Hey people its ForgottenKami back with a new chapter. The style of writing might be different since I got another new partner.

I don't own Naruto or Marvel. If I did own Naruto, he would have had a better life and defeated/killed Sasuke in their first fight at the Valley of the End; he would have also taken Nagato's Rinnegan eyes, seriously what village would let that opportunity escape them. If I owned Marvel, it would be a lot more sexuallity and blood; also I wouldn't be destroying it right now.

Heir to Superiority

Chapter 3

I don't own Naruto or Marvel. If I did own Naruto, he would have had a better life and defeated/killed Sasuke in their first fight at the Valley of the End; he would have also taken Nagato's Rinnegan eyes, seriously what village would let that opportunity escape them. If I owned Marvel, it would be a lot more sexuallity and blood; also I wouldn't be destroying it right now.

He was stunned but quickly masked the surprise, dismissing the reaction entirely within a moment. Naruto readied himself to fight against, or perhaps flee from, the red haired woman with green eyes. A woman that so resembled his mother.
But before he could even move he was thrown into the air, and held there.

Naruto focused, tried to concentrate on the force that held him in place. It was strong. So strong he couldn't even sense it, it was invisible to him, untouchable, uncontrollable.
"Please stop resisting." The red haired woman said lazily. She had a smooth voice. The kind of voice that would make a room fall silent without effort, that could convince a man against his will on a whim.

"It's you and your friends that keep chasing me, I'm just trying to protect myself." Naruto squirmed against her hold on him to no avail. "If you really do plan on helping me then perhaps you'll just leave me be."

She was hesitant, as if thinking about it, though he knew it was fake.

"Sorry, not part of the plan." Her voice was nonchalant and uninterested now that her thinking was done. She was confident that Naruto would accept her help, whether he wanted it or not. "Don't you want to know where you are? And how special you could be?"
Naruto didn't care much for people that preached he was special. They usually turned out to be crazy and murderous.

"My mother always said I'd be special!" Kurama's voice echoed in his head, the voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Sorry, not interested. If you wouldn't mind letting me down I'll be on my way now." Naruto told her.

This red haired woman placed her hands on her hips in a show of defiance. The small lines on her face became harsh with a furious frown that reminded Naruto of his mother even more.

"My name's Jean. Tell me yours and I may let you down."

'What do you think Kurama, do we trust her?' He asked.
"It doesn't seem like she's emitting a negative energy." Naruto couldn't see Kurama, he never could, but had learned to tell from his tone when he wasn't happy.

"She doesn't seem very evil." Naruto agreed.
"And despite the fact you're floating I don't sense anything threatening in whatever force she's controlling. I think we could be free if we wanted."

'You can sense whatever power she's using? Strange, I can't pick up on it.'

Naruto wasn't accustomed to being bested, especially not by a woman.

"I've run into this sort of power once or twice before. Safe to say it's fairly rare." Kurama said.
Naruto dismissed it, he didn't need any details. There were many things Kurama knew that he didn't and he was certain he could overpower Jean if necessary. He turned his attention back to the woman in question.

"Okay, I guess I can extend a little bit of trust. My name's Naruto and it's nice to meet you. Although I think the circumstances could've been better."

"Its nice to finally meet you too. We've been trying to track you down for a little while now." The newly named Jean gave Naruto a grin that resembled his mother so closely it disarmed his defences completely and left him dumbfounded. "Nice to meet you too." He managed to say.
"You've already said that." Jean said, a look of confusion crinkling her green eyes.

"Naruto, snap out of it." Kurama snapped. "Keep your guard up. This kind of energy isn't something to be trifled with."

Naruto was more struck by Kurama's aggression than Jean's likeness to his mother.

'It's not like you to be so edgy. Sure, we've just met her but she seems trustworthy.'
"You are trustworthy, aren't you?" Naruto asked. As if her word would be enough to convince him and Kurama both.

