Author's Note - Writer's block is a biatch D;
So, this is just a little something to try to get my creative juices flowing again. Un-edited. Just some spur-of-the-moment drabble to see if I can even still write anything XD


Natsuki sat on the very edge of the wooden pier with her legs dangling over the edge, as she stared out over the ocean; staring at the beautiful sunset while contemplating life, and how far she'd come to be where she was now.

Slender arms suddenly slipped slowly around her shoulders, and a honey-haired head came to rest lightly on her shoulder. Natsuki didn't say a word in acknowledgment to the sudden presence. She immediately knew who it was...the only person she would have ever allowed to come so close within her personal borders. So, Natsuki just tilted her head to the side to rest against the chestnut-coloured head of hair, as the silky strands danced in the wind before her face, and lightly tickled her nose.

"Would Natsuki like to come inside to our warm and cozy beach home now? If Natsuki stays outside too much longer like this, she may just catch a nasty cold and we wouldn't want that, now would we?" the sweetest and most melodious voice Natsuki has ever heard and would ever hear in her life, breathed softly into her ear. A light shiver that had absolutely nothing to do with the slightly-chill air around them, ran lightly down her back.

"Alright," Natsuki answered easily as she turned her head slightly more to the side, so that she could place a soft, tender kiss against the corner of the most precious set of lips, she'd ever have the privilege to kiss.

A soft, playful giggle escaped the lips she'd just brushed against, and Natsuki soon found herself being hauled lightly back up to her feet.

When she was fully standing and facing the one woman who could still take her breath away every time she gazed at her, the light of the setting sun lit up the sparkling, garnet-red eyes gazing adoringly back at her. Natsuki swore she could feel her heart practically seize up, with the deep welling of love and affection she felt for the woman standing before her.

Natsuki let a slow, tender smile pull up the corners of her lips, before she leaned forward quickly to place an impish kiss against the tip of her girlfriend's nose.

The honey-haired woman now lightly holding her hands, let out a soft breath of "oh" as she gazed curiously back at her dark-haired lover, who now stood with a too-pleased grin on her face.

"And that was for..." Shizuru asked with that slightly-puzzled, too-adorable-for-words head tilt she did, that drove Natsuki absolutely wild every time she managed to get Shizuru to do it.

"Just because," the ebony-haired woman replied with an impish grin playing along her lips, as she tugged lightly on her lover's hand, and began leading her back to the cozy warmth of their beach home.

Shizuru let out a slightly exasperated sigh, even as a small smile crossed her lips, while she allowed herself to be led home by the one woman she loved more than any other in this world...or the next. And so they walked slowly back, hand-in-hand, to their warm and inviting little piece of heaven...shut the door quietly behind themselves...and enjoyed the rest of their night they did each and every day and night of their lives.