An Assassin and a Justicar walks into the Normandy...

Thereza stepped out of the spaceport first. Lots of people going back and forth, their quiet discussions turning into a blanketing buzzing. The air was fresh and clean, yet still. The bright light of the setting star blinded her shortly.


Horizon had been a technical success. Enough information to keep Mordin Solus busy for a few months and minimal damage to the ship, equipment and crew. However, on the way to the Citadel, they had received additional dossiers about potential recruits. That had taken priority and redirected their jump toward Illium.

The assassin and the justicar.

And there was another person of interest there. An information broker. A person that would know more about the two potential recruits, that made herself known to Cerberus, and that Shepard personally knew already.

Good point was Thereza knew she still had allies with no or only loose ties with Cerberus. That allowed a lot more freedom while working out of the terrorist organization.

Bad point was ; The information was known. And not by the best individuals.

"Good morning, Commander ! No new mails for you today. I've heard the information broker that contacted us was actually Liara T'Soni. Will you go see her ?"

"Yes, she must know her ways around Illium and have what we need on the recruits intel."

Of course, Thereza had been assaulted as soon as she stepped out of the elevator. Chambers was ready. She was the yeoman, so she had to stay at her Commander's disposition for any relevant information or update. However, today…

"Sure ! And for old time sakes as well ?"

'There it goes…'

"No." Thereza answered coldly, starting to walk around the galaxy map.

"Oh really ?" Chambers almost sounded disappointed and sad, following. "T'Soni was part of the first Normandy's crew. Ought to bring some memories! And maybe you can even ask…"

"None of that is relevant to our mission. Her specialty is Prothean culture. Useful back then. But today, we don't need her."

Usually at that point people would get the message. As the point of 'hints' was long past. So Chambers was incredibly dense, or...

"It can still be nice to see her again. I've heard that you were rather 'close' back then."

"None. Of your. Business."

"Come on…" Kelly started with a slightly teasing voice.

That was it.

'You can keep dodging and wait for them to get tired and give up, or...'

Shepard stopped in her tracks and spun around, taking Kelly by surprise.

"No !" Thereza asserted with a strict tone and controlled voice. "This has nothing to do with our mission, and nothing to do with your role and job on this team. T'Soni is not coming back. That's final and that's all I have to tell you. Now, I'm well aware of your… 'open-mindedness'. So I'll be direct; I couldn't care less about what you do during your off time. But when you're working, you'll be focusing on your job. If you, or any other aren't, it will endanger the whole mission. If the mission fail, the Collectors win, and the galaxy will be in peril. As you like being nosy, I guess you already know what happens when the people that are a threat to humanity meet me, right ? So from now on, you'll do your best to make sure the operations of the crew won't be disturbed by your behaviour, understood ?"

During Shepard's tirade, Kelly's teasing expression progressively melt, and her face first became pink, then noticeably paler. She swallowed, tense and frozen. Slightly shaking, she answered with a short nod.

"I couldn't hear your answer… wasn't I clear enough ? Maybe you'd like me to repeat or rephrase myself ?" Threatened Shepard, taking a step toward her yeoman.

"C-crystal Commander." Chambers stammered before correcting herself. "Uh... Understood, I mean."

Thereza kept eye contact, in silence, for a couple of very long seconds before turning around and walking toward the dock at a brisk, angered pace.


Garrus was in the armoury when he heard the elevator descend. But by the time he walked out, it was too late and Kelly already had intercepted Shepard. The Turian quickly understood the tone and subject of the 'discussion'. He was however powerless to do anything when it eventually and predictably went south. Staying on the side and letting the Commander sharply berate the yeowoman.

The bridge was eerily silent even after Shepard left, with Kelly standing still, still shaking slightly.

Garrus took a deep breath, rubbing his neck, and stepped forward. Too late to save, but not too late to support.

"That went rather well!" He said with a joking tone.

Kelly flinched and jumped with a strange strangled sound before turning around.

"Didn't mean to startle you…"

"No harm…" She answered, catching her breath. "But I think I had enough intense emotions for today."

"Well, you did ask the Commander about her personal life. Not many managed to pull it through in one piece!"

"Didn't you tell me you got hit by an explosion...?" She joked, trying to relax a bit. "I was just… unprepared to this level of overreaction."

She dusted her outfit a little bit, looking around before heading back to her computer, with Garrus in tow.

"It was mentioned in her files that she was sensitive on her personal life. I understand, anyone would like to keep their 'work' and life separated. Especially soldiers. But…"

"But you asked about Liara..."

Kelly turned around, frowning but looking interested.

"No…" Sighed Garrus, but he gave up quickly.

"You've said too much already and too little as well." Kelly said with a victorious tone, stepping toward the elevator.


Thereza pulled out her sunglasses to shield her eyes from the star's aggression. Spending most of her time in space or wearing a helmet that had an adaptive visor made her eyes even more sensitive to bright lights.

"Taylor, get the resupply done ASAP, you're free to buy anything else if it's useful. I prefer having stuff lie in the hangar than lacking them in the field. Keep a low profile." Shepard said, briefly turning her head to the spaceport.

"Joker, run the ship through check-up and message me when it's done. Keep her running." She continued as 117 and Jack passed by her, led by Jacob. "Lawson, Normandy's yours."

She received the two acknowledgment she was waiting for then looked around.

Illium was a calm and nice planet. Tall, sleek and windowed sky-scrapers, expensive cars buzzing back and forth. And nicely dressed aliens and humans going around making or losing money.

Despite its appearance, Lilium was just as dangerous as Omega. Of course there was a lot less chances of getting gunned down in the streets, but plenty of other ways to lose everything, including one's life.

Still, as Thereza exited the spaceport, she discreetly patted her thigh, checking her weapon's presence out of reflex.

