TB: Yeesh, the Deviantart stuff can eat up our time doing this stuff.

KKD: I know, right? We can get so crazy with reviews and art.

TB: True, true. But we should return to form here. Some more Super Hero Time stuff is in order.

KKD: Right. Time to get back to our teams.

TB: Beginning with Musical Sentai Melodyger! Now after the follow up to the 'movie' story last time, I think it's time for some more filler before we get to their team-up story and finishing this one off.

KKD: Bit of a breather before we conclude.

TB: Yeah. So with all that out of the way, let's begin. Disclaimers!

Disclaimers: Neither TokuBrony nor KKD own Super Sentai or anything else other than this original concept and the characters within. Super Sentai and any music used in the story are owned by Toei and their respective singers.

*A galleon sails in with twelve figures atop it before the camera zooms in revealing Kamen Rider Buccaneer, the Sailor Spirits, & the Melodygers, the latter five all holding their respective instruments*

Pink Melody, T-Lisa, & Buccaneer: SUPER HERO TIME!

*Instruments then surround scenes of the upcoming Melodyger chapter*

Buccaneer: Kazu and Jess-chan are trapped in an arcade game?! How will they get out of this?

*With Hyouno flying around, she soon creates flames in the shape of leopards that run straight at the screen, showing scenes of Sailor Spirits*

Pink Melody: A familiar force is back and kidnapping the Tamashii and their hosts! What will Nancy and her group of friends do against something like this?

*Treasure keys appears around the next scene, showing off scenes from Kamen Rider Buccaneer*

T-Lisa: A treasure involving the legend of Peter Pan? Sounds crazier than I imagined.

*We then see the Melodygers, Sailor Spirits, and Buccaneer posing for the camera with Red Melody, H-Mako, and Buccaneer standing at the edge of the bow of the galleon*

T-Lisa: Everything's set!

Melodygers: Let's start!

Buccaneer: SHOWTIME!

Previously on Musical Sentai Melodyger…

Rave had returned to destroy the Melodygers and take revenge. Mikoto awakening her Akuma half gained his interest and revealed that he was part of an Akuma clan called the Birds of Prey. The heroes were forced to hold him off until Mikoto learned how to better control her Akuma half using the Hyper Tuner. Thanks to this greater power, the Melodygers finished off Rave while using MetalDai-Oh. And now, proceeding to the next movement…

At the base of the Akuma, Ryu roared as he slashed at more pillars, shattering them to pieces.

"My best general deserts me and now this Bird of Prey is defeated by the Melodygers?!" Ryu snapped, panting and growling in frustration while pacing, Mokami watching his outburst in fear, staying behind a wall far away from her master.

"He is pissed. Gotta avoid that. For now, I'll do what I can against the Melodygers," Mokami whispered to herself as she stepped out, unaware of several feathers falling down.

(Insert Theme: Immortals by Fall Out Boy)

*A Shakuhachi (Japanese flute) begins to play with some clapping as notes float across the screen, washing away the previous scene before we see the Melodygers, silhouetted before lights from above shine onto each one and they all pose as the instrumental begins and the titles were soon shaped from notes the Melodygers played their instruments*

Musical Sentai Melodyger

They say we are what we are, but we don't have to be

*We see Mikoto sitting on a chair, looking over her flute before looking towards the camera and waving as the background was replaced with a musical sheet, and Red Melody was shown in front of it, playing her flute before posing for battle*

I'm bad behavior, but I do it in the best way

*Afterwards we see Kazu, playing his saxophone before he looks at the camera and winks with Blue Melody appearing on music sheet background behind Kazu, aiming his Saxozooka*

I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame

*We then see Neiji adjusting his drumset with Saburo tuning his guitar before they looked at the camera with a smile and an upward nod of acknowledgment, respectively, and then Green and Yellow Melodies appeared in between them on the music sheet background twirling the Drum Fighting Sticks and holding up the Rocker Axe over the shoulder, also respectively*

I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams

*We follow it up by seeing Jess, playing her Keytar happily with Pink Melody appearing behind her on the music sheet background, firing her Iruka Keytar before swinging it like a sword*

(Ooooooooh!) I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)

*We finish up the roll call with Mayako working the DJ table and giving a smirk to the camera, Gold Melody appearing behind her firing and slashing her DJ MixMaster-ken*

(Ooooooooh!) I try to picture me without you, but I can't

*The three generals of the Akuma no Metal stood there ready to charge into battle with Ryu Chikara pulling out his 9 arm guitar and playing a deadly tune*

'Cause we could be Immortals, I-I-I, I-Immortals!

