Hey guys! This is my first fanfic so please don't hate. I am open to any ideas you guys might have for my story, so just put them in the comments. Alright let's get on with the story. Disclaimer: I don't own Austin and Ally

Chapter 1

Ally P.O.V

"Trish come on we are going to be late!" I yell. "Hold on I'm coming down!" she yells back. "We are going to miss our flight", I grumble. "I'm here and we still have an hour and a half to catch our flight", Trish says as she drags her suitcases down the driveway. She loads her bags into the back of her jeep, opens the driver's door and starts the car.


"Ally come on, you said it yourself that we are going to be late!" Trish yells at me. "Hang on I can't find my song book" I reply. "Just leave it in your suitcase" she says. "No! What if my luggage gets lost? - Found it!" I sigh in relief. "Hurry up we still have to check in and go through security, and that will take us at least an hour!" Trish says angrily. "Okay, okay I have everything" I say and we rush into the airport.


"Flight 11 at gate 3 from Miami to Nashville will be departing in 10 minutes" a woman's voice says in monotone over the airport intercom. "Trish that's our flight, we have to hurry!" I say. "Okay then let's go" Trish replies, and we ran off to find gate 3.


"We made it on time!" Trish says as she slumps into her seat. "I know" I replied with a smile "I am exhausted from all that stress, I'm going to try to fall asleep" I say. "Okay" Trish says pulling out her iPod. About 15 minutes later, I hear a loud whisper, "Ally are you awake?" "Yes" I reply with my eyes still closed. "What do you think it will be like there?" Trish asks in her normal, loud, voice. "It's going to be great, Trish, we are going to the best fine arts school in the country, and we are going together. We are going to have so much fun" say knowing everything was true. We would be attending MFAU, Moon Fine Art University, a high school only 30 minutes from Nashville. My dad was more than happy for me when I was accepted and given a full scholarship, because he was going to Africa to try and get back together with my mom, and I had nowhere to go while he was gone. I was shocked when I was accepted, and even more shocked when my dad said I could go, since I'm only 15. I am a sophomore and so is Trish, I am young for my class because I skipped a grade. I slowly fall asleep as I I think about MFAU. 'Maybe I will find someone who appreciates music as much as I do' 'Maybe I'll have a boyfriend' I silently laugh at myself for this thought. I wouldn't have time for a boyfriend with school work and music. Besides I don't think I've moved on from Gavin….


"Ally!" Trish said shaking me, "Ally!" "What?" I grumble back, being awoken from my nap. "Only 10 minutes until we land!" she squealed. "Yay!" I squeal back. "Can you two keep it down?" an annoyed stranger said behind us. "Sorry" I replied looking down at the floor. "Okay," Trish said "I already called a taxi to come pick us up and drop us off at MFAU". "Oh, that's great!" I replied. "I'm so excited Trish. We are only 30 miles away from our new lives. I mean I never expected anything like this until college, but now" – Trish cut me off "Ally you're rambling". "Sorry" I replied. "Don't be- look we're landing!" Trish bounced up and down in her seat. 'Alright ally, let's do this' I silently gave myself a pep talk as we landed.


"Taxi!" Trish yelled. A yellow cab pulled up beside us and the driver came out to help us with our bags. "Where are you girls headed to?" he asked. "We are going to Springfield, MFAU to be exact" Trish replied. "Ah, so what is your story?" he asks. "Well" I start, "Trish is going to pursue her acting career, and I write songs and play instruments, I used to perform, but I don't anymore". "Ah, why did you stop?" "Stage fright" I answered. After about 20 more minutes of us talking to each other we pulled up to the campus. I paid the cabbie and we grabbed our bags and stood at the front gate in awe. Trish was the first to speak," I think we're gonna like it here"

Hey hope you liked it. Sorry that it was short, the net ones will be longer. I should have the next chapter up soon. Sorry about all the time skips, there won't be as many in the next chapter, but they needed to get to the school before I could start the rest of the story. Auslly is coming and so is Trez. :)