A/N: This is a request by Charismatic Beauty.

Please note that English is not my first language, I apologies in advance, feel free to correct me.


Earth was ruled by peace once again, thanks to Goku and company, who defeated Majin Buu. The Son family couldn't be happier than they were since Goku was alive. The family of four wasted no time to reconnect (or to know, in Goten's case). The first months were pure joy, Chichi loved how Goku kept his promise to spend time with them. She loved the happiness in her children's faces when Goku randomly took them fishing or hunting. Father and sons were bonding perfectly. But what she loved the most was how openly he showed affection towards her. By placing soft kisses on her cheek and surprised hugs with regularity and how he instigated the cuddling while they sleep. It was perfect.

However, after almost half of a year of that wonderful life together, things started to fade into the old picture. One day Goten got home from Trunks' house a little bit gloomy and during dinner, Chichi asked what was wrong with him. The soon to be eight year old said that his best friends had learned a cool move from his dad, and because of that he lost their spar.

With his goofy grin, the pure blooded Saiyan patted the back of his youngest son and told him he would teach him lots of awesome tricks. That he would train him starting the next morning.

Going back to train, Goku remembered the purpose of his life: Get stronger for the next upcoming villain. He would get so caught up in training that sometimes he didn't even show up for dinner. He would arrive when everyone was already in bed. In his best intention to not wake up his wife, he would sleep on the couch. And of course the housewife was not content with this, so in her rightful position, she let her husband how wrong he was for leave her all night alone.

'I just don't want to disturb your sleep.' he would reply with sincerity, he did know how much she worked. No that would let him get out of the hook. 'You shouldn't get home so late on the first place.' she yelled on the top of her lungs. 'And don't come with that absurd excuse that you need to get stronger to defeat an enemy that you don't even are sure that exist. Stop planning for that future and start living the present, with your family.' Then she started to let some tear run down her face. 'Gohan will be leaving for college soon, and not far from that he'll be getting married aswell. Don't you see how little time we got left to expend as a complete family?'

The couple argued for several minutes, until Chichi couldn't handle it anymore and broke down into a heartbreaking cry. Goku sighed out of guilt and walked towards her to hold the slim woman into his arms. He whispered word of comfort and promised to not train that much and spend more time with the family.

Being true to his word, the Saiyan warrior put aside his training once again. Goku instead of throwing punches and kicks at invisible enemies, he used that to play with Goten at exploring the forests and nearby islands. In one of those explorations, they found a particular island, full of many wonder. In the center of the land was a magestual volcano, surrounded by trees and flora with delicious looking fruits. It also had a crystal clear cascade. A perfect paradise. However, the most amazing discovery, was that the island was inhabited by dragon. Not the both Saiyans haven't seen a dragon before on their lives, but this was the first time they saw this kind of dragons. They were pure white, and they wings resembled to the ones that an angel would have. They were astounding.

Wanting to know more about the creatures, being the animal lover the Son were, they run to see if Gohan knew something about them. As expected, the young man did not have any knowledge of these angel-dragons, and his curiosity got the best of him and planned another visit to the paradise island.

Chichi was happy that his sons and husband were bonding and spending time together aside training. However, after a month of the discovery Goku was still obsessed with the creatures. Even though Gohan and Goten were growing old of them, Goku was still dragging them to the dragons. And many nights she would wait for them at the dinner table just to watch the food getting cold and wondered why he haven't invite her to the expedition.

It's been two months since that ugly fight they had, and Goku did fulfil his promise to minimize his training to spend more time with his family or rather say sons. Because the time he pass with her alone were the seven hours that sleep at night. And then is when she got to realize that all the activities her husband did she was not included. Training, hunting, fishing, exploring, and dragon discoveries, were activities she could do (at her own human pace) but she was never asked to participate. And at that moment the thought that maybe Goku was not interested in pass time with her made its home in Chichi's mind.

The housewife's thinking train stopped when the phone rang. Standing up from the kitchen table, Chici rushed to the device before she missed the call. "Hello?"

"Hey Chichi, it's me."

"Oh, Hi Bulma." She said recognizing the voice on the other side of the phone. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing pretty good. Listen, I was thinking since this weekend our kids are going with Videl to her father's resort, that we could have double date at my place, something simple like a nice and romantic dinner at my place. What you think?"

Chichi stood quiet for a moment, contemplating the idea. A nice dinner as a double date didn't sound that bad. It would be nice to have some time with Goku. Even though with her sons away, she would be cleaning the house and do the weekly grocery shopping, while Goku would be out training or visiting dragons. With a huge excitement the black haired woman agreed to the dinner, with the hopes of reconnect with her husband.