Disclaimer: I do not own SGA or the characters.

A/N: This is a pre-ship/friendship piece focused on John and Jennifer

"What's going on?" John asked as his team stepped through the gate into the carnage that was the control room.

"Colonel welcome back." Woolsey said jogging down the steps. "Our allies on MX-876 suffered a bad Earthquake, well planet-shake I guess, we have just finished with the rescue mission."

"How bad?"

"Scores dead, more injured. The population has been temporarily moved to our delta site. Major Lorne is there now running the site. When the aftershocks have completely died down we will help rebuild. Dr Keller should be up any minute with her report. Assuming anyone can find her."

"What does that mean?" John questioned.

"Just that she was meant to report here as soon as she returned. That was fifty minutes ago."

"And that doesn't concern you?" John asked.

"It was by all accounts a very difficult rescue operation. She worked for three days straight and despite that lost many patients including children. I imagine she needs a bit of time." Woolsey said. "But if you could check up on her whilst you go to your post-mission check up I would be grateful."

"No problem." John said.

"Assuming there is not an Armada heading this way, perhaps we can debrief tomorrow?"

"Sure, the mission was a success and, as far as I know, we are not about to be attacked. Besides I'm sure McKay wants to spend time in the lab after being away a week." John said leading his team out of the control room.

"It is unlike Jennifer to miss a briefing." Teyla pointed out.

"She probably went to check how things were in the infirmary and fell to sleep at her desk." Rodney said.

"That definitely wouldn't be a first." John agreed as they entered the overcrowded infirmary, which made the control room look like a temple of tranquility.

"Higgs." John called to the Major.


"You've seen Keller?"

"Not since the mission Sir. She came back with Nolan."

"No she didn't." Nolan said from the gurney where he was being treated.

"What do you mean no she didn't?" John asked concerned.

"Well Sir, she thought she heard something from one of the collapsed buildings. We had a critical patient with us so she insisted we left. I radioed Jones and told him he was in charge of the doc."

"Crap." Higgs said.

"Major?" John growled.

"Jones was hit by a bit of falling debris and knocked out cold. We never got that message. We assumed Keller had left with Nolan as ordered."

"You assumed? Are you saying Keller is still on the planet?" John asked.

"It's a possibility." Higgs said trying to ignore the glare Ronon was giving him.

"Anyone else you forgot to bring back?" John snapped. "I want a full headcount done." He ordered before turning to his team and saying. "We need to get to that planet."


"Doc." John called as Rodney tried to get any of the technology working and Ronon and Teyla searched for clues. "Damn it. Where are you?" He asked no one in particular.

"We will find her." Teyla said approaching from behind.

"How can you be so sure? This place is desolate and unsafe. Right now there is no evidence she was ever here."

"We know she was here and although Jennifer has a knack for finding trouble she has an uncanny ability to escape. We will find her." Teyla assured him.

"This never should have happened." John said clambering over more debris before shouting. "Jennifer."

"No it shouldn't, but we will find her." Teyla said, not missing John's use of Jennifer's first name.

"How could they lose her? She's a person not a box of supplies." John ranted as he kept searching the debris. "Jennifer!"

"It was an accident." Teyla said as she heard something. Pausing she shut her eyes and listened. "Over there." She said pointing to another mound.

"Jennifer?" John bellowed rushing over.

"Sheppard!" Jennifer spluttered from someone under the debris.

"Doc, keep calling." John instructed as he waved the rest of his team over to help.

"Sheppard." Jennifer coughed from under a mound.

"We're coming." John shouted clawing at the debris as the others joined him.

"There." Ronon said. "Looks like a small crawl space."

"Jennifer?" John called. "Shout up to us."

"I'm down here." She shouted, although her words were interrupted with coughing.

"I think I can get through." John said before looking at Rodney and saying. "Grab a blanket and first aid kit." He then stared at the small gap and shouted.

"I'm coming through."

