A/N: Welcome! This is another AU story that I came up with. For those that read This is my Fight Song, this isn't a sequel or in the same universe, it is stand alone. Thanks for checking it out! I hope to keep up with my daily updates but life happens to don't hate me if I miss a day here or there. Read on! We have Beca, Chloe, Stacie and Benji in this chapter (as well as original character: Tyler) but more will be added including (but not limited to) Jesse , Stacie and Luke.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Perfect, you can tell because they didn't get married in the second movie.

Beca crashed heavily onto her couch, groaning as she pressed her face into the torn and disgustingly sticky cushions. She'd worked the early shift at the station and all she wanted right now was sleep before needing to go back in for her usual afternoon shift. It was a step up from the graveyard shift that she'd been working for years but the pay was still shit and it wasn't anywhere near prime time. Beca got the freedom to play her mixes and ramble on about whatever came into her mind so she didn't mind working her butt off for little reward. She was about to finally catch up on some rest when her ringing phone interrupted and pulled her back from the edge of slumber.

"What?" Beca groaned as she answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Ms Mitchell?"

"Yeah?" she grumped.

"This is Mr Nickels, the principal at your brother's school," the formal man spoke briskly.

Beca sighed and sat up, already pulling her shoes and jacket back on and heading for the door. "Again?"

"I'm sorry Ms Mitchell. When can you get here?"

"I'm on the way. Give me twenty minutes."

"Thank you Ms Mitchell."

Beca punched the phone to end the call and slammed it once before thrusting it angrily into her pocket. "I'm gonna kill that kid," Beca growled as she left the apartment, locking the door behind her.

"Alright angels it looks like your teacher is here to collect you," Chloe said to the class as she glanced at Benji Applebaum in her doorway wearing his typical goofy grin. The kids began to grab their things and make their way to the door to line up. When they were in two straight lines Chloe spoke again. "Thank you for the perfect behaviour I have come to expect from my favourite class," Chloe smiled at her 5th grade students. "Now remember, before next time I want you each to ask your parents for a song that they really enjoy. We're going to share them around and talk about the meaning behind them. Bye angels, be good."

The class started walking evening out of the room. "Thanks Chloe. We still on for lunch? I have this really cool new magic trick I want to try out on you."

Chloe laughed at her friend. Benji could make every day at work hilarious. "Well Bree wants to see me now," Chloe said as she glanced at her watch, "But I'll do my best."

"Alright. See you later!" Benji walked at the back of his students as they walked back to his classroom.

Chloe grabbed her bag and made her way to the office.

"Why can't you just give him second chance?" Beca asked yet again.

"Ms Mitchell, this is already Tyler's third chance and considering his history at this school as well as his others… we just don't have any further chances for him. I'm sorry but Tyler is expelled."

"If you really were sorry then you wouldn't be doing this to him!" Beca yelled back. She'd been growing more and more fired up and needed to let it out. Tyler wasn't a bad kid, not to her or the people who really knew him, but ever since his parents, and Beca's mother and stepfather, had died in a car accident a year earlier he hadn't been able to stay in a school. This was the last public school in the area and Beca was all out of options for her ten year old brother.

"Ms Mitchell we're going to need to ask you to calm down," Mr Nickels said patiently.

"We?" Beca questioned, spreading her arms and gesturing around the room. "Who is we? There is me and there is you and there is the little kid who just lost his parents that you a booting from the school! This was his last chance! What am I 'supposed to do now?" Beca sagged with the realisation that she had failed Tyler. She hadn't wanted to be a guardian at 21 but it had happened and she was failing.

"We-I sympathise Ms Mitchell but my hands are tied. Tyler broke school property and has shown no remorse for this action or any of his others. Have you considered home schooling?"

Beca dropped her head into her hands and shook her head. "I need to work and I can't leave the kid home alone or afford a tutor or babysitter or whatever. Besides I'm not exactly a stellar example of a scholar. He needs someone who actually knows basic maths and English. All I know is music."

"Music you say?"

Beca frowned at the spark on an idea that seemed to form in the stuffy man's eyes. "Yeah. I do mixes and jockey for the Atlanta Independent Radio Station, Atl-waves."

Mr Nickels looked through a bulging file that must have belonged to Tyler. He nodded when he found whatever it was he was looking for. "It seems Tyler shares your musical affinity."