*The six teens then pull out their Melody Changers and activated them, transforming into the Melodygers*

Just not for long, for long

*The team then pull out their weapons*

And live with me forever now

We pull the blackout curtains down

*Both sides then stood ready for the battle before they started charging, and clashing with each other*

Just not for long, for long

*Red Melody then posed in her Dotai Mode, acting like she's conducting a masterpiece*

We could be Immooooooooor-, Immortals

*The Melodygers got the upper hand on the grunts before fighting the generals*

Immooooooooor-, Immortals

*With Mikoto and Takara rejoining, this formed Hyper Red Melody with the other Melodygers in Dotai Mode standing by her side*

Immooooooooor-, Immortals

*We then see Super Melody-Oh, posing with its spear before DJ Koumori flew by and quickly shifted into Mixmaster-Bat, Mixmaster-Bat Electro also being shown briefly in battle*

Immooooooooor-, Immortals

*We then see Ultimate Melody-Oh, posing powerfully with the Dotai Boomerang in hand before TyrannOrchestra ran and jumped in the air, shifting before it landed on the ground as Orchestra Rex*

Imm, I-I-I-Immortals

*As the song comes to a close, we see the five Melodygers in civilian form walking off into the sunset, all of them congratulating each other as their faded Melodyger forms appear in the sky above them, and then the title appears on screen*

Score 39: Maximum Rhythm

At Subarashii Records, the Melodygers were working another rigorous shift featuring a large wave of customers, Mikoto looking rather exhausted, but wiping the sweat off her forehead to continue.

"Whew, not only do we get another round of customers, but we're doing it on a pretty hot day too," Kazu panted as he wiped the sweat from his brow before taking off the suit jacket, shirt, and tie just to reveal his guinea T.

"I know what you mean, Kazu-kun. Yeesh," Jess sighed as she fanned herself with a folding fan of her own.

"Yosh, stop!" Kami called out, surprising the team as they did just that, "You all worked well, and I think the wave of customers is done. I believe it's time for a break."

"In the middle of the busiest time of the work day?" Saburo gawked.

"After recent events and with the hot weather, it's safe to say you all deserve it. Go off and have some fun. I'll handle some things in the store. I'll even call the rest of the Mavericks to help out."

"Oh thanks a lot, Kami-san," Mayako smiled with a bow before they all took off, Kami getting on the phone.

The Melodygers were then relaxing in the shade while drinking some slushies under an umbrella.

"Oishi," Mikoto smiled as they ate up the frozen drinks.

"Yeah, the watermelon/strawberry mix is the best," Saburo grinned as he sipped from his cup.

"Anyone feeling the arcade today?" Mayako offered as the others smiled and nodded in response.

"I can totally beat you in DDR this time," Kazu smirked as the others laughed and got up.

"It's not surprising Mayako-chan wiped the floor with you, she's a pro," Jess giggled as she sipped her slurpee.

"Are you mocking my mad skillz, Jess-chan?"

"No, I'm just saying it's not very likely you can beat Mayako at DDR."

"How about you?"

"Is that a challenge?" Jess checked with a smirk.

"It is. Loser buys everyone a pizza," Kazu wagered.

"Oh it is so on!"

Kazu and Jess fist bump each other before running off to the arcade.

"This I gotta see," Mayako giggled while getting up and bringing her slushie.

Mikoto, Neiji, and Saburo couldn't help but smile before getting up and going to the arcade. However, they failed to notice a familiar female villain nearby pondering while sitting on a rooftop.

