Kim walked up the subway steps, and looked around the Upper East Side. She had lived in and went to school in Brooklyn her whole life, and for some cruel reason, her older sister convinced her mother and father to try to have her admitted to Constance Billard School for Girls. Kim has always been dedicated to her studies, with her sights set on an Ivy League college, but she was skeptical about private schools. As she walked down the street, she thought about the fact that public school builds character and resilience, while private school kids were usually snobs who have rich people problems. She was only there in a mission, and promised herself that she wouldn't get distracted. Kim had always been tough, growing up in a rough Brooklyn neighborhood tends to do that to you, and as much as she knew the girls in this school would never be able to break her, she also wasn't going to let them walk all over her. She arrived in front of the school on foot, and noticed the other early birds pouring out of town cars and limousines. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. She took a seat on the steps of The Met. Kim crossed her legs and took out a book, hoping to get some quality reading done before the bell rang. She sat there reading, absentmindedly twirling her long dark hair when she felt a shadow cast over her and heard somebody clear their throat. She looked up to see one girl in front and two behind her.

Blair looked at the girl sitting on the steps and did not recognize her chocolate brown complexion or long dark hair. She knew that she was either a freshman, or a new student. Either way, she was going to take the opportunity to flex her power.

"Get up," the girl in front said to her. Kim put her head back into her book, because she knew that it must have been a mistake.

"Didn't you hear? I said get up," she said again.

"I heard you, but I chose to ignore you because you couldn't possibly be talking to me like that," Kim replied.

"Listen here, you seem to be new here, so I'll let you slide, but I'm Blair Waldorf. I rule this school, and this is my spot, so you need to get up," Blair said.

"If you rule the school, that's great, but you don't rule me, so I'm not moving," Kim retorted.

"Listen, you little bitch, if I have to tell you again, you're gonna regret it," Blair told her.

Kim stood up, Blair's 5'8" frame towering over her 5 feet of pure sass. By this time, almost everybody had stopped what they were doing to look at the scene on the steps. For the first time, Blair got a glimpse of her curvy body, and knew that she couldn't possibly be a freshman.

"That's Queen Bitch to you, and since you want to put on a show, you can have the applause. Just know that I'll lift your whole frame like a fucking garage," Kim said with her voice dripping venom.

Just then, the bell to first period rang, and Kim turned to go inside of the school with Blair and her minions walking in behind her. People were already talking about her encounter with Blair on the way to first period. She stepped into her first class, and took a seat in the front row.

"Welcome back ladies. I see on the roster that we have a new student. Kimberly Jones, would you come up and tell the class about yourself?" The teacher requested. Kim resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and went to stand in front of the class.

"Hi everyone, as was just mentioned, I'm Kimberly, or Kim. I just transferred to Constance from John Jay High School in Brooklyn." Kim said briefly before sitting down again.

"Welcome again Ms. Jones. It's a pleasure to meet you." the teacher stated.

When Kim was situated in her seat again, the girl next to her extended her hand to her.

"Hey, I'm Serena Van der Woodsen. Nice to meet you," Serena said.

Kim took her hand. "Good to meet you as well," she replied.

The two girls continued to take notes until after the class was over. They walked out of class together.

"Hey Serena, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Why is everyone talking about you?" Kim asked.

"Well, that's a generally normal occurrence here, but lately it's because I went away to boarding school last year, and just got back. Gossip Girl spotted me when I arrived at Grand Central." Serena explained.

"What's Gossip Girl?" Kim asked.

"It's a gossip website that seems to track the girls at Constance and the guys at St. Jude's, our brother school," Serena explained.

"Oh wow. Who has this much time on their hands to be in everyone's business?" Kim asked. Serena laughed.

"I don't know, but they're really good at it. Do you want to see it?"

"Sure." Kim handed over her cellphone to Serena. She brought up the page.

"Here it is, and just like that, you will also be receiving the test updates to your phone," she informed her new friend.

"Thanks." The girls barely moved an inch before their phones, and everyone else's went off.

Good Morning Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here. It seems like B has already run into a hiccup. This morning on The Met steps, she was left looking stupid when someone refused to defer to her royal demands. Watch out Queen B, we think you just met Brooklyn's own Queen Bitch. Good luck hanging on to your throne.

