Final Destiny

Anthy: Wahahahahaha.

Yami: YOU!!

Anthy: *smile*

Yami: Die! *jumps at Anthy*

Anthy: FIREBALL!!!!!!

Yami: WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!


Anthy: We're all having a lot of fun beating up on him, but we really should get to this story.

Kait: !

Anshi: Get back to your place!!


Long ago

The yellowhammer sang

High on the thorn

He sang near a Pharaoh

And with a priest he played

He sang in the wind

And the duel commenced below

But the bird flew away

And my heart is dark

And time will never play in the fields again.

Yami Yugi was losing. The only thing keeping him standing was the staff of the fallen Dark Magician, and even then...he was slipping on his own blood.

"Are you going to give up and leave earth to be destroyed?"

Blood dripped from the corners of Yami's mouth. He didn't reply right away.

"So...are you going to leave?"


"Shut up and duel. I'll never let this earth fall."

Yami weakly drew a card...and stared at the three behemoths the dark spirit had conjured. Every single card in the world ever created by Industrial Illusions was at its disposal. All the cards except what Anthy's heart had created for her own deck. The Sennen Star must have created them...'cause no one else came even close to anything she had.

And Yami Yugi drew her ultimate card.

Yami slit open the wounds on his wrist, and poured more blood onto the card.

"NO! There's no way that she had that card in her deck!"

"What's wrong? Your God Cards not in the mood to face their demise?" Yami taunted.

From the shadows behind him came a head, followed by a long serpentine neck, claws at least a yard long, a sleek and streamline body, two large wings and s whip-like tail. The dragon had armored plates on its body and bright (but soulless) green eyes. It opened its mouth to reveal rows of dagger-like teeth.

"The Armored Hunter-Killer Dragon?!"

"Koryu." Yami corrected, still trying to keep himself from falling.

The God Cards actually cowered in fear of the sudden appearance of Koryu. They weren't going to last long once it got the order to attack.

There it was.

Koryu opened its mouth and released and enormous beam of energy before driving its claws into the cards. There was a rain of blood, and Koryu stood victorious. Yami smiled weakly.

"Where's Anthy and Yugi?" Yami Yugi demanded.

"I returned them. I'll keep that end of my word."


"You cost me the purification of the earth. But I'll take you instead."

Yami froze. What-?!

Two daggers flew out of the shadows and pinned Yami's hands.

"This earth could live again...but I'll take your life in exchange for it."

The daggers vanished and Yami began to fall. At that moment, a small shot---like a tiny spark of magic or a blade or something flew right through the pharaoh's heart into nothingness. Yami fell, and expected to hit the hard, cold, bloody floor.

But he didn't.

He weakly looked up, and thought he was living the past. At first, it looked like Seto, but it wasn't. If it was...he was dressed as the priest from long ago.

Then it hit him.


That was the last thing he said before he drifted into darkness.


Anthy: KAIT!!

Yami: That's cruel.

Kait: WAHOO!!!!!

Seto: Kait's my yami. And YES that IS his real name.

Anshi: This is 100% cruel and I love it.

Anthy: Review!!