Chapter 10 Adjusting to Parenthood

"Harry, look at this," Ginny said, handing her husband the paper. Harry took it from her and smiled softly.

We at the Daily Prophet would like to congratulate our Senior Quidditch Correspondent Ginny Potter and her husband Harry, on the birth of their son, James Sirius. Congratulations Harry and Ginny and welcome to parenthood from your friends in the Quidditch Department.

Not far from that one was another congratulations announcement from the Harpies.

Congratulations on the birth of James Sirius from your friends at Holyhead Harpies.

"Were those flowers there earlier?" Ginny asked.

Ginny's question made Harry looked up and follow where his wife was pointing to. There on a table was a bouquet of flowers. Harry reached over and took the card, opening it.

"Congratulations Harry and Ginny, I wish you both the best of luck! Gwenog and the rest of the Holyhead Harpies management," Harry read.

"That's nice of them," Ginny commented.

It was the next morning after James was born and Ginny felt like she had motherhood under control. She had many talks with Molly, Fleur, Angelina, and Audrey over the course of her pregnancy, asking for any advice she could get. Molly had volunteered to come over and help Ginny, which Fleur, Angelina, and Audrey encouraged her to agree to.

It was moments like this that the reality that Arthur and Molly would be the only grandparents, her children would ever know, hit Ginny. She knew it crossed Harry's mind many times as she overheard him talking to Arthur about it one Sunday after dinner. But that didn't mean her children wouldn't know about their other grandparents.

One of the gifts they had been given at the baby shower was a carrier that went on the parent's body. She knew that Harry would load up James in it at one point and take him to the cemetery.

James began to stir, bringing Ginny back to reality. She got up from the bed and walked over to the bassinet. She scooped up the little baby with practiced ease thanks to Teddy, her nieces, and nephew. She carried him over to the bed and sat down.

"What's the matter Jamie?" she murmured, rocking him gently. Realizing what James wanted she motion for Harry to hand her the nursing cover and her Breast Friend. Both were a gift from Angelina, who highly recommended both products.

"Is he hungry?" Harry asked her, helping her with the pillow as she was holding the baby.

"I think so." She leaned back against the headboard of the narrow hospital bed. She helped James latch on and looked up as she wrapped the nursing cover around her. At Harry's questioning look, she explained, "so that if someone walked in, namely Ron, they would get flashed."

Harry snorted at the idea. Though he knew that Ron would probably be uncomfortable, even though it was a natural thing for a new mother.

A knock at the door made Harry and Ginny turned to the closed wooden door.

"Come in," Ginny called, figuring it was a mediwitch or Shanti coming to check on them.

To Harry and Ginny's surprise, it was their family healer, Holly Jackson. She had seen both Harry and Ginny since a year after Teddy was born. She was who Andromeda had chosen to take care of Teddy and she had taken care Harry when Healer Chorley, the healer who looked after the Aurors who came through St. Mungo's.

"I hear congratulations are in order," she said as she entered the room. "I thought I'd come in to check on the both of you, and to see my newest patient."

Ginny chuckled softly. "Thank you. I know you'll take care of him just like you've taken care of my boys." She glanced at Harry towards the end, smiling softly.

She lifted James out from the nursing blanketing, handing him to Harry to burp. This was something, they learned when Teddy was a baby. Between him, and their nieces and nephew, Harry became a pro at changing diapers, feeding, and changing.

Harry patted his back as Holly talked with Ginny about scheduling an appointment to see James within the next week. James burped quietly, but Harry heard him.

"Did he burp?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, he did."

Ginny smiled at the sight of Harry holding their sound. She turned to Holly and asked, "Would like to hold him?"

"I would love to." Harry handed James to her, waiting until she had a hold of him until he stepped to the side.

"He looks like you, Harry," Holly said.

"I think so too," Ginny agreed.

Holly kept her visit short as she had patients to look in on. She wasn't gone too long when Molly entered the room carrying a basket.

