Lucy sat crying silently in the corner of the dark room not sure how she came to be here. One moment she was just an ordinary girl out for a stroll on a lovely summers day on her families land, and the next, she was the prisoner of a demon she was supposed to be sacrificed to! She had heard the rumors going around about a cult that had formed recently; bent on bringing about the end of all things. How foolish she was to think it idle gossip. Her memories on how she had been captured were hazy, but she remembered clearly the ritual they had used to summon the demon. She shuddered remembering the feeling of the cold marble table she had been strapped to, the coarse ropes chaffing her wrists and ankles to the point of bleeding.

Unsure of her future now, she waited in her corner shivering in the cold, refusing to use anything that damned creature offered her. She had watched helpless as he formed from the giant pyre in the center of the room. The cult members cheered when he stepped from the flames; Red scales like those of a dragons played across the skin of his arms and neck, His fierce eyes black as onyx and glinting dangerously,protruding from his spiky (Pink?!) hair were two gruesome looking horns spiraling slightly. He took one long look around the room before his eyes focused on her. she squirmed trying futilely to free herself before he decided to eat her, rape her, or whatever it is he decided to do to her. The second his eyes met her though she nearly gasped aloud. His eyes had changed to the most brilliant green! They practically screamed kindness and loyalty. His focus was stolen from her, though, as the leader of the cult had walked up to him then.

"M'lord! I welcome you to the land of mortals, I hope you accept our gift-" He gestured to Lucy and the demon had narrowed his eyes at the man. "-and grant us your magnificent power." He finished bowing deeply. The demon had tsk'ed distastefully at the man. "You expect this little girl to satisfy me?" His voice shocked her almost as much as his eyes had. Even though he sounded cruel and menacing, his voice was that of a boys! He sounded no older than she was and for a second the cult leader seemed puzzled by this as well. "O-of course not, we have many more sacrifices ready for you M'Lord" The demon just looked annoyed. As the cult members started dragging in more girls they had captured just like Lucy the demon walked over to the marble table she was on and she started to panic again.

He leaned over her placing his hands on either side of her face. He just stood there staring at her for the longest time before slowly leaning in and hovered with his lips inches from her neck. She heard him take in a long slow breath through his nose, before he sighed and pulled back.

"You smell of star dust and light..." Slowly he grinned a pointy toothed grin that, had it come from a normal boy, she would have blushed from the sight of.

In an instant he was across the room gripping the cult leader by the neck. The temperature in the room instantly skyrocketed to equal the intensity of the sun.

"Your choice of sacrifices insults me!" He yelled before tossing the man into the pyre.

Lucy watched horrified as the man caught fire and screamed in agony, the rest of the cult following suit as the demon completely destroyed each of them either through means of brute force or by lighting more of them on fire. When he was done he turned to the cowering girls still bound by ropes. With a snap of his fingers the ropes burned away without harming the girls. They gasped in surprise and he pointed to the door.

"Leave before i change my mind and consume you all!" Crying and shocked they all hurried out leaving Lucy, still tied to the table, alone with the demon.

He sighed and wiped the blood from his hands and face before turning to her.

"Sorry for all the gore, I'm sure it was hard to witness." As he talked he went about untieing her arms and legs. Once she was free she scurried away from him as fast as she could falling off the table.

"Kya!" She let out a small scream, closing her eye tight, waiting for the pain in her head to start. When it didn't she peeked out from one eye and saw the demon holding her grinning toothily again.

"You're a weird one that's for sure. Why'd you go and fall off the table like that?"

She just stared at him silently waiting for him to attack her or something. After a bit he must have realized she wasn't going to speak to him because he began to frown and sighed sounding annoyed.

"I just saved you from being pointlessly being sacrificed as well as bashing your skull on the ground the least you could do is say 'thank you'." His eyes had turned back to there onyx coloring.

"T-thank you..." She said quietly, looking away from him as she said it.

"Not convinced..." He set her on the floor and stood glaring down at her.

She didn't cower away from him this time, just sat there staring at him. As the time stretched on he began to figit and his eyes change to green again. The more she stared the more he figited and she soon found herself giggling at how little boy like he acted. The moment she did though, she instantly regretted it. The demon grinned mischievously and scooped her up in his arms. She let out another little "Kya!" as he clutched her close to his chest, his body temperature, she noticed was far above that of a normal human beings.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?!" She asked her voice getting more and more bold as she started to yell at the demon. He just smirked in answer before they were engulfed in flames. She remembered screaming before waking up in an unknown room on a lush bed covered in expensively foreign looking coverings and pillows. The room itself was freezing and she found herself wanting to bundle up under those wonderful looking blankets, but refused. He had kidnapped her! That damned demon saved her only to kidnap her for himself! Well she'd rather freeze to death than be a demons plaything!...