SasuSaku Month 2015- Day 1


Title: Once in love, always in love.

A/N: Happy SasuSaku month, everyone! I had this idea the other day and I knew it would be perfect for the month! I still haven't seen any fic similar to this one so... I'm original \(°^°)/ haha just kidding. I've left something good for you in the middle of this story and, sorry, I couldn't help myself XD Well, I hope you enjoy it!


" Sarada! Hurry up! Your father is waiting for you and I'm gonna be late!"

It was time for her to go. Her backpack, which had been carefully prepared by her mother on the night before, was already resting on her back. Her clothes were okay, her red glasses were clean and, of course, her dark short hair was naturally falling near her ear. Uchiha Sarada was ready to go. Not that the place where she would be going was anything special but, as every time she was about to go over her papa's, the 12 year old girl made sure to look impeccable. She was still his little princess, wasn't she?

Taking one last look in the mirror before going, the girl let out a smile as her above average mind started to work. On that night, great things were about to happen and, if everything went as planned, her family would be whole again. It was not like she had any kind of complex due to the fact that her parents were divorced or anything but, deep inside, she felt like someone had to do something with those two. She knew there was still hope for them as a couple. She knew there was still love in between them. And, encouraged by her parents' blond best friend and even by her own father, Sarada knew their story couldn't end like that.

The story behind that divorce was quite reasonable in that child's mind. As she could remember from her early days, her father was always busy with his work and was rarely at home. Both of the girls understood that perfectly but, after following this routine for almost 10 years, the pink haired mother reached her limit. Sakura was a strong and independent woman of the 21st century and she was tired of waiting for a man. Even if he was the love of her life and even if she understood that his job as a famous lawyer was important, she couldn't keep letting that control her and her daughter's lives. Just because she had had a daughter with him, it didn't mean they were meant to be attached forever. Sakura also had an important job. She also needed to focus on her own work and on the needs of Sarada. And all that drama of being a married single mother was simply not helping at all.

The decision came one day and the whole process happened quite peacefully. Sasuke also understood that he couldn't keep her waiting forever and that she did deserve the attention all women need. He knew she needed him there, but, due to the circumstances, there was nothing he could do at that moment. So, even if it hurt, he set her free and she let him go. She recovered her own last name and went to live in a different house. It took them a long time to get used to it but, eventually, they managed to move on with their lives. From that moment on, Sarada knew her parents had split. Yet, no mater how many times she asked them, neither Sakura nor Sasuke would ever say that the love between them had vanished. And that would always bring her hope to see them being happy together. They just needed a little push and that was what she was going to do. She was going to be their matchmaker. She was going to bring that feeling back. And, for that, the girl knew that fight would be worth fighting for. Specially after her father had, finally, returned home for good.

Holding an even bigger smile than before, the Uchiha girl exited her room and went downstairs to meet her mother. When she first saw the pinkette, her black orbs widened immediately. Sarada knew her mother was going to have an important business meeting with the hospital directors but, never in her mind, it had occurred her that her mama would have put that much effort on her choice of clothes.

Pink hair tied up in a bun, leaving only a side bang falling to the right, a black tube dress that ended exactly in her knees and a pair of beautiful varnished black heels. If Sarada didn't know her mother really had a business dinner, she would definitely think that the pinkette would be going on a romantic date. She was just so beautiful with those clothes and she still looked so professional. Sakura was certainly a one of a kind woman. The little Uchiha couldn't understand how her father could have let her run away.

" ahh... There you are!" Sakura said, smiling at her daughter as she finished attaching her earring.

" you look amazing, mother!"

" thank you, sweetheart. I hope I'm not exaggerating..."

" nah... It's perfect! You'll definitely cause a good impression."

" I hope so... Well, are you ready to go?"

" you bet I am!" The child smiled brightly.

" uhm... You seem really excited today. Do you and your father have something special planned?"

" yes! I'm finally gonna meet his new girlfriend! We are going out for dinner together."

" his what!?" Her emeralds widened and she felt her heart skipping a beat. It was not like she didn't know he had the right to go out with other women but... It was still painful somehow.

" his girlfriend... I don't remember her name but... I think she's a blonde or something like that..."

Damn it, Sakura bit her inner lip.

" and... For how long has he been going out with her? And how old is she? Is she one of those young school girls? Is she someone from his job? Is she-"
Before any other word could exit her mouth, Sakura's jade eyes captured that one thing she was sure Sarada had inherited from her father: a smirk. A smirk so tricky and ironic and annoying that made her realize she had fallen for her own daughter's trick. That girl was just like Sasuke when it came to annoy the pinkette. Haruno Sakura was, definitely, in trouble among the Uchihas of her life.

