Never Say Never

Chapter One - Inside Outside

Disclaimer: I dun own anything except for the plot! [damn]

Lainie ran to her lover, Fabio and whispered into his ear three words "I love you" he smiled at her and pulled her ever closer and as he bent down to plant his lips passionately on hers in a heartrending kiss he said regretfully -

"Hermione?" said a loud voice to her right, wrenching her out of the surreal world that the book had created for her, Hermione Granger, sixth year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, resident bookworm of the school, prefect of Gryffindor and model student of the century.

"Ronald Weasley, I'm going to give you a piece of advice - never interrupt a girl when she is reading a romance novel." She said huffily, looking daggers at one of her best friends who just happened to be the most sought after boy in the Gryffindor Tower, apart from Harry of course. She sat back comfortably in her cosy armchair and continued to read her book, quickly becoming engrossed in it.

"Oh, my sweet, I have waited so long for this but I can not - "

"Hermioneee!" whined Ron putting an emphasis on the last syllable of her name and giving her a pained look, "it's very important!"

"Yes, what?" she said in reply, choosing not to look up from her book.

"I haven't seen Harry since dinner." He mumbled worriedly.

"Sorry, didn't quite catch that." She said teasingly.

"I haven't seen Harry since dinnertime!" replied Ron loudly earning himself a few adoring glances from various girls around the common room.

"Oh. Is that what's bothering you?" she said, raising her eyebrows at him before continuing after she put down her book, "well Ron, let me just say that in the last 6 years of our lives, Harry has met and fought You-Know- Who no less than 6 times, trust me, he is more than capable to fight anything remotely evil."

"Yes, well, err, but it's not the erm evil part it's just that -" sputtered Ron much to the amusement of Hermione.

"Go on."

"What if he got, say food poisoning or he's hurt or he fainted, you know him, he's usually with us." continued Ron quietly.

Hermione gave him a knowing smile before shrugging and standing up, clutching her beloved book.

"Ron, that's just lame and you've got a perfectly good best friend here if you really miss Harry that much!" she said, beaming at him, making him mock shudder in disgust, "or you can try the Transfiguration classroom, I saw him and Parvati doing something naughty there." she winked at him over her shoulder as she walked to the staircase leading up to the girl's dormitory giggling to herself.

"Girls." Ron muttered to himself darkly before climbing through the portrait hole to start his search for his male best friend.

Hermione's POV

I smiled to myself as I went up the stairs leading to my dorm, which I shared with Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil [who was currently making out with Harry] they are the girliest girls in the Gryffindor Tower or even the whole school. As I opened the door to the dorm the sight that met my eyes was quite disturbing. Clothes had been haphazardly thrown all around the room and a black lace camisole had landed on my four poster bed making me smile as I gingerly picked it up and studied it closely.

'Definitely Lavender's.' I thought to myself, and as though listening to my thoughts, the flushed face of my dorm mate clad in her terry cloth bathrobe came into view and I smiled broadly at her showing her what was in my right hand making Lavender blush sheepishly.

"Oh my god Hermione! I am so sorry about this mess! I was picking out what to wear and I seriously couldn't find my pink nightie so I just flung everything out of my trunk and oh god I'll clean it up." She said apologetically and true to her word she began shoveling her clothes back into her trunk whilst muttering about having to stay up to wait for Parvati to come back from snogging Harry.

"You forgot this." I said, handing her the camisole which she took gratefully and after snapping her trunk shut, she turned to me and began to gush about how adorable it was that Parvati had finally gotten Harry who she had been secretly admiring since fifth year and what they were going to get up to tonight.

"Yes, that's very nice, very sweet, uh-huh. . . " I began drift off into what promised to be a very deep sleep when a sudden jolt of pain shot through me. I sat up straight with my eyes wide with shock.

"What the hell was that?!" I said shakily, not realizing that I had interrupted Lavender in saying how cute Ron was and how lucky I was to be both him and Harry's best friend.

"Oh, what's wrong Hermione?!" she exclaimed dramatically taking my hand and holding it in a death grip. But by now the pain had left as soon as it had come.

"No, nothing it's gone now." I stammered, before standing up and heading into the bathroom to get changed, "Night Lavender, and help me tell Parvati my congratulations."

Needless to say, that night I had didn't have a very peaceful slumber.

I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and utterly exhausted from the dreams that I had had last night. Dark silhouettes of people in robes and a mirthless high-pitched laugh kept on appearing in my dreams as well as countless curses that I had never heard of.

I shook off the uneasy feeling that was hanging over me and quickly got up to get dressed in the bathroom. I looked at myself critically in the mirror and realized that I hadn't changed one little bit since I first arrived here at Hogwarts, I was still the young, naïve little muggle-born witch who memorized all her books before she even started school. Though of course, now I had managed to tame my unruly hair and now instead of a bush of chestnut coloured hair, I had a sleek mane of silky chocolate coloured hair that framed my porcelain face fairly well.

As I emerged from the bathroom, I could already hear Parvati and Lavender chattering to each other happily and the minute that Parvati saw me, she jumped up to come running to me to give me a huge bear hug.

"Harry is the best kisser on earth! Oh my god, he is so sweet and so shy. Man why didn't you tell me earlier Hermione?!" she gushed smiling radiantly at me.

"Well, Parvati, I haven't actually kissed Harry before so I wouldn't know." I said cheekily making her blush, "anyhow, I'm really happy for you and I hope it all works out!"

