A/N: This is my first Twilight Fanfiction but this story line wouldn't go away and literally was demanding that I write it so I am. This story will be AU and characters will be completely OOC. Will it follow the story line of the book. No it won't. There will be scenes from the book but the scenes and characters involved in those scenes will be different. So no messages about how it's nothing like the book and the characters are totally different. I know this already and it's because this isn't the book. If it were then my name would be Stephanie Meyer and it's not. This is fanfiction. This story is G!P, Futa, Girl!Peen whatever you want to call it. If you don't like it then don't read it. Comments about how it's disgusting or whatever will be deleted.

Full Summary: He left. They left. Most of them claimed to love her yet they still left her. Most of them claimed that she was family yet they still left. It didn't matter why only that they had. On top of that Jacob won't talk to her and her best friend Angela Weber has gone missing. Her father is either always working or at the Rez where everyone looks at her either with pity or disgust. The kids at school are relentless with their rumors, taunts, and harassment. She hasn't heard from her mom in months. Bella can's take it anymore so she leaves. Where does she go. What does she do. What new discoveries does she make along her way.

Pairings will be mentioned as we go along.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of it's characters. I do own the O.C character. I did own Twilight I probably wouldn't be writing fanfiction and Bella would have told Edward and Jacob to go suck a dick before riding off into a rainbow on the back of unicorn with Rosalie and Alice. I mean seriously those three are mmmmm. Anyways...cough...let's..get on with it while I go take a cold cold shower.

Thank you to Devil's Advocate 7 for beta'ing this story.

Chapter 1

Bella was at the lowest point in her life. To say she was depressed would be an understatement. She was devastated to put it bluntly.

It had been almost six months since the Cullens had left her and now her best friend was gone as well. Edward had convinced her that they were mates and would be together forever and she believed him. He had charmed his way into her life and taken it over in a huge way. She didn't know how to function without him anymore. It's why she just went through the motions of everyday life. Bella had become so use to Edward telling her what to do and how to think that doing it by herself was difficult. She knows she let him come in and take over her life. She did it because for once someone else was taking care of her. When she and Renee moved away Bella had to grow up and take care of both of them. Renee would forget to pay bills, cook dinners, sign permission slips, buy groceries, or get school supplies. Someone had to step up and take care of things otherwise they would have been homeless in no time. Bella wouldn't lie and say that she didn't resent her mother for those actions because she did, but Renee was her mother and she loved her no matter how scatterbrained the woman was.

Bella was kinda happy about getting to move in with her dad. She and Charlie never really had a great relationship to begin with, but they were working on that. Well sort of. Charlie would be there when she woke up from a nightmare screaming and thrashing in her bed, but he'd try to stay out of the house as much as possible during the day and earlier evening. Not that Bella could blame him. If she had a daughter that acted the way Bella was currently acting she'd either stay away until the coast was clear or slap her until she snapped out of it.

Edward Cullen and the Cullen Coven, or family as they like to call themselves, welcomed Bella into their little family with open arms. Well almost all of them welcomed her with open arms. Rosalie Hale was the only one who hadn't welcomed her or called her family. Rosalie was the only one Bella didn't hold resentment and anger against because she had never been nice to Bella or lied that she cared about Bella in the first. The rest of the 'family' claimed to love her and care for her yet they abandoned her.

Edward had led her into the woods a week or so after the birthday incident where Jasper lost control and nearly attacked her. Bella didn't blame Jasper though. She knew that Jasper was an empath and was feeling the blood lust from every vampire in the room. Bella also knew that she was Edward's singer and that his blood lust for her was higher then anyone elses. Bella couldn't help but think that everything could have been avoided if Edward hadn't overreacted and shoved her into a glass table. I mean seriously was standing in front of her to block Jasper's path not the more logical reaction in that situation? Anyways Edward led her into the forest before telling her that his family was leaving without her. He proceed to tell her that she was a weak human, a way for his family to get to pretend to be human, that she wasn't loved or cared for by his family, she was merely an entertaining pet that they let stay around for their amusement. He had also told her that it would be like they never existed. He lied about the last part.

