Chapter 17

Ginny fell into her four-poster bed exhausted. It was Wednesday and she had returned from a grueling practice with her team out in the rain. She mustered just enough energy to shower and change before exhaustion hit her full force. She still needed to do homework, but she needed to get in a few hours sleep before she could even think about lifting up a quill.

It had been almost 2 weeks since she started school and between classes, studying for N.E.W.T.S., homework, and getting her team ready for their first Quidditch game coming up, Ginny found herself exhausted most nights. The good thing about keeping so busy was that it made the time go faster. She glanced at the small calendar beside her bed and counted just three days until Hogsmeade, which means, just three short days until she can see Harry.

They've been writing to each other constantly, usually small, silly notes. But it wasn't the same as seeing him every day. She worried if he remembered to take his Dreamless Sleep potion and wondered if he thought of her at odd, random times during the day like she did. Absently, she started to fiddle with the snitch locket around her neck. When she realized she was, she opened it, taking a glance at the small picture of the two of them. She smiled at the memory of them dancing and it wasn't until a small hand tapped her shoulder that she realized that someone was talking to her. She glanced up and gave Hermione a smile, "Oh, hey there Hermione. What's up?"

Hermione chuckled, well aware how lost in thought Ginny was. She sat down on her friend's bed and said, "Nothing, I was just asking how Quidditch practice went today. Do you think you guys are ready for your first game next weekend?"

Ginny sat up, propping up a pillow and leaning against it, "Went well enough. I think we're ready. It was our first practice in the rain so that was a plus."

At Hermione's questioning look she laughed and explained, "We can't expect good weather during all quidditch matches. So it's good to have some practices in other elements."

"Oh, I see," said Hermione, "I was wondering though, how are you doing with your studies? Do you need any help?"

Ginny shook her head, "So, I think I'm alright. I still have an essay to write for Professor Slughorn, but it's not due until Friday. I've gotten everything done that is due tomorrow. I was going to get a few hours sleep and then wake up early to work on the rest of my homework for the week."

"Oh… ok," said Hermione, sounding disappointed.

Ginny frowned at her and then realized what was wrong, "You're so used to the boys not doing their work on time and needing your help, aren't you? You're bored!"

Hermione grinned sheepishly, "Only a little. I've done all my work for the week and while I can always keep studying for N.E.W.T.S., almost everything is just review at this point. I've even gone around the common room, looking to see if anyone needs help tonight and no one does."

"Well, if it'll help, I'll let you read over my essay before turning it, ok?" offered Ginny.

Hermione beamed at her, "Sounds great!" She crossed her legs, getting comfortable on the bed. "So, are you looking forward to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

The girls talked until Ginny could barely keep her eyes open anymore. As Hermione was heading to her own bed next to Ginny's, she noticed that her friend had fallen asleep holding onto her locket.

Hermione and Ginny were thankful that the rest of the week by fast as usual. They, along with Luna, made their way to the gates of Hogwarts so they could get to Hogsmeade in time to meet Harry and Ron.

"I wonder if they're there yet?" Ginny asked excitedly.

Hermione was about to say something when Luna interjected, "No, they're not."

"How do you know?" asked Ginny.

Luna pointed ahead of them, "Because they're right there. Neville seems to be with them too."

Ginny saw who she was pointing at and broke into a grin. "Harry!" she called, waving at him. She was close enough to see him smiling at her, which made her start to run over to him. Harry caught her in a hug and they held on to each other for a moment before breaking contact to give each other a light kiss. Harry leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, breathing in her scent, "I missed you. I missed this," he said softly to her.

She cupped her hands softly on his face and kissed him again, "I missed you too."

At the sound of someone clearing their throat, and remembering there were others around, they grinned at each other and faced their friends. Harry noticed that Ron and Hermione were also coming apart from an embrace as well. Then he saw that Neville was standing off to the side, looking a little uncomfortable, while Luna stood next to him, not seeming to care in the slightest.

"Sorry Neville," Harry said, then he looked to Luna and gave her a hug, "Luna! Great to see you."

Luna hugged him back, "You too, Harry."

After saying their hello's, the group made their way to Hogsmeade. They passed other students, most of who would point and whisper as they went by, some even waving and saying hi.

"I knew I should have worn the cloak," said Harry, under his breath after the third person waved at him.

Ginny smiled at him and squeezed his hand, "They're just excited to see the famous Harry Potter."

Harry tried holding back a groan, "I know. But days like today, I just want to focus on you and my friends. Not having people stare and point."

"I have a feeling that that's going to happen all your life. You might as well get used to it, love." She leaned over and kissed his cheek, which temporarily soothed out his frustration.

When they got the The Three Broomsticks, they chose the only table that was available which was in the middle of the room. As they settled in, a familiar voice said, "Hey guys! I thought saw you walking over here."

Neville turned to the familiar voice and gave her a smile, "Hi Hannah. How are you? I see your arm is healing well?"

"Hi Neville," she said, her cheeks turning a slight pink color, "I'm good. I'm back at Hogwarts to finish up my last year. And yes, my arm is fine, thank you."

"Would you like to join us?" offered Hermione.
"Oh I don't want to intrude on your get-together. I just wanted to come over and say hello," she said.

"Don't be silly," said Ginny who had gotten up to pull up another chair. She placed it between Neville and Ron.

"Oh, well, thank you," she said, smiling at everyone. She nervously tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and held her hands together at the table. Madam Rosmerta came by to take their order, which consisted of Butterbeer for everyone as well as a basket of crisps to share. When she left to get the drinks and food, the group continued to talk and catch up.

"I was surprised to hear that you didn't come back to Hogwarts," Hannah said to Neville, as Hermione was talking about her classes to Ron, who was trying his best to look interested. Harry and Ginny were holding hands and whispering to each other and Luna and taken out the latest issue of the Quibbler and started to read it upside down.

"I was going to, but then Kingsley asked if I wanted to work at the Ministry and become an Auror. So I'm doing that for now," he said. Madam Rosmerta returned with the drinks and placed a steaming basket of crisps in the middle of the table.

"'For now'? You don't think you'll stay an auror?" she asked, reaching for a crisp.

"I like it enough, but I'm not sure it's what I want to do for forever, you know?"

She nodded while he took a sip of his butterbeer, "So what would you like to do instead?" she asked.

"Well, I'm studying to take the N.E.W.T.S. along with you guys and if I get good marks, I might intern at Hogwarts in Herbology. I wouldn't mind becoming a teacher someday."

"That'll be cool, Neville!" Hannah said, "You were always at your best in that class."

He smiled at her before asking, "What about you? What do you think you'll want to do after Hogwarts?"

Hannah shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not entirely sure. I've been leaning towards getting a Healer's license though."

As Hannah and Neville continued their conversation, Ron and Hermione were having their own when a boy walked up to Hermione and tapped her on the shoulder, "Er, sorry to interrupt.."

"Oh, Hi Dylan. It's alright. Do you need something?" asked Hermione, while Ron give the boy a curious glance.

"I was just wondering if we were still on for meeting up later?" he asked nervously, glancing at Ron then back to Hermione.

Hermione gave him a smile, "Yes. 6 o'clock, right?"

Dylan nodded and mumbled goodbye as he left the group.

"Who was that?" asked Ron.

"That's Dylan, a 6th year Hufflepuff," she replied, reaching for a crisp.

"What are you guys doing at 6 tonight?" Ron asked.

Before Hermione could tell him, a group of boys walked by and one waved at Hermione, "Hey Hermione! See you tomorrow at 7, ok?"

"Sounds good Christopher," she said, as he continued on with his friends.

Ron frowned at Hermione, "Are you setting up dates with these blokes?"

Hermione laughed, which seemed to upset Ron even more.

"Ron, don't be silly," Hermione said dismissively, "It's nothing like that."

"Then what is it?" he demanded.

Hermione frowned at him, "Ron you need to calm down, it's nothing-"

"I'll calm down when you tell me what the bloody hell is going on! Why are you meeting all these guys for?" he asked, his voice rising as he talked.

"Ron, you're making a scene," she said in a lower tone, "And it's really none of your business, but if you must-"

"None of my business? You're my girlfriend! I should be able to know what's going on with you, especially if it involves other boys," said Ron, heatedly.

By this time everyone at the table had stopped what they were doing and were watching the two.

Hermione glared at Ron, "You're being a jealous git Ronald Weasley. If you'll only let me finish-"

"You know what," he said, getting up from his seat, "I need some fresh air."

Before Hermione could say another word, Ron walked out of the pub and down the street.

Hermione looked around the table, trying to hold back tears, "I… I don't understand what just happened."

"I think I'm going to head over to Honeydukes and get some sweets," said Neville, rising from his chair.

"I'll go with you," said Hannah.

Luna got up as well, "Oh? Are we leaving now so that Ron and Hermione fight alone?"

Hermione sighed, resting her chin in her hands, "He's not even here anymore, Luna."

"Maybe not now, but he'll be back." And with that, she got up and walked out the door, Neville and Hannah shortly behind her.

Hermione looked to Harry, "Is Ron ok? Has he mentioned anything before coming here today?"

Harry shook his head, clearly confused by his friends actions as well.

"It's like you said, he's being a jealous git," said Ginny, shrugging, "Speaking of jealous gits, look who's back."

Hermione looked up to see Ron walking back over the table. His face still looked angry and he wouldn't look her in the eye as he sat down in the chair next to her.

The atmosphere around the table became uncomfortable, so Harry looked to Ginny, "Want to get out of here? I have something to show you anyways."

"Though you'd never ask," she said, reaching for his hand as they left.

After a few moments alone, Ron took a chance to glance at Hermione, who was staring at him, waiting for an explanation.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"What?" she asked, surprised. She was expecting him to argue some more, not an apology.

"I said I was sorry," he said a little louder.

"I don't even know why you were mad in the first place," she said frowning, "Do you not trust me?"

He looked up her, "I do trust you."

"Then what in Merlin's name was all that about?" she asked, sounding exasperated.

"I… I don't really know. I guess I got jealous that you were meeting other guys alone..."

"Who said anything about being alone with them?" At Ron's curious glance, she gave him a smile, "Ron, I told you it's nothing like that. And if you would have let me finish before, I was trying to explain that I'm tutoring them and helping them with homework."

"Oh," he said sheepishly, "Sorry… and sorry also about storming off like that."

Hermione nodded, placing a hand on top of his, "I understand that sometimes you need to cool down when you're angry. That's just how you work. I get it. As long as you come back to me, and we talk things through, we'll be fine."

He smiled at her, turning his hand so that their fingers were interlocked.

Hermione scooted her chair over so that it was closer to his and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Did you really think I'd see other guys when I'm clearly madly in love with you?"

He turned his head to look at her, "You are?" he said surprised.

She lifted her head and smiled at him, "Of course, Ron. Did you think I didn't?"

"Well… you've never said that before…."

"Well, to be fair, neither have you. I just thought it was something that was implied."

Ron gave her a grin, then lifted her chin with his hand to give her a soft kiss, "I love you too, Hermione."

Meanwhile, Harry let Ginny to entrance to Hogsmeade.

"Where are we going?" she asked curiously.

"You'll see," he said mysteriously which made her laugh.

He rounded a corner and went behind a building where his motorbike was located.

"Oh! You rode the bike here?" she asked.

"Yup. Been practicing flying it as well," he glanced at her and gave her a sly grin, "Would you like to take a ride with me?"

"Really?" she asked excitedly.

Harry walked over and reached into the sidecar, pulling out a helmet and handing it to her.
"Am I riding in that?" she asked, indicating to the sidecar.

"No, you'll sit with me on the bike. I just have that attached because Ron rode here with me in it."

Ginny laughed, "I need to see that!"
Harry chuckled and he took out his wand to detach the side car. He charmed it so that it would blend in with the surroundings so no one would stumble upon it and take it.

He put on his helmet then straddled his bike. He patted the seat behind him, indicating to Ginny to hop on.

Gleefully, she put on the helmet and sat behind Harry.

"Hold on to me," he said as he started the engine.

She wrapped her arms around him and her stomach jolted when the bike moved forward. He drove on the ground for a minute before gaining speed and lifting it up in the air.

"This is amazing!" she said, as they climbed higher into the air.

Harry pushed a button on the front panel, which Ginny assumed was a cloaking spell of some sort.

They circled above Hogsmeade and Ginny had a fun time pointing out people she knew on the ground, oblivious to who was above them.

When she was done, Ginny placed her chin on Harry's shoulder and moved one of her hands to his chest while keeping the other securely around his waist. Harry smiled, placing his hand on hers. They rode around in the air for a while until they came to a small clearing just outside of Hogsmeade. Harry made a soft landing and slowed the motorbike to stop.

Ginny hopped off, taking the helmet and placing it on the seat, "That was amazing!" she said as Harry took off his own helmet.

"I knew you'd like it," he said, taking her hand and pulling her close to him.

"Do you think I can fly it next time?" she asked, batting her eyes at him playfully.

"Hm… We'll see, I need some convincing first," he said.

Ginny ran her hands along the length of his arms until they connected behind his neck. She pulled herself up and kissed him, softly at first then added a little heat.

They stayed that way for a while, snogging in an empty field, nothing but them, a motorbike, and soft breeze. When they finally broke apart for a breath of air, Harry leaned down to nuzzle and kiss the curve of her neck.

"Ok, fine. You convinced me," he said against her skin, which immediately gave her goosebumps.

She smiled and kissed his cheek and when he looked at her, he was grinning.

"You had already decided that I could drive it before I even asked, hadn't you?" she said, playing hitting his chest.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it, "Perhaps."

He went over to the side of the motorbike where there was a saddlebag hanging. He pulled out a blanket and placed it on the ground, then he and Ginny sat together. They talked about her upcoming quidditch match in more detail and he told her about work at the ministry. When the sun started to touch the tops of the surrounding mountains, they decided it was time to head back.

As promised, Harry let Ginny drive the motorbike back. She sat in front with Harry behind her, his hands on hers as he showed her what to do.

They said their goodbye's at the gate of Hogwarts. Neville had already apparated back to his place, and Ron was giving Hermione a long hug.

"So I'll see you next weekend?" Ginny asked hopefully.

Harry kissed her and said "Wouldn't miss it."

He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes while she did the same. He whispered, "I love you," then kissed her forehead. Reluctantly, he let her go and headed back towards the motorbike, Ron following behind him.