Xenabloood (a crepeypasta)

Chapter one

won day, I diicidedbtob go bui somw game I was supper rich so I culd afordd it. I didnt feels like tacking my siper hot carb with me sob I felt liek bicking to gamestop. I wanted a copy of zenoblad kronicles and if they didnt have it I wold suu then. it was realy derk outsid and I thot I wood get hitvby a car. as I was giomg outiside my awsome manshon I relized I ddin,t have mony with me. that was ok I could just get what I wants becus im , siuper rich and poowerfull.i lived nesr som woods, nad I hig a tree. I wuz ancry and I gotout my phone and told my serveents to choop down the tree that hit me. it shouldnt bee there. then they told me that tree was protexted by the mayor. so I told them to fir the maor cuz he was fat and stuupid anyways.I was bikin down the hihway but I saw a tall men on the other sid of thr road. he wavved to me. "ehat's a werdo like hum doin out nerr yhe woods I thout to him. I was going a cross the street whan a car came bi and almost hit me! I said "youll pay for that! im going to sue you for 100,000,000,000,000 dollars!" what was that dude diing drivving so rekkessly like that! peple like him shouldnt be on the road. luklybl I was fined. annoying dude like him are why everyone dies ti car theze days. I was supwer pissed when I got to the persin on the other side off the road the trees looked super big and mencing behing him. because the man was very shirt in comprison. he was wearing orenge but also had sume glasseson. "who are you" I say to him.

"my name is no concern of yurs" he sed back.

I already didnt like him. he didnt tell me him name!

anyways would you care for a swim? he asked.

I was suprissed "but theres no water anywere!"

"thst doesnt matte" he daid.

get away you creepo" I screamed.

"are you looking to purchase some of my wares?" he asked

I was currius. "what do you got with you"

"this" he repliyed, there was a flash and then a hige table appeard out of knowhere!

this mam sure is intresting. I thought. "lets look.

most of the stuff looked like junk to mee.

but one thing cought my I.

there was a disk of zenoblade! it looked a little wierd thiugh. there was derrt onit and it looked lkie it had...bloid all ovr it!

"what happened here" I asked the strangle merchent.

ohhh this? there was a incindent a fuw yers aago.

"wow sound cool how mooch isit?'

you cant bui it. its too dangrus for yu.

"but im suppr reich" I can doo wat I wnat.

gimme the disk" isaid to him

"ok" but u dont now whta youre gettin ito he said

its mine now. I grabbed the disk and ranoff laffing. I cuud heer him say "yull regert this"

ha. how ciuld a freck like him evar get revange.

I went beck to my cool menshon. I got to thr door and entred my super cool pissword. "iamrihandcoll" I said to the robort. password assepted it said and the large dours opeden. and hello. said my robot butler. do you want a drunk? yes im thirty I said back. I got a soda from my large underground stirage. I was super pissd at hitti m g the tree and then almost hitting the car so I kiked my robot butlr.

I went to my super cool gambling room. it was fity feet high and had thosands of gams. even supere reare games like et and erthbind. I went to my cool flat scren tv and went into my wee to putin the disk. I tryd to wash the dirt of it but it wuldnt go off. I saww the wii yu go on. my mii is named 2col4u becuz im thst awsim. I chose wee menuh. I chose xenablade. there was the momado in , the fold. evrytheng seemed normil. butb then all the power wentvoot, but the wii u was...still running (!). I saw the binis and the mechins fitting each othr. but they wereinva see of bloed! the biniss hlused the momada to chap oof the arm of tue michenis, and the michenis stubbed thr binis! then ib cpuld c the brittle of sord volley. thrre was micken errywere, but they wree had aloot of bload and ograns! they kindof looked lick the hams thst werr died on the feld of bittle. they was all turn up, and looks like tey were murdred fataly! then I saw threes peple knot runnning frkm the mekin. theywere called dunbun, mamkar, and diksin. but the cook one dunbun had the momado! diksin says : yull diy outbther. yu cant takc the mamodo. dunbun sad "yure riht." sothey through mumcar and some dense forse solders at the miken. "y did u do this" sed mumcar. I was confussed. this didnt hippen in the tailor. they all faoght themiken and dunbin last his amr. mamcsr the defense forse soldeers got kulled bythe miken. then dunbub attsked the miken, but hurt his erm. then they ran awaay, but nit before saying "yiu did hlis to us." wile looking strait atme! hust then a gient hand came out of my wee u and granned me. it tookme in threw a virtex of blod and then it all wont bleck and fuxxy.

-to be cintinued


I hopped yu lieekd my ffirst cheptr of my colo xenoblade fanfic. I hada gud time rotting it. AND DONT HATE I HATE HATERZ (see wwdt I did wiht rhe z cuz im cool kil thst) I also like ffenix rigt: uus attrny. thats why I putt gnat in my fic. plz dont steel my oc. now go wrigt (haha gettit) gud revers off my fanfic. thx and I will sun post chap2 goodby. hava niche day.