Hi Everyone I am so sorry about the delays in this story as well as the promises I keep breaking about them not happening anymore, when I started this story I swore I would never be that writer who starts a story but doesn't finish, but now looking back on it I get it, life happens as it did with me and things get in the way of writing. Plus a few month back I was bored one night and I started rereading the story and while I loved the story idea I hated the way I wrote parts and decided that needed to be rewritten and I begin not only trying to finish Chapter 17 but rewrite all the other chapters as well. An with Monday's news I have also been struggling with what to do, part of me wants to change the story and another wants scrap the story all together since I'm not sure if I can write about a little girl with leukemia knowing Joe/Roman is fighting his own battle with it.

I like a majority of the WWE universe was crushed at Joe/Roman's news. It has taken me this long just to try and put into words what Roman/Joe means to me and I'm still not sure I can. A quick back story, unlike most wrestling fans I didn't fall in love with this entertainment as a kid. We didn't have the action figures or the pillow buddies, it was quite the opposite in fact, we only saw bits of wrestling from my aunt, uncle, and cousin who followed it. My sister got into in high school during the Attitude Era so I knew the basics and could point out major stars if asked. In around 2012 friends of mine invited me (only cause they wanted my sister) to go with them to watch the Royal Rumble at a local bar (it was a pre network era) so I tagged along and after learning about how the Rumble worked I was into it. I continued to go watch big events with them for the next year or so until I moved 9 hours away for work. Alone in a new state was hard enough but I missed my friends and family so when Rumble came around that year I ordered it watched it alone in my living room just to have a sense of normalcy. It was that night that really got into wrestling and that night I made a connection with Roman Reigns (even though I had been brainwashed into wanting Batista to win lol still regret that choice a little), after that night I remember a few times googling him and the rest of Shield to learn about them. Because of my job I never got to watch Raw so I just continued on with my boring life, until WM30 when I got so invested in a few of the stories that I had know what happened next, from that day forward I've never stopped watching. Shortly after that I lost my job and had to move back home, the stress of no job and moving took its toll but I could always count on WWE and Roman Reigns to be there to give me a place even for just a few hours to get my mind off things and forget my problems. I finally found a job and life was doing good until a year later and my dad got very ill, again Roman Reigns was were I found my courage to stay positive during the hard days as well as my escape from reality when I needed it. Thinking about the last 5 years or so I also realize that at some point after watching countless WWE specials, interviews and everything else that I had not only made a connection with Roman Reigns but with Joe Anoa'i as well. Like I said before I don't think I can put into words how I feel about him without sounding like a crazy person, he means the world to me cause I don't know who I would be today without him or how I would have gotten though my darkest days without that distraction.

Keep saying prayers for him and sending good vibes and wishes to him and his family. If anyone can beat cancer twice its our Samoan Superman!