It was a sunny Friday afternoon in Marbella.

The Hotel Pool wasn't too crowded and Oliver was glad he had the chance to relax a bit and enjoy the sun. His sister Thea occupied the lounge bed next to him and talked to their mother. Oliver put his sunglasses on and looked around the Pool when he spotted woman being carried bridal-style out to the Pool area. The guy carrying the woman was slightly older than her, but she seemed to be Olivers age, maybe a few years younger than him. Both her left foot and her left hand were in a cast and she had a large band-aid on her left thigh. Despite the obvious injuries she was beautiful, long blonde hair falling down in slight locks over her shoulders, wearing a white sundress and sunglasses. The guy set her down at a vacant sun bed a few spots down the line where Oliver occupied the space. Oliver could see the guy say something to the blonde woman and then turn around and leave the Pool area.
Oliver watched the woman slowly sit down on the lounge chair and strip off her sundress before placing it on the foot of the lounger. Oliver can't bring himself to look away, especially not after seeing her toned body in the magnificent black Bikini with gold highlights and the huge tattooed angel wings that cover nearly her entire back. He's surprised, when he first spotted her being carried to the pool she didn't look like the tattoo-type of woman. Heck, even now she doesn't. Her face is flawless except for a bruise on the cheekbone and he wonders what could have happened to her. Her movement is very slow and calculated and Oliver guesses it's because of all the injuries that cover her body.

"Maybe she has been in a car accident." He thinks to himself.

When she relaxes her back into the lounger and stretches her legs, for the first time Oliver can see how small and petite she actually is. She's much shorter than him, and her body barely covers half of the lounger. She seems to have a smile on her face the entire time but keeps staring straight forward, not paying her surroundings any attention.

The minutes passed since that guy brought her out to the Pool and Oliver wondered when her carrier ("Partner?") might return.
It takes his sister several attempts at yelling at him before Oliver even noticed someone calling his name.

"Earth to Ollie! Stop ogling that woman and pay me some attention, thanks!" Thea pouted.

Oliver lifted his sunglasses and gave his sister a look. "I'm not ogling anyone! What do you want, Speedy?"

"Well it took me 3 full attempts to get your attention and your eyes were fixed on the girl next to us so yeah, definitely ogling, big brother. Anyway, Mom and I are heading down to the marina to grab some lunch. Wanna join?"

"I'm not hungry, so I'll pass this time. I'll stick around here a little longer and will probably head out with Tommy later once he's back from his shopping tour with Laurel. You can tell mom she doesn't need to wait for me, it will probably be getting late tonight. But have a good time!" he smiled and turned back into the lounger, putting the sunglasses back on his nose. Thea shrugged, gathered her stuff and left the Pool area to head back to her Hotel room and join her Mom on their way to Dinner.

When his sister was out of sight, Oliver took another glance to his left where the blonde woman still occupied her lounge bed. It had been a good 30 minutes now since she arrived at the Pool and still no sight of her partner ("Yeah, she's definitely not single."). When Oliver saw her starting to move up, trying to put sunblocker on her back and legs with her good hand but struggling to reach her back properly, he hesitated for a moment, unsure on what to do. Should he go over and offer a hand? Or would that be too personal, especially since she had a male partner arriving with her, though that one was nowhere to be seen right now? When she finished putting the lotion on her legs and gave it another try with her back but failing once more, Oliver got up and walked over to her.

"Can I help you with that?"
The woman jumped at the sound of Olivers voice and her head snapped to the right to where Oliver stood, a few feet away from her.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just sat over there and saw you struggling to put sunscreen on your back with that cast on your arm. So I thought I'd offer a hand – no pun intended." he apologized and tried to cheer up the situation.

The woman just sat there and didn't move a muscle, sunscreen still in hand, staring in Olivers direction through her sunglasses. Oliver started shifting from one foot to the other, unsure on what to do. Should he just head back to his lounger and pretend the last few minutes didn't happen? Obviously that woman wasn't interested to even talk to him, let alone getting her back creamed by him.
Oh crap, did she even speak his language? He was in a different country after all. What if she didn't understand him and thought he tried to hook her up or something?
"Yeah, definitely NOT the smartest move, Queen" he thought to himself.

When he was ready to head back to his lounger, the woman started to speak.

"Uh… sorry, what?" Her voice sounded so feminine and breakable and Oliver loved it already, even after these mere 3 words.

"You seemed to have problems getting sunscreen onto your back, so I offered my help. But I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Obviously you have a partner who could do that for you, if he returns any time soon. So I'll just head back to my lounger." he said and started to move back to his place.

"Oh, uhm… that's not my partner. He's my nurse, actually, and he probably won't be back within the next 2 hours. So uhm… a little help would be great, if the offer still stands." She smiled at him and Oliver's heart skipped a beat.
That bright smile made her even more beautiful than the slight smiling he saw her do the entire time before. Her face practically seemed to glow, even with all these bruises all over her body. Oliver had to try very hard not to stare at her until she spoke again.
"Are you still there or am I talking to myself again?" She tilted her head into his direction a bit more.

"I'm sorry, I normally don't stare that much. Of course that offer still stands." Oliver said.
He grabs the sunscreen from her hands and very gently starts moving her blonde hair and the loose straps of the bikini out of the way and over her shoulder. Her skin was soft and felt absolutely flawless under his palms.

"Oh I don't mind the staring. Obviously I couldn't care less if people stared at me right now, I'm sure with these casts and bruises I look like something the cat dragged in anyway." she joked.

Oliver squeezed a good amount of sun blocker into his hands and very gently started applying it onto her shoulders and over her Tattoo. He never had a tattooed girlfriend before and always wondered if inked skin felt any different. It didn't, and it amazed him even more.
"What happened? If you don't mind asking."

The woman started to shift a bit on the lounger and Oliver regretted not asking a more casual question. Obviously she felt very uncomfortable talking about her injuries. "Oh, uhm… long story. The doctors said I'm stuck with the casts for a few more weeks and hopefully my eyesight will come back by then, too."

At her words Oliver stopped his movements and just stared at her. Did he hear her correctly? "You're blind?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm in Spain in the first place, actually. But it's just a temporary loss of eyesight and there's a Doctor in Marbella who specializes in fixing things like this – at least that's what my Doctors told me."

At her words Oliver started moving his hands again, focusing on the lower regions of her back. She seemed very tense and Oliver tried his best not to touch any inappropriate regions near her bikini bottom. When he was done, he placed the bottle of sunscreen into her hand again and stood up, unsure on what to do now. An uncomfortable silence surrounded them both and when the woman put the sunscreen away and relaxed into her lounger again, Oliver started to walk back to his spot.

"What's your name?" she asked him and her voice stopped him from moving back to his place once again.
"Oliver, and yours?"
"I'm Felicity." she smiled, stretching and relaxing her feet into the lounge bed.
"Well, Oliver, I haven't heard you talking to anyone in the last 30 minutes, so I don't know if you're alone or with company, but would you like to talk to me for a while? It's crazy boring around here, I can't go in the pool and you're the very first person to speak to me in a language that I can actually understand." she laughed again and this time Oliver couldn't stop but starting to giggle as well.
"My mom and my sister just left for lunch about half an hour ago, so no… I'm not having any company right now and of course I would like to talk to you. I'll just go and grab my stuff, give me a minute."

When Felicity heard a loud scratching on the floor, her head shot to the right side. She could feel someone moving closer to her and she wondered what Oliver might be doing right now. He must have seen her brows furrow over the not-so-silent way he chose to grab his stuff, and he chuckled.
"It's actually easier for me to bring the entire lounge chair than just pack everything and then unpack it again on the bed next to you, so… yeah, call me lazy."

She let out a small laugh and Oliver had to admit he really liked her voice. It matched her petite and tiny form perfectly and he definitely wanted to hear more of it.
"So… for how long will you be here, Oliver?" she asked him before he even got the chance to sit down on his lounger.
"My mom and my sister will leave tomorrow, but I'll stick around a little longer, my best friend Tommy and his fiancée are currently picking out wedding locations and a spot for their Honeymoon and we'll head back home on Monday." he replied, while relaxing back into the lounger, sunglasses on his nose again, letting the Spanish sun warm his toned body.
"What about you? Are you only with your nurse, or are there any other people traveling with you? I assume it must be difficult being in a different country all by yourself without being able to see anything."
"I'm traveling alone, actually. The nurse isn't much of a help, to be honest, he seems to be enjoying the holidays way more than he's supposed to be. My mom couldn't come with me, work is keeping her pretty occupied, so yup… only me. I have to stick around here for another week before I can go back to Los Angeles and I'm sure this will be the most boring vacation I have ever taken. But I'm taking random pics with my phone and if any of these turn out to be good I can actually enjoy that vacation as soon as I can see again, so I'm good." Felicity laughs out and Oliver can't help but join her.