Just as he started to squeeze into the gap Teyla warned.

"Be careful John, it could still be unsafe."

"I'm always careful." John shrugged before disappearing, not hearing Teyla say.

"That's what I'm afraid of."


"You okay?" John asked as he slid into the small space seeing a dust covered Jennifer nursing a small child in her arms. "Is she..." John started to ask only for Jennifer to nod.

"She's alive, but she needs surgery."

"Is it safe to move her."

"Not really, but safer than her not having the surgery."

"Okay, let's get out of here then."

"That might be a problem." Jennifer said. "I'm kinda of trapped. Save her. I can wait."

"Okay, I'm going to take her back to the others and get them to take her back to Atlantis." As he lifted the girl into his arms he added. "I'll be right back."


True to his word John returned a few minutes later, this time with blankets, water and food. "The others have taken her back to Atlantis, backup should be here in thirty minutes so lets see if we can get you free before then." He said as he moved to Jennifer's side. It was then he realised she wasn't wearing her jacket. Instead it was covering a small body. Following his gaze Jennifer said.

"He didn't make it. The bleeding was too bad. I couldn't stop it." Hearing the defeat in her voice John felt his heartbreak for her.

"I know you did all you could."

"Didn't do any good." Jennifer said bitterly as she coughed.

"That little girl is alive because of you." He pointed out. "I know losing someone is hard, but right now we need to focus on getting you out of here. So any other injuries I should know about?"

Seeing Jennifer shake her head he asked. "How long ago did you get trapped?"

"No idea. But it doesn't matter. My leg isn't crushed, just trapped. If you can move the debris I can get out safely. I just wasn't strong enough to do it."

"You sure it isn't a crush injury?" John said, not wanting to do something with terminal consequences.

"I'm sure."

"Okay, then." John said moving towards her leg. "Lets see what we have." Not taking her word that her leg wasn't crushed he used the flashlight to ensure there was space around her leg before moving the first block. Content that he could free Jennifer and her injury did not require surgery he asked. "So before I start clearing this you want some water or food?"


"No problems." John smiled handing Jennifer a canteen. He watched Jennifer drink before going back to clearing the debris. Once cleared he asked. "You want to try moving?" He then carefully observed as Jennifer pulled her leg clear. "You doing okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine."

"You ready to get out of here?"

"Yeah, but can you take Ordin? He deserves a real burial." Seeing John hesitate she added. "I'm not going anywhere."

"It's not you moving I'm worried about. This could collapse at anytime."

"That's why it is better to be quick and not argue. I'll be fine. Take him and I'll make a start moving. Please."

"Okay." He conceded picking up the lifeless body. "I'll be back soon."


When he finally returned he helped Jennifer walk to the small escape route whilst looking for any signs of severe blood loss.

"I'm okay." Jennifer said, seeing what he was doing.

"No offence, but you don't look it." John said.

"Been a long day."

"Long three days." John pointed out. "But you're nearly home." He added as they reached the small gap."Okay, I am going to squeeze through the gap first and then you follow. I can pull you along if necessary." John instructed.

Finally out in the fresh air John carefully supported Jennifer as he led her away from danger. Deciding they had gone far enough he helped lower her to the ground and in the sunlight started to take in her appearance. Her clothes were torn and the skin that was exposed was either red or bleeding. Her head and hands were caked in dust, which seemed to stick to her because of blood. Her eyes had a vacant look to them.

"Anything I can treat here?" John asked kneeling by her side.

"It can wait."

"Don't trust my first aid skills?" John asked feigning hurt before noticing that she was trembling.

"You cold?" He asked wrapping one of the emergency blankets round her.

"Sixteen." She said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Sixteen what?" John asked confused.

"Sixteen children died here."

Looking at her he knew she was on the verge of breaking down but had no idea how to help. Knowing words were meaningless he pulled her into him and held her as she cried.

"Sorry." She said finally pulling away avoiding eye contact.