"Hello, dears," she greeted. She dropped the basket on a side table and tossed her handbag in an armchair. She held out her arms for her newest grandbaby. She could visit as long as she pleased and was planning on getting some cuddle time with James.

"Where's my new grandson?" she said, as Harry handed her James. He fussed for a second but calmed at Molly soothing touch. A trick that she had mastered with a practiced ease one gets from seven children and five grandchildren and counting.

James cooed in response to Molly's gentle rocking, while Ginny began to fix her and Harry a plate of breakfast. James started to fuss when Molly readjusted him to her shoulder.

"It's okay, Grandmum's got you," Molly murmured. She looked at her daughter and son in law as they sat side by side in the narrow bed, eating breakfast.

"Thanks, Mum," Ginny said to Molly, handing Harry a bowl of grapes and sliced oranges.

"You're welcome."

She looked down at her newest grandson and kissed the top of his head. His eyes opened and she had to hold back a gasp when she noticed they were already brown, like her own and Ginny's. She ran her hand along the top of his head. It was already apparent he had gotten Harry's messy jet black hair.

Studying him closer, Molly realized that James had a mix of his parents. Ginny's ears and chin, in addition to her brown eyes, Harry's nose and shaped mouth made up the majority of James's features.

Thankfully, Harry had stumbled upon some more pictures of his parents and some of his baby pictures in the Potter Family vault and in the house when he cleaned it out. They would have to compare James to the pictures and see which side of the family he took after and who he looked like the most.

Right now, Molly was guessing he would look like Harry only with Ginny's eyes.

She rocked him gently as he went back to sleep. If she hadn't seen her daughter deliver this baby, she would have sworn it was one of her son's babies. This was because she knew how Ginny was when she was a baby and her sons slept rough even when they were babies.

They didn't know anyone who knew Harry when he was a baby to ask how he was, and Molly assumed that who James took after at that moment.

She wished he didn't get either one of their stubbornness and for Minerva's sake, he didn't inherit James Potter senior's knack of pranks and practical jokes. But then, his uncles are Fred and George.

"Oh, Little One, I hope you don't have to grow up in a world your Mummy and Daddy did." She glanced at Harry as he and Ginny discussed something amongst themselves in a whisper. She remembered the little scrawny twelve-year-old boy who showed up one morning and instantly became a part of the family.

"And I hope you don't have like your Daddy did. But know this, Jamie. You are very loved. Always remember that. You are very loved."


Three long days in the hospital later, Harry and Ginny were packing up to take James home. Ginny was getting James dressed when she heard a knock on the door.

"Hello, Ginny. Are you ready to go home?" Shanti asked, stepping into the room.

"I am. I've taken care of him myself, with only help from Harry and Mum. Mum will come over and help when she's not chasing after my brother's kids and Harry's off from work for a while. I think we'll be fine."

"Alright," Shanti said, before sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I want to see you in a week for a checkup. I know you will be taking him to Holly on Tuesday, so I'll see you Wednesday. Have Harry watch James for you and we'll talk more at your appointment. Good luck and I'll see you on Wednesday."

Ginny nodded and picked up James, cooing at him as she did.

Harry came in with the car seat in his hand and set it down on the bed.

"The bags are loaded in the boot, the gifts are stuffed with the bags and what couldn't fit is in the back seat. Do we have everything?" Harry asked.

Ginny looked around the room and nodded. "I think so."

Harry took James from Ginny and loaded him in the car seat. Ginny picked up her purse and followed Harry down the hall to the Welcome Witch's desk where they signed the discharge papers and Harry turned in his visitor's pass.

Ginny got in the back with James, moving some of the stuffed animals to the seat in front of her. Together, she and Harry buckled James into the car seat and Harry got in the driver's seat. He began to drive away from the hospital.

The weather was nice for April and Harry decided to take the scenic route back to Godric's Hollow. They passed fields full of wildflowers before reality sank in for Ginny.

This was real. This baby was her baby. There was no Bill, Fleur, Percy, Audrey, George, or Angelina to come over at some point and take him home. This wasn't like Teddy, and Harry could take him home. This was their baby.

