~March 12, 1899 (Southern Mississippi)~

Being a minority in a place such as USA in this time period has always been hard, especially for a family who didn't have much at all, but let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Josephine Funnel was an average american woman, her parents were rich Caucasian people who only cared for no one but themselves. Josephine was different from her family, she loved people and never seen anyone different from her.

She saw everyone as equal.

One morning as Josephine started her daily routine such as brushing her hair and spraying herself with expensive perform, she heard her father's voice ring through the house loudly. He wasn't angry, no, but he was giving instructions? Curiosity got the best of Josephine as she made her way downstairs.

"You will cook for us, clean after us, and also work for us in any favor we'd like for you to do. You hear? You wanted a job...and now you have one." Joseph Funnel said loudly to the man of minority in front of him. One of the servers for Josephine's father walked up to him and whispered in his ear. He nodded at the young man and turned to the man once again. "You stay here until I get back, I won't be long." The man nodded at mean, old Joseph and watched him leave. The young woman with bouncy brown hair, Josephine, walked down the stairs slowly and approached the man.

"Hello there." Josephine greeted the young man and looked right in the eyes as she did so. The man didn't want to look at her but felt like he should.

"Hello." He said, his accent undeniable Spanish.

"What's your name?"

"Malio, but my family calls me Manny." The young man, Manny, told the woman with pale skin, green eyes, and brown hair. Josephine smiled at him slightly but then frowned when she remembered that he wasn't here for a friendly visit.

"You'll be working for us, won't you?" Josephine asked curiously. Manny nodded at her almost sadly. "How old are you?"

"I'm 18, Miss."

"Please...call me Josephine."

"I'm 18, Josephine. You named after your pa?" Manny asked as he was still standing in the same position Joseph told him to stand in. Josephine nodded, smiling sadly slightly. "How old are you?"

"I'm a young thing, that's what my mother says, but I'm nothing but 16. That's not too young, at least that's what I'd say." She told him looking towards the floor but looked up and stared in his eyes and took in his appearance. His brown skin and brown eyes, the way his hair was combed back neatly, the way his clothes fitted him perfectly. The two young people stood there for a moment staring in each others eyes. Suddenly, Josephine's father comes walking back into the room.

"Josephine!" Joseph shouted at the young girl once he saw her standing near the help of the house. "You get back away from him. Go find your mother and practice sipping tea properly." Josephine stood there looking from her father then back at Manny. "Now!"

"Yes, daddy." The young girl said as she quickly walked into the kitchen to find her mother, but end up finding her on the patio.

"Mother?" Josephine said as she inched closer to her mother. Anne Funnel turned around quickly to see her daughter stand there with her hands behind her back.

"What is it, girl? Your mother is looking at new dresses that can be made for her." Anne Funnel told her daughter as she continued to read letters and drawn pictures of beautiful dresses.

"Daddy wanted you to teach me to hold tea properly, again." Josephine said quietly but loud enough for her mother to hear. Anne waved her daughter to come over.

"Now, here's a cup, luckily I've been drinking some tea before you came out here to bother me." Anne said giving her daughter the cup filled with tea. Just as Josephine was about to take a sip, Manny and her father come walking out the house and onto the patio.

"Now, Manny, you see this garden? My wife wants them filled with flowers, you hear? Get to work planting them." Joseph said as he gave Manny a garden hoe and a bag full of flowering seeds. Manny was about to walk out to the garden again before he locked eyes with Josephine again, she nodded at him and gave him a supporting smile.

~June 2nd, 1899 (Southern Mississippi)~

It's been months Josephine has actually spoken to Manny, but being around him as he worked around the house have always brought her some type of comfort, just knowing he was okay was enough for her.

The rules were set in the house, Josephine was not allowed to talk to the workers, she was to pay them no attention at all unless she really needed them and it wasn't often when she did.

It was a rainy, windy summer day in southern Mississippi. Unfortunately, the expensive home of the Funnel's have small holes in it that is causing the rain to drip in the home slowly.

"Joseph, I wish you would find a way to get this here roof fixed. It's going to flood the house." Anne said as she walked towards Joseph's office where he did his business of exchanging land and other products. Manny was fixing on a chair when she came in suggesting to get the roof fixed.