"For what?" John asked. "Being human? Out here that is a valued trait. You'll get through this." He assured her before pulling her back into his arms. "I've got you."


"Colonel?" Jennifer asked as she opened her eyes and saw him sitting next to her.

"Right here. How are you feeling?"

"Ok. Thirsty. Where am I?"

"Back on Atlantis, in the infirmary." John said as he held a straw to her lips.

"How? When?"

"We got back about ten hours ago."

"Can't believe I slept through it."

"Well I guess you needed the rest." Seeing she was attempting to get out of bed he asked. "What are you doing?"

"The infirmary was short staffed before all the new arrivals. I need to get back to work."

"Slow down doc, you aren't going to be working for a few days." He said. Seeing her confusion he pointed to her hands that were wrapped in bandages. "That's just for starters. Next time I ask if you have any injuries I need to know about, lower the threshold for need."

"They're just minor wounds." Jennifer said.

"Interestingly Dr Cole has a different take on that." John said. Seeing Jennifer was still adamant about escaping he added. "You need to take it easy. It has been a long few days for you."

"It's been a long few days for everyone. Right now I just need a shower and some sleep."

"I tell you what, I will take you back to your quarters, using a chair, where you can grab a shower and I will go grab some food. If you eat it all you can spend the night in your own bed. Else you are back here."

"Fine." Jennifer agreed sliding out of bed.

"Easy there." John said noticing her wobble. "Your ankle is going to be sore for a few days." He added as he helped her sit in a chair before putting a blanket round her. "Let's go."

"Hang on. This is too easy." Jennifer said suspiciously. "Have you been conspiring with my team?"

"Maybe, but you are out and have already agreed to the conditions of release." John smiled as he wheeled Jennifer to her room.

"Marie dropped off extra dressings earlier so you can change them after your shower." John said as he pushed her into her quarters. "Okay, lets get you up." He said moving to stand in front of the chair, worried but impressed that Jennifer was already standing, albeit slightly unsteadily. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just need a shower."

"So you need any help?" John asked.

"With my shower?"

"Yeah, no, I meant in general. I'm going to grab the food. I'll be back in twenty." John said looking embarrassed.

Having watched John leave Jennifer carefully took off her scrubs and all the dressings and climbed into her shower allowing the remnant dust and dirt to wash off. As she washed she started to have flashbacks to the last few days. She saw every patient she had lost, every body uncovered and the sadness in the survivors eyes. Feeling herself becoming overwhelmed she took a deep breath and tried to bury her sadness. Knowing John would return soon she bit back her feelings of remorse and guilt and carefully dressed.


"Doc, you okay?" John called from her doorway when he finally returned with a tray of food.

"Fine." Jennifer called, her voice muffled by holding a some tape in her mouth.

As John walked in he couldn't help but laugh at the scene before him as Jennifer was trying and failing to bandage her hands. When Jennifer glared at him he laughed harder. "Sorry doc, it is just that the last time I saw someone make a big a mess of applying dressings was when Ronon was practicing on himself. You want me to get Marie?" Seeing her shake her head he said. "Well that only leaves one option. Me." Moving towards her he placed the tray on the night stand then sat next to her on the bed and picked up a dressing. "Don't worry I have had plenty of practice." John said before wincing when he saw how cut up Jennifer's hands were.

"Your bedside manner sucks." Jennifer said. "You are meant to reassure the patient not pull faces."

"Coming from the woman who said she was going to play around with my insides." John said wrapping the hand.

"That was meant as a joke to help relax you." Jennifer protested.

"Well I suggest you don't give up your day job." John said finishing the first hand.

"Same can be said for you." Jennifer said examining the dressing.

"Hey, it does the job, it is keeping the area sterile and padded."

"I feel like I am wearing a boxing glove." Jennifer pointed out.

"I can take you back to the infirmary if you want." John pointed out.

"Sorry. I don't mean to be ungrateful." Jennifer apologised.

