Disclaimer: We do not own anything mentioned in this story.

Chapter Three

The air around her was crisp and cold, but it was much more preferable compared to the stale air that filled the space of the building. Occasionally a few droplets of white mush would fall from the large trees overhead. Snowflakes caught on her eyelashes and she blinked at the uncomfortable feeling.

While other around her scrambled to defend the base, Kagome remained rooted to her spot as she soaked in the fresh air she hadn't been able to enjoy in such a long time. Snow stuck to her long, raven locks, and she tuned out the voices booming around her.

There was no telling how long she had stood there, and she came back to reality at feeling a large hand engulf her smaller one. Kagome tilted her head back to spot Pietro staring down at her with Wanda on his other side. She tightened her grip on his hand before nodding. The contact was lost, and the male had left the area.

She did not want to fight anyone, but she would if she had to in order to keep her companions safe. Wanda and Kagome shared a look before they parted ways as well.

Her steps were quiet as she made her way through thick snow. The crunch underfoot was the only noise in the area. She left small footprints behind as she wove her way around the trees guarding the area. Kagome halted at hearing the snap of a twig rising above the crunching of her steps, and she felt the trace of an approaching aura. Her shoulders tensed, and she turned to face the direction of the stranger. Blue eyes snagged onto a man carrying a large bow.

Her heart began to beat faster as she worried about the prospect of having to fight someone who thought her to be a monster. She didn't want to fight, but this stranger didn't know that. Would he believe her words, should she try to speak?

She had attempted to stay a good distance away from the main area of combat while keeping a feel for Pietro and Wanda. It would seem that it hadn't worked out. Kagome tightened her hands into fists as the man saw her, sinking her teeth into her lower lip in intimidation. She saw as he tightened his posture, readying himself to notch an arrow to his bow, and he came to a stop a few yards away from where she stood.


His voice, cautious but confused, stretched over the calm area and toward her. He wasn't sure she was an enemy, she could hear it in his voice, and she was thankful for his actions.

"... Hello." Her own response was quiet as she fought to keep track of her friends. They were further apart than before, but Pietro was closest to her. Her hands dangled loosely at her side as she stood there. He took another step towards her, and her hands curled into fists once more.

Clint watched her actions, observed her posture and expression, and he was able to spot something clear in her blue eyes. She was not looking for a fight of any kind, and she instead stood like a lost child. Wary, cautious, and frightened. It did not show freely on her face, but it was reflected in her eyes. When he took another step towards her, he noted how she took a quick one back, ready to duck behind the tree next to her should he resort to using the arrow he had prepared in case she had been aggressive.

"What's your name?" he called out to her through the snow-covered forest. "What are you doing out here?"

She looked hesitant to tell him anything. He did something that looked to surprise her then, and he lowered his bow so it was aimed at the ground instead of her. Her expression changed a fraction, but not for long. It soon swapped back into the guarded one from before.

"My name… My name is Kagome," she relented and told him her name. She saw him nod at learning the information. "I am not here to defend the base. I am only out here to watch out for my friends."

"I see," he said, nodding again at the second part of her words. "I don't want to hurt you," he told her, and he saw how she seemed to exhale in hidden relief. "If you tell me who your friends are, we can get you all out of here, okay?"

"..." She seemed to hesitate at that, though seriously considering the idea.

"You don't look like you like it out here," Clint continued, taking some more steps towards her. This time she didn't back away, but that might have just been because she didn't have a weapon aimed at her. He held a hand out to her, and she instantly had her attention on the outstretched appendage. "Take my hand, I'll get you out of here. Someone out there… they probably miss you."

Moisture formed in her eyes at hearing those words.

"I can't go back…" she whispered those words, retreating away from him as a few tears slipped down her cheeks. The once-pale color had turned red due to being bitten by the chill in the air. "I don't want Mother to see what I am now…"

"Sure you can," he told her. "I'll find a way to get you back to wherever you belong, but you need to take my hand first so I can get you out of the line of fire."

"I-" Whatever she was about to say didn't get to come out before the man in front of her was suddenly knocked back into the snow. Streaking through the area was a trail of silver. A second later she was scooped up bridal style and pressed against a sturdy chest. Kagome blinked a few times, her surprised eyes landing on the man now on his knees in the snow.

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro gave the man a smirk. He held the stunned girl in his arms a bit stronger as he began to saunter away from the man before he took off in a run away from the area, Kagome held securely to his chest the entire time.

Panda- So it has been a while since the was updated. Soz it took so long.
Penguin- at least we return posting actual updates to our fics this time, instead of anything else.

Thank you for reading, and remember! Feedback is greatly appreciated!