She was reminded of their absence every time she closed her eyes and would wake up screaming for them not to leave. She was reminded of their absence every time she emailed Alice and never got a response. Bella had finally given up and stopped sending the emails about two months ago. She was reminded of their absence every time Jessica or Lauren would make a comment or joke about the Cullens leaving or how pathetic they thought Bella was being.

He may have taken away photos, clothing given to her by Alice, and gifts given to her by his family members, but he didn't take away the memories. Some days Bella wished he had taken away the memories as well. Then she'd be able to move on. But other days she remembers the good times she had with them. She remembers shopping with Alice, watching Esme cook, listening to Jasper talk about the wars he's been in, playing Xbox with Emmett, listening to Edward play the piano or Carlisle talk about being a doctor. She even remembers sitting and just watching Rosalie work on cars. Rosalie would never say anything directly to her but would talk out loud as if she were explaining things to Bella. Remembering the good times always brought a small smile to her face but then she'd think of the bad times. The times where she wanted to go hang out down at La Push, but Edward forbid it. The times where the only thing she was really allowed to do was sit on the coach with his family while he kept a possessive arm around her before heading home where Edward would then show up in her room uninvited.

The sadness she felt about him leaving her was slowly turning into anger and hate. He had single handedly taken everything away from her. He had shown her what it was like to have a real family, love, friends, and then taken them all away from her.

That was the worst part about it. Not Edward leaving, but the family that had claimed that she was one of them. Carlisle had said it during the whole James debacle. He'd told Rose that and this is roughly quoted: "Bella is Edward's mate and apart of this family now." If she were apart of their family then why did they just up and leave? She was guessing it was Edward's decision to leave. If that were the case then why did they not say no? Why didn't Carlisle, Esme, Alice, or Emmett who all claimed Bella was family, say "No, we're not leaving her." Bella didn't expect Jasper to say anything, he was probably riddled with guilt from almost biting her.

Them leaving made everything that Edward had said seem like the truth. If she were just a pet or something to entertain them for the time being then it made sense for them to just leave but why call her family. Why treat her as such and welcome her in when they knew they were only going to leave in the end? Did her feelings not factor into this at all? Anger and bitterness weren't emotions that Bella was use to having. She was use to not caring or having Edward tell her what she should feel about things. I mean, she cared about things just not things normal people would care about, like the supernatural world.

On top of all of that, the two people who were actively helping her through things were no longer around. Angela Weber was the second person she talked to her on first day. It was friendship at first sight. There was just something about Angela that screamed at Bella to befriend the girl. Bella just had this feeling that Angela would an important person in her life and she needed to keep her around. She couldn't explain it but she didn't fight it either. Angela was the only person besides her dad and the other Cullens that Edward didn't have a problem with Bella hanging out with. Angela was her best friend and the only person who hadn't been treating her like shit at school. In fact, Angela was only one to stand up for her and try and make Jessica and Lauren back off. The boys were a different story. Eric was kinda cool about things, but Mike and Tyler kept making comments about how either one of them would have been better then Edward. Jessica and Lauren were bitches as usual and made fun of or spread rumors about her as much as possible. They were still bitter about Edward taking notice of Bella versus one of them.

Angela went missing two months ago. She had went to Seattle to go to a poetry slam. She had invited Bella, but Bella declined - faking being sick. She just didn't want to be in a room full of people and listening to poetry. Angela had called her parents as she was leaving the poetry slam but never made it home. A week later her car was found in California of all places. Some homeless guy said he found it still running and wanted to get back to his family so he took it. He told the police that the car was running and everything was in it, but no Angela. There hadn't been any security cameras in the area, so no one knew what happened. It had the town up in arms.