"Yeah, I'm trustworthy." Jean seemed mildly insulted by the question.
"I didn't say she wasn't trustworthy but what she's using isn't something you see often." Kurama said.
Naruto didn't understand what he was so worked up about but it was something to do with this power that Jean controlled, and his past experience with it. Whatever he'd experienced before frightened him, and something that scared Kurama definitely worried Naruto.

'You don't have an issue with the woman. You have an issue with her power. Where have you seen this before Kurama?'Naruto asked.

"You don't want to know Naruto." Kurama may have made a suggestion but his tone commanded Naruto not to ask again. Unfortunately, Naruto had very firmly decided he did want to know, and that he wanted to know now.
'Kurama, where have you seen this before?'
"Hello." Jean was waving at him with a jesters grin. "Anyone in there?" Her voice was patronising and she was interrupting his thoughts. Her resemblance to his mother alone was distracting him.
"No offence Jean, but I have no idea who you are. Can you mind your own business." Naruto barked.
Jean's perfect complexion became harsh with a wrinkled frown. "Fine." She folded her arms across her chest and turned away from him.
"I've only ever seen one other person with these capabilities Naruto."

'Who?' Naruto's patience was running out. Why did everyone have to test him?
Kurama's resolve disintegrated.

"Your mother." Naruto's heart stopped. The two words shook him to the core. Kurama had never even mentioned his mother in conversation before. Naruto had tried to bring her up but any time he did Kurama would avoid the subject somehow. Naruto searched for words but found his throat had dried out completely. Kurama sighed "Your mother had this sort of power."
Jean piped up, interrupting his thoughts again. "Sorry, I know you asked me to leave you be, but you weren't very polite about it and I'd like to get going."
"Yes, well I'm busy." Naruto's voice was harsh. Far worse than he'd intended. "You came here and attacked me, which I don't think is very polite. So, if you don't mind we'll get going when I'm ready."
"Sorry." Jean genuinely sounded hurt by Naruto's anger.
He tried to calm his voice. "And if you're lucky on the trip I might extend some knowledge to you. It might be useful to you one day."
"How could you help me?" Jean's eyes were fixed on Naruto, a hard stare that almost seemed like a threat, her voice almost a whisper. Naruto felt guilt sweep over him for the way he'd spoke to her. Guilt and fear of this woman.

"I didn't mean to snap at you. My mother had similar powers to yours, apparently."
"Really?" Jean's eyes held his for a moment they fell away again. "It's not an uncommon skill, telekinesis. There are lots of people can do it. Although, we've never been able to find anyone that is quite as powerful as me." Naruto heard a lot of pride in her voice, and perhaps a hint of arrogance too.

"Well, I've only sensed this power once before, in someone a long time ago." Kurama's voice had softened to the point of a whisper but seethed with aggression and hatred, as if he was lost in a memory that haunted him every day. "Whenever your mother used her chakra to form chakra chains, which she was the master of doing, there was an energy that no one could identify. It poured out of her and into her shape, made the chains stronger than anyone could comprehend. It's a unique ability, one I've never seen since. Until now."
"What do you mean by learning? How can you be learning? Unless." Jean paused. "You're a telepath?"


"Someone that can speak with their mind."

"Kind of, it's a little bit more complicated than that."

"Would you care to explain."

"It's like there's another person inside my head."

"That's exactly what is." Kurama told him.

"Another person, how does that work?" Jean asked.

All of these questions were distracting Naruto from what he really wanted to know. They were drowning Kurama out of Naruto's head.
"Like I said, it's complicated. Jean, I know just as much as you."
"Oh, well you should probably get on with learning then. I've sort of got a schedule." She added.
'How does it work Kurama?'Naruto returned to the task at hand.
"I couldn't tell you. We never managed to figure it out." Kurama's tone was back in the present. Naruto wondered how much Kurama truly knew about his mother. "Every generation of Uzukami has a unique chakra, like you and Karin are unique in this generation. Your mother's power was strongest when she used her chakra chains."
Naruto found it almost impossible to comprehend.

'My mother could do stuff like this?' He asked.
"Well, not exactly. She used the same source for her powers. Her chakra had essence. Most people thought her chakra chains were a unique ability but they were only half right. The chakra chains were a secret technique called Kongõ Kusari that most Uzumaki Jōnin were allowed to learn. It's what made them feared."
"So, have you learned what you wanted?" Jean asked.
"Not exactly." Naruto responded. "You're only using the same power. My mother harnessed it into her own techniques, not into this telekinesis."

"How did she use the power." Jean asked, seemingly very interested.

"She used the power to form her chakra chains. Essentially it made them a great deal more reliable."
"Eh, well that doesn't exactly clear things up for me." Jean sweeped a piece of her scarlet hair away from her eyes.
"Trust me, it makes just as much sense to you as it does to me." Naruto said.
"Glad I'm not the only one confused." Jean grinned.
"It's not going to get any easier to understand either." Kurama told him.
'What else do you know about my mother Kurama.' Naruto asked.
"There's nothing more." Kurama's voice told him that he'd learned all he would.
"Besides that there's nothing else I can learn."
"Okay." Jean looked down at the floor with a expression of concentration. When she looked back at him her face was still that of a stern mature woman, but her features had suddenly grown tired. "Would you like to come down now." She said in a tongue that Naruto did not recognise but somehow understood. Naruto was stunned by this new language. Annunciation, pronunciation and structure were all things he suddenly grasped perfectly, almost better than he understood his own language, and he'd been speaking that since the age of two.
"What is this?" Naruto asked in this foreign tongue, as if it had been his first language.
"It's a lot more technical than I could explain but I like to call it braindumping. Effectively I have implanted my knowledge of English in your brain, dumped it there if you like." Jean said.
"Huh? You can't learn a language in a split second." Naruto knew that much about every language at least.
"You didn't exactly learn." She explained "I learnt for you, and it took a long time to do. It's like I downloaded the language into your brain from mine."
"How does that even work? What's downloading?" Naruto didn't grasp any of what she was saying.
"It's difficult to explain and extremely tiring to do, but I'd be happy to show you." Her smile was innocent and masked her intentions well. "Only if you come with me that is."
"Come with you?" Naruto wasn't that easily baited. "I'm going to need a better reason than a new language to come with you."
"We've been tracking you for a while Naruto. My professor sensed your potential, he's been following your mutant footprint for at least two weeks."
"Is this professor of yours some kind of Hunter Ninja? He sounds like a Hunter Ninja if he tracks my footprint. And, I know I have an ordinary footprint, but what's my mutant footprint?"

Jean began to laugh at something Naruto must have said.
"Naruto, you should be careful, we don't know if we can trust anyone here. This person must be considerably dangerous if he can track you." Kurama claimed, as he always did, that trust was a rarity most people do not posses. Something they never agreed on.

'Shh Kurama.'

"No, as much as he'd like to be some kind of a sorcerer, he's not. Though, as you might've guessed he's a mutant. A mutant with a very specific skill set." Jean spoke over whatever Kurama said next.

"What's a mutant?" There were so many things in this strange place that Naruto didn't understand and Jean seemed to hold every answer.

"It's a person who is born with a unique gene that manifests into some kind of special power. At least that's how the scientists put it." Jean's explanation didn't make the concept any easier.

"What's a gene?"

"I believe they are what bloodlines are called in this land."

Naruto quickly spoke before Jean could answer his question. "Is a gene your bloodline?"

