–I do not own harry potter or transformers-

Since becoming master of death, Maria Potter left the wizard world. Things had been fun and all but the attention was horrible, fan's were a hairline from being classed as crazy stalkers and men wanted her hand at every turn for either money or fame, oh and the unspeakable wanted to DISSECT HER!. So no, she didn't want to stay there very much longer than she had too.

She made a deal with the goblins (basically giving them a lot of money) they hooked her up with a muggle bank ran by them. She got a credit card and other bank stuff and booked it to America, a place so dame big it's near impossible to find one witch, plus the Americans magical minister welcomed any magical that came from 'such an outdated place, so medieval'.

So 1999 she brought a house on West 25th Street, West Adams, midtown Los Angeles. Neighbors with the Witwicky's who have a very creative 9 year old child, often babysitting him and playing Pokemon most of the time. Ah yes, electronics. She had missed them, sure she never used them when she was a kid, as if her relatives would let her have fun. Now she seemed addicted to them, so much so she- somewhere along the line- became a hacker. She would be arrested if those in law caught her due to what's she done already and who's databases she's been in. Funny though, hero in one world and a criminal in another.

–8 years later-2007-

Maria quickly saved her game and glanced at the clock.

"Who the fuck knocks at midnight" she said aloud. Signing as she rolled out of bed, a quick glance at the mirror entangled locks and near black bags from late night's of gaming.

"Who- what Sam. What- why are you-" "my car's being stolen. Help!" before she knew it she was running barefooted down the street.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" she said running after the boy.

When they arrived to where ever it was that crazy car took them she was bent over panting and cold, which is what you do feel after running and being dressed in her shorts and a too big spider-man hoddie. Also, she felt pain on her feet from running without shoe's on and into a junk yard. She'd thanked death for the fact she couldn't get diseases since famine was forbidden from touching her as death ward.

Looking up at the car, 'noo wait that's not a car. Oh shit, how cool is that. Forget unicorns, that's a real robot' Sam was looking at her weirdly. Wait didn't he just make a video of him saying goodbye and something about porn magazine, he's not allowed to judge her like that.

"I said that out loud didn't I. Anyway, your cars a robot and I'm cold, let go home 'Kay" with much protesting they left the junk yard.

-Next day-

Maria signed as she woke up again to knocking on her door again, she went to the front door and opened.

"It's... oh, it 9am already. OK what do you want...officer. Eye's up here" the last part came out strained.

"Good morning miss, you'll have to come with me now." the guy cuffed her and shoved her in a car, right next to a familiar face.

"Morning Sam"

-Police department-

'Well this is fun' Maria thought 'Sam tells them I was with them and I get dragged into this. Why didn't I go to Canada' looking at these two's like watching a tennis match. Ron looked a little peeved he was even here.

"Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up." Sam explained, sounding quite done with this guy.

"It just stood up. Wow. It's really neat. Okay, chiefie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy. What are you two rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?" really, he thought Sam and she was doing drugs.

"He isn't lying, I mean you can do a lie detector on both of us" she said, putting in her two cents

"See! And no, we're not on any drugs." signed Sam.

"What's these? Found it in your pocket. [sniff] Mo-Jo. Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mo-Jo?" Maria felt the need to punch this guy, however looking at the man's twitching she had an idea.

"Those are my dog's pain pills." Sam said, sounding a tad bit frustrated
"You know, a chihuahua. A little..." as on was about explain a chihuahua, Sam's eye's flickered to the gun that really seemed to be a unfair and unneeded intimidation tactic.

"What was that?" obviously the plan was to make Sam looks at it then, 'pathetic' she sneered inwardly. Maybe she'd hack the police later and plant drugs on him to get him fired.
"Huh?" poor Sam.

"You eyeballing my piece, Fifty Cents? You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it. 'Cause I promise you. I will bust you up." yea, she'll get him fired.

"Are you on drugs?" perfect, thank you for the opening Sammy boy.

"Actually he is, I've got a PHD in biology and biochemistry (as well as a few others) I've studied drug intake and the effects it does to someone. You sir are currently high from over dose of a mixture of medication from what I hear rattling in your desk. Did you know that what your feeling right now is not being 'high' what you're feeling is your body getting sick. You should never OD on medication. Having so many chemicals inside you is going to eat away at your inside and sooner or later you will end up in the hospital. You can get everything from seizures, brain damage and death." she smiled at him "better drink some water instead of beer and coffee"

Then the three of them left, the police department in a rush to get him to hospital and probably rehab. Then most likely fire him.

–next day-

She heard Sam outside her door, talking to that kid miles. Saving her game she tucked it into her bag and zipped it up, she always carried it as it had snacks in it as well as questionable things, like them glasses she got a year ago from Sam. Opening the door she saw him looking in horror, muttering something about Satan's camaro.

"Shit, Sam grab your bike, we gotta run." thankfully Sam listened to her went to grab his from the front lawn. Fuck sake. He picked up Judy's pink bloody bike. She signed and grabbed her own bike that was covered ninja turtles and began racing to catch up to the other. This time she was wearing shoes.

They were cycling till Sam spotted Mikaela and fell, really they were trying to escape for fuck sake.

"Hey Mikaela" she said, what she baby sat a lot of kids, and her dad didn't like her going on 'business meetings' that were to long and boring so he asked he to look after them in return he's check her car for her now and then for free. Oh look Sam's got the police.

"Hi Maria, what's this about a car following him?" she asked. Sam told her already huh.

"Yea, we saw it turn into a huge robot an-" a scream cut her of and she whipped around to see a police car roar, making Sam near wet himself.

