal all of their underwear and then proceeded to hide it all over the campgrounds with little clues leading to the missing clothing.

Willow burst out laughing at the reminder of how Xander looked with the Dolly Parton 'do and falsies. Oz looked at the pretty redhead with curiosity, as he would never have expected such a thing from the seemingly reserved girl.

Someone cleared her throat near the table. Everyone turned slowly to see Miss Summers standing there with a stern look on her face.

"Um, hi Miss Summers," Willow sputtered nervously, "uh, how was the drive up?"

Miss Summer shook her head at the group, "Xander, I thought you told Giles that you didn't know who attacked you? Something about them wearing masks and it probably just being your own boys, and not to worry?"

Three pairs of eyes quickly looked at each other nervously, trying to take cues for a cover story.

Buffy started, "Well you see Mom, one of my camper's left something in Xander's class and wouldn't go back to sleep until she had it back, so Willow walked me over to his cabin and . . ."

Joyce tried to suppress the smile but couldn't anymore, "Are you kidding? You don't even want to know the kind of things I did when your grandmother was in charge."

The four faces at the table looked shocked. "What, you don't think I was a little goody-goody tattle-tale do you? Anything you guys have tried, or will try, I've done it. I remember this one time when I was dating the head of . . ."

Buffy didn't want to hear the rest of that statement, "So mom, when do you think the airport van is going to get here? Everyone's getting pretty anxious to meet the rest of the new crew."

"Actually, that's what I was coming over here to tell you. Jonathan just called and they should be here in about 5 minutes. I'm really excited about this new group. Drusilla seems really sweet, I'm sure you're going to love working in the dance department with her. She had a ton of recommendations. And she's worked on so many-"

"-Professional shows, I know." Buffy finished. "As long as she remembers that I'm the head of the dance department," and stays away from Angel, she added mentally, "I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

"Of course honey. I explained that she would be working under you and she assured me that wouldn't be a problem. Of course I'm sure you could learn a few things from her sweetie."

Just then Jonathan burst through the entrance and ran up to Joyce panting, "I'm so sorry Miss Summers, I was on 23 and then I wasn't and somehow I ended up in Santa Barbara before I realized that everything was all wrong and please don't fire me."

Everyone stared at the short young man eyes wide as he tried to save his butt, but Joyce just laughed and said it was no problem. "However, I do hope you didn't leave them at the airport to fend for themselves," she said looking over his shoulder trying to find the group.

"They were just behind me, but I may have run off to quickly so they probably don't know where they're going." Jonathan said worriedly.

"Well, it's a good thing I happened to show up just in time to direct them over here," a sticky-sweet voice piped in. Buffy turned around to see Darla standing with her arms crossed and a group of six young men and women slowly trickling into the cafeteria behind her.

"Darla, it's so good to have you back," Joyce said giving the blonde a quick hug, "isn't it kids?" she said looking at Buffy. The table just mumbled in agreement as Buffy gazed over to Angel's table to see if he had noticed Darla's arrival.

Just as she turned back to the group in front of her, she was met with the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.

"You al'right luv?" the young man asked with an amused chuckle. He couldn't believe his eyes. The girl in front of him was stunning. Her green eyes twinkled with mischief and her long golden locks hung around her shoulder, perfectly framing her tanned face. This summer was looking up after all. "I'm Sp . . ."

Before 'blue-eyed boy' could finish, Buffy saw Angel jump out of his seat and push his way over to Darla, picking her up in an embrace. The new guy saw the look of longing pass over his blonde-beauty's face as the big poof with gelled hair kissed Darla passionately. 'Well, I can see I have my work cut out for me' he thought dejectedly.

"Alright you two, break it up." Joyce said as she pulled their bodies apart. She swiftly walked over to the microphone set-up at the front of the cafeteria. "Everyone grab a seat quickly, it doesn't matter where, I just have a few announcements to make.

The new guy took the opportunity to pull a chair up next to Buffy without her noticing and leaned to whisper in her ear, "I'm Spike by the way."

Not realizing that someone was that close, Buffy jumped and ended up smacking her elbow right into the side of Spike's head. "Bloody hell woman, are you trying to kill me?" he said in a harsh whisper.

"Sorry I didn't know you were there. Besides, you really should try not to sneak up on people like that, creepy much?" she whispered back eyes flashing.

"Well, if you weren't so busy drooling over the big poof over there, maybe you would have noticed me pull up a chair, or is this some sort of exclusive club that I can't join?" he said indicating the table of Willow, Xander and Oz.

Buffy turned to respond only to be cut off by her mother "Is there some sort of a problem Buffy? And..." scanning her clipboard, "William?"

