Hey guys just wanted to say all character are not owned bye me but the plot of this fanfiction is originally created by me.


"Where are you," inquired a woman sneaking around as quietly she looked for signs of movement. The backyard seemed to glow in the five p.m. sunlight in the summer

"Hehehe!" High pitched giggle rang from behind the womans. She quickly and silently rectified her direction heading towards a innocent looking bush.

"I wonder where Mal is," she falsely questioned putting her head in the opposite direction when she spoke not to give away her location. As she neared her target she lowered herself poised to catch her prey then vaulted behind the bush.

"Ahhhh," screamed Mal as she was scooped up and tickled by her mother Maleficent. "Stop mommy... i can't take it any...more," giggling as her mother tickled her wildly. When Maleficent stopped Mal sagged as if she had just finished a mile.

Once Mal caught her breath she quickly sat up and squealed as her mother lifted her into her arms and squeezed her tightly. Both of their deep brown hair shined in the light as they spun.

The scene seemed to fade as a buzzing noise came to exist existence only augmenting as the tableau disappeared.

Mal P.O.V

Mal laid quietly listening to her surroundings after waking up before deeming it safe to soundlessly get up and throw a pair of dark skinny jeans and a deep purple sweeter on with rips through the front sporting a green tanktop underneath with black heel boots with latches crossing around the ankle. As she finished dressing herself and putting on the basics of makeup to cover her bruises she headed to her window where the fire escape lay. The window opened easily due to daily use. She grabbed her keys and locked her window from the outside with a green, purple, and black tiger stripped key before heading up three floors on the escape to wake up her best friends. As she went up the last flight of steps she flung her impeccable rich purple curls over her shoulder. Once she reached her first stop she daintily tapped the glass. A small figure moved from the doorway and imediately shut the door behind them. Then they quicjly hobbled to the window as if escaping something. The figure quickly hurried out the window white spikey hair with dark roots following behind him as his door was hit harshly and screaming was heard.

"Where is my breakfast Carlos," yelled a woman, Cruella Da Vil, on the other side. Carlos shut the window locking it with a key similar to Mal except it was spotted white and black with a under tine of red. "Carlos open the door right now! You know what happens when you lock your door!" The harsh pounding began to cause the door to shake violently but it held strong proving Cruella couldn't knock it down for now. The two not waiting to prove the theory started up the stairs Mal helped Carlos who wore a white leather with a built in black hooodie over a read and black tap out t-shirt companied by black, red,and white high tops as they ran up a flight of stairs to get Jay.

As they arrived they saw Jay step out quietly sporting a dark black eye. He wore a three-fourth sleeve red shirt with a gray t-shirt underneath and gray joggers that with two zippers in the front of both of his thighs which tucked into a pair of red, black, and gray vans, also sporting his favorite red beanie. He turned and locked his window with zigg zagged yellow, red, and black triangles. After finishing his deed he turned arounded and nodded his head shifting his long naturally wavy hair at them and started towards the top floor where Evie's room lay. The two followed him.

Evie always being the first prepared out if them stood at the top boredly in a black wrap skirt underneath wore dark blue winter leggings that disappeared into ankle high fold over boots. On her upper body she had a black and dark blue off shoulder shirt that complimented her blue and black highlighted hair which was curled . As she sat she swung a key with black, blue, and red fading into each other in bloches all over the key.

"Took you long enough," she sighed as she stood up and patt off her behind knocking anything sticking to it off. She seemed tired under the thick layers of makeup she wore after all the four of them had been friends since the beginning of their parents fall.

"Sorry, Mom wasn't happy with the time I wake up at," Carlos replied with a cringe as he said wasn't. Jay frowned and patted his back.

"Your Mom is never happy just like the rest of our parents are," commented Jay as they walked down the fire escape and headed to there first day of highschool at Auradon. It was known for its not only great academics but also for its ever so popular lacrosse team Jay and Carlos were excited for the lacrosse part to escape there homes a little longer.

'Hopefully we can just finish without anyone learning our secrete,' thought Mal as they jumped from the latter and walked out the alley into the busy streets of the bad side of Auradon known as The Isle of Lost where all the criminals and street trash reside in.