Liara hung up, then slowly turned around. With the Asari's exceptional lifespan, to Thereza's eyes, it was as if she hadn't aged a day. Her face had not changed. Neither did her frame. But, her expression had. Gone was the wide-eyed curiosity, and the awkward stance. Replaced with seriousness, mixed with a little bit of suspicion.

"You've changed." Thereza eventually said, breaking an uncomfortable silence.

"You nearly haven't."

"It's only been a couple of days for me."

"Longer hair suits you though… My sources informed me that you were alive" Liara said, with a serious voice and the same tone she just used as she was threatening to flay someone. "Didn't want to believe it…"

"Yet here I am."

"I know. That's why I contacted Cerberus as soon as I've started hearing rumours… but…"

Thereza took a few steps.

"But you can confirm who I really am with a single question… a question you don't want to ask." The Commander motioned to Liara's computer. "Are the scans done yet?"

Liara squinted her eyes a bit, maintained eye contact for a few more seconds before looking to the side, at her screen. It lasted a couple of instants more before her shoulders eventually relaxed. Shepard of course could not see what was displayed there, but by Liara's reaction, she was well able to understand it.

"It's so good to see you again, Shepard!" The Asari sighed, her voice losing its edge.

She quickly closed the distance to Thereza and without any more hesitation, wrapped her arms around her, hugging her closely.

"It's good to see you too, Liara." Thereza answered, feeling her friend rest her head on her shoulder.

She stood tall and almost rigid, not breaking her stance. Yet, she felt the warmth embrace her. Her shoulders relaxed a bit. Slowly, she slid her hand up, letting it rest on a blue neck, her fingertips tracing the ridges at the base of Liara's 'scalp'.

Comfort, reassurance.

She let her eyes close, as she felt Liara's arm tightening a bit. The sound of the city was dulled and Liara must have polarized the window before she got in.

She breathed in, the Asari's light perfume getting to her, reminding her of a time that was both so far and so vivid and 'close'.


Just for a moment…

Thereza's hand moved. From her neck to her shoulder, then after a last squeeze, Liara eventually broke the hug.

"How did you know about the scanners?" Liara asked, taking a small step back, but staying well within Thereza arm's reach.

The Commander smiled, shaking her head, slightly. Of all the things, of all the questions and rquests, of all the confessions. 'That' had to be the first thing she asked after being officially re-united. Well, the 'young' Asari always was of a curious nature. It was good to know that even if it wasn't as visible on her face, it was still in her heart.

"Three... hints." Shepard started. "First you're in Illium, and quite close to the spaceport. I may not be in the rental affairs, but I know that such an office, in such a place would cost a lot. And the hallway leading here is almost as big… with the only purpose of leading 'here'. So it has to have another purpose. Then how said hallway was equipped. One camera is security, two is redundancy, three is paranoia, and six… Along with… Nyxeris ? That looks and behaves more like a commando than a secretary. The outline of the place meant to resist an assault."

Liara listened closely, taking a few steps back until she was able to lean against her desk, leaning back on one hand.

"And the third?" She inquired, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I'm starting to get used to Asari's 'customs'." Started Thereza, then as Liara raised an eyebrow, she continued. "Not long ago, I went to meet Aria at Omega. Her scanning method was less subtle and discreet. As much as having one of her goons shove the scanner against my face goes."

Lirara let out a quiet giggle. Her cold expression has melted before and now she was looking at the commander with a sort of admiration. Same admiration that she wore on the first Normandy since the moment they first had met. Well, since after the whole volcano thing calmed down... Shepard's smile dropped a bit.

"Anyway, fill me in. How does one come from archaeologist to information broker?"

"Both professions are rather similar, you know.", the blue Alien said. "Searching, finding, interpreting, storing, then using. I've just went from rubbles and text to other kind of secrets." Liara smiled, a bit smugly. "And one pays a lot better than the other."

"Most likely a sort of 'hazard bonus'."

"From my experience, being an archeologist has been a lot more dangerous until now. I haven't faced another end of the galaxy scenario yet."

By then, Thereza's smile had finished dropping completely, leaving a serious expression on her face. The last sentence sent guilt through her being, making her look down. An uncomfortable and unpleasant tension grabbed her chest and spine. She had to take a couple second, breathing slowly and focusing to be able to continue.

"Anyway, speaking of 'that'…" Shepard tried to roll on casually. "I assume you know why I'm here?"

Liara nodded. Either not having noticed anything, or doing a good job at pretending so.

"Lately, many reports started going back and forth. Reports saying that the famous Commander Shepard was back, carrying Cerberus colours, and fighting against the secretive alien race called Collectors. And the Collectors are among the suspects for the recent attacks on the human colonies. So I assume you're here looking for Collectors? Or at least a group connected to them?"

"We're indeed hunting the Collectors… but I came here looking for firepower. And manpower." Corrected Shepard, bringing up her omnitool. "I'm assembling a team and there are two potential recruits here on Illium."

Liara's own omitool lit up with a light sound. She glanced down at it and quickly moved behind her desk. While she was still standing, the holo-keyboards appeared at the right height. Before long, the window behind her had been completely blackened and two faces appeared on it.

"Krios, Drell assassin, and Samara, a Justicar." Stated Liara, looking at Shepard with a raised eyebrow. "In the same team and ship… What was Joker reaction to the idea?"

She started typing, her eyes still focused on the human for a couple of seconds before looking down at her screens.

"Usual reaction. Complained, joked, complied."

"A Drell assassin and an Asari justicar walk into a bar…", started Liara with a small smirk.

