Hello, my lovelies! So, I am finally back with an update and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Enjoy!

Caroline heard faraway voices calling out her name and though she tried to answer, she couldn't. Her eyes were unfocused and she felt as though she was in a daze. Her shoulder ached and the pain was so bad that she couldn't comprehend what else was going on.

She moved her ankle and winced as a coursing pain shot through her veins. It seemed she had injured both her shoulder and ankle.

"Over here," she called out weakly as she tried to stand up. Though she was able to place her right leg on solid ground, she wasn't so lucky with her left leg. Her ankle throbbed and her shoulder did as well. The pain combined and made her feel dizzy.

She sat back down on the ground and called out again.

A few seconds later, Kol and Klaus were standing before her and she looked between them.

"Caroline? Are you alright, my lady?" Klaus asked as he settled beside her.

"My- my right shoulder a- and my left ankle. They hurt."

"Carey, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I didn't mean to anger you." Kol told her as he sat down beside her and took ahold of her hand.

"What did you do?" Klaus asked as he through a thunderous look in his younger brother's direction.

"I brought something up that I shouldn't have." Kol confessed.

With a shake of his head, Klaus bent down and picked his wife up. He cradled her against his chest and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Everything will be okay." He told her. "I'll take you back to the manor and then I'll make sure to call for the physician. How's that sound?"

"Heavenly," she admitted, thankful that she didn't have to waste any of her own energy. She shut her eyes and let herself be cradled in her husband's arms. She knew that what they had was a marriage of convenience, but at that moment all she wanted to do was pretend. Pretend like everything was okay. Pretend like he actually loved her and didn't marry her only because he felt duty bound to follow through with a dying girl's wish.

With a sigh, she tried to clear her mind of those thoughts, but it seemed that was to no avail.

Memories kept on assailing her and eventually she welcomed the sweet mercy that was sleep.

Caroline awoke to a hand on her ankle and looked around confused. How was it that she had gotten back to her bedchamber? And who in the world was touching her ankle?

The blonde lifted her head and spotted a bespectacled man in his thirties. He was moving his hands over her ankle and she winced when he touched an especially tender spot.

Then, Caroline remembered her fall and how Klaus had picked her up. She didn't remember anything after that, but she assumed that that had to do with the fact that she fell asleep.

"Sir?" Caroline said, trying to sit up but wincing when she felt an ache in her shoulder.

"My lady, you really should just lean back. I am trying to determine whether you simply sprained your ankle or worse."

"It feels like worse." She mumbled under her breath as she leaned back, making sure not to lay down on the shoulder that was throbbing.

"From what I can tell, you did not break your ankle, but you did sprain it. I'm afraid you'll have to be on bed rest for at least the next fortnight."

"Fortnight!? Surely, that is not right, Doctor?"

"It is but rest assured, it is not as bad as usual. If you were to sprain your ankle more, you'd have to be on bed rest for about a month."

"Oh my," the blonde said aloud.

"As for your shoulder, I say try and lean on your other side and put on some hot compresses on your injured shoulder. In a couple of days, it should be good as new."

"Okay," she said. "Thank you,"

"You are most welcome. Now I am going to go and reassure your husband that you are going to be fine. He's been worried sick ever since I got here."

"Really?" Caroline asked, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"Yes, he must love you very much." The doctor said before he nodded at her and turned on his heel. He left her bedchamber and Caroline sighed and wondered what it is that she was going to do for the next fortnight.

Klaus stood outside Caroline's bedchamber with a glass of scotch in his hand and paced back and forth nervously. He hoped that Caroline was going to be okay and if she wasn't then he would never forgive himself. Perhaps they didn't have a love match, but he genuinely liked her as a person and she was his wife after all…

"My lord," the doctor said as he came out of the bedchamber.

"Doctor Stratlam, will my wife be alright?" He asked as he held onto his glass tightly.

"Other than her sprained ankle and injured shoulder, she'll be alright, my lord. However, your wife will need to remain in bed for the better part of the coming fortnight in order to fully heal her ankle. The pain in her shoulder should go away within a couple of days, but please make sure that she uses hot compresses at least twice a day."

"Of course," he nodded. "Is there anything else?"

"I'm afraid there can be no marital activities in the next week or so. Your wife needs to rest, after all."

A blush appeared on Klaus's cheeks and he cleared his throat before he gave the doctor a stiff nod.

"Noted." He told him. "Thank you, doctor. My butler will show you out and I will have your payment ready by tonight. Shall I send it over or would you like to come and pick it up yourself?"

"I will come on the morrow, my lord. I'd like to check on your wife after all."

"Of course," he nodded. "Thank you again."

"You are welcome, my lord. Good day to you."

"Likewise," Klaus said and the man moved towards the staircase.

When the doctor was out of sight, Klaus gathered himself before he knocked on Caroline's door.

"Come in," she called out, sounding tired.

Klaus entered the bedchamber and moved towards her.

"How are you feeling, my lady?" He asked as he went over and stood beside the bed.