"I can fix it." Manny said as he finished up on the chair, he pulled the chair up and allowed it to sit up on it's strongly without breaking.

"Don't think you'll get more money for this, boy. But, go on, get that work done." Joseph said as he went back to counting money and writing letters to other businessmen.

Only minutes later, Manny was on the roof patching up the holes in the vest way he could, he came across one hole, it was a small opening to Josephine's room. She was reading a sad literature book, Manny watched the tears fall from her eyes. He hurried up his work, and made his way to her room. He knocked on her door softly, she turned to see him standing there.

"Oh, Manny, is there something you need?" Josephine asked nicely but allowed her tears to fall slowly down her face. Manny looked around to make sure no one was looking and he slowly made his way over to her and wiped her tears away from her eyes with his fingers. Josephine smiled softly at him, it was the first time they have ever touched in a way and she loved the feeling of his skin touching hers.

Manny looked in her eyes and pointed at her heart and whispered the words, "I can fix it." Josephine smile widely at him as he leaned in and kissed her, she wanted him to do that for a long time. So, without hesitation, she kissed him back. But, little did they know, a servant was walking by as their lips touched and gasped at the interaction between them, the servant walked downstairs hurriedly and started writing a letter to Joseph about the action between Manny and his daughter. The servant was going to give the letter to Joseph when it was time for them to leave.

It has been hours since the kiss has happened, and it was now time for all workers to go home. Josephine watched Manny leave with a smile, before walking out the door he made sure to smile at her as well.

Moments later the servant from earlier walked into Joseph's office and laid the written note about the forbidden love his daughter has for Manny on his desk where he would read it sooner or later.

~June 2, 1899 Southern Mississippi (approximately 9:18 p.m.)~

Joseph yawned sleepily as he finished his last business letter for the day, but his eyes shifted to an unfamiliar paper that was lying across his desk, and slowly he picked it up and opened it. And it read.

'Dear Mr. Joseph,

I am writing you to tell you that your daughter have been seen with the Latin man who worked on the roof. They was kissing and hugging, they are in love. It was wrong and I am telling you Sir.

Your servant, Emily.'

Joseph angrily threw the note to the side and quickly walked upstairs to Josephine's room, he opened the door and grabbed the sleeping girl by her hair and pulled her out of her bed where she laid dreaming.

"I'm gonna kill you! How could you do this to our family?!" Joseph yelled as he pounded on his own daughter as she screamed for him to stop. Anne then ran in the room in a frantic manner.

"Joseph! What are you doing?! Stop it!" Anne screamed as she tried to stop her husband from beating their daughter.

"She damn near slept with a Latin man, Manny!" Joseph told his wife with his voice full of anger and hate. Josephine whimpered from the ground as she wiped her lips where blood now stained her hand. Anne stared down at her daughter in shock of the sin she committed, falling in love with someone different from you was the worst sin there was and her own daughter did it. "I'll make damn sire you never see him again. Round up all my friends and tell them he beat and raped you, they'll be happy to kill him."

"No!" Josephine screamed as she watched her father leave the room, she could hear the front door slam as Joseph left to kill the love of his daughter's life.

"Get out of my house." Anne said barely above a whisper to her daughter. Josephine didn't understand why her mother was crying, she didn't understand why falling in love was her crime against her family. That didn't matter at the moment, what mattered is that she got to Manny before her father and friends did.

Josephine ran out of her home which will soon be her forgotten home and ran the path she'd see Manny walk every morning, she came across a small town near by. She walked into a small shop and walked to the store owner. "Please, I need your help."

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" The store owner asked as he took a small break from sweeping.

"Do you know where Manny could be? You know the minority with brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes?" Josephine asked in desperately. The owner nodded slowly.

"He's by the river, goes there every night around this time. You might want to catch him before he gets on a boat." Josephine nodded and ran out the shop, she ran as fast as she could until she was by a river. She spotted Manny and ran over to him.


"Josephine?" Manny asked with confusion, he didn't understand why she looking for him, but as she inched closer to him, he noticed her bruised face, bloody nose, and busted lip. "Are you alright? Who did this to you?!"