"...ordered two glasses of milk, drank in silence and behaved as they didn't want to disturb the Commander in the corner.", finished Shepard. "Or something like that…"

For the second time in a short period of time, Shepard witnessed a drastic change in Liara's attitude and demeanor. But this time, it was a change that she was more used to. Focused, drawn into her work. Losing any kind of awkwardness, or hesitation. Fueled by a sort of passion that isolated her from the outer world, protected her maybe as well...

And for a couple more seconds, Thereza allowed herself to lose herself. Only if a little bit.

"I got them."

Thereza raised an eyebrow, impressed at Liara's efficiency, before checking the information she just received on her omnitool.

"Shouldn't be too hard… Justicar's work is meant to make some noise and best place to find an assassin like Krios is next to his target." Concluded the human, before sending the information toward the Normandy.

"You still haven't explained me… why?" She then asked, and motioned toward the place in answer to Liara's confused look.

"Long story…" She admitted, looking down. "And you don't have time for it today. Samara is bound to attract the police's attention. And they're not known to collaborate nicely."

Shepard took a deep breath then nodded. She couldn't deny her friend had a very good point there. She had enough problems right now without getting into troubles with the law enforcement.

"You'll tell me another time, then." She concluded.

Liara walked back in front of her desk. The tentative step she took toward the Commander didn't go unnoticed. Just as how she tensed, hesitated, then leant back against the desk a bit awkwardly.


"Take care of yourself, Liara." She turned around and walked toward the door with long, quick steps.

She barely heard the whispered answer.


"By that time, Shepard just became Specter, received the Normandy, and had her brain nearly fried by some Prothean artifact… then, our mission was 'simply' to hunt down Saren, and his allies. Simply…. As simple as it is to hunt a Spectre, with an army of Geth that is. But also an Asari matriarch."

"Benezia, right?"


They were currently in the mess hall. Not many people around at that time, as they were either working to run the check-up on the Normandy. Check-up on their personal equipment. Running errands or resting. Garrus was telling the story, or at least his side of it. He didn't know how much Kelly knew of it. But it soon had become apparent that she already knew quite a bit, as Benezia involvement with Saren had remained 'discreet'.

"So we went to recruit Liara."

"Of course. Expert in Prothean artifact and culture, as well as Benezia's daughter. What more could one wish for?"

"Military training." Garrus answered shortly.

That was the delicate part.

"Shepard is a soldier. Always been and always will be. In the alliance, she went through all the numbers of N training. And then, she had to work with aliens. First big change. Wrex and I were one thing. But we had military training of course. You know; Turian and Krogan. Even if we were c-sec and mercenary. It still counted. But an alien civvie…"

"Didn't really fit in?" Filled Kelly. "That caused some troubles, I guess."

"Well, surprisingly not as much as one would have guessed. Liara was mostly ignored. But being an archaeologist, she was used to be alone. Troubles began later on, when the issue became clearing Shepard's 'vision' and the message left in her brain by the Prothean. Then she went from being ignored to being purposefully dodged."

"Like you said: soldiers don't like psyc-evals?" Kelly said with a small smile. "Or something along those lines."

Garrus enjoyed speaking with Kelly. She knew how to listen and follow a conversation like a normal person. Which was refreshing given the environment he's usually in.

"Yeah… to the point where it was actually discussed to entirely dismiss Liara from the crew."

"That bad?"

"Some days it was even worse… everyone was on edge." Admitted Garrus, without going too much into the useless details. "Anyway, everything changed at Noveria, where we faced Benezia. I was there, Liara too. Long story short, Shepard… had to kill the mother in front of the daugher's eyes."

A pregnant silence followed. A silence Kelly knew she must not break. Then Garrus continued.

"It should have fallen apart then and there. I don't know what happened in truth. But that brought them closer together. They started to actually make good progress about Shepard's vision. Giving us hints and leads. But that didn't last unfortunately. The final lead we gathered was sure to lead us to Saren. And it happened he was on an ancient Prothean's plane. So of course Liara wanted to join. And of course Shepard was against the idea. The dispute happened privately, but the fallouts were plain as day. And shortly after we dealt with Saren, Liara left."

"Come on, Garrus, you can't end it like that?" Kelly complained. "Why did she left? On her own, or did Thereza asked her? How did you…"

"I already said too much." Garrus defended himself

"Then a little more wouldn't hurt!"

"But I said enough to prove my point."

Kelly signed and slumped her shoulders, yet didn't pry further.

"So… up and down with Liara and maybe ended up in a bad note."

"Basically; yeah. And while it happened two years ago, for Shepard, it happened two weeks ago. It's still fresh in her mind."

"So to make matters worse… Liara might have had time to move on and Thereza is still grieving whatever happened?" Proposed Kelly.

Garrus nodded and a short silence followed, with Kelly keeping her eyes on the table thinking.

"How… close were they?", Chambers eventually asked.

"I'm not good with gossips…", Garrus sighed.

"No…", Kelly tried to defend herself, but then explained. "I'm just trying to understand the Commander's reaction and her state of mind. It's part of my job to make sure she's… alright."

Garrus frowned, suspicious, but interested. Nodding slowly as to indicate that she can continue.

"What I'm coming to… There are many possible explanations concerning Thereza's anger. And…"

"Kelly… no offense, but I just think the Commander is angry because you stepped past a line." Garrus proposed with a diplomatic tone.

"I know, I know… I hope it's that. Because that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario would be something underlying that'll undermine her. Morally with time. Until she breaks."

"She won't."

Kelly smiled and shook her head. A soldier's faith in their commanding officer. Perfectly understandable and predictable, unfortunately not entirely objective.

"That's why I need to know." She continued, not deterred. "Did Thereza pushed her away? Why? Did Liara… stepped too far? Or did Liara rejected Thereza's advances: Resulting in some resentment, false hopes… Fresh in Thereza's mind yet she's hoping she'd have a second chance now..."