You know you love me.


Gossip Girl

Serena looked up from her phone. "Is she talking about you?" she asked.

"I believe so. I was sitting on the steps this morning, and some girl named Blair yelled at me to get up. I don't play that, so I had to give her a piece of my mind," Kim said.

"Wow, people don't usually stand up to B," Serena said.

"Do you know her well?" Kim asked.

"She's actually my best friend, who's a little mad at me right now," Serena answered.

"Is it gonna be a problem that you're walking with me?" Kim asked.

"Nah, you're not the only one Blair can't boss around," Serena said as the two girls made their way to the next class.

"Ok ladies, I have the first assignment of the semester. It consists of a paper and a presentation, and you will do it with a partner. Both partners are to participate in writing the paper, and creating as well as giving the presentation. Each girl will pick a name out of the hat. The name listed is your husband, and your partner for this project from St. Jude's. You both will fill out some information about yourselves and your families, and then I, along with Mr. Solomon will determine the child or children that you will get. You will be "married" for a week before you get your baby, and then you will have the baby for two weeks. You will be required to answer certain questions about your partner, and spend time with the baby. You write a daily log for the next three weeks about how you ran your family, and. At the end of the allotted time, you will be asked to give a presentation on your findings. Mrs. Cohen explained.

She then walked around the classroom and each girl proceeded to pull a name out of the hat. When it was Kim's turn, she put her hand in and pulled out a card. She eagerly opened it up and read the name NATHANIEL ARCHIBALD.

"Hey Serena, do you know who Nathaniel Archibald is?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, I know him... he's actually Blair's boyfriend" Serena admitted.

"Ah shit." Kim replied as she rolled her eyes. "Who'd you get paired with?" she asked Serena.

"Dan Humphrey. Should be interesting," Serena replied. After filling out the information sheet, the bell rang and the girls were finally free from the day's classes.

"Serena, could you point me in Nathaniel's direction, so that we can start talking about this project?"

"Sure. Actually here he is now." Serena responded as she pointed him out, standing outside of the school with his best friend, Chuck Bass.

"I actually have to take care of something over there," Serena said before running off suddenly. When Kim laid eyes on the boy who was to be her husband, she smiled. He was cute, but both him and his friend needed to dead the man-bangs.

"Excuse me, Nathaniel?" Kim asked in what her friends who deem her "white person voice."

"Yeah, hi. Have we met?" He asked intrigued and confused.

"No, not only am I the new girl at Constance, I'm also the new Mrs. Archibald," She said holding up the card with his name on it.

"So you're my partner for this project," he replied.

"Yes I am. I'm Kim," she said as she extended her hand to him.

"Nice to meet you Kim, call me Nate, and this is my best friend Chuck."

Kim extended her hand to Chuck, who simply greeted her with "Chuck Bass."

"Good to meet you both. So when do you wanna start working on this?" Kim asked. Nate thought for a second.

"Give me your cell," he told Kim. She took it out of her pocket and gave it to him.

"Here's my number and my email address. How about Monday after school, we go to my house and start?" Nate asked.

"Yeah, that works for me. I'll talk to you later. Have a good night guys." Kim said.

"Good night," Chuck and Nate said in unison.

They both watched her as she walked away.

"Did you see the rack on your wife?" Chuck asked. Nate tried to stop himself from smiling.

"She seems like a nice girl," Nate replied.

"Probably, but you think you're gonna tap that ass? That " Chuck said.

"Quit it, you know I'm with Blair."

"Yeah, and she's coming this way. I'll catch you later Archibald," Chuck said as he made his way to his limo. Blair walked up to Nate and he leaned down kiss her forehead.

"How was your day?" He asked her. Blair rolled her eyes.

"It was ok, except when that bitch decided to defy me on the steps this morning. Can you believe it?" Blair said with a scoff.

"Relax." Nate said. Blair sighed.

"Whatever, I'll handle her another time. Are we still on for tonight?" Blair asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, I'll see you later," Nate said, voice distant as they went into their separate cars.