"Me too! I can't wait to spend more time with him!"

"Um, Parvati, I need to get to breakfast, see you both down there!" I said in an effort to get out before I had to endure further girl talk. I ran down the stairs and climbed out of the portrait hole and walked briskly to the Great Hall looking in the direction of the Gryffindor table searching for Ron and Harry.

"Mione!" called Harry beckoning me over to a spot next to him, which I sat down in with a smirk plastered on my face. But just as I was about to grill him about how Parvati was, another bolt of pain seared through my body making me bite my lips in pain. And strangely enough, I felt a pair of eyes on the back of my neck making the hair stand on end.

I turned around to see myself staring into the cold, icy gray eyes of Draco Malfoy who I have completely loathed for the past six years and who was unfortunately made the prefect of Slytherin house. As we made eye contact, I could feel my pain sliding away and I immediately relaxed, allowing myself to look deeper into those seemingly pitiless eyes of the person who I channel most of my hatred to.

To my surprise, he didn't break the contact and merely looked bored, as he seemed to be stripping away the many layers of my inner soul, which gave me an extremely uncomfortable feeling. I narrowed my eyes at him and mouthed to him "useless ferret" which made him sneer back at me "mudblood".

I gave him a look containing the most contempt that I could muster and turned away to talk to Harry and Ron.

"Um, Hermione. Earth to Hermione." Said Harry, playfully waving his hands in front of my eyes, "We all know that Malfoy is a useless git and needs to be stared at with heaps of hatred every day, but me and Ron want to talk to you."

"Oh, sorry! Got a bit lost just then! What were you saying?" I said in response looking as dazed as I could.

"Well, do you mind if I go out with Parvati?" he said very seriously looking down at the ground as though it was very interesting.

"Yeah sure! Why would I mind? I'm totally happy for you!" I exclaimed trying to look scandalized that he had even asked me that question.

"Well, you know, howweusedtogooutandtheneverythingdidntworkoutverywell." He said in a rush still refusing to meet my eyes.

"That was ages ago Harry, and you know it." I said soothingly, "anyway, it only lasted a week and nothing even happened, we never even kissed." I added stressing the word 'kissed'.

"I guess, and we were still good friends after. Gee thanks Hermione!" Harry replied blushing furiously as well as smiling sheepishly at me.


Harry's POV

I sighed in relief as I got Hermione's approval to go out with Parvati, which I didn't really need, but felt, as though I wanted to get anyway. I grinned as Parvati slipped into the seat directly opposite me and gave me a quick wink before starting on her breakfast, eating it daintily.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You wanna be my girlfriend?" giving her the most charming smile I had on me and I took hold of her hand stroking it gently. She looked disbelievingly at me and it seemed as though she was about to spit out her cereal, but then she swallowed and said in her angelic voice - "Of course!" and gave me a peck on the cheek.

I was a bit taken aback but recovered quickly and that little public display of affection earned Parvati and me both a round of wolf whistles that seemed to raise the enchanted ceiling above us.

"Well, I'll see you soon in class ok?" I whispered to Parvati as Hermione and Ron left the table absolutely beaming. I quickly caught up with them and by the looks on their faces I couldn't help but break into a grin myself.

"Ooh! Harry you are the sweetest guy on earth! We all heard you propose to ickle Pavi just then and then the whole house of Gryffindor saw her give you a widdle kissy wissy on your cheek!" mocked Ron in a sickeningly girly voice.

"Oh shut up Ronnekins." I retorted using the long forgotten nickname used by his twin brothers Fred and George Weasley, "and by the way, I didn't propose, I just asked her to be my girlfriend!"

"So Scarhead finally got a girlfriend eh?" drawled a familiarly annoying voice from behind us. All three of us turned around to face the sneering face of Malfoy and I noticed Hermione giving him a death stare.

"Go away Ferret Boy." We all said in unison, much to our surprise.

"The Dream Team has a very limited vocabulary, I just realized. I expected more from you, Mudblood. I thought that you were supposed to be smart." He continued to drawl and his two cronies Crabbe and Goyle guffawed stupidly to themselves, "Anyway, Granger, we need to talk."

That last statement caught both Ron's attention and mine and we looked questioningly at Hermione who seemed as bewildered as we were.

"What do you want Malfoy?" she asked boldly.

"What do you think Mudblood?" replied Malfoy raising his eyebrows at her and looking her up and down with interest.

"Why you little!" yelled Ron and before I could restrain him, he was already starting to madly strangle Malfoy who wasn't fazed at all.

"Well well well, seems like the Weasel's imagination is working overtime." sneered Malfoy, "all I wanted to do was have a talk with my fellow prefect."

"Prefect." Repeated Ron stupidly. As the words began to make sense in his mind, he reluctantly stopped assaulting Malfoy and stepped aside to allow Hermione to talk to the ferret himself.

"Good luck." He muttered as he passed her, giving her a pat on her arm.

"I'll need it." I heard her whisper a reply and with that she walked tentatively up to Malfoy and he took her around the corner from us, leaving us with the two trolls, Crabbe and Goyle who were screwing up their fists and looking menacingly at us.

"This is going to be a long wait."

Thanks for reading! ^^ psychohart - im sorry for having to make you guys read a poor attempt at writing but too bad u chose to read! [please review!]