" are you jealous, mama?"

" jealous? Of your father?" Sakura crossed her arms, looking away as if trying to prove anything to that 12 year old kid. " as if... I just wanna know what kind of person he's going to bring to our lives."

" our lives?"

" your life."

Seeing her mother like that and with a silly blush on her cheeks just made things a lot harder for Sarada to hold back a laughter. A good and warm laughter that left Sakura speechless and a little confused, to be honest. What could a 12 year old girl find so funny about getting a young stepmother?

" what's so funny?"

" I-I'm lying! Papa doesn't have a girlfriend!"

" you little..." Sakura pouted, feeling a lot more relieved inside. For a strong and independent woman of the 21st century, Haruno Sakura was probably the most childish mother of the city. " I would love to see you getting yourself a terrible stepmother, Sarada."

" like that red haired woman with glasses we saw on TV?"

" yes!" Sakura joined her kid in the laughter. " exactly like that."

With both of the girls laughing so sincerely like that, none of them really saw how late they were. After ruffling her kid's hair playfully and grabbing her purse, Sakura, finally, drove them out of there. For Sasuke lived just 10 minutes away from the girls, taking or picking their daughter up was never a problem to any of them. In fact, many were the times when Sarada would spend the day in between the houses just because she couldn't stand spending 24 hours without seeing both of her parents. Perhaps, Sasuke's idea of finding a house nearby hadn't been that bad.

Once they were standing in the front door, Sakura softly pressed the doorbell, making the sound resonate around the insides of his house. Even if the pinkette had her own key and the total approval of Sasuke to use it, she still made sure to use the bell so both of them wouldn't get the wrong idea or anything. More than anyone, Sakura knew her ex-husband's intentions ever since he had decided to settle in the city and that whole thing didn't make her any happier. She couldn't let Sasuke keep thinking like that forever and, most of all, she couldn't let him keep trying to get her back with that same Uchiha charm she fell in love with before. She knew that depending on what he did, no part of her would be able to stop him from winning her back. And that, no matter what, couldn't happen at all. So, yes, ringing that thing was necessary.

It was only after the third time she rang the doorbell that the door opened to reveal the dark haired man leaning against his door frame. He was wearing a short sleeved dark blue shirt and some black pants that, indeed, seemed to be a lot comfortable at that time. His slightly longer hair was covering his left eye but that, for sure, didn't stop him from eyeing the pinkette from head to toe. Even if the Uchiha would be normally a discreet person, at times like those when his ex-wife was simply stunning, he couldn't really control himself.

" Sasuke?"

" ... You could... You could have entered with your key, you know?..."

" you know I have no right to invade your house."

" ... Then move in with me."

Sarada smiled brightly as she looked at her mother, who couldn't help but blushing a little. Perhaps her battle would be a lot easier than she had imagined.
" tch..." She sighed. " I have no time for this..."

The pinkette made her way past through him in what seemed to be a rush. Her eyes, curiously, wandering around his house as if to make sure he wasn't receiving any possible future stepmother. Even without realizing, the boy was closely following her as Sarada had run to the bathroom, leaving them alone for the moment. Apparently, drinking all that tea had made her think of waterfalls. But she wouldn't mind that as long as her father took advantage of the situation.

" I'm going to this important meeting with the hospital directors to discuss about the children's mental healthcare clinic."

" Hn." He followed, as she passed through the living room and went towards the kitchen.

" take care of Sarada and help her with the homework... She's learning equations and even if she didn't seem to have problems, it's important to show her you're there to help."

" Hn." He saw as she stopped near the fridge and the cupboard, picking up a glass of water. Because taking a glass of water from his fridge wasn't a sign of intimacy at all.

" order some food but not those junk foods you and Naruto normally eat with the kids." She drank, placing the cup in the sink, washing it really quickly. " and, also, make sure she's asleep by ten. She has classes in the morning and I'll be picking her up early."

" Hn." He finally approached her.

" do you only know how to say-" she turned to face him and, at that time, she realized he had just trapped her in between his arms and the cupboard.

Even if she tried to stay as far away as possible, nothing she did was really going to help. Sakura Haruno felt completely caged. And that smirk on his lips was there just to inform her that he was in control.

" we will be fine... Now, tell me again..." He eyed her one more time. " at what time are you coming back from the meeting?"

" I-I didn't say that..."