Garrus lifted his hand to interrupt her. Kelly was a good psychologist. And smart. If he didn't step in, she could have gone on for quite a while, most likely giving a complete psychological study of both Liara and Shepard. Passionate in her work and dedicated in helping the crew.

"I'm afraid it's far simpler than that… You see, as soon as they met, Liara became strangely fascinated in Shepard. Due to the events with the prothean beacon. And with time this fascination turned into admiration and friendship. Liara became a breath of fresh air in a military vessel. But the final assault on Saren's forces... it was more dangerous than anything we did before. Liara might have been good with biotics. But she was no soldier. She doesn't react or behave like a soldier. She would have been a hindrance and a reliability. And that's not something the Commander was willing to accept. And Liara wanted to help. For whatever her own reasons. And neither were ready to step back."

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Yes. I think you realized. Shepard can be strikingly direct with her words." Garrus smiled kindly. "Works wonders on soldiers. Not quite on civvies… and friends. If there was any problems, it was with communication, not relationship."

And maybe for once Shepard was actually equally worried about someone's safety than the mission success. Or maybe even more?


"Red sisters!"

"Absolutely not!"



"It's catchy!"

"No, it's silly!"

In a small studio, located downtown, two young women were doing their best to go on with their lives. One of them was currently sitting at her desk, a makeshift coiffeuse, brushing her long, damp, light blond hair. The other on the large double bed, holding a notebook and a pencil. The window was open, allowing a bit of air to come inside, the sounds of the city filling the small room and their ears, like a calm yet persistent clamor. Cars and trucks passing by, horns, chatter. Their AC was broken, and the noise was the price to have a bit of 'fresh' air. As fresh as the air can be there, downtown, so close to the spaceport.

"What's with you and these ideas of nickname all of a sudden?" The dark haired girl asked, keeping her eyes on her notebook

"We'll need them!" The answer came right away, light and energetic. "When we'll be famous!"

The dark haired one finally lifted her eyes, letting the notebook down and looking at her 'sister' with suspicion.


"I have a plan, trust me!"

"Sure... plan…"


"Last time I trusted your 'plans', this happened!"

The woman on the bed pointed at her short hair. Very noticeably shorter than her sister's, tomboyish some would even say. And by the look on her face, their state didn't please her at all. Even at times, she had been reaching for just over her shoulders, hoping to pass her fingers through her strands, but grasping nothing but air.

"Told you not to rush in… just like you did. And short hair suits you."

She mumbled an unintelligible answer, redirecting her eyes down on her notebook, her pale skin gaining a very light blush on her cheeks.

A short silence followed, relaxed, not uncomfortable.

"Why do you want to become famous anyway?"

"Don't you?"




"What would you prefer?"

"Rich and lazy?"

"Then be rich for two and I'll be famous for two!"

"I'll be lazy for two, too…"

The phone rung, interrupting the banter. The two sisters turned and looked at each other in a silent contest. But they both knew who was the one supposed to pick it up this time. Eventually the black haired one sighed, dropped her notebook and picked up the phone.

"Jane… No, I lost my phone and someone with the exact same name and voice found it… Only when I'm 'off hours'… Depends… Yes… Yes I know him… No… What the… Hell no! It's his… 'He' fucked up! 'He' cleans his own mess… Him being useless is not 'our' problem… Wha… yeah… yeah I got it… 'Got it' I said! How bad is it?… *groans… Of course we can do it!"

Jane turned toward her 'sister' and motioned her to get up and get going. Immediately, the blond girl dropped her brush, took a lace to tie her long hair in a neat and inelegant ponytail…

"What?… Nonono, that's not what we agreed to!… No you listen! We told you at the start, we ride tandem, or you can fuck off twice… Yeah and that haven't changed!… I don't care, she comes as well!… Yeah and what you gonna do about it?… I don't… *sigh… okay… Alright… Alright! But I want the normal pay AND his share. As bonus… Yeah, I'll dress up and call you back!"

Angrily, Jane threw the phone back on the bed. She sprung up before nearly storming to the wardrobe, swinging its door open.

"Freaking new one fucked up a job, and who got called to fix the bloody mess?" Jane vented through her teeth. She nearly ripped her clothes off, dropping them where she stood.

"He wants you to go alone?"

"Yeah. 'Because it's a simple pick up job'. Asshole" She spat, slamming the door shut.

Jane passed her boots, yanking on the straps. The leather creaked and surprisingly held fast. Her teeth clenched, a deep frown on her face. And her hands, shaking, ready to break something. She stood to pass on her jacket. Having to tug, struggle, fail twice before managing to find the holes for her arms and pulling it over her shoulders. Panting already. Blue sparks at her fingertips.

"Hey Nobody…" The blond suddenly said, standing up and going to her sister, grabbing and holding her shaking hand in hers. "'ll be alright?"

Her voice was soft, controlled. A gentle smile as she looked up in her sister's eyes. And that silly nickname…

Jane took several calming breaths, her heart still racing, but trying to force herself to calm down.

"Your hands are cold, Thez..."

"You know they're not… and you haven't answered my question."

Jane sighed, looking down. She slid her right hand out of her sister's and reached to the bedside table.

"I'll be…"

She took the gun resting on it, sliding it under her belt.

"I will be." She repeated, her voice tense, but level, looking back up at 'Thez'."

Thez nodded

"Be careful alright!" She asked… demanded.

Jane nodded, slowly. And a couple moments later, freed her hand and moved toward the door.

"I'll pass by the shop on my way back, want anything? Cigarettes?"

"Why? I don't smoke!"

Jane groaned but didn't answer.

"Take some milk though!"

The door closed. And without waiting a single second, 'Thez' jumped on the bed, grabbing her sister's notebook with a large smile on her face.


The car suddenly braked…

The screetching of the tires as the blinding headlights were coming faster and faster...