"Just fine, my lord." She reassured even though both her shoulder and ankle throbbed.

"Truly?" He asked, not quite believing her considering that her face was pale and there were bags under her eyes. She looked exhausted and in pain and he didn't like how that made him felt.

"Well, maybe a little tired." She confessed as a small smile appeared on her lips and she tried to shrug, but winced.

"Do not over exert yourself, my lady. Shall I call for some tea? Would you care for some?"

"Some hot chocolate would be lovely." She said as a blush appeared on her lips.

"Of course, of course. I shall be back before you know it." He told her before he excused himself and made his way down to the kitchen.

Soon thereafter, he reappeared in her bedchamber with a tray that carried two cups of hot chocolate and some pastries that Cook had made fresh that morning.

He placed it on her bedside table and pulled up the chair that was tucked into her writing desk.

Once he was seated, he handed her the cup of hot chocolate and she thanked him.

"So, my dear… How is it that you were thrown from your saddle?"

"Honestly, I am not sure. I fear I may have gotten does reacted with thoughts that were better left alone."

"Ah, I see. I had to admit it, but this has happened to me as well once or twice."

"Truly?" She asked as her bright blue eyes widened. "I did not know that."

"I am not proud of it, but there it is. I find that it is better to seat my stallion on a clear head. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have broken my neck ages ago."

With a light chuckle, she nodded before she slowly sat up in her bed. He stood up and helped her, placing his hand on her uninjured shoulder.

"Thank you, my lord."

"Call me Klaus, please." He said unsure of himself.

"Of course, but only if you call me Caroline."

"I would love to, Caroline." He smiled as he squeezed her hand.

She smiled at him and felt herself falling in love with him all over again. Why did their relationship have to be so complicated, she wondered… Why couldn't they just have a marriage based on love?

Probably because he loves your sister, a little voice in her head said.

Shaking such thoughts from her mind, she took a sip of hot chocolate and moaned I'm delighted. It tastes divine and so rich that she couldn't get enough.

"Wonderful, isn't it?" He asked clearing his throat and moving on the chair slightly trying to get more comfortable.

"Perfect," she nodded.

"Try a peach tart." He said. "If I remember correctly, it is your favorite."

"It is," she said, shocked that he would remember her favorite pastry. "And if I'm not mistaken, your favorite is the berry tart,"

"It is indeed." He smiled as he took the peach tart and handed it to her on a plate.

Caroline thanked him and placed the plate on her bed before she reached for a berry tart and placed it on a plate.

She smiled at him and he took the plate with a smile of his own on his full lips.

He truly was one of the most handsomest of men that she had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on…

Klaus and Caroline took bites out of their tarts and both smiled as the different fruit played with their taste buds.

"Cook is truly a treasure." Caroline said as she took another bite.

"I got very lucky." He told her. "She comes from France and she knows the kitchen like the back of her hand."

"She is absolutely wonderful."

"Mhm," he nodded as he chewed.

When they were finished with the hot chocolate and pastries, Klaus stood up and adjusted her pillows so she would be more comfortable.

"Thank you, Klaus. I appreciate your company, but surely you have work of your own? I would hate to hold you."

"That isn't important, love. All that is important is you." He reassured her before he stood up and walked over to her desk.

He reached for a blank piece of paper and the inkwell.

He then sat back down and began sketching.

"Do you draw, Caroline?" He asked, wondering if she did.

"I'm afraid not," she answered. "However, I am wonderful at mathematics." The blonde confessed.

"Really? I find that particular subject to be one that I cannot wrap my head around no matter how many times I have tried."

"Is that so?" She wondered, truly shocked that he wasn't good at mathematics. After all, she always thought that he excelled in absolutely everything. It seemed that in her mind, he was the definition of perfection…

"Yes," he said as he nodded his head vigorously. "I've actually been looking for a bookkeeper these past few weeks. I have a steward, but Mr. Stuart is getting on in his years."

"Has he been with your family long?"

"Absolutely, he's been with us since before I was born."

"Wow," she said, the surprise evident in her voice. "If you are really in need of a bookkeeper, I'd be more than happy to help. Especially since I am to be on bed rest for the next fortnight."

"That sounds wonderful," he told her as his stormy blue-gray eyes lit up with excitement. "I would love to have your help."

"Then it is settled. I shall help you. If you'd like, I can start now?"

"No, no. Right now I want you to rest, Caroline. You've been through an ordeal and you deserve to rest."

"Okay," she replied as a yawn escaped her mouth. "I am tired." She confessed as he helped her get comfortable in the bed.

Caroline shut her eyes and a couple of minutes later, she fell asleep. Her breathing became even as she drifted into a comfortable darkness.

Klaus watched her with a small smile on his lips and then he looked back at the paper that he held and began his sketch...

There you have it, my dears! So, what you can expect in the next few chapters is Klaus and Caroline getting to know one another better. I hope this chapter was alright and enjoyable for you amazing readers :)

Please Leave Feedback!

~Hana :p