In the time that James had been born, Ginny felt like she had mastered it, even considering the number of nieces she had before having James and got the practice of what you do with a baby boy with Teddy and a refresher with Freddie.

As Harry turned down the road that would take them home to Godric's Hollow and far away from London, Ginny felt more alone and desperate.

Without warning, she began to sob quietly in the back seat. She leaned her head against the window, hoping Harry would think she was asleep.

She heard him whisper a curse and felt the car pull over. She didn't open her eyes when she heard the click of the seat belt and the open and shut of the door. She didn't open her eyes until she heard the door open and Harry's hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, concerned

"I want to go back to the hospital," Ginny cried, sobbing all over again.

"What's wrong?" Harry repeated. "Are you in pain or something?"

This seemed to make Ginny feel foolish and she sobbed even harder.

"I don't feel right. I feel like I don't know how to do anything!" she exclaimed.

She felt herself being pulled into an embrace as much as Harry could without pulling her out of the car. He held for a moment until she calmed down and Harry asked her if she was okay for him to continue the drive home.

Ginny nodded, wiping her eyes with the handkerchief Harry gave her. He got back in the car and drove on to Godric's Hollow.


Harry parked the car in front of the garage and pressed the button to open the boot. Getting out of the car, he stretched before opening the driver's side passenger door and unbuckled James's car seat and pulled him out of the car.

He walked around and took Ginny's hand as they walked the small walkway to the front door. Harry pulled out his wand and tapped the door to unlock it.

The house smelled like bleach and Mrs. Scower's Magical Cleaners. Harry sat the car seat down on the couch and got James out of the car seat. He handed him to Ginny as it was getting time for another feeding. They walked up the stairs together and went into James's nursery.

Ginny settled in the rocking chair, smiling down at her son.

"I'm going to unload the car. Do you want me to leave the door open?" Harry inquired.

"Sure." Ginny covered herself with one of the nursing blankets and gently began to rock as she help guide James to her breast.

Harry headed on downstairs and out the door. He came back in with his arms load down with the bags and the gifts they were sent at the hospital. He returned outside to get anything he left in the car and shut the boot before heading back in. He took the bags upstairs and tossed them on his and Ginny's bed. He gathered the bags that had James's stuff in it and took it into the nursery.

"Are you hungry?" Ginny asked.

"Are you talking to me or James?" Harry asked as he tossed the stuffed animals into the toy box, another one of Arthur's woodwork projects.

"You, Harry. You haven't eaten since breakfast."

"I will in a minute."

When James finished, Ginny handed James to Harry and watched as he burped their son. This was a task that Harry was good at and he had practice with Teddy and his nieces and nephew.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked. "You seemed pretty panicked when we were in the car."

"I'm fine," Ginny assured her husband. They headed downstairs and Ginny got James settled in the cot downstairs and headed into the kitchen, placing a monitoring charm on the cot and the family room.

Harry got in the freezer and pulled out some of the food that Molly had made and brought over and heated it up with a wave of his wand. He dished out the food quickly and handed Ginny her plate.

"Are you waiting for the masses to descend or are they not coming?"

No sooner than Harry got the question out, he heard the floo flare and Molly's voice getting closer.

"Hello, dears," she greeted. Arthur came in right behind her with an armload of stuff.

"This is from Kingsley and his staff," he said, handing Ginny the card and Harry took the basket that was full of magical baby care products.

"Add them to the thank you card list," Ginny whispered to Harry, who nodded and walked into the kitchen and added Kingsley and his office staff to the list of people they would be sending thank you cards to in the next week.

The floo flared and Ron's voice called out, "Anyone home?"

"Come on through," Harry called back.

Ron came tumbling through the floo and entered the kitchen, sitting down the vase of flowers in front of Ginny.

"That is from Maisy," Ron said, gesturing to the flowers. "And this from the rest of us for both of you." He gestured to the basket he just sat down on the kitchen table that had a variety of snack items, most of which Harry recognized from the snack basket they sent to St. Mungo's when an Auror was injured and in the hospital for a long period of time.

