Snow nuzzled into Bigby's neck, moving on top of him against his more sensitive parts. He responded by wrapping his arms tightly around her, drawing her as close to him as he could. She sighed against his collarbone and goosebumps broke out along his torso. He couldn't get enough of this – of her. She smiled and wrapped her arms gingerly around his neck. His hand trailed down her back, leaving gentle paths in the sweat that had broken out on her back sometime in between now and their first kiss.

Or their first time making love…

Bigby's breath caught in his throat as he finally reflected on what had transpired.

The woman he loved for so many years…he had her. Or did he? Was this really just nothing, as she had played it off before? He tried to wrack his brain for how they had ended up a sweaty tangle of limbs on the floor of the business office.

Coffee. He had brought her coffee, but how did it turn into something like this?

Snow stiffened and placed one of her hands next to his head. She pushed herself off of the ground and Bigby instinctively tightened his grip on her. She looked him in the eyes, tenderly, amber meeting sky blue, and she laughed lightly, "I'm not going anywhere." She smiled at him and softly pecked him on the lips. He mumbled in understanding and she repositioned her arms around his neck, returning her face to the crook of his neck.

Bigby relaxed and continued tracing lazy patterns on her back. He decided he would be present. There would be a time to awkwardly remove themselves from each other's embrace, and there would be another time for dressing in silence, stealing glances at each other's bodies. There would be even more time for an uncomfortably long goodbye, followed by even longer walks back to their apartments. This was not any of those times.

He thought of the cigarettes he had stashed in his pocket. All of this time, he had used them to dull his senses around Snow; to block out the tantalizing vision of someone who would never be his. Now, with her scent on his clothes, in his hair and her taste on his mouth, he wanted to have her this close all the time.

The smell of her arousal had hung thickly in the air when she stopped him from leaving, and even now it lingered in the air surrounding them.

He wasn't about to dull any part of his senses, not when he had so much to take in.