Spike's eyes got really big, "No, no problem ma'am. Just trying to avoid flying elbows. Not very coordinated is she? Big problem with special awareness, this one." He said with a smirk.

Joyce laughed, as did some of the other counselors, Darla and Angel included, "Well, she hasn't caused any major injuries just yet."

Buffy blushed furiously, shooting a dirty look in Spike's direction. She didn't notice the raven-haired girl sitting next to Spike eyeing her curiously. Spike just leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling, contemplating a way to win the heart of the golden girl on his left.

Joyce continued speaking to the group of young counselors, "Welcome to Camp Sunnydale of the Theater Arts..."

Spike snapped to attention, his chair slamming back onto all four legs at the last two words. "Oh balls." he muttered under his breath. Buffy gave him a questioning look. Willow and Xander eyed each other knowingly and snickered.

"Our first orientation meeting will be at 8 p.m. We will do proper introductions at that time as well as go over the schedule for the week. If returning staff could please give the new counselors a tour of the campgrounds in the meantime, that would help immensely. Buffy? Angel? Could you take care of that?" They both nodded as Darla shot daggers in Buffy's direction.

"Wonderful! Then I will see everyone at 8 o'clock sharp in Turner Hall."

The sound of chairs scraping the floor filled the air as the 20 or so young people started leaving the dining hall. Buffy pushed her way past Spike who still sat stunned in his chair. Willow glanced in his direction as she pulled Oz along and through the doors, leaving Xander to take care of the situation.

"So, didn't know it was a theater camp huh?" Xander said as he scooted his chair closer to Spike, who just sat there and numbly shook his head. "Yeah, well Willow -she's the redhead- didn't tell me either when she dragged me along two summers ago. Oh, I'm Xander by the way." Spike just shook his hand in silence. "Anyway, it's really not that bad. The kids alternate sports and other activities, with their performance classes; it's pretty good set-up. And the kids are a riot."

"So I can just play football and not have anything to do with all that theater stuff then?" Spike asked hopefully.

Xander thought about that momentarily, "Not exactly...well, you'll see, and it's all really fun. Minimal pain. I promise."

Xander scooted back his chair and patted Spike on the back. "Come on William, tour's gonna start in a few minutes."

"Spike." He sighed, rising from the chair.

"Huh? Is that some weird British slang that I don't know about?" Xander said with confusion.

"It's my name. Nobody calls me William."

"And nobody wears big black leather coats in the middle of a California summer either." Said Xander as he took in Spike's attire.

"Well, I'm an individual." He smirked at Xander as they walked out of the cafeteria.

7:45 p.m. - Hemory Hall

Buffy climbed onto her bunk bed and collapsed on the mattress as Willow lay on the bed below.

"I mean, really, where does he get off? Not 5 minutes into the new season and he's already mocking me in front of the entire counseling staff..."

"I really don't think..." Willow tried to interject only to be cut off by a venting Buffy.

"And who does that to there hair? He must have dumped an entire bottle of bleach on his head. That whole Billy Idol look is so over..."

"This from the girl who used to lip synch to "Mony Mony" in her Princess Leia underroos?" Willow said giggling as she kicked up the mattress above her.

Buffy bounced lightly on the bed, "That was over 10 years ago." She swung around so her head hung over the side of the bed and pointed at her friend, "Besides, you promised never to mention that again or I'd tell Xander about the time you dressed up your-"

"Ok, ok, it's forgotten!" she squealed. "Anyway, I think Spike's kind of a hottie. Those blue eyes seem to just pierce right through you."

"I don't care about his stupid blue eyes," Willow sighed as Buffy started again, "and what kind of a name is Spike anyway? And that black leather thing has got to go!"

"I don't know, he looks kind of cool. And Xander seems to have taken a liking to him already. It's kind of nice to have someone around here that isn't like the other sheep. You know?" said Willow thoughtfully. "It could be worse. Your mom could have hired another Harmony."

"No shit. One's really enough for me. Hey Wills, we better head over to the orientation meeting." Buffy jumped off the bunk and straightened her top. "I want to make sure I get a good seat."

"You mean one with a direct eye line to Angel, right?" the redhead said rolling her eyes at her friend's back.

"Exactly," she agreed, while thinking to herself, 'and completely out of range of a stupid British soccer player who asks stupid questions during my tour and has beautiful eyes and...god, why do I care?' Buffy shook off that weird tingly feeling she started feeling underneath her skin, pulled her hair back into a low ponytail and bounded out of the room leaving Willow behind tying her shoes.

She hadn't seen Buffy this worked up since her first-love, Scott Hope, painted her hair in the 8th grade. Hopefully, Angel would be completely out of Buffy's mind by the end of the first week. 'Yep,' the observant girl thought, things are going to get interesting.