Harry looked through the basket as if he was a small child and it was Christmas.

"And before you ask, Mate, the chocolate covered pretzels are…" Ron trailed off as Harry found them.

"These are mine," Harry said to Ginny.

Ginny chuckled at her husband's childlike behavior. One of the first things Ginny learned when she and Harry started dating was that Harry could be as big of a chocoholic as she was.

"Okay," Ginny agreed, digging out the chocolate covered strawberries and ate one.

James started to wail from the living room. Ron jumped up, saying he'd get him and headed to the living room. He scooped James into his arms with ease and gently rocked with him as he got him in a better position.

"See, Uncle Ron's still got it," he murmured. He looked down at his nephew and godson, noticing his eyes were open. Ron sat down in an armchair and placed James in his arms so that he could look at his nephew.

"Hey little guy, I'm your Uncle Ron. I'm also your godfather," Ron said, softly. James cooed.

He didn't realize he had been staring at James until he heard Harry ask, "You alright, mate?"

Ron looked up at his best mate and nodded. "Yeah."

Harry had an idea of what Ron was thinking and sat down on the arm of the armchair.

"It will happen, mate," Harry whispered.

"I know," Ron replied. "She cried when we got home from the hospital."

Harry didn't need to ask why. Hermione and Ron had been trying since after their first anniversary on trying to get pregnant. When the year passed and no success, Hermione asked Ginny for Shanti's floo information. What she found out was there were no problems, and they should conceive on their own with every sense, but they were considered infertile.

Hermione wanted a baby so bad she could taste it.

They were going to give another try before meeting with Shanti again and decided where to go from here. Molly and Jane both were trying to encourage them, but only Audrey knew what Hermione was going through. They were married for three years before they had Molly and wanted to have a family soon after they were married.

"It will be her turn soon. Maybe one day she and Ginny would be pregnant at the same time."

Ron shot Harry a look, scared and asked, "Um, Harry, do you remember when the girls 'monthlies' synced."

Harry blanched. "Forget I said anything," he deadpanned.

Neither of them noticed, Molly, standing in the doorway. She walked back to the kitchen, deciding to fix something for dinner that night.


Andromeda had managed to hold Teddy off until two days after Harry and Ginny brought James home to allow them some time to adjust. He was excited to meet his baby brother.

He was awake, dressed and ready at seven in the morning. Andromeda couldn't be mad at him because she knew that Teddy didn't have much to get excited about besides weekends with Harry and Sunday dinner at the Burrow.

"Harry will come and get you at ten," Andromeda said, sitting down a glass of orange juice.

Teddy glanced at the clock and groaned when it was only nine in the morning. He ate his breakfast and then ran to his bedroom to get the small present he had gotten James a few weeks ago.

Bill had taken him and Victoire shopping for something for the baby. Bill had brought Victoire over to see the baby the evening before after he got off work. Victoire had bought James a stuffed bear, which was now sitting in the rocking chair.

Teddy brought his bowl and cup to the sink and Andromeda smiled at him and fixed his hair.

He walked back to the table and sat down, staring at the clock. He sighed and got up to head to the bathroom.

There was a pop in the back garden and Harry walked into the kitchen. Andromeda chuckled at the sight of Harry's wild hair and the dark circles under his eyes.

"How's it going?" she asked.

Harry all but collapsed in a kitchen chair. "If James isn't sleeping, eating, or…" he trailed off not needing to add the last bit. Andromeda knew what Harry was talking about. "He's crying and not sleeping."

Andromeda watched the young father lay his head down on the table. She picked up a cup of tea and walked over to the table.

Harry looked up at the soft thump. "Thanks." He sat up and picked up the teacup and sipped on the tea. "Does it get easier?" he asked.

Andromeda smiled softly and sat down across Harry.

"Your life for the next two years will feel similar to a constant hangover. Don't worry, go with it, and even try to enjoy it." Andromeda reached over and squeezed his hand. "It will get better."

