Ark Survival Evolved Crossover

I do not own Highschool of the Dead, or Ark: Survival Evolved.

Updated: 9/13/15

Now for the announcement...

Special Thanks:

Many thanks goes to Draco38 for serving as my beta reader for this story, a first for me. Not only did he catch numerous tiny grammar errors that could actually harm the out come of this chapter but he even gave me some important footnotes that are much appreciated and will help me to avoid less errors in the future.

Prologue: A World Lost In Time

Fatigue, the soreness in his bones and the scorching heat of the mid-morning sun on his bare back was all he could feel. The cries of sea birds overhead and the whooshing of ocean waves could be heard all around him.

He was on a beach. But the question was where. What happened? One moment he was on a cruise ship in the middle of the Pacific then the rumbling started. The deep blue waters of the ocean churned and swirled as a massive metallic triangle with three different colored tips rose from the waters below the ship. The front tip of the triangle was blood red; the bottom left end was a deep glowing blue and the right angle a luminescing green. It was like a gigantic version of a musical triangle but with multicolored glowing lights and the ability to fly.

The triangle levitated high above the ship and suddenly a swirling purple portal erupted to life in its center. At first nothing happened, then he felt the wooden deck of the ship lift beneath his feet as the portal began to suck him inside. He could see other people, all of whom were screaming and some even tried to help hold him down as he levitated further and further away from them until they were nothing more than tiny spec's on an even smaller looking boat.

Then, everything went blank.

Now, he was on a beach, in a place he didn't even recognize.


He peaked his eyes open; a small blurry figure blocked the sun from his eyes. It stood over him, cocking its bird shaped head curiously as he began to close them felt too weak to even open them again; his head hurt like hell and his entire body was sore. Not to mention he was lying on something firm and gritty. Sand obviously.

He winced as a blunt pointed object jabbed him in the side of the head. Feeling a little more strength return to his body, mainly due to the irritation he felt at being poked, he weakly peaked his eyes open. Looking up he squinted at the overshadowing figure. Waiting for the world to stop spinning, he tried to get a better look at the unknown creature

Once everything had finished swirling and all the numerous shapes merged into one. He widened his eyes. It… was a bird. At least, it looked like a bird. Standing over his head staring down at him with a goofy looking expression on its face, was a little chubby grey fowl with a mask of bare orange skin topped off with a large thick black beak. It was no bigger than a medium sized dog, and just as curious too as it pocked him on the forehead with its big beak.

"Hey! Fuck off you little shit!" the stranded young man growled. Shooing away the feathered annoyance with his left hand, he froze at the sight of a diamond shaped crystal object encrusted in his left wrist. Panic welled up inside his chest as he began to dig and scratch at the newly realized bodily appendage. It wouldn't budge, in fact every jerk he made while he clasped the crystal with his fingers pulled his arm with it. It was perfectly fused with his body.

While he was busy trying to remove the infused crystal from his arm, the earth beneath his feet began to vibrate. A loud booming noise followed right behind him. Whirling around, he narrowly jumped out of the way as a massive tree trunk like foot slammed down where he was last standing.

Staggering away from the massive foot, he froze. His mouth gapped open in awe.

A dinosaur. A real life, honest to goodness dinosaur was steadily walking past him. Well, the front end of it at least. It still had another 50 or so odd feet of hind quarters and waving whip like tail. The creature had a long, streamline neck that supported a rather small head with lifted nostrils. The dinosaur was one of those long neck dinosaurs. A Brontosaurus.

The skin of the beast was oily smooth, and a rich brown in coloration. The skin gave off a white glare from the beating rays of the sun as it lumbered along the sandy beach, ignoring the numerous little grey birds scrambling to get out of its way. Mainly out of the way of its massive feet.

Staring past the lumbering titan, he widened his eyes at the sight of the tropical place. Palm trees and brush were lined along the shoreline and driftwood was scattered along near the water. Taking in the sights and sounds, the young man stifled a shaky sigh. He started walking towards god knows where. The numbness in his legs all but lifted away as he walked along the sand.

One thing was for sure though. He definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore.