A/N: This is what happens when I am obsessed with DAI, and I watch movies at random. There is no help for me, save yourself! I'll admit that this is an odd idea, but I figure what the heck- it is worth a try right? Personally I love the movie I am basing this off of, and I think everybody should see it.

Disclaimer: I do not, not have I ever owned The Mummy, or Dragon Age Inquisition, I do own Mousy and the unique portions of this fic that I write in- as the sprang from my imagination like a herd of cats and are as easily directed as such. Figures that when I want to write an original story I end up being dragged into a new fanfic instead.

Blood and Sand


By: Tamuril Telrunye Or Sunspice

The blond haired man gripping his bow as the encroaching line of horses sped towards them, he glanced towards his commander- the only man in the whole of the Templar unit that had a horse nearly dropping his bow as the man in question took one look at the line and spun his horse around- racing off in the opposite direction.

"Where do you think he's going?" Cullen said looking at his long time friend, and cowardly companion Mettin- red haired man only shrugged before commenting.

"I guess you just got promoted." Mettin said hands shaking on his bow as the line waited for orders. Cullen shrugged beneath his armor, heavily regretting the assignment that brought him to this particularly hot pit of the abyss and cleared his throat. He didn't even really understand why the Templar's would be dispatched to this place- it was a ruin, and elven ruin yes but not one worth dying over.

"Ready your bows!" The blond haired man said in a parade voice, pulling an arrow out of his quiver, and the line of men followed suit. He looked to his quivering friend noticing the quiver of the man's shoulders "You're with me on this one right Mettin?"

"Oh, you strength gives me strength." The redhead said, his arms still shaking.

"Ready!" At this cue, the man dropped his arrow and ran after their commander up the long walkway that once led into the now ruined city. Cullen only rolled his eye's at this, knowing that only the commanders threat of a desertion charge had been the only thing keeping Mettin here. "Steady! FIRE!"

He said, and a volley of arrows was unleashed on the approaching horsemen. While it had the desired effect, Cullen knew they stood no chance as more men and elves charged. Arrow after arrow flew, hitting their marks and still there was a solid line. He ordered his men back into the city, but knew it was in vain as arrows came flying at them in return. He and his remaining men sped up the long stone ramp into the city proper, before ducking and weaving through the worn and sometimes broken stone columns. The remains of stone buildings made it harder for the horseback attackers to pursue them in this place, and the blond man found himself running further into the city they had not previously had time to explore. Down a blind alley and into a courtyard, he found himself stopping short the large ornate statue of a wolf- any further progress blocked by its massive bulk.

His men, or what was left of them were no where to be seen and he could only hope as the sounds of battle continued that they would be fortunate enough to make it out. Drawing his sword, he turned to retrace his steps, stopping short as a trio of horses rounded the corner he'd taken. The men- two humans and an elf seemed for a moment ready to attack, but something seemed to be holding them back, and their horses seemed to spook as they urged them onward. The trio fled, and the blond man moved to watch them go- very confused. That was when he heard it, the sound he had mistaken for the thumping of his own heart as he ran, like the wind rushing over the sand it rose in pitch and volume as he looked around.

The shadows of the courtyard pitched the statue in darkness as he searched frantically for the source of this noise- he knew it, it was so familiar to him and yet so alien. His eyes widening as they landed on the stone creature once more, and he sucked in a breath- high pitched howling, a cacophony of high pitched anguished howling. But the source of it seemed to be the stone itself, and as he looked at it he swore- swore on his life that the stone effigy was grinning at him. Sharp teeth painting him a wicked promise, eyes laughing.

At this he turned and broke into a run back into the city, away from the stone thing. Be it demon or something else he did not care, he wasn't about to stick around and find out the hard way that he was right.

I should probably mention that while the places in question might be familiar, their placement in the world I am cooking up is a bit hinky, so if you are confused I'll try to clear things up. Here's hoping this goes well at least.

End Notes: Things aren't going to go precisely as the movie does because I want this to be unique, and while the characters might be similar- they aren't the same. And there will be more of them, so where this ends up is anyones guess. I'm also playing a lot with mixing the game lore, and a bit of ancient Egyptian- the same goes for the actual layout of the world. Romance will feature in this, but who is romancing whom is a big question for me- I guess we'll see where this goes.