"Time for the element of surprise," Mokami snickered to herself as she disappeared.

In the arcade, the team was quick to gather to where Kazu and Jess were, one of them inserting quarters to begin the game.

"Ok, ready? I'll let you pick the song," Kazu offered.

"Ladies first, how polite," Jess grinned before she made her choice.

Once the music began, the two started following the arrows at a slow pace.

"And here they go, the two are out of the gate neck and neck and starting off slow," Mayako commentated as Kazu and Jess looked at each other and the arrows below them.

The two tapped at high speeds as the arrows came up faster and faster.

"Getting tired yet?" Jess smirked as she continued.

"Nope. Just warming up," Kazu scoffed as they continued going neck and neck.

"They seem to be perfectly in sync," Mikoto noted.

As the game continued, Mokami was seen sneaking inside the arcade before donning her human disguise, grinning as she watched closely. With a giggle, her pupil transformed into a different shape, resembling a D-pad before the DDR cabinet started flickering on and off.

"Hey, what's going on?!" Kazu wondered in shock.

"Yeah, things were starting to get good!" Jess snapped as she smacked the machine, suddenly making electricity spark out and surround the two, "What the?!"

"Guys!" Saburo gasped as the team tried to grab the two, but the electric sparks grew stronger and pushed the four back, Kazu and Jess meanwhile having being picked up off the ground by the electricity and a bright light blinding them.

After a bit, the light died down as the four remaining Melodygers opened their eyes before seeing the DDR machine off and two figures missing.

"Kazu and Jess are gone!" Saburo gasped in shock.

"But how?! Where could they have gone!?" Neiji gawked.

"Oh I sent them in there…" they heard a voice giggle, revealing Mokami in her human form before she changed back into her Akuma form.

"Mokami!" they all gawked, getting on the defensive.

"That's right. I have a surprise waiting in there for your friends," Mokami giggled as she twirled her drumstick weapons.

"Guess we'd better get ready," Mikoto figured as the group prepared their morphers.

Meanwhile, Kazu and Jess groaned as they opened their eyes and sat up to find themselves in a pitch black area.

"Geez, did the whole world blackout with the game?" Kazu groaned as they looked at each other neon colored versions of their clothes that also appeared to be casual dancing clothes, "Whoa, you're wearing a different outfit!"

"You too!"


The two looked confused and shocked as they stood up, and the lights turned on to show them the flashing lights of the game they were playing.

"Yeesh… I'm suddenly getting a case of deja vu… only instead of monochrome, it's bright technicolor," Jess commented, looking around.

"Oh yeah, that cartoon world. Yeah, this is weird," Kazu admitted as he looked himself over and seeing the outfit, "This looks like something from the 90s."

"WELCOME! YOU HAVE JUST STEPPED INTO DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION!" they heard a echoing voice declare around them before turning to see what looked like data forming.

The Akuma in question looked like a 90s gangster mixed with different colors on him, a suspender wrap around his shoulder, muscles, and even bands on his wrists.

"How were they able to make an Akuma inside the game?!" Jess wondered aloud as scores and health bars were placed above their heads.

"Ok, what's this for?" Kazu asked, "Wait, don't tell me we're actually playing now!"

"That's right! In order to get out, ya gotta get the high score without missing a step!" the Akuma pointed out, showing the high score right above his own head and backed up, "Any of you try to attack me, you'll be disqualified and stuck in here forever!"

"That's just peachy."

"Just go with it, Kazu-kun. We don't have much choice in the matter," Jess whispered as the two took positions.

"Ready? LET'S DANCE!" the Akuma announced, spreading his legs and pointing his finger in the air as the music started.

The two were expecting arrows to pop up, but instead they felt themselves rise up and saw the arrows and that they were standing on them.

"Whoa!" the two gasped as they tried to watch their step and try to get down, but soon saw the Akuma dancing.

"He's the one dancing and matching the arrows, and we're trying to make sure we don't get scrolled!" Jess realized.

"That dirty, son of a bitch!" Kazu growled before he started dodging the ceiling and climbing down the faster moving arrows.

Out in the arcade, the Melodygers, in suit, rushed in and attacked Mokami with their weapon preferences, going on and on and back and forth rapidly until Mokami managed to push them all back.

"So that's how your Akuma works in that game?" Gold checked, Mokami having explained what happened to Kazu and Jess.

"In a nutshell, yes. Only one can win and leave though, but they don't know that," she smirked, giggling a bit as she slammed onto Green Melody, who blocked her weapons with his own Beat Sticks

"Don't be stupid. Both of our teammates will get out of there. They're more clever than you think," Green retorted as the Melodygers continued to take turns attacking her.

However, Ogres began to pop out and run towards them, attempting to knock them down, but the Senshi quickly reacted as Mokami retreated with a grin on her face.

"Let's finish these quickly and then figure out how to get Kazu and Jess-chan out!" Red shouted as the team quickly backed away from the Ogres and started playing their instrument weapons to disorient them before they all glowed and aimed.

"Yonban Gakushou (Four Way Movement)... Melody Finish!" the four Melodygers shouted before quickly launching their energy slashes at the Ogres, making them all explode in defeat.

"Whew… all done," Gold sighed with some relief, the four demorphing out of their suits.

"Let's see how we can help get Kazu and Jess out," Saburo suggested as they ran back to the arcade.

Back inside the game, Kazu and Jess were still doing their best to avoid getting crushed on the ceiling, jumping down from one arrow to the other as the Akuma danced like a pro.

"I'm almost at that high score!" he smirked as he saw his score above his head.

"Yeesh, how much longer can this guy go!" Kazu panted as saw him never miss a step.

"No matter how good a pro gets, he's gotta miss a step somehow!" Jess figured as she saw a long series of arrows that seemed to be never ending, "We gotta make him somehow miss!"

"How can you do that when you're so busy trying to not squashed by me, Odorito?!" the Akuma scoffed as he kept his roll up.

"How about with this?!" Jess asked as she managed to get on her hands and flick a hair pin she pulled off and kicked it at Odorito's face, making him wince in pain and trip off the pad.

This caused the arrows he missed to turn from bright pink to dark red, making them intangible enough for the Senshi to drop to the ground and land on their feet.

"Ha! One slip up and you failed!" Kazu smirked.

"You cheated!" Odorito scoffed as he got back up.

"Hey, you weren't exactly playing fair, yourself," Jess countered as they too got ready in a fighting pose.

"It's time to end your little game here," Kazu declared.

Odorito continued dancing before sending out several arrows at the two Senshi, who swiftly dodged with slick dance moves of their own, Jess performing a spinning kick that sent some arrows hurtling back at Odorito. Kazu followed this up with moving his arms and throwing some spinning kicks of his own, causing Odorito to trip and fall numerous times. The Akuma eventually roared and pushed the two back.

"Play again! Only the winner will leave the game, while the loser remains here forever!" Odorito snapped.

"And you're going to make sure that's you, blah blah, we got that shpiel. But I got out of my last scenario similar to this WITH the villain as well. I can get out with my bro alive this time," Jess declared with a smirk.

"Yeah! You can't even defeat one of us with your tricks, so why even bother fighting two of us in the first place?" Kazu added, moving his hand in a bring it on motion.

Back outside, the four Melodygers made it back to the arcade and were trying to set up the console for the game and get it on.

"Come on, turn on!" Saburo muttered, giving the machine a good hit on the side as the machine suddenly turned on with no problem at all.

"I swear you got the magic touch, bro," Neiji chuckled as he soon looked on the screen, "Look! Kazu-san and Jess!"

"What's going on in there?" Mikoto asked.

Back inside, Kazu and Jess were breakdancing to avoid oncoming arrows while sending them back and Odorito, nearly piercing the Akuma's hide and making him trip again.

"We got him on the ropes! Keep going!" Kazu shouted as he and Jess smirked, beginning to spin on their very heads, their legs managing to make all the arrows ricochet.