"Yeah. His parents were musicians." Her mother had met her stepfather through music and her house had always been filled with the sweetest sounds. Her mother was a singer and her stepfather played every instrument he could find. Tyler had been in drum lessons since he was a kid but had lost all interest after they had died. Beca had always meant to push it on him but time had slipped away and before she knew it the drums were covered with packed away and covered with dust.

"Have you considered Barden Elementary?" Mr Nickels asked.

Beca frowned. "Isn't that the arts place that just started up? I don't know much about it."

"Yes this is its second year but I have heard nothing but positive results. They are working to combine a full arts education with the usual core subjects. They have a good reputation so far with behaviour and reformation," Mr Nickels explained.

"Sounds expensive."

Mr Nickels nodded and sighed. "There is a cost involved but I still believe it is your best option. They do have scholarships available for various reasons, such as musical ability. In fact, the head of the musical department is extremely capable. I offered her a position here when she graduated but she decided to start at Barden."

Beca raised a brow. "She just graduated and she's already head of the department?"

"I believe so. If you are interested I can give them a call right now and see if I can get you an appointment. What do you think?"

Beca chewed her lip and considered her options. Her mother and stepfather had left a decent amount of money but Beca had refused to touch it, wanting instead to use it for Tyler if he decided to go to college or buy a house or whatever he wanted… but he would never even get out of fifth grade if she didn't do something about it now. Maybe Barden would be the answer. "Yeah alright."

Mr Nickels smiled and quickly dialled the number from a card in his desk drawer.

"Hey Bree," Chloe smiled as she knocked on the open door to her best friend's office. Aubrey was a few years older than her but they had met during Chloe's freshman year and Aubrey's senior year of college and been close ever since due to their belief that art had a vital role in education.

"Hey Chlo, come on in." Aubrey greeted as she put aside the files she had been reading. Aubrey, ever the go-getter, had approached a local politician as soon as she graduated and convinced him to find funding and location for this new school. Of course her father had invested, as had others, and soon it was built and Aubrey was taking over as principal. Chloe had been her first hire fresh from college and it had been her best decision. "How's your day been?" Aubrey asked as Chloe closed the door behind her and took a seat at Aubrey's large and intimidating desk.

"Great actually. I just had my darling year five class. I adore them. I'm so jealous of the time Benji gets to share with them," Chloe pouted.

Aubrey chuckled lightly at her friend's comments. "Well I know how grateful he is to you for that." Aubrey had been pushed-mostly by her father-to make a visible improvement in the first year the school had opened. All the grades were small, having one class per year level but the year five-previously year 4-class had co-incidentally filled with a large amount of students with behavioural difficulties. They had been so challenging at first that their class teacher had actually quit within the month. Chloe has voluntarily stepped in and that class had posted records for the highest improvements in just a few short months. It hadn't been easy but Chloe had been unrelenting. Aubrey had offered her friend to continue with the class but Chloe had instead asked to return to her original role as music teacher for the entire school. She still occasionally worked one-on-one with new students that teachers found too troubling but music was her main focus.

Chloe waved off Aubrey's compliment, as she usually did with praise. "They have their music performance coming up soon. I hope you'll be there."

"I'll see," Aubrey hedged, knowing that she most likely wouldn't be there.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "I don't understand you sometimes. You love music and this is literally your dream in reality. Besides, the more you start attending performances, the less scary they may find you."

"Friendliness is you shtick Chloe, fear is mine. I-" Whatever Aubrey was about to say was cut off as her phone began to ring. She held up a finger to Chloe and answered it.

"Yes Jessica?" she greeted the receptionist. "Oh Anthony from Brandon? Yes you can out him through." Aubrey covered the mouthpiece of her phone for a moment. "Is he trying to potch you again?" Aubrey asked.

Chloe just shrugged in response.

"Hello Anthony, it's Aubrey Posen, what can I do for you?" Aubrey greeted in a formal tone.

"Hell Aubrey, nice to speak to you again. I'm calling about a potential student actually. Do you have any space?" Mr Nickels asked.

"What grade?" Aubrey questioned as she logged into her computer to check. It was still early in the school year but after the success of the first year Barden was almost at capacity until they opened to two classes per grade.


Aubrey's eyes darted to Chloe for a moment and she decided it would be easier to just ask the redhead than look it up. "Chloe is there any space in fifth?"

Chloe sat up in her chair and beamed, nodding her head happily.

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "Calm down, we don't even know who this is."

Mr Nickels smiled as he heard the conversation. He knew Chloe fairly well and was glad that she seemed eager to get a new student. It boded well for Tyler. "Is that Chloe with you now?"