"Em, well they are passed on so I guess so." For the first time Jean didn't seem very certain.
"And I guess my genes are the reason this professor sent you to hunt me."
"Like I said, we aren't hunting you. We're merely passing on an invitation." Jean went into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. She waved it in the air.
"Oh, I love parties. Is that my invitation." Naruto said with a wink.
"Not so much a party. More of a school for those of us with extraordinary talents."
"Ah." Naruto had already been to school. They taught you to play and speak and to count, but he didn't remember needing a special talent like this. "I've already been to school thanks."
"Okay, so it's not exactly a school, but if you like you can learn there. It is a safe environment. Somewhere out of the public eye and free of scrutiny. Somewhere you'll be able to harness your powers and your future."
"That's a fancy slogan for a school." Naruto teased.
"It's not a slogan. More a philosophy."
"Okay, say you were sent by a professor from a school for the gifted and talented, say there wasn't any real threat to me here. Why did you bring a very aggressive group of your talents to extend this invitation?"
"We weren't aggressive." Jean laughed. "Maybe we were a bit forceful in pursuing you but that's all. We never tried to harm you." Jean looked innocent in every word.
"Forceful! You broke a door down, chased me through the streets and trapped me in an alley before even speaking a word."
Jean laughed again. "Okay. Perhaps we could've been more discreet in our methods, but we have had some severe issues in the past with other mutants. We couldn't have known whether you were friendly or not."
"You could've just knocked and asked nicely."
"We could've knocked but breaking down doors is more fun." Jean smirked and gave a shrug. "So, will you come with me?"
Naruto considered the offer. She had asked nicely.

"I've got nothing better to be doing today."
"You didn't have much of a choice anyways." She threw over her shoulder as she walked away. Naruto didn't know if she was serious or otherwise, but it didn't matter as he tumbled through the air and crashed into the ground. Jean turned back to him. "Come on, let's get going."
When Naruto finally found his feet and stood back on the ground he was formally introduced to a few of Jean's team, not that he was very interested in them. Just four names he'd never remember, they didn't deserve to be remembered in his opinion.
Once all of those formal introductions were done Jean turned to Naruto. "Come on. It's going to be quite a drive."

"Drive?" Naruto called as the group walked away but no one answered him. Naruto stood for a moment, alone in the alleyway. He had the only chance he would get to escape, to delve further into this adventure, but he knew no one or place in this land.

Naruto rushed after them and fell in line alongside Jean, ignoring the rest of her group.
They walked about a mile through the cityscape. There were all sorts of devices lining the streets, some Naruto could understand the basic function of, others he couldn't.

Jean told him to be inconspicuous which he thought was ridiculous given the circumstances. Her whole group were wearing black clothes with yellow stripes, a combination that Naruto immediately knew stood out.
On the suburban edge of the city's sprawl a pair of the metal carriages which tore through every street stopped alongside do them. Jean pulled open a door and jumped in without a second thought. Naruto was more hesitant, he didn't exactly know if he should follow but no one offered a better option. He ducked into the transportation.
His seat was a sticky leather that clung to him in the day's heat. Inside was unusual, instead of wooden beams and planks there were fabrics and plastics. Each of the windows was made from a dark glass which made it difficult to see through and a partition was in place to separate the driver and his passengers.
Jean sat in a seat opposite Naruto and alongside him sat another man. The passenger door slammed shut and no one spoke a word as the jeeps pulled away.
The journey wasn't a long one, maybe two hours at most, and Naruto had travelled days at a time in the past, but in the dead silence time seemed to grind to a halt. Naruto was certain they'd headed north out of the city and at a considerable speed, not that it helped him with their location any.
The roaring of the metal carriage faded to a stop. Jean stared at Naruto, and Naruto stared back at her, vaguely confused. She gave a slight cough before swinging the door open and gesturing for him to get out.
Naruto stepped out of the vehicle and onto a gravel drive, followed by Jean and the guy that had sat alongside him. The small beige rocks crunched beneath each of his steps as Jean led him forwards. Naruto looked around and noticed the rest of Jean's group had disappeared. They were the only ones left on the drive.
In front of them was a pair of black wrought iron gates under a black iron arch. the gates were fixed to a pair of brick pillars, from which walls extended as far left and right as Naruto could possibly see, lined with trees and bushes and ornamental decorations. In the arch, spelt out in the bars in the foreign tongue Jean had given him, was Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. It appeared Naruto could read the language as well.