"Nandatto?!" Odorito gawked as the arrows were bouncing all over the place, one even poking him in between his butt cheeks, making him scream in pain before leaping in the air, "OSHIRI GA (MY BUTT)~!"

"Looks like the arrows we ricocheted off us is destroying the inside!" Jess realized as the walls began to start crumbling.

"That looks like our cue to get out of here, and we're taking him out with us," Kazu responded before they jumped up and grabbed the Akuma in midair.

"INCOMING~!" Mayako shouted as everyone soon ducked, digital code bursting out of the screen before it formed into familiar forms that landed on the arcade floor, "Kazu-kun!"

"Yep, we're back!" Kazu cheered as he got up with Jess.

"Yay! Now to deal with this clown!" Jess smirked as she turned to the Akuma.

"You ruined my game!" Odorito growled as he shot up and grew frustrated.

"And you ruined our fun!"

"Let's take this outside," Kazu insisted, cracking his knuckles before approaching the Akuma and grabbing it by the collar.

Odorito was suddenly sent crashing out of a window, rolling on the ground as the Melodygers already stood in their suits. All of them prepared their weapons as they posed. They all then took their turns against him, swinging or blasting their respective weapons at him before Blue and Pink jumped in, using the Blues Spear and Keytar Cleaver respectively. The two melee weapons pierced through the hide of the Akuma and made him tumble back some more. With that, Blue and Pink played their weapons, disorienting Odorito before posing.

"Synth…" Pink started as she reeling her weapon back.

"Blues…" Blue added, following suit.

"Melody ATTACK!" they both shouted before launching their weapons' energy slashes, combining to form an X shape and collide with Odorito to make him explode on impact, "Game over!"

"That was so cool!" Gold cheered in amazement.

"There's more though. It's going to grow soon," Red warned, hearing the drum beats provided by Mokami nearby as the pieces of Odorito soon pulled themselves together and grew giant sized, "Let's finish things now. *reveals the Hiyoshidai*"

Soon, all the Ongeki Dobutsu ran on the field, ready for battle as the Akuma roared and the Melodygers jumped in their cockpits, Red already in her Dotai vest.

"Zen Musical Gattai!" the six shouted as all the Dobutsu quickly transformed and combined into one, "Melody Orchestra! On Stage!"

The mecha stood across from Odorito and prepared its spear. The Akuma rushed in and tried to kick the mecha, but it just stepped aside to make him stumble. The mecha then stabbed and slashed its spear numerous times at Odorito, making him fall back a bit.

"Take these!" he shouted as he fired off DDR arrows in their direction, managing to hit the mecha multiple times.

The cockpit shook violently for a moment as the Melodygers tried to get the mecha back to stand up straight, albeit having trouble due to onslaught of arrows coming their way.

"Yeesh! We gotta shake these off!" Blue grunted as he and Pink were thinking.

"Remember from before?" Pink checked as they recalled what happened in the game.

"Can we really make Melody Orchestra do that?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Green asked.

"I hope we don't get dizzy from this," Pink sighed, "Miko-chan, make the mecha spin on its head."

"Can we even DO that?!" Red asked.

"Oh yeah, it worked in the game!" Blue responded.

"Well… here goes," Red shrugged before handling the controls.

Melody Orchestra then suddenly stabbed the spear into the ground before getting down and spinning on its back before going on its head, successfully blocking all the lasers and making them collide with the Akuma yet again, making him fly backwards until Odorito hit the mountains nearby and fell back on the ground.

"Great! Now let's spin that spear and finish this fool!" Blue shouted as the mecha grabbed the spear and the hand spun around while running towards Odorito.

"Melody Orchestra! Kaiten Hisoku Wave!" the six declared as the mecha sped towards Odorito, throwing its arm forward and giving the rotating slash with the naginata, making him scream in pain as Melody Orchestra skidded to a halt.

"Man… I guess this really is… GAME OVER~!" Odorito screamed as he soon exploded in defeat.

"Your ninth symphony has arrived!" Blue and Pink announced with a thumbs down.

