Old wounds were supposed to heal over time. Only some were left gaping open with anger and spite still bleeding from them. They never really closed like an exposed nerve. That's what happened between Jacob Black and me.

When I moved away from Forks for college in Seattle, I left what I once had for him behind. Moving on with life was all I wanted to do. I wasn't sure he had done the same yet after all these years. Since it wasn't an amicable split, we hadn't had any contact in a while. Jacob hardly ever leaves the reservation from what Charlie told me.

A better life was what I saw for myself when I signed up for the Police Academy. All Jacob saw was the betrayal of my leaving him behind. He made it hell on me until I left Forks though. I thought it was over then, but I was wrong.

Our ending was inevitable. We both wanted different things out of life. Of course we each had a completely different concept of what a normal healthy relationship should be like. Being together as a couple in high school was so easy. I referred to it now as my puppy dog love years. I was too young to really know what love was even all about. Because if a man tried to treat me like he had in the past; I would kick his ass or just shoot him and be done with it.

Usually all you have to do was tell someone it was over and move away in peace, but Jacob wouldn't allow it. At first it was visits to Seattle begging me to give him just one more chance. When that tactic didn't work anymore he threatened to take his own life. He reminded me continuously if he did, I would be to blame for it.

His aggressive behavior progressed to grasp a hold of my attention. Each desperate action escalated to another one. He would follow me around and let me know he was there doing it. I would see him sitting in his car watching me from across the street. I became a prisoner in my own home. Something had to change.

In the middle of the night he would wake me up beating on my door demanding to be let in. Because he just knew I had another man in my life. Shit at this point I couldn't even have a male friend. If he saw me talking to a man, he threatened them too.

It was the last threat he made that I took a stand. I would no longer tolerate his shit or not be prepared to defend myself against him. In some ways Jacob was the reason I made detective so quickly.

My cell phone rang and stopped me from tripping down a bad memory lane. "Hello."

"You said you would call me when you made it. Are you there yet?"

"No I'm not."

"I should have come with you."

"Bobby stop worrying about me. I am going to stop at the hospital first. I will call you tonight."

"You better call me. You don't want me rolling up in that bitch like I own it."


"Bella promise me you won't fuck around with him and you'll be safe?"

"Shoot to kill. Live to shoot."

"That's my girl. Later gator."


Bobby was my partner and my mentor. He had been a detective for a while before I came along. We were always together or at least knew where the other one was. There wasn't any part of my life he didn't know about, including Jacob.

Bobby taught me well about self defense and so many other things. We were lovers only once. It was one night of passion shared between us. After the sun came up we dressed and parted ways. It was never brought up again. I have a love for him just not the right kind.

The only two men in my life I could even show love to; Bobby and my father. I knew I was damaged goods for opening up my heart to someone. Because I proceeded with caution like I do when approaching a suspect. Always be ready to defend yourself or die trying.

As I past the Forks population sign, I was home again. The last year kept me so busy. But I was kicking my own ass for not coming back more to see Charlie. We talked on the phone almost every day. He liked to hear about my job and would tell me stories of his. His job carried little crime to be solved. Forks was a small town without much happening until now.

Dad was all I really had. I used to see Renee through the summers months when I was child. She remarried and had a new family that she dotted over. I was considered to be in the way. So by the age of twelve I made the decision for her and stopped going to see her. Hell I can't remember the last time we even talked.

Charlie was rushed into surgery a few hours ago. He foiled a robbery and got a bullet for his trouble. Even with a bullet and bleeding it couldn't stop him from being a cop. The high speed chase ended in him crashing his squad car. They weren't even sure about the extent of all his injuries yet. The bad guys got away. But you can damn well bet they will pay for what they did to him.

Through the hospital doors I went. The front desk said he was still in surgery. I found a seat in the waiting room and it was the hardest part for me. There was nothing I could do for him.

It was another two hours when I went to see what was taking so long. "Excuse me is there any update on Charlie Swan's condition?"