Then there was Jacob Black. The tall Native American boy from the reservation who was the son of her dad's best friend. Bella knew that Jake had a huge crush on her, but she didn't have it in her heart to hurt him. So anytime he tried talking to the her about it or asked her on a dater she'd ignore it and change the subject. Bella could tell that Jake was starting to lose his patience with her. In fact, his temper had gotten shorter and shorter lately, but she never got a chance to figure out why. Because she never saw him and if she had tried to go to the Rez and hang out with him he'd make up an excuse or not even answer her calls. Even Billy would give her some lame excuse before hanging up. That wasn't the Jake she knew and cared about. The Jacob Black she knew was a kind, sweet, caring, funny, and a humble kid. He'd always be there when someone needed him to be. Then one day he grew like a foot in height, gained tons of muscle, cut all of his hair off, got a tattoo, and started hanging out with a gang of guys they use to make fun of and called them, Sam's Club. Get it like the store. Anyways, Bella and Jake would sit and watch them act like idiots while pushing each other off a large cliff into the ocean below. Guys are weird sometimes. Well one day they went from making fun of Sam's Club to Jake being a part of it. The one time she did manage to catch him and get him to talk to her, he tried to kiss her and when she shoved him away he stated that if she couldn't give him what he wanted then they couldn't hang out anymore. Bella couldn't believe that Jake had tried to force himself on her and then told her they were no longer friend because she didn't want to be anything more then just friends.

With her two friends, her only friends, no longer around and Charlie either keeping busy at the station or hanging out down at the Rez Bella was left on her own. And whenever she was on her own she thought about just how shitty her life had become. Bella looked around her small room and couldn't help but fell trapped. Even her room held the memories of Edward, Alice, Angela, and Jacob in it. This was suppose to be her space and her safe haven, yet it was tainted from all the people who had left her. Bella no longer felt at home in her own home. She felt like an outsider, an unwanted guest if you will, and she couldn't take it. Bella for the first time in her life made a rash decision.

She jumped up and through a bunch of her things in a duffle bag. She grabbed several articles of clothing and dug under her mattress where she kept all of her cash from her job at Newton's Sporting Goods. She scribbled a quick note to Charlie telling him that he no longer had to worry about her that he could live his life without her holding him back and being a burden. She stuck the note on the fridge because Charlie would no doubt come home and take off his uniform before grabbing a beer. There's no doubt in her mind that he will see the note and have one of two reactions: Charlie would either celebrate that she was gone and he no longer had to put up with her depressed attitude or he'll comb the globe over looking for her. But her leaving wasn't about Charlie or Jacob or even Edward. Bella leaving was about her and doing something for herself for once.

She needed to go out and find herself again. Bella remembers how strong she was before moving to Forks. She did things on her own and didn't need the approval of others. She didn't care what others thought of her because she was proud of who she was. She was independent and o.k. with that. Her mother use to always say she was wiser then her years. Now she felt like a child waiting for someone to feed them, clothe them, and tell them what is okay to do or not okay to do. Bella knew she needed to get a handle on her life and she was going to do that but how. How can she gain control? Bella jumped into her truck, pulled out of the driveway, and begun driving with no destination in mind except to get away.

She had no idea how long she had been driving when she noticed the gas light was on. Bella had left her cell phone, laptop, and Edward had taken the new fancy radio out of her truck she had no way of telling time, but it was getting dark, so it had to have been a long time.

As she was about to pull into a gas station an idea hit her: she would go to Volterra. Edward and the others never wanted her to be a vampire. She would become the very thing that they didn't want her to be. Suck on that Cullens. Bella was proud of her decision and knew that Alice would see. They would see her become the very thing that they didn't want it to happen. Bella was ready to make new discoveries.

A/N: Alright so like I said this is my first Twilight fic. Things will get interesting. Umm I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter let me know if you want me to continue or should I give it up. If I get enough support then the chapters will get longer. I just wanted show you how everything started.