"My pa. We have to go. He found out about us. Please, we have to go. We have to run away!"

"I'm not understanding."

"We have to go now!" Josephine shouted at him, she reached in her purse and dug up a lot of money. "I have enough for train tickets but we need to run now. Let's go somewhere far away."

"New York." Manny said with a nod.

"Yes, there. You can find a job, we can get married, have babies. Just please... We have to get going right now!" Josephine cried out. Manny didn't like seeing her like this at all, so he grabbed her wrist and ran in the opposite directing of the river. He knew exactly where a train would be coming around this time or an hour from now and they ran as fast as they could to get to it before missing it. They quickly stopped by his home to grab some supplies for the long journey ahead.

They ran for an hour but got there in time to catch the moving train. Josephine looked at Manny like he was crazy but he nodded at her begging for her to trust him; Manny then grabbed Josephine by the waist and ran quickly to grab on the train door and threw himself and Josephine in it quickly. Manny was breathing heavily but closed the train door. He then quick got his lantern and sticks so her could spark fire and successfully did so.

"I'm sorry." Josephine said to Manny, finally breaking the silence between them. Manny scooted over closer to her and allowed her to cuddle into his side.

"I am not mad. I love you. I would do whatever you tell me."

"Don't do that. When you're around me you will think for yourself, you hear me?"

"Yes, I do." Manny whispered before leaning in to his lover once again.

~(Present Time) August 8, 1938~

A young woman with long straight brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin sat in the park writing in her notepad a story that made her smile when she would look up to the sky. Once she was done writing, she titled it.

"Josephine & Manny: The Story of My Parents."

The young girl, who was known as Jinx Harper Gomez to the public eye, closed her notepad and began to pack her bag, getting ready to leave the park. Before she could leave, she noticed two men coming towards her, they were big and intimidating but she didn't allow them to get the best of her.

"Hey, pretty girl." One of the guys said to her as they followed behind her as she walked along the park sidewalk.

"Hey, girl, he was talking to you." The other man said grabbing her by the arm and throwing her against a tree. Jinx started to yell protesting against them touching her but they wouldn't stop and then suddenly two other gentleman came over trying to get them to stop.

One of the two younger gentleman was tall, dark brown hair, beautiful face structure but the other was small, blonde, and short, but was still handsome in Jinx's eyes.

"Get off her." The dark haired one said pulling one of the older guys off Jinx and punching him out. The short, blonde man did the same but the other guy end up punching him.

At that moment, something stirred in Jinx, she went over to help the blonde man and grabbed the guy who tried to hurt her and kicked him in the groin and then punched him out as well. After a moment of silence, Jinx turned to her heros and smiled.

"Thanks. It means a lot." She told them as she fixed herself up a little.

"No problem, those jerks needed to be taught a lesson. My name's Bucky. This is Steve." The dark haired one, known as Bucky, said pointing between himself and his friend Steve. Jinx nodded at them both and smiled.
"My name is Jinx. Jinx Harper Gomez."

"Beautiful name." The one known as Steve said out loud, and by the looks he gave Jinx when she looked at him blushing, he didn't mean for her to hear him.

"Thank you, Steve, your name isn't so bad at all as well." Jinx giggled softly the she looked her watch and her eyes widen a little. "It's getting late. Are you boys hungry?"

"Yeah, we're starved." Bucky said speaking for himself and Steve. Jinx didn't know why but she couldn't stop from smiling at the two young gentlemen in front of her.

"Well, I live alone, I'll be making supper. You two can join me if you'd like."

"Gladly." Bucky said with a smile. Jinx nodded and then lead the way back to her apartment. Bucky nudged Steve softly and wiggled his eyebrows, it was clear that he thought the tan girl walking in front of them was pretty. Steve just wished that maybe instead of Bucky getting the girl that he'd have an opportunity to sweep a certain girl off her feet.

•~•~•~•~~•~•~ (A/N)

OMG, I've been wanting to do this story for sooooo long and now hopefully I can continue after this chapter but I'm having a hard time finding a reliable transcript for "Captain America: The First Avenger" so until I get that situated it'll be a little bit until I update again.

But, I really do hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave some type of feedback. Please!