Hey guys!

So, this is my first pure Captain America fic, it is totally un-beta:ed, half of it came to me in a dream and I just went from there. It will be a short one, only three chapters but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway!

Triggerwarnings; mental and physical abuse (goes for all three chapters)

Disclaimer; I don't own anything Marvelrelated, only my OC and the surroundings.

Love D.

She groaned when the alarm went off, rolled over and sat up at the edge of the bed, holding her pounding head in her hands. Slowly she pushed herself up and took cautious steps towards the bathroom where she carefully avoided the mirror.
After a long, steaming hot shower she dressed in a pair of baggy jeans, a worn out t-shirt and her well-worn sneakers. When her hair was somewhat dry she tied it up into a high bun, grabbed her jacket and went down to her bike. She fired up the engine, the sound cutting into her head only slightly muffled by the helmet, and drove the few miles to her small, second-hand bookshop.

As every day she parked around the back, walked over to the bagel shop across the street, bought some breakfast before turning of the alarm and starting to open up the shop. The clerk at the bagel store just stared at her but she had just looked down at the floor, unwilling to meet his gaze.

She placed her breakfast in the small kitchen and started the coffee-maker, while it sizzled away she walked around, straightened up some books and when the big clock at the back dinged ten, she unlocked the door. As usual there was no rush, she wasn't really surprised, it was a small town, not many tourists came here, her regulars were few and a heavy rain had started pouring down so she ran outside and rolled the bike in under covers. Coming back inside she poured herself some hot coffee and decided to eat breakfast. Despite the fact that she peeled of tiny bits of the soft bagel her jaw still hurt when she tried to chew them and her throat felt soar when she swallowed. A small tingle announced the arrival of a customer so she swallowed another gulp of the hot fluid and walked out front. A tall man, with the collar of his jacket up to protect him against the rain and the baseball cap pulled down stood dripping at the entrance;
"I am sorry, I wasn't sure if it was open or not." He said with an American accent.
"It is, I just forgot to turn on the lights when the rain rolled in. What can I do for you?" At least her voice sounded normal and because she had her hair down it probably covered most of the damage.
"Yes, I am just passing by but I somehow forgot all my books at home, the receptionist at the hotel recommended this place." He pushed the cap back and she noticed that he had very kind, blue eyes.
"Are you looking for something in particular? Otherwise just take a look around and let me know if you need help."
"I am not sure, you don't happen to have anything about WWII, in English?"
"Sure I do, right here." She showed him over to a couple of shelves at the back of the store, making sure to hide her face as much as possible.
"Just yell if you need anything."
"Thank you." He smiled a very contagious smile that made her blush when she walked back to the kitchen.

The doorbell rang again and then the small bell next to the cashier sounded as well, with an impatient sound.
"Coming!" She yelled, ignoring her banging head. The sight caused her to stop dead in her tracks and the thoughts ran wild in her head; 'no, anyone in the world but him. Please God make him go away! The customer! Is he still here? He shouldn't see this, he shouldn't be here! He will make it worse!'
"Darling!" The man in front of her opened his arms with a wicked smile. She forced a big smile onto her face, despite the pain in her jaw and her split lip that was only halfway healed.
"Adam, what are you doing here? I thought you were on your way to Bahamas?" She tried not to scream when her former fiancée put his arms around her.
"Can't I come say good bye to my beautiful fiancée before I leave?"
"Of course, I just thought you were on your way to the airport by now." She said submissively. He turned her around towards him and held her under the cheek forcing her to meet his eye.
"Not without seeing you first." His grip was hard and her bruised jaw throbbed. She winced low but tried not to move, careful not to give him any triggers.
"When is your flight leaving?" 'diverting attention, it might work.' She thought to herself.
"Are you that eager to get rid of me Jessica? Are you that eager to find someone new to whore for? I thought you loved me? Little twatt, look at you; all banged up, looking like last night's roadkill. Who would ever want you?" He squeezed harder around her chin and she could feel new bruises coming.
A rumble in the back, the sound of books falling, startled him and he released her like he had put his hand on a hot plate;
"Is there anyone back there? Does this pathetic little store actually have a customer?" He mocked her. Franticly she shook her head;
"No, it was probably just a pile of books that fell over. I must have stacked it crocked. You know me, clumsy as ever." 'Please God, don't let him go back there. Let him not see the other man, he will hurt him.'
He squeezed hard around her arm; "Don't tell me what I know and don't know." He hissed, dragging her with him into the back.
"Adam, please, not here, I could get customers, please Adam." She pleaded as he raised his fist;
"I just want to give you something to remember me by, darling. Can't have it that you forget me while I'm gone, how would that look?"
"I promise that I won't forget, you are my sweet Adam, my love." She tried everything she could but he just smiled at her, an insane, mental smile which told her that Adam was gone and the evil force that possessed him had taken his place, nothing would help now, all she could do was try and protect her soft parts. She crouched and covered her head in her arms, letting the beating hail over her.