AN: Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to anything DC or Marvel

Cisco laughed, turning away from the door post where he had been leaning and watching the other room. "Ronnie is really 'wow'-ing them," he said.

Caitlin smiled fondly as she pulled a needle out of Lincoln's arm. "What did he do?"

"It looks like he saved explanations for after the merging, and the looks on their faces are priceless," he chuckled again as he moved to grab the syringe Caitlin was handing him.

"Merging?"Skye asked.

"Ronnie and Martin can become one person with the use of the Firestorm matrix." Caitlin explained, pulling up a tablet and tapping some buttons. She saw that both of the SHIELD members were confused by this statement, but she decided not to bother going into the details. "Trust me, it's complicated but the result is amazing."

"That's how they get their fire power," Cisco said.

"I can't figure out how you get your powers," Caitlin said, examining the tablet screen, which was showing DNA readings from both of their powered guests. "Your DNA looks like nothing I've ever seen. It's not human, but it doesn't have the tell-tale signs of metahumans either."

"That's because we're not Metahumans," Lincoln said, a little testily.

Skye shot him a glance that Caitlin recognized as a "keep your cool" look. "We come from a group who call ourselves Inhumans," she explained.

Lincoln look like he wanted to say more on the subject, but instead he just glared at the ground. Caitlin looked at Skye questioningly.

Skye sighed, "Long story short: there was a whole community of us, but it fell apart. I wasn't a part of it as long as Lincoln was, so it didn't hit me quite as hard, although it was still quite a blow." Her words were casual but from the slight shaking in her voice and the long breath she took after this statement, it was obvious that it was no small matter.

"I'm sorry," Caitlin said compassionately, not sure what else to say.

Skye forced a smile, "Anyway, when it comes to how we got our powers; there's this thing called Terrigenisis. Lincoln was actually my transitioner, and I'm sure he can explain it better than I can."

Lincoln started, looking up, his glare disappearing as his eyebrows shot up in surprise. He looked at Skye, almost accusatory. She rolled her eyes and mouthed something that Caitlin couldn't see, but she assumed it was something like "you don't have to tell her everything." She had already guessed that they wouldn't be 100% honest with her - they were really probably only stalling so their own scientists could finish up their analysis and leave - but she'd take what info she could get.


During Lincoln's rather abridged and confusing explanation of Terrigenisis and Inhuman DNA, Cisco seemed to disappear. Caitlin eventually spotted him talking animatedly with the Scottish SHIELD scientist.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Skye asked.

Caitlin smiled, "knowing Cisco, it could be anything from the latest Doctor Who episode to a major break through in one of his inventions."

Skye chuckled at that,"honestly, with Fitz I could see either of them." She smiled at Caitlin, then seemed to remember where she was and turned away to go say something to Lincoln.

Caitlin sighed. They all seemed like interesting people, and she wished everyone - including herself - could push past the distrust as it seemed Fitz and Cisco were doing.


"This is amazing!" Cisco cried, "we have to tell everybody." He turned to go get Caitlin, but Fitz stopped him.

"Wait," Fitz said, "we need to tell everybody," then he turned and ran outside the STAR labs exit.

When he returned it was with the rest of the SHIELD team, minus Mack, who was still in the hospital. Cisco had gathered all of his friends up too, and everyone stood in two distinct groups in the main room as Cisco wheeled the clear board up in front of them, wielding his marker like a college professor.

"So," he began, "Fitz and I have been talking, and we've figured out why we were all so confused earlier. Like, how we've never heard of 'the Avengers,'"

"Or how there are so many strange cities that we've never heard of here," Fitz added.

They both waited, adding suspense before the big reveal.

"They're from an alternate universe!" Cisco exclaimed.

There was a moment of confused silence, broken by Martin Stein saying, "So, you're saying the multiverse theory, that's true?"

"Yes!" Fitz responded excitedly. He turned to his friends, "so, we were on our Earth, just flying along when - BAM! - we hit some sort of breach-"

"And ended up here," Simmons said, following. "That's amazing."

"Wait, what?" Oliver said, at the same time Hunter asked "What are they on about?"

"Ok, so," Cisco turned to the board and drew a circle, "this is us."

"And this is us," Fitz said, drawing another circle beside Cisco's.

"And there are a ton of other worlds," Cisco continued, as they both added more, smaller, circles around the two big ones, "all of them similar to ours, but with varying differences."

"Like in one, Lincoln never became president ," Martin added.

"Or the colonies never rebelled and this is still Britain," Hunter said, catching on.

"Ooo! Or electricity wasn't invented for a while so there were far more steam powered inventions!" Felicity exclaimed. Oliver looked at her and she shrugged, "What? I like Steam Punk."

"Right," Fitz said. "So, somehow we traveled from our world - where we have Avengers and SHIELD - to theirs - with STAR labs, and The Flash." He and Cisco turned and labeled the two big circles, "Earth-1" and "Earth-616"

"Wait, hold on," Hunter protested, "why do they get to be Earth one?"

Cisco looked defensive, "because this is the earth we're all on right now. Making it the primary one avoids confusion."

"Well, ok," Lincoln said, "but still, why not call ours Earth-2?"

"Because it's not similar enough," Fitz said. "Earth-2 would be extremely identical to this world, with the same cities and an almost.. umm" he stopped and motioned to Simmons for a word.

"An almost identical population," she finished for him. "We've never heard of Central City, or most of the others, which indicates that there must be more worlds in between ours and theirs that have more similar set ups."

Fitz nodded, ready to continue, but Coulson said, "Still, why '616?' Where did that come from?"

"Would you rather I went with Earth-19999?" Fitz snapped. "Anyway, that's not the point."

"The point is," Simmons said slowly, "we have no idea how we got here. Or how we can get back home."

This proclamation was met with a disturbed silence, as everyone processed everything that meant.

AN: If anyone didn't understand, I'm poking fun at the way Marvel comics names their universes. DC is pretty straight forward with 1,2,3 etc as far as I understand it, but Marvel's main universe is 616 and cinematic universe is 19999 and they've got anther that's like 417 and it's all very confusing XD


I can't do it guys. Ronnie is dead, Lincoln is dead, Laurel is dead, I can't keep living this lie!

(translation: maybe, one day, I'll finish writing this. I'm really sorry, but I just have no inspiration and it's really hard to write it when the canon is so far off now. Plus all of this needs major revising. I'm sorry guys. Like I said, maybe one day. But don't expect more anytime soon. I need to grieve.)