Two months into the awakening of the Book, and the later winging of a very happy Homura, Izumo finally gained some normal residents. And one abnormal one courtesy of an embarrassed Vita who apparently felt sorry for what she thought was a fellow rabbit lover.

Minato Sahashi and his Sekirei Musubi quite literally fell from the sky without any warning. If they hadn't fallen into the tree, they might have been in for some very serious injuries.

As it was, Hayate had been outside looking at the stars and wondering which ones held new worlds to explore once the sick Game created by Minaka was finally over and done with.

She took one look at the people who fell from the sky before calling inside "Miya! Another pair just dropped in!"


She could see Zafira come up to guard Hayate in the event they proved to be dangerous.

Fortunately that wasn't necessary.

Minato, as it turned out, was a wimp. So much so that he hadn't even tried anything with his Sekirei yet, and was unlikely to unless Hayate or the residents of the inn wore down his resistance to the idea.

It was pretty clear Minato was an inexperienced fool who had never had a girlfriend in his life.

Though considering who his mother was (Homura and Signum had him investigated by the resident hacker/super pervert Matsu) that didn't surprise them in the least. It was a miracle that Signum was fine with him being a Host.

Though that was nothing compared to what happened when Vita came back after heading to the craft store for Hayate, who still wasn't cleared to walk that far.

"I'm back," said Vita. But it was the person behind her that had everyone staring.

"Another one?" said Uzume.

It was clearly a Scrapped Number, and one that had recently escaped. It was also wearing only a lab coat, a bloodied one at that.

She seemed...empty. Almost like the Wolkenritter the first few days they had ended up living in Izumo, at least until they realized Hayate was nothing like their previous masters. She listened to them, and treated them like family, or in the case of Zafira, a particularly intelligent pet that could talk.

Though Zafira was somewhat glad that it looked like Minato was going to stay. He was already hopelessly outnumbered by the women in the house as it was...he needed a male influence that wasn't the idiot known as Seo around, and Homura was too feminine to begin with.

Even if Homura did tend to gravitate towards Zafira when he got home from work, as if trying to shield himself from the overwhelming amount of estrogen in the inn.

While Zafira was musing on the fact that the 'male' population of Izumo was at least trying to make an effort to even out the balance of power, Vita had dragged Akitsu to Hayate, who was already making plans for costumes.

The woman who felt like the coldest glacier he had ever encountered didn't seem to mind at being turned into a living dress up doll. She just seemed happy that someone wanted her, and wasn't going to abandon her. The Knights could relate.

Uzume took the addition of the Scrapped Number with ease.

"You're really gatherin' a harem of women, aren't you Hayate-chan?" she said with open amusement.

"Soon, soon the world shall be forced to become my living dress up doll collection! Fufufufufu..." said Hayate, doing a disturbing imitation of Matsu when she was thinking something indecent. Miya shot the red-haired Sekirei a look.

It was pretty damn clear being around a shameless pervert like Matsu, along with the slightly exhibitionist Uzume was having an effect on the girl.

So long as she didn't start copying too much, Miya would ignore it. Homura already complained whenever he had to watch Uzume parade around in only a shirt and a pair of underwear.

If that meant another body would be sharing the almost cramped room with Hayate and Uzume, then so be it.

Vita already shared a room with Miya, while Shamal and Signum shared another. Normally Sekirei and Ashikabi shared the same room, but since she didn't want to tempt either Homura or Signum she assigned the two older females the same one since they didn't mind it.

Zafira got his own 'room' of a sorts in the form of a large dog house, which was attached to the main inn and acted as a rather discreet escape hatch which Seo made as a joke considering he originally helped Miya's husband Takashi renovate the inn. He also helped with the door to Matsu's room, so he did the same with the back end of the newly made dog house. Zafira appreciated the gesture, as it meant he could slip into the inn if there was any trouble without having to worry about an enemy seeing him.

As everyone settled in for the night, Zafira went to the tree the couple had crash landed in and gave it a sniff.

A weird surge of energy he had come to associate with Sekirei had been flowing in that tree. Except he was fairly certain the ditzy brunette called Musubi wasn't the origin of the power...she reminded him more of an air-headed Vita. All brute force and little to no tact.