"So you're from Los Angeles?" Oliver tries to keep the conversation as casual as possible, not wanting to overstep any boundaries again by asking her about the injuries or any other uncomfortable topics.
"Las Vegas, actually. But I moved to LA some years ago and have lived there ever since. My mom still lives and works in Vegas, though. What about you? I assume you're no from Spain, even though I can't see your face and body right now to guess what ethnic type you could be. Not that I would want to check you out – which I don't – or, I can't tell if I would check you out because I obviously can't see you. And I don't want to imply that you might be a fat guy that's not out-checkable… is that even a word? Oh my god what am I doing? I'm sorry, I tend to babble from time to time…"

Oliver laughed out loud. That woman had a serious brain – to – mouth dysfunction and he really liked it. Despite her babbling she seemed relaxed, and it really cheered him up.
"Oh it's okay, you can totally check me out whenever you want to. I don't mind" he told her.

"Wait, so you're used to being checked out? What are you? A Model for Hollister Stores or something? Not that I'm saying I would only check out Models, which I totally don't, even though there are some pretty hot guys standing in front of their stores sometimes and oh my god I'm doing it again, right?" Oliver burst out laughing and with that Felicity smacked him right on his left thigh. His very well toned left thigh. Surprised at the contact of smooth skin and very toned muscles she pulled her hand back and stopped talking. Not that she expected to smack a fat, hairy leg, but that particular leg seemed to be very well shaped.
"God damn, why do I have to lose my eyesight when I could actually use it?" she mumbled to herself.

They talked for another hour when Felicity's phone rang. She picked it up, swiped over the screen and took the call. Oliver watched in awe at how she managed to handle everything so easily without being able to see anything. When she ended the call and put her phone down, she turned her attention to Oliver again.
"So, that was my nurse… he'll pick me up in 5 minutes – literally, because with this insane thing on my foot I can't walk around on my own. It was really nice talking to you, Oliver. Actually this has been the best day of my vacation here so far. Thank you for that." She gave him a bright honest smile and Oliver squeezed her shoulder slightly. "No need to thank me. I enjoyed it just as much as you did." he said.

When she started putting her white sundress back on and gathering all her stuff, Oliver realized he wanted to see her again, talk to her again. The last two hours had been the most relaxing conversation he had in months and he started to really like Felicity, even after just that one conversation. He just couldn't figure out how to approach her. Obviously he couldn't just give her his number and ask her to call him.

"Uhm, Felicity?" Hesitation clearly visible in his voice.
"Would you like to go to dinner with me? I mean, only if you're feeling comfortable, and we wouldn't even need to go out, we could eat in the Hotel's Restaurant. Only if you'd like to, of course."
"You mean like a date?"

Oliver could see her thinking, her brows furrowed, considering if she should accept his offer or not. Or maybe she was just thinking for the most polite way to tell him she wasn't interested in seeing him again. He really didn't know and it made him very uncomfortable. Something he had never been before with any woman, he just realized.

"Oliver, I don't know if that would be a good idea. I mean, look at me, I can't even walk on my own let alone read a menu or hold a hold a fork properly. I wouldn't be the best company at a Restaurant and don't want to embarrass you." Oliver could see her face drop while she spoke, clearly not happy with what she had to tell him, but he was having none of that. He wanted to see her again, no matter what.
"Felicity, you're no embarrassment to me only because you're injured and I really don't care what others think. All I'm interested in is having dinner with you. Please?"
Felicity sighed. "Fine. I'm going to dinner with you. I think it's the least I can do after you agreed to be my company for today. But how should we do this? I mean, look at me. It's not that I can walk into a Restaurant and wait for you there."
"I could pick you up at your room and we could head to the Restaurant together." Oliver suggested. "I can even organize a wheelchair for you so you won't have to walk with that thing on your feet."
Without thinking about it too long, Felicity agreed. "Alright, let's do this. What about tonight? It's not that I have much to do here either and listening to Spanish TV channels isn't very satisfying, to be honest."

Oliver remembered having a date with Tommy tonight and quickly pulled out his phone send him a short text. He wasn't going to let this chance pass, so the drinking-date with Tommy would have to be re-scheduled. Tommy would understand.

"I would love to go to dinner with you tonight, Felicity." He smiled broadly at her and she seemed to notice and smiled back at him.
Oliver saw her nurse approaching the Pool area where Felicity and him sat and quickly asked her for the details about their date.
"Would 8pm suit you? I could pick you up at your room if that's okay."
"8pm would be perfect. And I'm staying in Room No.457." with that she smiled, took a seat in the wheelchair her nurse brought with him and left the Pool area.