"Yes it is and no you can't have her," Aubrey said.

"Hi Anthony!" Chloe yelled and Aubrey rolled her eyes and put her phone on loudspeaker so Chloe could be included. Year five was her domain anyway.

"Good to speak to you again Chloe," Mr Nickels responded. "So you have room for one more?"

"We do," Chloe answered, "But that class is my pet project so you better be offering us some brilliant musician."

Aubrey just rolled her eyes again.

"Actually, funny you should mention that. Tyler has been taking drum lessons since he was a child. Both of his parents were musicians and his sister-the guardian-works for the local radio station."

Aubrey could tell Chloe's brain was racing with enthusiasm and plans of what to do with the expert drummer she'd just fictionalised in her mind.

"And why is it that you're sending him here?" Aubrey asked, knowing that there was something he was hiding.

Mr Nickels sighed and looked at Beca's face. She was listening attentively but trying to hide it. "Tyler has had some behavioural problems."

"That's fine-" Chloe began but Aubrey held up a hand to stop her.


"Brandon was his 9th school in the last year. He barely scrapped through year 4 and there are very definite gaps in his learning," he spoke honestly.

Aubrey rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Listen Anthony, normally we would take him but it's only our second year and people are looking really closely at our results."

Mr Nickels sighed. "It's OK, I understand. I'll let her know." He saw Bec'a face drop and he felt guilty that he had offered her this olive branch and then withdrawn it.

"No Aubrey, wait," Chloe interrupted.

Mr Nickels could see Beca standing to leave so-knowing it was probably unprofessional-put the phone on speaker so Beca could at least know the conversation being had about her brother and know that there were people in the world, like Chloe, who would fight for him even if she didn't always win. He was sure that at least hearing the argument he was sure Chloe was about to put forward would give her some hope. Beca glanced at him and retook her seat, understanding that she needed to remain silent.

"You always told me that facts and figures meant nothing," Chloe argued.

Aubrey sighed. "That was before I had an entire school to run Chloe."

"I don't believe that being a principal for one year has changed your entire belief system."


"Aubrey. When we met you asked me a question, do you remember what it was?"

"I asked you why you wanted to be a teacher."

"And I told you that it was because in a class of 30 I wanted to be able to help every single one of them. I told you that they were figures and statistics to me, they were tiny humans who needed someone to teach to their morals in tandem with core skills. And what did you say to me?"

"I told you that it was people like you who would change the future of America."

"You did. So ignore the voice in your head that belongs to your father and listen to your own. Nine schools in one year Bree… that kid must be hurting. Let me have him, please."

Aubrey scrubbed her face with her hand. "I'm going to regret this," she muttered into her hand. "OK Anthony, let's set up an interview."

Mr Nickels looked at the woman before him. She had watched as Chloe's words had somehow filled her with a life that had been missing from her eyes since they met. It looked like she finally had hope again. "Thank you Aubrey… and Chloe… And one more thing, do you have any available scholarships?"

Aubrey groaned and hit her head on the table.

"We'll talk about that in the interview," Chloe spoke instead. "Can he make it today? And did you say his sister was his guardian?"

"Yes, Beca Mitchell," Mr Nickels answered. "Ms Mitchell are you available today?" he asked forgetting the phone was on speaker.

"Umm yeah. I need to be at the station by four though."

Aubrey glared at the phone when she heard the voice but Chloe just smiled, understanding why Anthony had done that. "No problems Ms Mitchell. It's our lunch so if you can come over now we should be able to release you in plenty of time to go to work."

"Erm… thanks."

"See you soon," Chloe beamed as she leant over Aubrey's desk and hung up the phone.

Aubrey turned her glare on her best friend. "You're very annoying and unprofessional."

"Fire me," Chloe shrugged, not really taking her friend's words to heart. "I need to go watch Benji's newest magic trick but I'll try my best to be back before she gets him. If I'm not… just try to be nice?"

"No promises. And remind Benji that even though this is an arts school it is still a place of work."

"Not gonna do that," Chloe said as she left the office.

Beca pulled up outside of the large new school, her car rattling dangerous as it stopped. She probably had a few days before it decided to give out and she'd need to start taking the bus again. Beca turned to look at a sulking Tyler in the passenger seat. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and turned him to face her. "You need to listen to my Ty. THIS is your very last chance. If you blow this then I have no choice but to send you to live with Gram and Pop."