'Any idea what this place is Kurama?'Naruto asked.
"I'd wager it's exactly what they say it is. A school for people with Bloodlines." Kurama said. Naruto's friend had been silent the entire trip. Something that Naruto was not used to and something that unnerved him greatly.
'So we can trust them?'
"I guess there's only one way to find out. We'll meet this professor and see what he has to say."
They approached the gates slowly and when they came within touching distance the entrance swung open. Jean beckoned Naruto through.

Just inside they turned off the driveway and up a small garden path that led into the trees.
"This professor, do you respect him?" Naruto asked.

"Of course, he's looked after me for as long as I can remember." Jean replied.

"What is it he wants?" Naruto asked.

"If I had to guess, he probably wants to offer you a place here. That's why ninety percent of mutants come here. Me included."
"And what does he think he can teach me?" Naruto said with a sarcastic tone.
"Well, maybe some chemistry. There is a chemistry class if that's what you want to do." Jean grinned at him. "Otherwise I'd suggest you talk to him instead. He's just a kind old man trying to help people."
Naruto was ready to reply, he needed to learn more about what lay ahead of him, but his reply was stopped by what was directly ahead of them. Together they stepped out of the tree line and onto a different section of the snaking gravel driveway. The drive passed them and turned back on itself, circling a small field of well kept grass. Scattered across the grass were students of all ages. Naruto thought the teenagers were most obvious, carrying satchels and books, but in the throng Naruto picked out those taller and leaner, more likely to be the adults. Even fewer were those of silver hair and lined face, people of a generation older than Naruto could ever hope to be.

"A place for all ages." He muttered.
In the middle of the field an elegant water fountain spewed into the air and rained back down into the basin. The centrepiece was a magnificent mermaid of stone atop a floating rock. The fountain was encircled by its own small path.

Across the field, and the driveway that circled it, a set of granite steps made their way up to a solid oak door, the entrance to the main building. A mansion of immense proportions. Its red brick walls towered high above Naruto, so high he almost lost them in the clouds. Grey stone gargoyles, and white stone balconies marked the highest points before the sloping roof took over. He saw nothing special here, only an oversized home.

"Where are they?" Naruto asked as he and Jean crossed the grass.

"Where are who?" Jean replied.

"The other mutants. I don't see anyone that looks vaguely unusual."

"Then maybe you should try opening your eyes." Kurama interrupted him.

"You just need to look a bit harder." Jean smiled. "There. At the edge of the fountain." Her finger darted up to point at a young boy with silver hair.

Naruto watched the boy, glared at him, waited for something to happen. The boy's hair was unusual, but his clothes looked normal for this land, even his body and stature looked unbelievably average.

"He's just a normal…" The words stuck in Naruto's throat and almost choked him.

The boy leant forward and cupped some of the fountain water in his hands. Naruto thought the boy must be bored, or perhaps thirsty. The water dripped between the gaps in his fingers, Naruto watched it fall, small droplets fell back into the fountain, and Naruto watched them stop. The stream of water froze in place, forming an icicle that drooped from his fingertips. The boy held it there, not afraid nor fazed by what had happened. And then the icicle fell away as droplets back into the pool.

"And over there." Jean's finger moved across the groups of people and stopped on a small girl, much younger than Naruto that leant against the brick red walls. Her hair was dark hazel and she wore a yellow dress decorated with blue flowers. "Watch her closely. It might take a minute."

Naruto noticed the little girl's skin began to look pale, the color of her hair began to fade away. The air seemed to shimmer around her and her face looked as though it had begun to shine. In a small flash, not noticeable unless you were looking at her, the girl changed completely. Her skin seemed to flow and had an unhealthy tinge that caught Naruto off guard.

"She's been getting better at controlling it but every now and then she'll lose her grip. It's liquid silver, her skin. If that's not unusual then I don't know what is." Jean said. "Come on."