A loud horn...

Several gunshots…

Turians insults…

She landed heavily on the hard, soaked ground.

She jumped off her seat, the belt quickly pulling her back down.

Thereza's hand shot to the gun on her thigh. She whirled her head left and right. Blinked several times. Pulling herself free of her slumber. The taxi sped up once again, pushing her back into her seat and finishing to wake her up. The dream faded away and Lilium's industrial spaceport came into view as the taxi went lower to land.

She didn't wait for the vehicle's complete stop. Her omni-tool blinked. She pushed the door open and jumped, bracing for a few steps to compensate for the taxi's remaining speed. More Turian insults were thrown, but those were quickly drowned in the loud clamor of the place. Trucks and large vehicles passing back and forth and other shouts and horns. And soon the taxi was as good as forgotten far behind her.

Thereza knew those kinds of spaceports. There were many like that one on Earth. Never really asleep or empty, even at the darkest of the night. But even at the brightest of days, if someone looked carefully enough, one could always find a dark and abandoned corner. Almost abandoned corner. Today she didn't need it, nor was looking for it.

Eclipse was a large mercenary organization. They couldn't hide everything in dark corners and forgotten sheds. On Illium, they preferred the cover of contracts, technicalities, and legal loopholes. None of them relevant to Shepard right now. The mercenaries had information she needed and are not likely to give them willingly.

Landing pad 3, a Kodak was already waiting, its engines still breathing, light blue.

A human clad in combat armour opened the door and held out his arm. Without hesitation, Thereza grabbed it and, with Jacob's help, hopped in. The Cerberus operative immediately closed the door behind the commander. The door had been open for less than five seconds. And the Kodiak was already moving.

The inside of the transport was well lit and already quite packed. Several crates of equipment and other supplies, weapons and replacement parts. 117 and Jack were there as well. Both already wearing their combat armour. The first having a heavy, thick and bulky assault body armour while the second had a much sleeker and lighter one, more fitted for biotic users. Yet, of the two of them, the UNSC's soldier was quite visibly the most comfortable.

The convict was tugging and pulling on the different protective plates cladding her. As if she was trying to stretch a t-shirt too tight for her. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't having too much success. Her helmet was resting, discarded, on her shotgun. Her single other weapon, a submachine-gun, was nested in her helmet. Light equipment for maximal mobility.

Next to her, 1-1-7 was standing tall and rigid, fully, heavily equipped. His rifle already in his hands. Seemingly ready to jump out of the Kodak and start shooting. Yet there was a sense of calm in him. Calm yet preparedness.

Both their armours and weapons were brand new, or just as good. More expensive, but it was the price of security. Far less chance of jamming or defect.

Shepard quickly shed her uniform, letting Taylor give her a quick run-up of the 'shopping trip'. As usual, she had been wearing her 'light' black and white attire, mimicking the alliance's officer suit, but with some 'twists'. Of course, no Cerberus insigna. A dead Spectre was enough to draw plenty of attention. And she had had her share of deserved hostility. So Shepard didn't need people picking on her because she was shipping with the pro-human organization.

The light, fragile fabric gave way to a black undersuit, bearing the metallic anchorage points for a proper body armour. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world to wear, tight, heavy, a pain to pass on. But Thereza would feel naked without it. Of course, not as resistant as a body armour, but still enough to stop a glancing blade, some shrapnels, and ricochets.

A large, heavy and robotic frame was taking place at the back of the Kodiak. Shepard stepped into it, stretched her arms and let the machine do its work. Lasers scanned her and located the anchorage points. Thus allowing mechanical arms to come down and fix the armour plates.

Taking the armour off was a quick and easy process. Release mechanism. The different parts falling down. The only dangerous or difficult part would be not to have one of the heavier pieces fall on one's toes.

Passing it on was a whole different business and challenge. Each part must be fixed at its rightful place of course. Tightly secured so that it wouldn't move or shift due to an impact. Precisely adjusted, allowing every piece to slide in conjunction to the others as not to impair movements. Connected to each other and to servos, increasing speed, strength, and precision. And finally, but most importantly, checking that everything was in working condition. No damage, no short circuits, no nothing...

Heavy combat suits were built and made for combat, resist explosions and make sure the soldier wearing it would keep on fighting. They weren't made to be passed on like bathrobe. Of course, they still benefited from the same 'folding' technology that the weapons had. Cutting edge technology of precision engineering. But donning such a combat suit would take a full team of tech about fifteen minutes, if they had to do it by hand. That's why, even if it was a pricey and heavy piece of equipment, the armour station was crucial for quick response and efficiency.

About a minute after she walked under it, Thereza hopped off, feeling the Kodak shift under the new way of her armour clad frame.

Last piece, the helmet. Claustrophobic for the first timers… but Shepard lost count of how many times she hid her face in one. The helmet secured itself to the collar of her undersuit. A soft hiss confirming it being sealing tight and pressurizing. The HUD blinked alive. Her thoughts about Liara were gone. That will have to wait.

They had a mission to complete.


"We're hunting information. The local mercenary group, Eclipse, have them. But they won't be willing to give them. We get in their hideout. Locate their boss. Get the intel. And get out."

Theresa's hand moved to her thigh.

Handgun: check

Mag lock: check

Mag release: check

Her omnitool automatically started to communicate with the weapons and displayed selected data on her HUD.

Ammo: 87% -more than enough for the mission

Heatsink: healthy

Overall status: ready

Best for close to mid range engagement. They might be running through lots of hallways and rooms.

She gave a hearty slap on its side and nodded to herself when the checkup status didn't change.

"Keep a low profile and keep moving. The less attention we attract, the less problems we have, the happier we are. We're not here to blow the spaceport up, so don't use grenade unless I allow it."