"But Bec-"

"I don't want to hear it kid. This is the last school in the area. I honestly don't know how I went so wrong with you. You aren't a bad kid but you keep doing stupid things. Can you please give this school a chance, for me? I don't want to lose you buddy, you're all I have left."

Tyler swallowed and nodded. "I'll try my best."

"Thanks Ty."

Beca and Tyler got out of the old car and made their way into the intimidating school.

"That was really good Benji!" Chloe cheered and clapped as her friend took a bow. "For curiosities sake though, how long has that rabbit been in your hat?"

"A couple of days," Benji responded absently as he stroked his new animal.

Chloe grimaced.

"Oh! I have another one!" Benji realised. He started pulling out his stuff and Chloe settled into her chair, knowing she'd probably be stuck here for a while.

"Umm… we're here for a meeting," Beca said to the way-to-cheerful bouncing receptionist.

"Sure!" she responded in a voice that made Tyler and Beca cringe. "Who were you meant to see?"

Beca scratched her neck and shrugged. "I can't remember her name. It's about getting the kid into this school," Beca said, pointing at her brother. She had only remembered one name from that meeting but it had been the name of the woman who had fought for Tyler to get a chance and not the bitchy blonde who was more concerned with appearances.

"That must be Ms Posen, the principal. I'll just give her a call." The receptionist pressed a button and the same voice from the phone call sounded.

"Yes Jessica?"

"I have a…"

"Ms Mitchell," Beca supplied.

"Ms Mitchell here for a meeting about her son."

"Brother," Beca and Tyler said at the same time.

"My mistake. Brother."

"Send her in."

Jessica led the pair to Aubrey's office, ignoring the twin glares Tyler and Beca were sending her way. "Here you are."

Beca and Tyler walked into the formal office. There were ceiling to floor bookshelves along all of the walls that contained books about teaching with humanities, child psychology and behaviour management. The desk was tall and a dark oak that matched all the furniture in the room. The desk chair was tall compared to the two couches in front of the desk so that when Beca and Tyler sat down the principal was staring down at them. It was intimidating.

"Ms Mitchell," Aubrey greeted, standing slightly to shake Beca's hand. "Tyler." Aubrey shook his hand too and Tyler glanced at Beca and rolled his eyes. "My name is Aubrey Posen. I am the principal here at Barden Elementary."

"Cool," Beca said. She needed to impress this woman just as much as Tyler did. "Umm… I have Tyler's file for you," Beca said as she placed the folder on the desk.

Aubrey raised as brow as she lifted it. "It's quite thick, isn't it," she commented, eyeing Tyler.

Beca glanced around the room again. She'd expected the other woman, the nice one, from the phone call to be here and wasn't exactly eager to face this woman head-on.

"Is everything alright Ms Mitchell?" Aubrey questioned when she saw the brunette glancing around.

"Umm… yeah… is it just gonna be us?" She asked awkwardly.

Aubrey squinted as she observed the young woman. "Are you referring to the other woman that you heard on the phone when Mr Nickels decided, unprofessionally, to put his phone on speaker?"


"Was that a question or a statement?"


Aubrey sighed and pressed the intercom speaker on her phone. "Chloe Beale to my office, Chloe Beale to my office," She spoke.

Beca could hear it echoing outside of the room and she felt a slight relief that there would be someone to witness it if the blonde decided to kill them.

Aubrey opened the file and began to peruse it while Beca and Tyler sat in an awkward silence. Within minutes the door opened and a ball of energy burst through it.

"Sorry Bree. Benji had a rabbit and…" Chloe trailed off when three pairs of eyes, not two, turned to look at her. "Oh, hey, I'm Chloe Beale," Chloe smiled as she quickly closed the door and moved further into the office. She glanced around for a moment before deciding to perch herself on the edge of Aubrey's desk. She looked at Beca expectantly and it took Beca a moment to realise she needed to introduce herself again.

"I'm Beca Mitchell. This is Tyler, my little brother."

Chloe beamed in response and focused her eyes on Tyler. "It's nice to meet you Tyler. You can call me Miss Beale. I'm the music teacher here at Barden so we'll probably be spending a lot of time together."

Beca frowned when Tyler slumped in his chair and refused to look at the redhead. "I hate music so I doubt it."

Chloe tilted her head and scanned his posture for a moment. "I also work with all the new students to help them get settled," she said, not wanting to actually say that she worked with the problem students.


"Tyler," Beca warned but it didn't seem to make a difference.