Jean and Naruto crossed the field, stepping between people. He noticed more and more strange skills as he walked by. Some held small balls of fire, others had fur or strange skin, or floated an inch above the grass.

At the top of the granite steps Naruto turned back and looked over the people, he felt like some kind of omnipotent being to stand over all of these mutants. He wondered why they were all here. What could this professor could offer so many that they couldn't offer themselves? Perhaps Xavier was a God and Naruto would simply be a piece of his plan.

"Shall we?" Jean pushed the heavy oak door open and stepped through. "Here we have the main entrance."

The door opened to a grand entrance chamber. Two staircases snaked up to a landing, beneath which a set of doors were wide open to reveal a long carpeted corridor. Naruto followed Jean down the corridor. Lining the walls were strange paintings, some of people with odd names, others were of beautiful landscapes, and a few were of exotic animals that Naruto didn't recognize.

They only turned a few corners, passing a few people on the way, before Naruto was lost. As they kept walking the corridor began to change. The soft lamp lights became harsh and bright, the wooden walls became a grey material, and the corridor began to feel cold.

Finally Jean stepped through a door that took them out of the corridor.

"Here we have the Chemistry lab because I distinctly remember you being interested." Jean laughed.

The room had a low grey ceiling and was crammed with rectangular tables. The tabletops were scorched and burned, and in some places Naruto could see claw marks deep in the wood. At the room's edge the tables were much thinner, littered with odd shaped vials and alchemist equipment. Colored liquids, strange looking powders, materials that Naruto had never seen, they filled every available space.

At the back of the room, out of the harsh lights, hidden in the shadows was a figure, hunched over a table in the darkness.

Naruto watched this mysterious person, he could see masses of dark hair on a head that was tipped forward, giant hands that swirled and moved bottles around with deft precision. Whoever this was, this alchemist, hid beneath a white coat.

"Mr. McCoy." Jean whispered.

The hunched figure's head shot up. He straightened up, and gained so much height that his head almost brushed the ceiling. "I heard you coming, Jean." Mr. McCoy's voice was so deep that Naruto thought it came from every corner of the room.

"You always do. It must be hard to not hear every voice in the house."

"You learn to live with it." McCoy grumbled.

Naruto watched his hands continue to shuffle across the table, moving bottles and tubes from here to there. The white material that hid his body from sight failed to protect his bare legs, legs that were bare besides the blue fur that covered them. Naruto noticed that the man's legs were also oddly shaped, his knees bent at a strange angle, forming something resembling a wolf's haunch rather than a human leg. A pale desk blocked any view Naruto might have of McCoy's feet but he assumed they weren't the usual. "And who might you be?"

"This is Naruto, Mr. McCoy." Jean answered.

'Ah, you're the one we've been hearing so much about." McCoy's voice reminded Naruto of a wolf growling in the forest. "You didn't think the professor would like to see him first Jean?"

"I was told to give a tour first."

"A tour, huh? Well as you can see this is one of our many laboratories." McCoy dropped onto all fours in front of his desk. His shoulders became hunched supports for his massive body.

"What are you?" Naruto blurted out, instantly slapping both hands over his mouth and regretting his decision.

"An astute question. To those that don't know my name I'm the beast." Mr. McCoy took three long strides across the room and had all of his fangs bared in Naruto's face before he could react. "And I bet you can see why." McCoy laughed as he pulled away from Naruto's face.

"But for those of us who know Mr. McCoy better he is professor of chemistry with an unusual genetic skin disorder." Jean added.

The man appeared to be fouler beast than wise man but Naruto trusted Jean's word. Stepped away from Naruto with a grin on his beastly cheeks.

"I'd like to go now." Naruto said.

"Of course." Mr. McCoy replied, turning his back on them and lopping back over to his desk.

Jean took Naruto back out into the corridor. Her face was a harsh grimace as she led him away.

