Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin, nor do I make any profit from this story. The owner of these characters is solely Nobuhiro Watsuki. This story is AU so as such; I have taken several liberties with the timeline of the original story which is parallel to my story, just like an alternate universe. With my own original characters added in as well.

Warnings: violence, abuse, yaoi, adult themes, swearing, non-consent

Italics indicate character thinking to themselves.

Underlined subtitles such as this: Kenshin indicate a change in the point of view to either a character or third person.

Sorry about the LONG delay in posting a new chapter, but I was in the hospital for over a month, and was already ill for a few months before that. I was in no shape to be writing so I apologize. Things are still not 100% but they are slowly getting better day by day.



I sat beside that futon, holding Kenshins hand while fighting the urge to return to that alley and do some permanent damage to the thugs who hurt Kenshin and the girls like this. Those fuckers deserve far more than they got. I angrily thought to myself, seething due to my inability to have protected those in my care.

I looked up from gazing at Kenshins face to watch Megumi work on Misaos own head injury, much to the displeasure voiced by Misao.

"Would you sit still? The faster you do so, the faster this would be over with!" Megumi growled at the griping girl.

"But it hurts!" Misao grumbled.

"I don't care, just sit still!"

"Fine. I will try."

"Thank you." Megumi finished washing the area on Misaos right temple where she was hit. "You'll be just fine, I see no reason to worry." She smiled gently at the girl, patting her shoulder gently. "You'll be right as rain in no time."

"Thank you, Megumi." Misao smiled at the other woman before turning her gaze down to Kenshin who softly moaned as he started to come around. Megumi came and knelt beside the futon with a fresh damp cloth to gently wipe his face. He turned his face towards me before his lashes fluttered and slowly opened to look up at me with those big violet eyes of his.

"Hey little one. You had us worried there. Are you okay?" I lightly squeezed his small hand as I smiled down at him, brushing his bangs off his forehead.

"My head hurts." He softly replied, not taking his eyes off me.

"That's to be expected Kenshin, that thug slammed your head pretty hard back there." Megumi motioned for Kenshin to sit up. Moving gently, I got seated behind him and pulled him up into a seated position, holding him so that Megumi could get a look at the back of his head. "Looks good. There is a bump there from where you were hit, which I was worried would open, but it didn't. It should go down rather quickly by the looks of it. You and Misao may both experience headaches but they shouldn't last too long." She smiled at the two of them.

"I am so sorry I didn't find you all earlier than I did." I looked away from everyone, unable to meet their eyes. "This all happened because of me. I failed you all."

"Now you are just being pig headed Sano!" Misao blurted out, causing me to turn my gaze over to her. "Did you know that those thugs were there? Did you know what they'd do?" She glared at me.

"No, I didn't."

"Then how the hell would you be at fault for any of this?"

"I still feel terrible about all this."

"Well don't. It is not your fault Sanosuke." Kenshin murmured softly as he reached up and cupped my cheek gently. "This is not your fault at all, if anyone is at fault, it is I. I could have and should have fought them off, but I froze leading to the attack on Megumi and Misao."

"You are a fighter Kenshin, and a strong one at that. But I refuse to allow you to take blame for that. You were hurt, even after I swore to you, I'd always protect you."

"Sanosuke, you can't take the blame for this, and you did save me. It would've been even worse for all of us had you not shown up."

"Well I think we should let Misao and Kenshin rest for the rest of the day and do our shopping tomorrow." Megumi got up from her position beside the futon, handing the damp cloth to me. "Come on Misao, lets go back to our room and get you to bed. Sano, I'll talk to the land lord about getting some food and tea delivered up for you and let them know we'll need a third night here. Thank the gods that they are such a kind couple." Megumi helped Misao up from her chair and headed over to the door.

"Thank you, Megumi. I'd appreciate that." She smiled at me as they left the room, closing the door behind them.

"Thank you for saving me Sanosuke." Kenshin murmured softly as he snuggled in closer to my chest.

"You don't need to thank me for that! Did he hurt you?"

"He only got as far as to kiss me and no farther. I'm sorry I didn't stop him. I… I felt like it did with the Wolf and I froze." He covered his face with his hands and started to shake as he began to cry. "I froze and let him touch me. Let him kiss me." He sobbed.

"Shh. It's okay little one. I'm sorry this happened to you. What can I do to fix it? What can I do to help you?" I held him tightly to my chest, gently rocking him.

"Kiss me. Remove him from my body." Kenshin lowered his hands and looked up at me, tears streaming down his face. He reached up and cupped my face bringing it down to his. "Kiss me Sanosuke." He murmured against my lips before pressing his own against them.

I moved one of my hands up to cup the back of his head gently as I moved to deepen the kiss, licking his soft lower lip begging entry.


I closed my eyes, moaning as Sanosuke began to deepen the kiss as he cupped the back of my head. I opened my mouth to him when his tongue ran across my lower lip, allowing him entry. The feel of him in my mouth helped to wash away the sensation of that disgusting man, replacing it with the scorching heat of Sano.

I broke away from the kiss, still cupping his face, looking up at the soft brown eyes looking down at me.

"Thank you, really. You saved me."

"It was nothing." Sano looked away from me, his cheeks tinged pink. "We'll rest today and shop tomorrow if that is okay with you?"

"Yes, whatever you think is best." I lightly smiled up at him and turned his face back to me. "My head does hurt, as probably does Misaos head. The rest would be wonderful."

Sanosuke opened his mouth to say something when a light knock sounded from the door. "Come in!" The door opened to reveal the kindly inn owner and his wife, carrying pots of tea, cups, and a variety of cold meats, cheeses, and fresh fruit.

"We thought we'd bring some light and easy to eat foods for yourselves and your sisters." The wife spoke softly, indicating Megumi and Misao who had followed the older couple into the room. "We thought it'd be better that way your young sister and wife could take their time eating." She smiled over at me, causing me to blush from my seat in Sano's lap.

"Thank you, ma'am. That is greatly appreciated." Sano smiled up at the older woman. "Thank you both for the kindness and hospitality you have granted us."

"You are welcome. It is not a hardship for us to bear. Please take your time eating your meal, we also are setting aside the baths for you and your sisters to use privately and don't think of rushing off right away tomorrow. Please stay until you have all recovered, rested up, and are ready to move on. There is no rush." The man spoke to Sano, smiling gently before leaving the room with his wife, leaving the four of us alone.