Chloe glanced at Aubrey, who was watching with a raised brow, before trying again. If Tyler didn't give her something here then Aubrey would never let him in to the school. "I actually was the class teacher for the current year 5 group last year. They are a great group. We are working on a musical concert actually."

"Bully for you."

Aubrey's face twitched, an obvious sign that she was about to end the meeting. Beca chewed her lip nervously. She honestly had no clue why Tyler would just go from sweet to a menace. Chloe decided to make one last attempt at getting something out of this kid.

"You know what, Barden is a really good school and it's really hard to get in. Maybe you're just not meant for us."

Beca's eyes snapped to the redhead. Hadn't this been the woman so determined to help Tyler out? How had she given up so easily? Aubrey understood what Chloe was doing and just waited to see what would happen.

"I could get in if I wanted," Tyler argued, lifting his head and glaring at Chloe.

Chloe made sure to keep her face neutral even though she wanted to smile at the victory. "I'm not sure… I mean you don't even like music and that's pretty important here."

"I bet I play drums better than anyone else this lame school has," Tyler fired back.

"I don't know. Maybe you need to show me?"

"Fine. I will."

"Fine. Follow me." Chloe stood and walked out of the room, knowing Tyler would follow and hoping Beca and Aubrey would as well. Beca was shocked. Tyler hadn't even considered touching drums in over a year and this was the most he had ever communicated with a teacher, even though it was all in anger.

Chloe led them in to her large and comfy looking music room. She pointed to the full drum kit in the corner. "Show me." She picked up the drumsticks from her desk and held them out to the boy.

Tyler grabbed them from her and stomped over to the drums. Chloe noticed that as he sat behind them he seemed at ease, it was obviously an instrument that he really did enjoy. Chloe picked up a notebook and pen from her desk and wrote a note about it. Tyler clapped the sticks together a few times before starting a simple kick beat. His eyes locked with Chloe's and she issued the silent challenge for him to show her everything he had. He did. It started simple with some repetitive hits as he warmed up but he soon turned it into an elaborate sound which Chloe quickly realised he was making up on the spot. She quickly scribbled some more notes. He was panting when he finally stopped five minutes after he had begun.

"How was that?" He asked. It was obvious that he had met it to sound angry but Chloe could read the underlining need for validation in his tone.

Chloe moved close to him and kneeled so that they were eye level. "Well Mr Drummer Boy it looks like you proved me wrong," Chloe said warmly. "You are the best drummer I've seen in this room. If you are willing to learn then I want to teach you how to use this," Chloe tapped Tyler's head, "And this," she tapped his heart, "To make this into something you can control." Chloe tapped a finger on a symbol and looked at Tyler softly as she waited for him to decide what he wanted.

"You'll be my teacher?"

"One of them."

Tyler shrugged, trying to act cool but Chloe could see his grin. "Yeah. OK."

"Good. Now how about we let your sister and my boss discuss the boring stuff and we go meet your new classmates."

He glanced at Beca for permission. At her shrug he nodded and walked beside Chloe out of the room.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and led Beca back to her office. Of course Chloe would just let this kid in without asking permission. Aubrey closed her door behind Beca and began to speak as she rounded her desk. "We are willing to offer Tyler a place in our school on a temporary basis, to be made permanent should he show improvement and a willingness to learn."

Beca stifled her smirk as the blonde tried to act like she had any say in the matter when she had just seen this school's music teacher offer her brother a spot. Somehow she actually felt hopeful after seeing how determined Chloe had been to get through to Tyler and how Tyler had actually let her in partway.

"Now," Aubrey continued as she once again glanced at Tyler's file, "I'm aware of the financial hardship and I am willing to extend an offer of a musical scholarship. It will cover all of Tyler's educational expenses but you will still need to pay for school uniforms and any other extra costs such as concerts or excursions. Barden has a very impressive food plan, which Tyler will be able to use to no expense. At Barden we pride ourselves on the healthy options and will be able to provide for any allergies or dietary restrictions he may have. Does this sound agreeable?"

Beca schooled her face and pinched her leg to keep her emotions down. She couldn't believe that this school was willing to take such a drastic chance on Tyler and let him go here for free. Beca didn't trust her voice so she just nodded.

"Very well. We'll get Tyler a uniform today and get you a contract to sign. Welcome to Barden Ms Mitchell."

A/N: Thanks for reading. Make sure to let me know what you think of this new AU world. As always, peace.