A few days after Minato and his Sekirei moved into Izumo, (thus adding to the already slightly overcrowded) building.

At this rate they'd have to move into the house.

In any case, Zafira was out with Homura, since he had gotten a call from Takami about a powerful...and very young...Sekirei having been accidentally set loose. Number 108 was originally not scheduled to leave the lab until she was at least fifteen, and she was four years younger than Hayate!

So Homura had taken Zafira and Vita, reasoning that a child might react better to a friendly dog and a girl with a doll than they would another adult or Sekirei trying to get near them. The fact Hayate agreed was the only reason he went along.

Besides, Zafira could track the poor kid and hopefully keep her safe until her Ashikabi responded to her mental calls. And Vita could be his back-up.

Once he got them to the very outskirts of the forest Kusano had created with her power out of fear, the two went in, Zafira leading the way with his nose.

Kusano took one look at the surly looking Vita and the large size of Zafira and immediately tried to hide behind her plants. That is until Vita brought out a secret weapon.

One of the now many rabbit dolls Hayate had gotten for her once she realized Vita liked the furry creatures. Since she couldn't have a living one because they lived at the inn, this was the next best thing.

Kusano slowly got down from her branch, and once Vita gave her the doll, she hugged it like a lifeline.

"We're here until you find your real big brother or sister. Zafira and I will keep those other Sekirei or Ashikabi from winging you until they show up," said Vita.

Kuu looked at Zafira. He was pretty intimidating, especially with the armored claws. So he laid down on the ground and allowed Kusano to pet him. Once she did, she curled into his fur and stayed there.

Vita began a simple patrol around the clearing. Any Sekirei that tried to come and claim Kuu for their Ashikabi by force would meet a nasty surprise. Especially with Matsu keeping them updated from the house with a bunch of cameras she had Homura place around the area.

Vita couldn't help but muse on the odd arrangement they had come to with their new Master, the Sekirei and the Wolkenritter.

Homura, Uzume and possibly even Akitsu would spread the wireless cameras Matsu favored. She had started to buy the things in bulk at Hayate's suggestion since the book was awakened. Matsu, for all her perversion, was a strategist even Signum could admire. She could beat chess grandmasters within ten minutes or less.

From the cameras Matsu could keep everyone updated. Finding out that practically anyone could learn to use the same magic the Wolkenritter (and now Hayate) had, Matsu had dove into the idea with fervor.

Apparently all Sekirei had a Linker Core, hence why the newly renamed Reinforce was able to absorb them.

And the first spell Matsu mastered was communication.

Hayate, on the other hand, continued with her studies, focusing primarily on math. Since Reinforce awakened (though Hayate only had limited administrator rights at this point) her math skills had only improved in leaps and bounds.

With a constant and experienced eye on the battlefield, the Wolkenritter could act with a bit more freedom.

Though their tactics did change up a bit. Hayate was very firm on engaging anyone who decided to try something.

Everyone would work with a partner.

Homura and Signum, Shamal and Akitsu, Vita and Zafira.

Uzume and Matsu would stick close to Hayate, seeing as how they were more effective with her nearby. Besides, until Hayate and Matsu were able to recreate the many mecha animes they watched, Matsu was better off at directing the others than in the front lines.

It was nice having actual back-up that didn't hold your past against you.

Vita almost stumbled when she heard the explosion.

~Head's up...we got company and I don't think they're friendly,~ said Vita.

~I'll call Matsu and let her know, if Homura hasn't already,~ said Zafira.

While Vita patrolled the clearing, she left multiple wireless cameras around so Matsu could be their eyes once the fighting started over Kusano.

Twenty minutes after the explosion, Vita heard someone cursing about the overgrowth that kept making them trip.

A woman with a scythe crashed through the forest, and she looked pissed. But it was what was on her scythe that got Vita's attention.

Fresh blood.

~We got a Sekirei with a scythe coming in, and she's not a friendly. Looks like someone got on the wrong side of the blade. Take her deeper in while I cause a distraction,~ said Vita.

~This is Matsu. I've got an ID on that Sekirei. Number 43, Yomi. Ashikabi, Hayato Mikogami...he's one of Homura's repeat offenders. Her powers involve wind manipulation and she uses the scythe to deliver it.~

~Keep her visual and let us know if she tries an attack from behind or if anyone else comes in,~ said Vita.

