Alright so check it.

If there's one thing I hate on this site it's writers who start stories and then never finish them. When they promise they are gonna finish a story, then never do. They disappear without a trace. Never put out any updates and never say a word.

I also hate hypocrites.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Oh right, I'm one of them. I'm one of them pretty hard.

Sorry about that.

But I've kinda moved on, I guess? I've moved on to drawing and making my own comic, which is showing a lot of promise. My teachers, friends and even random people, who I pester into reading it say, it's good after telling me to go away and never talk to them again.

Anyways, I'm kinda saying I've lost interest in writing fanfics, moved on to making my own story. One that I'm really passionate about, and I can't really focus on other people's stuff (not that there's anything wrong with not having your own story, I just want to focus 100% on developing my own world).

That and I'm very lazy. Look how long it took me to get this message out.

At first I was just gonna leave this account quiet and hope the few people who read my stories would forget about them. But that didn't happen. Every so often I'll get a review or a PM about it, and I feel guilty. So I've decided to post this on my stories to give you guys some closure.

Not trying to jerk myself off, I don't have many people looking at my stories, but for the few that do, believe me I've heard your cries of 'yo finish the story boi'.

I've seen people put stories up for 'adoption' before on here, I don't really know how it works but I guess I can do that. Whether it's by me sending you the files or you just rewriting it entirely on your account. PM me if you are interested in adopting one of my stories.

I may write more in the future, I love writing and could always use the practice. There are tons of story ideas that I have always wanted to see on here but haven't. So I may come back with a story or two every so often.

If you are for some reason interested enough to see what I'm up to nowadays here's my DeviantArt ( lordswiggity . DeviantArt .com) be sure to delete the spaces.

Thank you to everyone who gave my stories a chance and gave feedback. I really appreciate it. Most of my stories were horrible and cringy, a few were decent. I've learned a ton both from reading fanfics and writing them. And I'm incredibly great-full for that.