"I'm sorry I don't have any details until Dr. Cullen is finished."

The only thing I could do was nothing. So I drank coffee and paced the halls. I had already made up my mind what would happen next once I knew he made it through the surgery. There would be no one or anything that would keep me from it.

"Bella Swan."


"I'm Dr. Cullen. Let's sit down in the waiting room and talk about Charlie."

"Did he make it?"

"Well I..."

"Just answer my fucking question?"

"Yes he did."

"Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I had to know he is still alive."

"It's okay. I understand. But I would like to sit down and explain everything to you."

"Wait. You're Dr. Cullen? Aren't you a little young to be a doctor?"

"Aren't you a little young to be a lead detective?"

"How did you know that?"

"Charlie told me. He is so proud of you. We're good friends."

Charlie never mentioned he had a friendship with Dr. Cullen. Which I found strange. I talked to Charlie all the time and it wasn't brought up. Maybe it was the cop part of me thinking on it too hard.

"Charlie suffered a lot of blood loss and his leg has a compound fracture. His lung was punctured by the bullet. I was able to repair it however; he will need to remain in the hospital for a while until he can breathe freely on his own again. Those are the two major concerns. The other cuts and sprains will heal over time. It will also be months before he can move around on his leg. It will require a series of physical therapy treatments and strength building. If you would like I can give you names and phone numbers for in home nursing services. So he won't be alone when he goes home."

"That won't be necessary. I'm not leaving and I will take care of him."

Sacrifices were made by Charlie throughout his life for me. A parent was more than just the person who helped conceive you. It was the one who through the thick and thin of life would be there for every moment you needed them. He never failed me once and I wouldn't fail him this time either.

"I want to see him."

"You can in a few hours. Once he is cleaned up and moved into his room."

"I want to see him now."

"Bella I don't think it's a good idea. Charlie is very bloody and so much of the swelling hasn't gone down yet..."

"I need to see him. Please."

"Very well. Follow me."

There was a glass in the wall I could see through. I couldn't go into the room where Charlie was. It was like I was standing right beside him reaching out and yet he was still miles away from me. Blood had dripped on to the floor surrounding the stainless steel table he laid upon. A nurse was washing his body. It was an image I would never wash away from my mind. His blood would be answered for by someone.

A machine pumped oxygen for his lungs so he could take another breath of life. While he was fighting to take another breath, I was thinking of ways to make sure the robbers stopped breathing all together.

"You're really not supposed to be in here. I need you to leave now."

"Thank you for letting me see him. I know you didn't have to do that. I will be back later to check on him."

The Police station was the place I was headed to. I needed to gather as much information as possible. I didn't think they would mind but, I was wrong.

"This is a Forks case not a Seattle case. You have no jurisdiction here and we will handle it Bella."

"This is not about a case. This is about my father and I have a right to know what happened to him."

"Until Charlie comes back I am acting as the Chief and I will decide what you have a right to know. The best thing you can do is be there for him. Leave the police work to us."

If the new acting Chief Watson really thought I was going to do that, he was crazy. I would figure out another way around him and still get what I wanted. Bobby was the first person who came to mind. So I called him.

"I need you to pull up the case info on Charlie or at least as much as you can tell me."

"The case hasn't shown up in the data base yet. Do they even have computers there?"

"Yeah smart ass they do. Call me when it does."

"Later gator."

Since I got nowhere I went back to the hospital. Charlie still wasn't in his room yet. If I tried to force another cup of coffee down my throat I would hurl. I was glad to see Bobby calling me as I could pass the time talking to him.


"I got the information you wanted. There is an eye witness who saw two Indian boys drive away from the convenience store and Charlie chased them."

"Bella are you there?"


"Do you think it was him?"

"Jacob better pray he had nothing to do with Charlie getting shot. Because if he did, I will kill him."

I hope you enjoyed reading me. This story is a creation of Insangel220. The story concept belongs to her. There may even come a time when she writes parts of it also, which I encourage. She has a brilliant mind and I can't wait to see it all come to life.