~Already ahead of you. Seo and his group just showed up...and they're being joined with... Minato and Musubi? He didn't strike me as the type of person to care about adding to his flock.~

~Maybe Kusano is calling him?~ suggested Zafira. Now that he was close, he could identify Kuu-chan as the one who saved Minato and Musubi two days ago. It was possible that Minato was her Ashikabi.

~Ask her what her Ashikabi looks like to confirm,~ suggested Vita.

Zafira gave Kusano a bit of a shock when she found out he could talk, but she gave him a basic description that fit Minato fairly well.

~Confirmed, she called in Minato. I don't think she'd be up to winging until she's had a chance to recover and get cleaned up though,~ said Zafira.

Vita scowled, which wasn't too different than what her normal facial expression was. At least they weren't acting like bullies anymore.

Yomi finally spotted her, and assumed she was another Sekirei. Her cackle made Vita's teeth go on edge. It sounded far too much like that Naga chick from the anime she had watched with Hayate.

"Number 43, Yomi! I will take that Sekirei for my Master!" she declared.

"Iron Hammer Knight Vita and the Steel Count Graf Eisen! My master has ordered me to protect 108 until her Ashikabi collects her!" said Vita, bringing her hammer to bear.

Yomi didn't question the lack of number, or the now-obvious fact that the girl wasn't a Sekirei.

Their titles had been declared, and the girl wasn't an Ashikabi, which meant she was fair game so long as she hindered her objective of retrieving 108 for her master. The rules only stated that no direct harm come to the opposing Ashikabi. There was nothing against those who got in the way.

Yomi sneered, and the battle began. The sound of metal upon metal was heard for a good distance. Vita was actually going easy on the idiot...she hadn't brought out her armor yet, and she was limiting her magic use. If she had really gotten serious then this twit wouldn't have lasted five seconds.

Then their battle happened upon the area Zafira was at with Kusano. Minato had made his way there and was about to leave with the newest member of his flock when Yomi spotted them.

In a last ditch effort to complete her task, Vita did something she hated to do, but was resigned to.

She stole Yomi's Linker Core and added it to the book, disguising her actions by attacking from behind. Thankfully, none of the humans realized what she was doing and Musubi was too much of an airhead to comprehend what she was seeing. The lightning twins were dealing with another Sekirei that had broken through the perimeter outside from Higa's group.

She gained twenty-five pages and an unconscious Sekirei.

Musubi looked at Vita expectantly.

"Aren't you going to erase her crest?" she asked.

Fortunately for the tiny Knight, Uzume had arrived with Shamal.

"Uzume, would you mind...?" asked Shamal. Seeing the looks Seo and the others were giving her, she hastily explained "Vita can't erase crests."

With a flare of light, the crest was gone and Yomi was officially out of the Game.

Uzume would stay behind so MBI would think she had defeated the Sekirei. It was unlikely they would have any pictures of Vita fighting the girl. Especially since Shamal had already picked up most of the cameras anyway. They could locate the rest once the forest was taken down.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Minato.

"When Hayate heard about what happened to Kusano-chan, she sent Vita and Zafira to guard her until her Ashikabi came to get her. Homura acted as the outer defense while they kept her safe from anyone who slipped past him. Fortunately due to the suddenness of the event, there weren't many able to gain enough power to beat Homura long enough to slip inside, other than that woman and another," said Shamal.

"So she didn't want Kuu-chan for herself?"

"She doesn't actively collect Sekirei unless they openly react to her, but she isn't going to let someone like Kusano be taken by someone unscrupulous like Kagari-san's repeat offender list," said Shamal, almost chastising.

"'Repeat offender list'?" said Minato.

"He has a list of those who actively try to wing Sekirei by force, either for power or other base reasons. They have a bad habit of sending their flock to kidnap the unwinged birds and forcibly wing them," explained Shamal. And top of that list were Higa and Mikogami.

Homura saw Minato, and realized Kuu had called him in. Since she had clearly found her Ashikabi, Homura vanished, knowing they would be fine with that many fighters...Zafira joined him, having vanished the second Minato showed up. He had only caught a glimpse of a blue tail and that was it.