A/N: So, it's been a while... I'm so sorry for everyone who has been waiting for an update. Life is really taking its toll on me but I'm doing the best I can. Once again, I am determined to finish this story, so don't lose hope! Thank you so much for your patience and I'm going to do my best to keep these updates more consistent than they have been. For now, enjoy this chapter! As always, I do not own the song or Sailor Moon.

The scales beneath your skin

Are showing off today

There's evil in your heart

And it wants out to play.

"Evil In Your Heart" – Paramore

The sharp, stinging pain pierced through Rei's temple like an arrow off a bowstring. It immediately disrupted her slumber as she jerked upright in bed with a gasp. Her senses were going haywire so much so that she was becoming lightheaded as she struggled to get up from the sheets that engulfed her perfect frame. She steadied herself against the nearby wall and collected herself between the sudden rousing sixth sense and aches from the fight prior. It wasn't a premonition, but it was something urgent enough to jolt her awake in such a way. An unsettling feeling suddenly festered within her gut, and her legs practically moved on their own accord toward the door and down the hall to Minako's chambers. As she got closer, the feeling only got worse. She swiftly made her way inside, calling Minako's name in the hopes that her senses misguided her for once.

The room was dark and vacant. Rei searched the area and bathroom for the blonde, but to no avail. A chill suddenly shot through her body as a gust of cool air swept in the room, causing dark amethyst eyes to avert over to the open window.

She made her way over and peered outside. There was no trace of a forced entry, though, Opposers are known for their stealth. It was apparent there was an invasion, for Rei could not sense Minako anywhere near Magellan. She pivoted back to the unkempt bed where the glisten of an object caught her attention. The warrior made her way over to the bedside and knelt down, picking up the small abandoned dagger.

Her mouth suddenly went dry as she gripped the dainty weapon in her hand. "Takeshi."

Artemis hurriedly shuffled down the hallway, gripping the side that was shredded from the fight only hours ago. He knew moving would slow down the healing process, but when word got out that Minako was missing, all other priorities were dismissed. Every councilman and member of the Magellan court was summoned to the meeting room following Rei's report, despite it being extremely late out Venusian time. The warning roused panic within the palace and Queen Aphrodite wasted no time in gathering the essential figures in order to determine her daughter's whereabouts.

When the advisor entered the room, it wasn't buzzing with conversation despite the number of attendees. It was dead silent. Artemis wasn't sure if it was because of how late it was or due to the situation at hand, but regardless, the quiet caused his heart to sink further into his stomach.

The room smelled of dread.

He offered a small bow at the sight of the queen. "Your highness."

"Artemis," her voice held a slight tremor. He knew she was trying to uphold a strong demeanor despite the circumstance. "Thank you for joining us so abruptly, and in your condition."

"Of course," he assured with a deferential nod, ignoring the throbbing pain on his side. "What is the status of the situation?"

Aphrodite's eyes fell to her lap. "It's been determined that Minako has been taken away by Opposers. It happened moments ago."



Artemis turned to Rei, who stood stoically in the corner with her arms folded and her usual stoic features replaced with subtle animosity.

"Rei," he began hesitantly. "Can you sense her?"

Her dark eyes locked with his cerulean ones. "If I could, would we all be here now?"

The white haired man took Rei's biting remark with a grain of salt. He knew she was beyond frustrated and worried, not to mention guilty. She failed her job, the duty she purposefully came to Venus to fulfill. She was hurting.

As if on cue, a councilman spoke up on the subject. "This wouldn't have happened had you done your job correctly, Martian. You were brought here specifically to prevent such a tragedy!"

"Do not blame her for this, we all had our parts to protect Minako. We all failed," Aphrodite reprimanded, and he closed his mouth with a click. For the first time since her arrival, the queen addressed the warrior personally. "Rei, is there anything you can do? Could your… powers be of any assistance?"

Rei didn't meet the superior woman's gaze when she spoke. "She's too out of bounds for me to sense. The only thing that I'm sure of is that she's not on Venus… which doesn't exactly narrow anything down."

"I see…"

A thought suddenly crossed Artemis. "What of your premonitions? They've guided you and warned you about events your whole life."

"I don't call the shots with that, they come and go as they please," Rei answered much to Artemis' dismay. Her eyes glazed over with a certain thought. "Takeshi thinks that we're similar… he wants me to know where he is."

The advisor furrowed his brow in attempt to comprehend the vague statement. "What do you mean?"

"I think I know where he might be."

"You sure about this?"

"Not at all."

Artemis watched as Rei strapped herself into the small shuttle all while stashing a few weapons in the compartment behind her. Despite his plea and even the Queen herself, the warrior was descending into the unknown without a single soldier to aid her. She knew the risks of fighting Takeshi, and with the recent devastating loss Venus faced, she didn't want to deepen the dent in the planet's already ill-sufficient combat power. Not only that, but Rei felt in her gut that ambushing the tyrant would only endanger Minako even more. Taking the princess instead of simply killing her when he had the chance meant that this was more of a personal attack on the Martian, and it was something she had to do on her own.

