Henry comes in with a shy smile.


Regina's hands grip the sheets tight, her nerves getting the best of her.

"Henry." She swallows. She knows he was here earlier but that could have just been the heat of the moment. She is fine now, and once he realizes that she is sure he'll leave.

He decides to walk up and climb in the bed again. Regina stiffening and scooting over. He ignores her and scoots into her side, handing her something.

She is scared to look down. Maybe it's paper work to undo the adoption, maybe it's a letter asking her to leave town and go with Emma back to Boston. She spends too long thinking, as her son bumps her arm.

"Mom, read it. It took me awhile."

Regina looks at him then looks down.

The front says 'I'm Sorry'. Regina is scared to open it. Smaller hands lightly open the card.

One side has a drawing on it. Of a fairytale book and a queen. Henry was always very good at drawing. Regina looks up at him and he smiles encouragingly. The other side of the card is a small novel. She starts to read.


I am sorry about the card incident, I know it has been a while but I still feel I should apologize. I never knew how much I would miss you until the last night. It really scared me. I saw what my life would be like without you, without the evil queen, and I didn't like it. When you didn't remember me I realized that once upon a time, I was pretty damn lucky. Ok I know you don't like it when I swear but I mean it. Remember that day I snuck a duck inside the house and hid it in my room? I remember you telling me it needed to go home because its family missed it? I realize my family will always include you. Emma doesn't give hugs like you, she doesn't know how to help me when I am sad, but she is an amazing mom. Just she's not my mom, more like my ma. A fun mom, who lets me play video games and eat candy, please forget I said that. But you know what, you're pretty amazing. I am sorry the world has been mean to you. Maybe me and Emma can help? She has been taking good care of you, I think you like her. Anyway I am so happy you're ok mom, I never want to know what my life would be like without you again. So fight to stay around ok? Oh and here is a card for the one I ruined. Hope you like it. I drew a storybook and you, and an apple!



Henry Daniel Mills

There are tears running down Regina's face, she tries to speak but no words come out. She leans her forehead against her sons. Something they have not done since he was little. She leans in a moment later and kisses the tip of his nose, he has not allowed her to do so in a while. But he does today.

Emma wanders into the café and grabs a mixed Kale and chicken salad and a pastry. She knows Regina likes sweets and now realizes how special they are to her. Her father risked her mother's rage to bring her one.

Emma wanders back to the room and hears Henry retelling Regina stories of herself the night before but in a fun light.

"Yeah mom, you came this close to hitting grandma's bird painting with your tea! She would have killed you!" Regina rolled her eyes.

"That painting is grotesque." Stopping when she looked up and saw Emma in the doorway.

"Food for one Regina Mills."

Henry moved from the bed so Emma could bring the tray over.

Emma smiles at the card when she lays out the food and watched tears collect in brown eyes when Regina saw the pastry.

She could not find her words so mouthed thank you at the blond. Emma lightly kissing her head.

Henry watched amazed.

"So Mom…when is Emma moving in."

Regina dropped her fork, and Emma whipped around, "What kid?"

Henry gestured to the door, "Gold said it was true loves kiss. So…"

Emma stiffened. Regina tried to fill the silence.

"Emma, if you would like we could…try this thing…or not?" Emma heard Regina grow scared.

Emma turned to her.

"Regina don't stress I just want you to be happy. Don't force yourself to do anything."

Henry smiled, "I'll uh let you guys talk."

Regina picked at the sheets.

"I'm… a bit…apprehensive of being…alone, still." Emma saw how vulnerable the brunette was being, she was taking a chance. Regina didn't open up to others easily.

Emma moved her tray a bit.

"I promised you I wouldn't leave you alone."

Regina grabs her fork to take a bite of her food.

"Good. But Mifflin, I will not be staying in that tiny apartment. And you will have your own room of course…" Emma rolled her eyes.

"Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong Idea."

"Of course dear."