"Thanks, Andy," Harry said.

Teddy came downstairs and smiled at seeing Harry.

"Hey buddy," Harry greeted. Teddy ran into his arms, hugging his godfather tightly.

"Am I going to see the baby?" Teddy asked.

"Yes, you'll see the baby. Maybe you could hold it too?" Harry noticed the soft smile on Andromeda's face. Teddy had done nothing but talk about what he wanted to do with the baby. She reminded him it would be a while before he could really play with him, but Teddy said that he wanted to be a good big brother.

"Why don't you go and get your bag of clothes I bought for you?"

Teddy nodded and ran up to Andromeda's room where she had his new clothes.

At Harry's confused look, Andromeda explained, "I bought some summer clothes to keep your house."

Before Harry could say another word, Andromeda said, "I took Teddy shopping for summer clothes because he had outgrown a lot of his from last year and I knew you and Ginny were busy."

Teddy came downstairs with the knapsack on his back. He walked over to his grandmother and said, "I'm ready."

Andromeda kissed his forehead. "Be good," she reminded him.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked. Teddy nodded excitedly.

"We'll see you after while Andromeda."

"Bye Grandma."

Harry took Teddy's hand and they walked over the corner of the back garden. Teddy closed his eyes and opened them when he felt his feet hit the ground.

"Are you alright?" Harry inquired.

Teddy nodded. They walked to the back door and Harry opened it, motioning for Teddy to go on in.

"Are you ready to meet your little brother?" Harry asked Teddy as he led him up the stairs.

"I've been ready for two days. Two long days." Harry chuckled.

They arrived at the closed door of Harry and Ginny's bedroom. Not knowing if Ginny was sleeping or breastfeeding, he knocked on the door.

"Come in," Ginny called.

Harry opened the door and peeked in before motioning for Teddy to come in.

"Hi Ginny," Teddy greeted his godmother.

"Come here, Teddy." Ginny smiled and opened her arms, gesturing for him to come to her. She kissed his cheek nosily. "I missed you, Teddy Bear."

"I missed you, too," Teddy said. "Where's James?"

"He's almost done with his nap. He should wake up really soon," Ginny assured him. On cue, James began to whimper from his nursery.

"I'll get him," Harry said to Ginny and walked out the door.

"Are you excited to meet James?" Ginny asked her godson.

"Uh-huh," Teddy nodded his head excitedly.

"Well, I think James is excited to see you too," Ginny added.

"Really?" Teddy asked, his eyes growing as big as saucers.

"Well of course!" Ginny exclaimed, excitedly. "You're his big brother."

After the weekend they told Teddy that they were going to have a baby, Harry picked up Teddy from school and took him out for ice cream as an after school treat. Harry wanted to assure Teddy that nothing would change about their relationship. Teddy had asked if he could be like a big brother to the baby and Harry ran with the idea.

Since then, Teddy had been reading every book that Harry, Ginny, and Hermione had bought him and talked to Victoire about having a younger sibling.

Victoire wasn't much help. When Dominique was born, she had spent time with Arthur and Molly at the Burrow until Bill and Fleur were settled with a new baby.

Teddy looked at the door when Harry walked through, carrying James and waited until Harry sat down on the bed.

"He's so little!" Teddy exclaimed.

"Yes, he is," Ginny agreed. "But he's just a baby."

"Will he get bigger?" Teddy asked, with a hint of concern. Ginny chuckled.

"Yes, Teddy, he will," Harry assured him. "You were once a little baby like that."

Teddy shook his head. "No, I wasn't."

"You were," Ginny said.

Teddy looked at James for a moment and hesitantly reached over and touched his cheek. James eyes were open and looking at Teddy.

He didn't notice Harry and Ginny watching silently.

"Can I hold him?" Teddy asked.

"Yes, you may," Ginny told him.

Harry helped guide James into Teddy's arms and supported the baby until he was sure that Teddy had him.

Ginny reached for the camera on the dresser and snapped a picture really quickly.