After placing her handgun back on her thigh, she reached for her rifle. Mid range to long range. For open space. She hoped she wouldn't be using it too much.

Mag lock: check

Mag release: check

Ammo: 95%

Heatsink: healthy

Overall status: ready

Slap: done

"I'll be in front. Jack second, you cover the left flank. 1-1-7 third, cover the right. Match my pace."

On Shepard's HUD, 1-1-7's indicator blinked green once. And Jack grumbled something approximately positive.

Eventually, the Commander reached for her shotgun. Great stopping power, preferable for mechanized units.

Mag lock: check

Mag release: check

Ammo: 97%

Heatsink: healthy

Overall status: ready

Slap: done

"Rules of engagement?" 1-1-7 asked with a flat, controlled voice.

"Even in their hideout, there might be civilians. So check your fire. But shoot to kill. We're not here to take prisoners."


Fine, red dust was floating in the air, slowly settling down. Over them, the sky was turning orange as the sun descended lower and lower on the horizon, sneaking between the tall buildings. A blue shimmer waved in front of her eyes as her shields recharged. In the corner of her vision, two green dots blinked lazily, with several crimson triangles approaching them fast, from below.

Thereza took a deep breath. A soft ring in her ears told her that her Avenger was done cooling down. She squeezed her little finger once around its grip. 'Primed'. Simple and sober, on the bottom left of her HUD. She clenched her teeth and pressed a second time.

The audio of her helmet blanketed the sound to protect her ears. The ground shook. The red triangles either stopped or dispersed. Men screamed. Thereza sprung to her feet. Her rifle was soon aligned to the yellowed mercenaries. She squeezed the trigger. The rifle pressed back against her shoulder.

"On my position. Go!" She ordered through the coms.

Two green dots dashed and quickly closed in on her position. She kept swiping left and right. Aiming at any yellow helmet she saw. Some fell. Not to stand back up ever.

"Low profile huh?" Jack screamed through her coms when she tumbled to a halt next to Shepard.

The biotic human clearly wasn't used to such radio, screaming through it so much that Shepard had to lower her volume down to single digit percent. Most likely Jack's method of communication had consisted to scream on top of her lungs through the battlefield to make herself heard. She was loud… and her 'fighting methods' were just as loud. Yet efficient. On Thereza's other side…

"Cover." She ordered as 117 stopped next to her. Her own Avenger close to overheat.

They had managed to make their way through about halfway through the hideout with minimal detection.

But an unfortunate shot to a canister produced a chain reaction that blew their stealth op up.

Unstable canisters laying around randomly. Apparently, a shipment of biotic drug of some kind… Shepard didn't really care. Those canisters would make a lot of noises, damages, and the exposure was toxic.

The message must have gone through quickly. Intruders in the hideout. And now Shepard's team was stuck in a docking bay, struggling to pass a bridge. The bridge was clear and low. No cover of any kind. The vantage points over it had nice, full and chest high walls providing plenty of protection. The bridge was a clear 'death zone'. Trying to pass through would turn Shepard's team into minced meat… but it worked both ways. They were easily able to hold the mercenaries back. For now. Until they would make their ways around them. And then, Shepard would be in real troubles.

She glanced at her left. Jack was easily able to wreck carnage on her path. But she lacked control and long range options. On her right, 1-1-7 was controlled and versatile. And even without biotic, deadly efficient.

"We'll keep normal marching order…" She whispered to herself, closing her omnitool.

There were other ways around the bridge. Longer ways, much longer and most probably crawling with mercs. There were no ways they would make their way through them while having an other group hot on their heels. They had to pass this bridge. And they had to pass it now.

"I'll pass the bridge. What kind of time window can you give me?" She asks through her coms, knowing to ignore Jack's answer.

"15 secs, top." 1-1-7 answered.

That was short and the bridge was long. Even with her biotic, that would hurt. Without mentioning the landing. On the other end, Thereza knew she would have to make some cleaning.

"On my…" She started shifting past Jack. toward the edge of her cover.

The concrete exploded. Debris hit her shields. Scrapped against her armour. Bright strikes burned into her vision. Bore fist sized holes in the ground. 117 shouted a warning. Jack swore and ducked. The ground shook as the first missile hit the cover. The second flew over them. The wall in the distance caught it. Flames in front and behind. Shower of gravels. The sound of hammering drills all around her helmets. The concrete against her shoulders was vibrating.

A gunship.

"They brought a freaking gunship!"

'30 seconds'

The gunship was raining hell and bullets on them. The high velocity machine guns roaring tirelessly. The cooling system would keep them spinning for a full minute at least. It was forcing them under cover. The cover wouldn't last that long. No way to get back in the safety of the hallways. A series of red dots, in line, getting closer.

'25 seconds'

"Jack, on the right get ready to lift that crate! 1-1-7, left, sniper, wait for my mark." Shepard ordered, her voice tense, but forcing herself to keep it down.

With closed helmets, no need to shout. Her heart was beating hard. Her body was tense. Her hands slightly shaking as she stowed her rifle. She squeezed them around her grenade launcher.

'20 seconds'

From the corner of her eyes, she spotted Jack crawl away. 1-1-7 marked a small stop. A small hesitation. Before moving as well.

'Focus now. Distraction. Pass the bridge. Down its shields. Don't get killed.'

Not the best plan. But they had to act quickly. Forcing herself to stay calm. Taming her body's natural reaction. Thinking quickly and straight under a rain of fire. Thereza readied herself the best she could. She had been trained for that.

'15 seconds'

Shepard took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. In her mind, she drew a circle. Her hands were still holding the heavy weapon. But she slowly wriggled her fingers, flexing and relaxing her forearms muscles. Like her back popping back in place, she felt it, just before it arrived. A shiver ran on her skin. Statics on her fingertips. A brief moment of weightlessness. The circle in her mind catching fire. A blue fire

'10 seconds'

"Jack, throw the crate at that ship. 1-1-7, keep your head down."