" uhm... You're really looking good for someone who's going out in a business dinner." He leaned closer and she blushed. Their eyes never unlocking. " is there anything you're not telling me, Sa-ku-ra?"

"L-Like what?"

" like a date, of course..."

" Hn, don't be an idiot. I'm not going out on a date tonight."

" well, would you like to?" He smirked and, this time, she glared at him.

" no, thank you. I need to focus on my job. And you better take care of Sarada."

" tch." He grunted, finally letting her free. " it's not like I've never done this before. We will be just fine... But, if you doubt me, then you could stay with us to check with your own eyes."

" no, thank you... I trust my daughter."

" what about your husband?"

" ex-husband, you mean."

" Hn. Whatever... I'll make sure to take care of my family." He nodded.

" I really hope so."

With a teasing smile, the pinkette softly slapped his cheek before walking back towards the front door and leaving the boy alone in the kitchen. His smirk was still ruling his expression and he couldn't help himself from loving to tease that woman. Even if they were legally divorced, his feelings for her couldn't make him understand that she wasn't his anymore. For his feelings, she was and would always be his. She would always belong to that family. And Sasuke made sure to tell Sarada about this every time he had the chance. No wonder why she believed in their love that much.

After some good moments, the Uchiha father finally followed the pinkette and his eyes caught the scene of his wife- ex-wife- planting a kiss on their daughter's cheek, leaving a lipstick stain on it. The toddler playfully wiped it out with the back of her hand as a beautiful smile came to play on her lips. Sarada's love for her mother was something impressively amazing to be seen. Her admiration and the gleam in her black eyes was just a heartwarming view. That was the kind of feeling he would never be able to give her. That was the kind of feeling those two had developed during the time he was away. It was not like they didn't have their own father and daughter thing as well, but this one was different. Deeper. For being the person he is, not only he wanted to be a part of it but also he wanted to be able to protect it. He wanted to protect his family. His whole small family. And you bet Sakura, as his wife, was included in his plans.

" take care of the house and don't let your father do anything stupid, okay?"

" got it mama! Enjoy your date!"

Sasuke's heart skipped a beat. That girl, indeed, loved to play tricks with her parents.

" d-date?" Sakura looked at Sasuke and she saw how his hands were clenched in two fists. Silly father, she thought.

" tch... You and your jokes, Sarada." She said, smiling at her daughter and ruffling those dark locks again. " I'll be going then. Have fun you two!"

And so, the one with pink hair left the house, leaving behind not only the delicious smell of the spring but also a daughter and an ex-husband. Sakura was indeed half of the excitement of that family and, when she wasn't there, the only thing those two could think of was her and a way of bringing her back. And, on that time, she would be back for good.

" is she really going out on a date?"

"... Who knows...?" She smirked.

" Sarada!"

" Hn, you were the one who let her go, papa! Now let's get started. We have a lot to do."

" tch... You really are Sakura's daughter..."

The pinkette could swear she hadn't even spent 1 complete hour in that dinner when her phone rang. A phone call from her daughter's phone and a teary desperate voice begging for her mama to rescue her. Sakura could not decide on what to feel as she drove as fast as possible on the highway towards the Uchiha house. She didn't know if she was just worried a lot or if something bad had happened to them or if Sasuke was the only one to be blamed for the state her daughter was. Somehow, she had a feeling that the last one was probably the right one but, before reaching for any conclusions, the pinkette made sure to arrive as fast as possible. The business dinner had, indeed, being canceled for her.

Once she parked her car outside of his house, Sakura, for the first time in years, used the spare key he had given her.

" Sarada! Sasuke! Where are you!?"

The mother rushed in, desperately looking for any sign of her child and ex-husband so she could understand what had, indeed happened.
Her green eyes observed the furniture and the carpet and she felt happy to know there was nothing broken nor any blood stain in there. Once she really is a mother, thinking about the worst possible scenario is only her job. She wanted to see her daughter and her husband- ex-husband- and she wanted to make sure they were okay. That was her priority at the moment. Yet, no matter what, she just couldn't find them. She looked around the living room, Sasuke's room and even Sarada's own room. There was no one in there and the Haruno started to feel her stomach getting irritated due to how worried she was. She was almost calling the police at that time. Her finger was almost touching the green button when, suddenly, a bell was heard coming from the kitchen. It had to be them.

" Sarada! Sasuke!"

The pinkette, still in her heels, ran towards the kitchen, tossing her purse away in the process. Her green eyes seemed to be burning in desperation and she certainly couldn't care less about how messed up her face already was after running around the house. She wanted to see them. She needed to see them. And, as it would normally happen, she did. But all of her expectations were thrown away as soon as her emeralds had a full view of the kitchen. A crime was, certainly, about to happen in that house.

" hello, mama!"

"Hn, perfect timing, Sakura."

There was no fire. No blood. No tears. There was nothing wrong happening to them. In fact, the bell that had just rung, meant that something in the oven was ready. The only thing wrong, apparently, was the fact that Sasuke was cooking in an apron. And, by the way it smelled, it was meat. The Haruno girl really had no idea of what was happening there.

" what the...? What's going on here?"

" we are having a family dinner, mama!"

"A-A family dinner? Then what was that call for?"

" Hn, we figured a family dinner with your family would be something that you couldn't miss... Sarada, give papa the gloves... This is smelling delicious."

" okay! Here you go!" The girl said, doing as her father had told her.

" but... But... The emergency... The crying... What was that all about!?" Anger, slowly, started to boil inside her body. Things were surely gonna get dangerous around there.

" crying? Emergency?" The little girl made a confused face and looked at her father. " I don't remember anything... Not even calling you, mama."
" true. I think you are getting a little paranoid, Sakura..."

" paranoid or some kind of connection, right, papa?!"

" you're so smart, Sarada."

The way Sarada was smiling at Sasuke and the way Sasuke was smiling at Sarada denounced their whole plan. Of course Sakura wouldn't fall for that. It was too obvious that there was something going on and she wasn't insane enough to have imagined a phone call from her daughter. The Haruno girl was not crazy. But you bet she was mad.

" Sasuke! Sarada! What kind of joke is this!?"

" it's just a family din-"

" no! Don't even start again! Tch... Damn it!" The pinkette placed her palm on her head. " you guys knew this was important! Couldn't you have chosen another day to do it? Any other day and I would have even helped you!"

They were both in silence.

" tch... Sarada, sweetheart..." She said, approaching her daughter who was near the balcony across from Sasuke, kneeling near her and placing a hand on her shoulder. " You can't believe everything your papa says... Our marriage... It's over. I know you want to act like a Cupid but some things can't be changed that easily."

" but I don't want to be a Cupid, mama... I know you two still love each other. Then why can't you just be together?"

" Sarada..." She looked at Sasuke, as if to ask for support. But, instead of help, she found the man smirking. What a mature adult he was. " tch... Love isn't the only thing that will keep people together... It takes more than that."

" but papa will be here now... He won't leave you alone."

" ... You're still too young to understand that."

" but... Mama... All I want is a family dinner... That's all."

The sad pout on that girl's lips was the one thing that destroyed Sakura. If there was one thing she couldn't take, was seeing Sarada like that. If she was the one to be blamed then, things would be really gloomy for the pink haired mother. That little girl was certainly her weakness and, just like all of the other times, Sakura succumbed to that Uchiha acting. Maybe she should try to be a stricter mother.

"... Tch..." Sakura sighed in defeat. " fine. Let's have this dinner... Since I didn't have the chance of even starting mine, I'm starving!" She smiled, pinching her little girl's nose. A bright smile appeared in Sarada's lips and a warm blush covered her cheeks. For someone who was on the verge of tears some moments before, the little Uchiha girl seemed more than fine.

" thank you, mama!" She said, giving Sakura a hug and almost making her mother fall behind.

" wow... Calm down... It's just a dinner... And it's better be good, chef Sasuke." She said, shooting Sasuke a teasing glare.
" Hn, you'll see how amazing your husband is."

After seeing that smirk on his face, the pinkette didn't even feel like correcting him. It was not like he would learn or stop anyways. Instead, she stood up and went to the kitchen cabinet so she could help putting the table. She watched as her daughter had gladly joined Sasuke while he prepared the tomato sauce and she couldn't help but feeling her own heart melting at the scene. Having a family like that is certainly something amazing. If not for everything that happened before, Sakura was sure they could have amazing stories together. It would be a dream come true not only for Sarada. Perhaps, one day...

" that's the perfect point of the tomato, Sarada. Your mother was the one who taught me that."

" me? I don't remember this story in the same way you do." She chuckled.

" what's the truth then, mama!?"

" let's see... The first time I ever cooked you tomatoes..." The pinkette placed her index on her chin as she started to think. For many had been the times she had done that, it was hard to remember at first. But, since it had been the very first time, a good memory was also attached to it. A good and, definitely, inappropriate memory, to be honest. Sakura blushed immediately at the thought of that.

" ... Actually, I think that was exactly what happened..."

" oh, really?" Sarada pouted and, immediately, Sasuke smirked.

" now that you've mentioned it... I think there is something more. Enlighten me, please."

"... You..." She glared, still blushing madly. At that time, even a 12 year old kid would have noticed what was happening.

" mama you're dirty..."

" no! That's n-not it! That's not I-"

While Sakura kept trying to defend herself and shaking her hands in front of her face, a noise finally broke that embarrassing- yet enjoyable- moment. It was Sakura's phone ring and, once she picked it up, silence was set in the kitchen and, by the way Sakura's smile disappeared, both Sasuke and Sarada knew things weren't okay anymore.

" yes... I've fixed everything here... If I want you to wait for me?"

Her emeralds looked for Sasuke and Sarada and, after those words, they already knew what was going to happen. It was only logical right? Since it was an important meeting and she had been offered the chance of returning to it, of course Sakura would leave them. Or at least that was what they were thinking.

" sorry, director..." Black eyes widened. "My daughter and my... Husband need me here. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good evening."

With a proud smile on her face, Sakura hung off the phone and turned it off right after that. The joy that was spread in the Uchihas' faces was something simply amazing and really contagious, to be honest. Those two were certainly more important than that meeting and, thankfully, she had had the opportunity of having dinner with them instead. Having the family for dinner was, certainly, amazing. But there was still one thing bothering them. And you bet her daughter realized it.
Clearing her throat as an adult, Sarada practically broke her father's arm when she tried to punch it discreetly. Certainly, all that brutal force and softness came from her mother.

" papa, I think mama would prefer to be in more comfortable clothes..."

" eh? What?"

" ... Ah, of course. Even though I really like this dress, I think it's not appropriated for this dinner. Why don't you go get something for your mother, Sarada? You can pick one of my shirts, if you would like."

" T-There is no need for that, I-"

" got it! I'll be right back!"

The girl with red glasses seemed to be a rocket when she disappeared from the kitchen running like that. Her finesse being probably the most memorable part of that moment and, of course, she didn't let out any possible clue of a possible plan that she and Sasuke had prepared. Sarada had, finally, done everything she could. The rest was up to her father.

Sighing defeatedly, Sakura placed both of her hands on her hips and smiled at her child's personality. That little girl was certainly as stubborn as them and she would always do what she wanted, pretty much like her father. Sarada was a kind girl. A dreamer too. And, doubtlessly, a believer when it came to he parents' love. And she was right to be.

" your daughter is simply impossible, Sasuke..."

" your daughter too, wife." He smirked and, at that moment, she knew he didn't forget about her short phone call.

" you know I did it for-"

" it doesn't matter... Let's leave this for later, okay? For now..." He said, taking off his apron and approaching the girl a with a glass of wine. " let's give Sarada the best family dinner she could ever ask for."

Due to the way he smiled so tenderly at her while saying such words, the pinkette couldn't help but smiling. Sasuke certainly knew how to be a gentleman sometimes and at times like those, she knew he was the most trustworthy guy in the whole word. She trusted him her life and, for that, her guard was completely left down as her hand reached for the glass of wine. Barely she knew that, when it came to her, the Uchiha was anything but trustworthy.

Before her fingers could even brush the glass, Sakura met with a warm sensation in her lips. Yes, the man she had just called husband had fiercely claimed her lips as his in a chaste and soft move, just like he knew she liked. Sasuke was, indeed, a brave man and he knew he had done the right thing in the exact moment he saw the hard blush spread around her cheeks. That silly girl, for sure, would soon be his wife again.

" y-y-you pervert!"

" tch... It was just a kiss... It's not like we haven't done it before."

" b-but that was different! We were married by then."

" Hn. Then think we still are. Or, even better: marry me again." He smirked.

" you jerk. I swear I will-"

" mama! I've found it!" Sarada happily showed up, with her father's large clothes on her hand. At first, she seemed a little curious because of her parents proximity but, since she wasn't a little kid anymore, a smirk finally appeared in her lips as well.

" well well well... I think I might be interrupting something here..."

" Hn." He smirked back at his daughter.

" tch. Shut up you two!"

A pouting and blushing Sakura, after placing her glass on the balcony, went quickly towards Sarada and picked up those clothes. The mother figured that anything was better than staying in that place with those smirks set on her. Those Uchihas, indeed, would drive her insane. But, apart from that, their love for her would always make her a happy wife and mother.

" Hn... Did you kiss her?"

" you bet I did."

" great!"

" and did you get her car keys?"

" let's just say mama will have to spend the night here with us."

" hn. That's my little girl."

The End.