"Oh- God! What is your problem, Sam?" Mikaela shouted.

" Okay, there's a monster right there! It just attacked me! Here he comes!" as suddenly Sam was shoving Mikaela in the car, the car door opened for the back seats. 'Might as well, not everyday you jump into a robot. Wait would this being considered as being eaten or penetrating, she'd ask later.' was that Pretty Handsome Awkward playing, hah, the car has humor.

Maria got comfortable as they drove, being chased by a robot car that looked like a police vehicle and listening to the screaming in the front seats. Soon though she found herself air born before landing butt first on the hard floor, shards of what ever slicing her legs open. The yellow car had turned into a robot again and was fighting another robot. Shit she better move it before she gets crushed.

She happened upon a sight that would have made her laugh if Sam wasn't about to be killed. A robot, small one at that was attempting to get information about Sam EBay account, those glasses. The glasses she brought of him as a joke for 30 dollars, she didn't mind paying so much, she made lot of money and wouldn't even notice 30 dollars missing.

She heard a whine then a clang and the sight of a small robot head roll off. Quickly thinking she summoned the body and head to herself and put it in stasis before putting it in her bag (yes, it's still attached) just in time as the yellow bot beat the fake cop bot. Without thinking she got into the front seat when it transformed into a car again. It just saved them, why wouldn't she trust it.

Ignoring Sam who was actually smooth for once, she focused on the car.

"Thanks for saving us, you were pretty awesome" she said, the car heated up a little and it's engine purred louder. Ahhh the car likes to be praised. But then Mikaela insulted the car and the other two were chucked out.

"Thanks for not chucking me out too. By the way, are you OK. Did you get any serious injuries fighting the other bot" she asked, concerned for the yellow bot.

"Not to-badly" he answered via radio.

The car beeped again and played an upbeat tune, doors opened to show two disbelieving faces, huh car must have done something.

The camaro took the teens and immortal being to an observatory, where they watched in awe as four meteors entered Earth's atmosphere, Maria saw Mikaela instinctively reached out for Sam's hand. She smirked, love was such a fickle thing made during the worse time, now she felt like a third wheel along with the car.

They were then escorted to an abandoned alley, which eww she needed a shower, where they met the biggest surprises of them all: Four other cars transformed into robots. The huge guy, obviously the leader spoke first

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" the probably leader asked

"They know your name." Mikaela whispered

"What did you do Sam" she asked, mostly to her self.

"Yeah?" Sam near squeaked

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." huh. Optimus prime, it fit.

"But you can call us Autobots for short." he looked like a medic, probably like miss Pomfrey

"Autobots." Sam said, voice cracking slightly

"What's crackin', little bitches?" the skinnier silver one said.

"My first lieutenant." leader said

"Hyah!" lieutenant said, giving a wave

"Designation Jazz." cool name

"This looks like a cool place to kick it." jazz said

"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?" Sam asked, looking a little freaked out.

"Probably the web" she answered. "Bad idea, the WWW is messed up. I'm sure someone wants to destroy the world because of the Internet."

"Yes, We have indeed learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web- "told ya"-. My weapons specialist, Ironhide." he introduced

"You feeling lucky, punks?" he smirked at them

"Easy, Ironhide." Optimus ordered

"Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons." he grinned packing his weapons away

"By any chance did you get that from the movie 'the mask" she inquired, looking up at the bulky silver autobot.

"yes I did human" he replied, looking proud that someone noticed his quote.

"Our medical officer, Ratchet" the leader said pointing at the green yellow bot.

"Mmm. The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female." Ratchet announced, much to the two teens embarrassment


"The other female is injured on her thighs and back. Turn around" he said bending down to see her closer, turning around it revealed the back of her legs to be a mess of blood, skin and materials not meant in the body.

"Oh-Maria why didn't say anything. You need a doctor" Sam hissed at her.

"tis but a scratch. Now what's this ball of sunshine and adorableness called" she asked pointing at the yellow bot.

"This is your assigned guardian, Bumblebee." Optimus said
"Bumblebee, right?" Sam question.
"Check out the rep, yep, second to none-" bumblebee chirped out

"So you're my guardian, huh?"
[electronic squeal]

"Your soo cute, really bumblebee suits you so well!" The bot turned bashful for a moment before the medic pulled him over to check his vocals

"His vocal processors were damaged in battle." he analyzed as bee gave cough

"I'm still working on them." he told them

When Mikaela asked them what they were here for Optimus went into story mode, and she sat next bee's foot, her legs were hurting a little as they healed.

"We are here looking for the AllSpark. And we must find it before Megatron." he explained

"Megawhat?" Sam asked.

"Our planet was once a powerful empire. Peaceful and just. Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars." he showed a hologram of a mean looking bot, it growled at them.

"Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him." the hologram growled again

"Oh- My grandfather." Sam stared at Optimus, waiting for more.

"It was an accident that intertwined our fates, Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system and the coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses." he explained

Suddenly, maria had a bad feeling and she summoned the glasses. However, she needed to get the body of the decepticon out her bag and wrap up her legs, she'd just tell them the glasses where at home.

"How did you know about his glasses?"
"Ebay." Optimus said
"eBay." Sam nodded

"If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army." the medic said.

"And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival." pressure much.

"Please tell me that you have those glasses." Mikaela begged

"No, I don't I gave the away to. Wait I gave them to you didn't I maria?" Sam said, and suddenly all eye's/optics where on her.

"Yea, but there at home in my bedside draw" she lied, heart skipping a beat.

"Then let's get shakin to your pad!" jazz whirled before transforming into Pontiac Solstice GXP.

Optimus signed "Autobot's roll out."