Thereza opened her eyes, a blue shimmer surrounding her whole body. Her biotics would be giving her a much-needed boost in defense. A crate was lifted and flung away, also surrounded with the blue flames of biotics. The pilot would see it. React to it. And turn toward it.

'5 seconds'

Shepard pushed herself off the ground, spun her shoulders. Her boot skidded, but caught a hole, giving her enough support. Her cover was gone, and she was on the bridge. And there she saw the first hitch in her plan. Mechanized units. LOKI mechs. Twenty of them, in a straight line. Weapons raised and ready. Her shields starting to shimmer. The sound of their shots drowned in the clamor of the battlefield.

"1-1-7, down the head!"

She had to focus on the gunship. The head of the first mech exploded. She stayed in their line, taking the fire of 1 headless mech, rendering the 19 others useless. Thereza managed to shoot twice before the gunship could react. But that wasn't the hitch. The hitch was the mechs. Not them being there, not their numbers. Them being mech. And because they were mech…

Without hesitation, the gunship spun. Like a supersonic fire whip, the bullets slammed onto the bridge. Half the mechs were shred instantly. Blue shimmers of their shattered shields and mechanized part sent flying. Thereza had dashed to the side. Blue fire still surrounding her. Feeling weightless, her mouth dry. She kept running. Long powerful strides. Carried by her biotics. Ignoring the friendly fire, the LOKI mech turned as she passed, still to firing at her.

The gunship corrected his aim, forcing Shepard to dash again. Most of the mechs were gone by now. The sides of her vision were blurry, still focused on the ship and her grenade launcher. Her teeth clench.

Finally, a grenade hit the hull directly, the blue shimmer of the failing shields contrasting with the dark smoke.

Thereza dropped and skid, stopping at the other end of the bridge, instantly taking cover

"1-1-7, mark!" She bared, breathless

From the other side of the bridge, she saw 1-1-7 raise his head, a single flash. The fire of the gunship's gatling instantly fell silent. Over her head, the gunship suddenly raised, spinning out of control, its tail hitting a building. The thrust vectors failing to support it any longer. As it fell, Shepard managed to catch a glimpse of the cockpit. Both the pilot and co-pilot's windshield were painted red.


She's been using her biotics too much. Pins and needles through her hands and at the back of her skull. The sensation of progressing in low grav. Sweating. Her mouth dry.

Her two teammates were taking care of the backups. She focused on the main threat. A powerful biotic user. An Asari. An angry one as that…

"Have you faced an asari commando unit before?"

Shepard stowed her rifle. Against an Asari adept, it was practically useless. Biotics came to them naturally, no amps or anything needed. With one hand, she was more than capable to keep up a shield that would nullify any firepower Thereza had on her… and she was all out of grenades.

The hair on the back of her neck stood. Her skin hitched like with statics. The object she was leaning against shifted.

Without hesitation or thinking, she threw herself on the side. Barely escaping the biotic field that threatened to pull her up. A singularity soon detonating where she should have been.

She gritted her teeth. It wasn't fair. The Asari seemed to just be able to chain her biotic powers with barely any pauses. And packing quite the punch at that. She knew she couldn't stall forever.

'High risks, high rewards'

Taking the next opening, Thereza rolled out of cover, surrounded by blue flame. It felt like her skull and spine were on fire. The world blurred around her, becoming blue as well. It felt like flying, falling. She landed right in front of the Asari. Now no longer having enough speed to be stopped by the biotic shield. Half blindly, she rammed her shoulder forward. Her momentum carrying both her and the Asari, throwing her back against the wall. Thereza's knife stabbed to its hilt just under the blue alien's protective breastplate.

"Little wing…"

The world snapped back into focus. Shepard threw her left elbow to the side. It caught her Asari arm. The blue warp went off just behind the human's head. She kneed her midsection. Pulled her blade free in the same motion.

Shields weren't meant to stop slow moving objects. They didn't even trigger when the blade passed through. Medigel will take care of the wound, working its miracle. The Asari would probably not bleed out. Asari biotics might be deadly. But at very close range, Shepard knew she had the upper hand. Holding her right arm out of the way. Kneeing her bleeding and hurting side once again. No matter how much the Asari struggled, the tip of Thereza's knife finally pierced her neck.

Shepard spun the blade. Kneed her once again. Made sure the pain would prevent her from using her powers. Then, finally free to use both hands, stabbed her knife completely through the blue neck. She spun her blade again. And pulled her blade out, slicing and tearing the Asari's throat.

Not something medigel can heal

"Shutting her up for good…"

Shepard staggered back, leaning against the desk, her legs shaking and panting. The Asari collapsed on the ground. Both hands around her neck, vainly trying to keep her blood from spilling out. The anger in her eyes soon replaced by…

Thereza turned around, using both hands to support herself on the desk. A quick glance on her radar told her that the room was now empty. And by what she was hearing, 1-1-7 and Jack were almost done with the backup.

The fight was taking its toll eventually. More than making her body sore, her overusing her biotics made her head throb. Making it spin and making the world around her into a blur. A cold one. Chitterings of insects in the walls.

Groaning and clenching her teeth, she slammed the butt of her knife against her already sore shoulder. The spike of pain helping her focus.

They were here for information. She turned her head to the computer. Little time to lose as they still had another recruit to go. Behind her, the Asari eventually went limp.


Replaying the missions in her head and watching the logs proved Shepard's pre-assertion of her team. Jack was brutal. Her method of fighting not unlike a bulldozer. Making sure that nothing would be left not torn into shreds between her and objectives. Brutal but not rampaging. Hard to hold back, but easy to direct. And very easy to read.