Rei gripped the dashboard with both hands as if to steady herself and let out a soft sigh. In all the missions she has ever been on, this was the one that sparked the nerves throughout her whole body. She could feel the tips of her digits tremble slightly under the weight of uncertainty of whether she can find Minako and bring her back safely.

Artemis immediately noticed her tense and took a step closer to the ship. His voice was soft spoken yet unwavering. "Everything is going to work out just fine. I have faith in you. So does Minako."

"Not too much, I hope," Rei attempted to quip, but it came out much more bitter than intended. There was a look of steel in her fierce, violet eyes. "Keep everyone calm here. I'll be back, and I'll have her with me."

The white haired man nodded reassuringly. "I know you will."

Rei reached a hand up to close the shuttle door, but was stopped when Artemis spoke up again.

"Rei," she stared into his hopeful blue eyes. "Be careful."

The Martian offered a deferential nod before closing the door. Artemis watched as the shuttle hovered over the ground for a moment before steadily rising, and then in a blink, disappeared into the sky.

Uranus was desolate, caked in the ashes and debris of fallen structures that once stood tall and proud. Rei had never seen anything like it. In just a few months, a planet that was thriving with life and bustling with people was completely devoid. Even in all her years of combat, the warrior had never seen anything quite so disturbing.

The shuttle came to a rocky landing due to Rei's carelessness, as she was too focused on sensing both Minako and Takeshi's presence, and she couldn't help but pride herself for a split second for finding them on a mere leap of faith. She knew it in her gut, though. Takeshi would want to go back to where his tyrant reign all started, where he was rejected by his father in the same way Rei was rejected by her own.

Even after just meeting the man face-to-face, Rei felt she knew him all too well.

Her tread was small and careful despite wanting to make a break for it. Her senses were going haywire as Minako's scent lured her around the Uranian palace. A wave of relief washed over her when she felt the princess' presence; it meant that she was at least alive, although, to what extent she wasn't sure.

This uncertainty triggered her pace to pick up until she was at the heavy golden doors to the throne room. Even in her slightly frazzled state, Rei couldn't help but sneer at Takeshi's purposeful choice in destination. It was his way of declaring himself superior by compromising the most renown and respected area of the planet.

She stepped inside, the doors creating a sickeningly sharp creak as they slowly opened. It took only a moment for Rei to register Minako's body, which lay abandoned on the carpet floor ahead like a disregarded rag doll. Even with the distance separating them, Rei could see the deep red liquid seeping from her temple and trailing down her cheek. She lay sprawled on her back, her pink lips parted slightly as her chest rose up and down in a fluid pattern.

Rei stepped forward but was quick to pause again. Something felt… wrong. Violet eyes scanned the room, but it was still. Now that Minako was found, Rei shifted her sense's attention to Takeshi's, feeling around the area for any sign of the Uranian. She knew he was here, but where?

As if on cue, her senses ushered her to turn around. Takeshi stood in the doorway, an amused grin on his pale lips.

"So you figured it out. I'm impressed," he commended. "Perhaps our minds aren't as dissimilar as you so readily thought."

"You think we're alike?" Rei muttered. "I'm no killer."

"Aren't you?" Takeshi challenged, beginning his trek past Rei and down the hall. "You came here to kill me, I presume. One swipe of that sword on your hip and you'll be one step closer to me."

Rei scoffed. "So you think trying to channel my inner moral will save you?"

Takeshi continued to walk until he stopped in front of Minako's limp body. "On the contrary, I wonder what your princess would think of you. Would she want a killer by her side?"

"If it means putting an end to your deranged antics, then so be it," Rei remarked, prompting the Uranian to peer behind his right shoulder to meet her acrimonious gaze.

"You speak as if you know you're going to defeat me."

"And what makes you think I won't?"

Wordlessly, Takeshi slid his sword out from its sheath that hung by his waist and pointed the tip at the unconscious blonde. Instinctively, Rei lurched forward, but immediately stopped herself from going any further given the weapon's current position.

"Because," he began, thriving off the feeling of Rei's tangible tension. "I have a proposition for you. Would you like to hear it?"

The raven-haired warrior's finger's twitched, wanting so badly to retrieve her own sword slung by her side. Her Martian instincts were screaming at her to make the first swipe, but Minako's life was already on the line. Instead, she forced herself to take a small, calming breath before answering.

"What is it?" The words escaped through gritted teeth.

"Join me," he replied. "We're alike, you and me, whether you wish to accept it or not. We will demolish those who have wronged you the same way they wronged me. I will spare your life and the Venusian princess'. Fail to do so, and…" his dark eyes trailed down to the sword, which moved dangerously closer to Minako's throat. "So, what is it going to be?"