"Apology accepted." John said. "Question though, when have you worn boxing gloves?"

"Lorne attempted to teach me to box, to build up confidence."

"How'd that work out?" John asked finishing with the other hand.

"It ended is the best that can be said about it." Jennifer replied.

"I'm sure it was not that bad." John smiled before asking. "So what exactly did you do to your hands?"

"There was a lot of digging through debris."

"Which is why we have gloves." John pointed out.

"A lot of the casualties were in very cramped spaces. Every millimetre counted."

"Millimetre? You have been spending too much time round Rodney." John said finishing the second hand before asking. "Anything else you want patched up?"

"No, I did the rest before you came back."

"Food it is then." Seeing Jennifer's expression he reminded her. "You know the deal, food or infirmary."

"Fine I'll eat." Jennifer said as she attempted to pick up the fork, but with the bandages failed.

"Sorry." John said sheepishly. "My fault. Perhaps practical dressings aren't my thing." He then picked up the fork and stabbed some food before raising the populated utensil towards Jennifer. Seeing her raised eyebrows he explained. "You have to eat. Would you prefer me to fly it like a plane or a Puddle Jumper?"

"You do the noises as well?" Jennifer asked as she accepted the food.

"You want me to? I can do props and jets. Still working on the Jumper." John smiled as he loaded the fork again.

"Because you feed Rodney like this?" Jennifer asked causing John to scowl at her as she accepted the food.

"No, because Torren is as difficult as you." John said.

"Ahh." Jennifer said as she chewed.

"Ahh what?" John asked.

"That would explain Teyla's comment about your strange feeding customs."

"Strange feeding customs?" John asked helping Jennifer eat another mouthful. "Good to know I am the topic of your conversations." He grinned.

"You are all we talk about." Jennifer smiled back.

"So what do you say about me?" John asked.

"I can't remember." Jennifer replied. As she spoke John was sure he saw a hint of a blush. "So how was your mission?" She asked quickly.

"Long, tedious, I hate negotiations. Next time I think Woolsey should go. In fact seeing how much trouble you get into when I'm not around, you may offer me the perfect get out clause."

"Glad someone appreciates my bad luck." Jennifer replied, the sadness returned to her eyes.

"So how are you doing? Honestly." John asked as he placed the empty tray back down.

"Honestly, not great. I am going to be haunted by faces and images for awhile. I also feel tired and numb." Jennifer said. "Probably nothing a good night's sleep won't cure though."

"And when did you last get one of those?" John asked. "In fact have you ever had a good night's sleep since coming out here?"

"Yes." Jennifer said defensively before confessing. "But I did have to change my definition of good."

"Bet they didn't mention that in the brochure." John commented.

"Don't recall ever seeing a brochure." Jennifer said.

"So how did you end up out here?" He asked, curious about what had made Jennifer leave her comfort zone.

"Carson. When he was back on Earth for an IOA meeting he came to visit me and asked if I was happy and if I thought my work had meaning. Then offered me a challenge I'd never forget."

"Carson, king of the understatement." John smiled.

"He took credit for you being here as well." Jennifer smiled.

"Trying to kill me got my attention." John conceded. "But you do know that your work does have meaning here. A lot of people are still alive because of you."

"Doesn't make losing people any easier." Jennifer pointed out.

"No it doesn't. But just don't lose sight of the good you do. Use it as an anchor."

"I appreciate the pep talk, but I'm okay."

"No you're not." John said. "But I know you will be. Don't forget I am always here if you want to talk."

"Thank you. And I'm sorry for breaking down on you when we were on the planet."

"Nothing to apologise for. And my shoulder is always available. You want me to stay with you tonight at least until you get to sleep?"

"I'm okay. Really." Jennifer said. "But thanks for everything."

"Think nothing of it. Good night doc." He said as he kissed her forehead. "Sleep tight." With that he left her quarters wondering when and why he had started kissing his CMO goodnight.