1-1-7 was more interesting. Everything he promised and more. The man clearly was like a fish out of water. From UNSC, the 'old' Earth, so very little experience with 'new' aliens, 'new' weapons, 'new' fighting technics. Yet he adapted incredibly quickly. Understanding how the weapons worked, how biotics worked. Obviously, there was something going on between him and The Illusive Man. Whatever it was, Shepard didn't like it. But she couldn't dream of a better soldier on the field. She knew she'll just have to never forget he was more than a soldier…

The debriefing went smoothly. Samara and Thane's introduction as well. A Justicar and an assassin in the same room. On one side, Samara was bound by her Code to help Thereza on her mission. The Code was almost sacred to Justicars. And the assassin was calm and composed and seemed to want to redeem himself. At least they won't try to blow the ship up right away. That's all that Shepard needed to know for now.

"Commander, may I have a word?" 1-1-7 asked at the end of the debriefing as everyone was going back to their stations.

"What is it about?" She asked, finishing her glass and pouring herself an other one.

"Tactical appraisal of the mission."

Shepard nodded. After all, he was the leader of his previous squad. He never acknowledged it. But he did enough to prove it. A squad couldn't have two leaders.

"Speak freely." Thereza allowed.

"Concerning the gunship on the bridge. You didn't make the right call."

Shepard raised an eyebrow, taken back. Usually, when soldiers were allowed to 'speak freely' they had the common courtesy to at least be polite and certainly not as blunt and direct.

"The plan was sound. But I should have been the one to pass the bridge. I could have taken care of the mech and the gunship at the same time. That would have let you focus on the gunship. I'm quicker…"

"And you're a better shot." Shepard finished for him, passing her fingers along the scar he left on the side of her head.

It was good, he waited for them to be alone to question her decisions. Meaning his concerns were honest. He didn't just want to bring her down in front of the crew.

"We only had one chance. One shot at the gunship. I knew I could create the opening. And I knew it would hurt. I also knew you were the only one capable of taking the shot." Shepard explained calmly, remembering the scene clearly. "So you were the leader of that team. And either used to take the risks or simply untrusting of anyone not part of it."

It wasn't a question, so 1-1-7 didn't feel the need to answer of course.

"Neither of the two plans were perfect. I know I had to make a call… and as the leader of this operation, I have the privilege of taking the risks" Thereza finished on a lighter tone before becoming serious again. "I know, I've seen what you're capable of. But I need you to work with me on this one or we won't go anywhere. And that includes trusting me, my judgments, my decisions, and my leadership. Can you to do that ?"

"Yes commander."

Strong personalities on the same team. Of course, there was bound to be conflicts. Jack and Grunt having authority problems. Samara and Thane will most likely be more used to work alone and call the shots. Miranda -and now 1-1-7- challenging her.

She needed them. The trick was to make them work together, with her, and for humanity's best without alienating them.

"Good, then. Dismissed."


Taking all the cleanly recorded data, putting them through some advanced software and watching some nice graphs with arrows and circles while focusing on looking smart.

If only data analysis was that easy. Scrambled data. A simple blink was capable of completely throwing off an EEG. So unsurprisingly gunshot and explosions weren't exactly friends with delicate sensors. Clean data from the battlefield was just a beautiful dream.

The advanced software, she had to code it herself. With the sensitive nature of the subject, she had to do it alone.

And when the graphs eventually came out, she most of the time had a frustrated look on her face.

Until 'something' came up.

Not a nicely warped result, telling her everything. But telling her just what she needed to know. A timestamp.

Visual recording. Electrical sensors. Finer gravimeters. EEG. ECG. Temperature. Humidity. Air composition. Servo feedback…

She brought everything up. From that timestamp, and for a 10 seconds window, that should be enough.

It took some time and some efforts. But she was the best. 10 seconds were enough. And her guts feelings were right of course.

Open private communication channel

Channel secured

QEC pinged sent

QEC pinged received




And there it is! Hope you liked, if you did, don't hesitate to leave a review. If you have any thoughts for improvements or such, review as well.

Now for some answers to the reviews:


That's why both Shepard and The Illusive Man wants to keep it discreet for now! As for the true identity of 1-1-7... The Illusive Man is playing a game of lies and half-truths. He knows more than he lets on and control informations.

A man chooses.

Guardian of Inheritance





Everyone fancies Kelly!

And I'll try to make progress on the 'soon' part...


Spartan augmentations can do strange things! Being able to change hair/eyes colour can be handy for cover op. Being a 2 meter tall 'killing machine' might defeat the idea though...


Two weeks


Thanks for the compliement!

The humanity DID loose a lot of people, it's explained in chapter 4. Yes I changed some things in the ending of Halo 3. It's not the only things I changed. (Hint. There's no Halo elements in ME and vice-versa...)

MassEffect field can easily affect slipspace. If I wanted to be mean, I'd say that your problem is that you're not a real fan of either Halo nor ME and don't know their universe.

The only field the Master Chief is a genius at is warfare. Hint; telling that someone is a genuis doesn't mean anything. Question; where did I ever imply he was dumb? Or are you just 'wanting' to see that...


Preferences. I understand. I just really fancy the 'rising from its ashes trope'


Well, in the context of this story, humanity has been greatly crippled and nearly wiped out during the war. As such, in 100 years, they were more focused on making Earth habitable again and adapting their technologies to MassEffect tech. Cerberus however...

Little words for all the MassEffect vs Halo fans:

This is NOT a MassEffect vs Halo fanfiction. It's a MassEffect x Halo. I like both universe and I don't feel the need to proclaim one is better than the other.

However, the story will be told mostly from Shepard's eyes. Because I decided so.

On that, stay awesome and see you 'soon'!