Back at Subarashii Records, the group soon returned while yawning and stretching, feeling exhausted after their fight.

"Hey everyone. Glad you're all off your break," Kami replied as the team looked and saw the store mostly empty, "You all look tired."

"Akuma fight. We took care of it," Jess informed and assured.

"I heard the alarm and had a feeling you would."

"Thanks for taking care of the store," Mikoto thanked with a smile and bow.

"So what now?" Mayako asked.

"How about I join you on your fun? Let's say an arcade run or two," Kami offered, making the Melodygers look at each other for a moment.

"I think we've had enough video games for one day," Kazu assured as the team laughed at his response before deciding to turn back home for the day.

"...What'd I say?"

"Wokka wokka," Jess giggled.

(Insert Theme: Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day)

*As the song began, we see the place is grey and lonely as our focus goes from the ground and scrolls up to see Mikoto*

I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known

*She starts walking down said road with her hands in her jacket pocket*

Don't know where it goes, But it's home to me and I walk alone

*Her expression looks to be that of sorrow and pain as she walks*

I walk this empty street, on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

*The place then lights up with color as she turns to see Kazu walking up to her along with Jess, both of them smiling at her and waving*

Where the city sleeps, and I'm the only one and I walk alone

*Neiji then leaps over with Saburo following behind him, both joining the other Melodygers and giving a peace greeting to Mikoto*

I walk alone, I walk alone…

*Mayako then ran up to the group and smiled at Mikoto. She looks at all of her new friends, who all smile at her and even give her a thumbs up*

I walk alone, I walk a…

*With that, Mikoto gives a smile and they all soon run off*

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

*They look to see the Akuma no Metal in the midst of invading their town*

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

*Ryu Chikara was seen standing atop his mountain on a throne while the three generals stand ready with an army of grunts*

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

*The six turned to see Ongeku no Kami appear and give them a nod, allowing them to plug their Tuners into their Changers and DJ Phone into DJ Changer*

'Til then I walk alone~

*As the instrumental ends, we see them change into Melodygers before charging into battle, taking out the imps and kaijin with Melody-Oh and MixMaster-Bat on standby*

Jikai, Musical Sentai Melodyger!

Mikoto: I just remembered… D is still out there somewhere.

Neiji: Wonder what he's up to.

D: I will continue to hone my skills… so that I can duel you, Takimoto!

Mokami: Please come back to us, D-sama.

Kazu: It's like he's walking to the beat of his own drum.

Mayako: What is with that form…?!

D: Face me, Takimoto!

Score 40: D's Encore Performance

From Coda to the Top!

With a New Evil at hand…

Ryuunosuke: This thing has been absorbing the souls of every Senshi before and after us…

Our Heroes Must join forces with the veteran Super Sentai to combat this threat…

Mikoto: To think that there is such a legacy to this.

Tsuyoshi: The newest Super Sentai will help us.

Will they defend the world as well as save their own?

Kazu: I won't let you take her!

Mayako: KAZU-KUN!

Neiji: Mikoto-san!

Musical Sentai Melodyger vs. Super Sentai!

Coming Soon…

TB: Well, that wasn't so bad.

KKD: Don't jinx it.

TB: It wasn't a big chapter or anything, but hey, after the previous storyline and the DA reviews, this is like a breath of fresh air.

KKD: Yea. Been a while since we got back to this, and I feel glad we did.

TB: Same here. So do you like how this turned out?

KKD: Yea, I really do.

TB: Favorite part?

KKD: Tricky. Though I do like all the action in the DDR game. Very creative.

TB: I liked that too, but also where they applied that when inside Melody Orchestra, the same maneuver to avoid the arrows.

KKD: If that were to happen in an actual Sentai, I'll bet they would've used CGI most of it, but it'd still be fun to watch.

TB: Yeah. Well, that's it for the Melodygers, but now we must go to the Sailor Spirits and focus on a different set of heroes in there.

KKD: Until then, you know who we are. Ore wa KKD Silver…

TB: And I'm TokuBrony…

KKD: *Salutes* Jaa ne.