"Hi James, I'm your brother Teddy."

Ginny smiled and repositioned the camera. "Look up for the camera, Teddy," she said.

Teddy looked up and smiled at Ginny.

"What do you think Teddy?" Harry asked.

"I think we'll keep him," Teddy said, making Harry laugh.'

"I think so too," Harry agreed.

Ginny watched her three boys bond and smiled softly. She lifted the camera one final time and snapped a picture of Harry and Teddy looking down at James.

She smiled as she brought up the last image.

"There's my boys," she whispered. She looked up from the image to her three boys and noticed Harry was looking up at her.

He looked happy. She remembered a conversation she and Harry had when they first dating. She remembered that Harry had wished for a family. But she didn't realize what that Harry was meaning he wanted to have his own family. He had found the family he had been searching for as an orphan in her family.

After the war and when they were reunited, they started talking about their future again. Nothing changed from the first conversation, although it gotten more serious as time went on. Now there they were, starting their family. When the topic of children came up, Harry had said he wanted more than one. They hadn't set a number, but decided on three and see how they felt.

She approached Harry's side and kissed his cheek. He looked up at her and they shared another look before turning back to the boys.

Ginny smiled, looking at her boys, thinking just how lucky she was.


A week after James was born, Harry packed him up in the baby carrier and strapped him on his front. Ginny was gone to see to Shanti for her checkup and then she was going to head to the store for some groceries.

Harry wrote a quick note to Ginny and left the house, the diaper bag or knapsack on his back. He locked the house and then walked down the pathway to the town square. He turned down the gravel dirt road that took him to the church and the cemetery.

It was quiet for mid-morning and Harry made good time to the cemetery.

He had been putting this off for the last week. He knew he wanted to take James to the cemetery, but actually doing it, he hadn't gotten around to it. Until now.

He walked through the kissing gate and looked down at James. He was awake, looking around this place his father had brought him to. He didn't realize they were going to visit his other grandparents.

Harry walked to his parents' double headstone, the path now so familiar. He crouched down in front of the headstone and looked at his father's name.

"Dad, I know if you were alive you would have a smug look on your face," Harry began. He lifted James out of the carrier, turning him to the face the gray stone, supporting him by pressing him against himself. "This is your grandson, James Sirius."

James cooed in response. Harry glanced at his mother's name. "Mum, I'm sure you're wondering why I named him after Dad and Sirius. I wanted to honor them and when we have a daughter, we'll call her Lily."

Harry paused for a second, placing James back in his carrier before he continued. "I wish you were here." He turned to the marble headstone that he had placed for Sirius and added "and I wish Sirius was here. Imagine the three of you would have made wonder grandparents."

He could picture it in his mind. His Dad telling James about pranks and Quidditch, while Sirius added more and spoiled James more than James and Lily combined. Lily would kiss and love on him and sing him the lullaby Harry vaguely remembers.

He stopped himself from going any further because he could feel tears well up behind his eyes. He wiped his eyes and looked back at the headstone.

"I wish you both were here," he whispered.

While nothing could replace his parents, he knew the reason they died. Because they loved him and they sacrificed themselves so he could live. But that still didn't mean that wished for them.

Harry looked down at James, noticing he was getting sleepy. He was about ready for his morning nap. He looked up at his parent's headstone and smiled. He better get James home before he started to get fussy, which he often did when he missed a nap time.

"I better get James home before he misses his nap. I'll come back some time. I love you. I love you both."

As Harry walked back to the house, he thought of how much his life had changed over the last few months. He felt like he was living a dream, one he didn't want to wake up from. He had a wonderful wife, a wonderful godson and now a wonderful son. He couldn't think of a time when he was happier.

His lifelong dream came true. He had a family.

AN: And we're done! That concludes And Then Came Baby. It's been a long road of writing this story, but it continues. Stay tuned for Albus's story Second Time Around. If anyone has any better title ideas, please let me know. Thank you to everyone who has read this fic, reviewed it and added it to their alerts and favorites list.