Jean walked through the corridors, stopping here and there to present a new area. There many classrooms, even more sleeping quarters, social rooms and labs. Occasionally she'd stop in the corridor to introduce a passerby. There so many halls, shortcuts and corridors that Naruto couldn't have found the door if he'd wanted to leave.

At the rear of the house was a large extension that contained a large swimming pool, or so he was told. Jean said it was being cleaned so they couldn't go in. Beyond that were a set of courts that she said were for tennis, whatever that was. Through an archway and down the stone slab steps was a garden filled with flowers and trees, and at its heart was a maze formed from hedges.

He was take He was taken into a room behind the kitchen with no other exits.

"I don't see any professors in here."

"That's because he isn't in here." Jean said. She leant forward and picked up a box of orange fruits. "Can you hold this for me?" She had already passed him the box before he could reply. "And if you wouldn't mind facing the other way."

"Yeah, why not." Naruto sighed.

He stared at the wall with the box of strange fruit in his hands. He wondered what could possibly be going on behind his back. Was Jean preparing a knife and needed him in position? There was a gentle click and Naruto felt a slight breeze on his back.

"You can look now." Naruto turned around, anticipating an attack that wasn't coming. Instead Jean was stood with her hand against a section of the wall that had swung open. "Oh, yeah. The oranges. Just put them over there."

Naruto put the oranges down and turned back to Jean. "How did you…" He began. "Never mind. It's a secret, isn't it?"

"Yep. Now, come on. The professor may be patient but he won't wait forever." Jean set off down the corridor. Naruto hurried after her before the door slammed shut.

The corridors were different in this hidden section of the house. Gradually they sloped down and filled with moist air until Naruto was convinced they were underground. The walls and ceiling of the corridor were made of hard steel that made Naruto cold despite the heat and had one long light running through the middle of each wall.

Naruto followed Jean through the depressing tunnels, never passing a soul.

"What is this place?" Naruto asked.

"A school." Jean replied without giving him the slightest glance.

"A school on the outside perhaps but what are you hiding down here?"

Jean shushed him. "I think you're about to find out." She said.

Ahead of them was a large circular door. It was embedded in the wall with a thick cross cut into the steel and a silver frame. A crack appeared through the door, there was a low hissing, and the two halves of the door slid apart.

They parted to reveal a bald man perched in a seat that rested on wheels.

"That is the professor." Jean whispered.

"Hello Naruto. It is nice to finally meet you." The man's voice wasn't unusual, if anything it was unbearably plain. This professor did not sound like a God, nor did he appear to be one. "My name is Charles Xavier. I assume you know why you are here."

"Because Jean brought me." Naruto stuck his chin out. "So, why am I here?"

"This." Xavier lifted his arms as if holding the world. "This is why you are here. Naruto, these tunnels, this school, this world, is our home, and I may not appear much but we are the X-men and we are here to protect our home."

Naruto had to admit the small speech was nearly inspiring, perhaps this man was simply that and these people followed him because he could lead.

"And you have brought me here because I pose a threat." Naruto once again readied himself for a fight against Jean.

"Oh no. We have brought you here to extend my invitation. I would like you to join us, to become an X-men."

Naruto was stunned by the offer and knew it was important to make alliances in this new land, but he could not stay here forever.

"Your offer is very kind, and I would like to remain here for now if you would allow it, but I cannot stay indefinitely."

"Ah, I see." The professor pawed at his chin. "Jean."

"Professor." Her response was swift as a soldier.

"Your next assignment is in Paris, take Naruto and show him what it means to be an X-men."

"If you are certain."

"Aren't I always?" Xavier answered with a grin as he turned away. "I have an English class to teach so must be off, a bunch of misfits would be a better description of them."

"Come on, we have a plane to catch." Jean said, walking back the way they'd come.

Hey guys its been awhile, longer than I would have wanted. Man when writer say they are going to take a break and come back, they usually never do. And now I know why. I don't have much to say, just 10K more words, ok. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.