Chapter 1

Arthur got out of his car and looked up at his new, tall house his parents bought. It was an old Victorian mansion that was made in 1809, the oldest house in the area. It had been renovated a few times so it wouldn't fall apart, and in all honesty it was quite pretty. However, Arthur had a special power.

He could see ghosts.

Ghosts, fairies, sometimes even unicorns. What scared him most was seeing demons. They would visit him at night while he tried to sleep, and they'd scare him. He would run into his parent's room crying, saying that a demon was after him. They would never believe him though.

Even when he said he saw ghosts and fairies, they would never believe him. It made him sad, knowing no one believed him. Because of that he had no friends either. He usually hung out with his parents and his fairy friends, like the one he called flying mint bunny.

Sometimes he felt even his parents were scared of him.

But now, new town, and hey, maybe he could make some friends.

"Do you like it honey?" His mother asked, walking up to him. Arthur took another glance at the house. Already he could feel an ominous aura swarming around the house. He felt a chill go down his spine.

"Yes, mum. It's beautiful."

"I knew you would like it." She smiled, kissing his forehead. "Come on, let's go inside."

Arthur nodded and took her hand. She walked with him to the door and unlocked it. They stepped inside, and already he felt uncomfortable. He wrapped his black cloak around him tighter as he felt a cold breeze pass by him.

"Do you want to see your room?" His mother asked, nodding to the stairs. Arthur looked upstairs and his eyes widened. Indeed the aura from upstairs was frightening, and he wanted to say no. But hey, he'd have to sleep in it eventually, so he just nodded.

Once upstairs, he took a look in his room. All their furniture was there already, so his bed was facing the closet. Great.

His bookshelf was on the right to his bed, containing all his precious books. A few of his toys were in the corner to his left of the bed. Not that he ever really played with them anyway.

His attention turned to the closet. He grew interested and a little nervous when he saw a large mirror hung on the closet door, staring directly at his bed. It would watch him sleep. "M-mum?"

"Yes, darling?"

"Um…why is that mirror there? I never had it before."

"Oh, the people who lived here before us left it here. I think it's nice don't you?"

"I guess…" He lied.

"Wonderful. Now you hang here while me and your father bring a few more things in." She ruffled his hair and smiled. She took off downstairs. Arthur took a look around his new room, interested. Surprisingly, the aura wasn't in here. Yet.

He walked up to his bed and sat on it, staring at his toys. One time is toy truck moved across the room in his old house, frightening him to death. He gazed around, and for the first time, at the mirror. He gazed into it, feeling like it was calling for him. He tilted his head for a second, trying to make out the aura. That was it. The aura he felt was emanating mostly from that mirror.

He jumped off his bed and walked closer to it, curiosity peaked. He went straight in front of it, gazing into his reflection. Surprisingly, he wasn't as scared as he was at first.

Suddenly his reflection started to swirl, like smoke emanating from a Native American fire. He squinted his eyes to look closer, hoping it was his imagination. It wasn't, sadly. The aura grew stronger, and suddenly he noticed his close began to change in his reflection.


Arthur flinched to the voice that sung out his name, calling to him.

Oh, Arthur…

It went again. His eyes widened when he saw his reflection changing. It looked like him, but the clothes began to turn pink, with a blue bowtie. His reflection's expression turned nervous, and finally he realized he was looking at a whole other person. The reflection now looked full. Just like him, but different. His eyes widened, and he began to shake.

"A-Arthur?" The reflection murmured.

And in that moment, Arthur screamed. He dashed out of his room and ran down the stairs. He heard his mother's voice coming from the kitchen and ran to her, grasping her leg. "Mummy! Mummy!"

His mother looked down to him with worry. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"I-in the mirror! A-a ghost! It mimicked my looks, Mum!"

His mother released a sigh and rubbed his head. "There, there, Arthur. I'm sure it was just your imagination."

"No, no it wasn't! Why don't you believe me?!"


Arthur felt his tears pour out as he ran back to his room, not caring about the ghost in the mirror. He threw himself onto his bed and dug his face into his pillow, sobbing with fear and hurt. Why?! Why won't they ever believe me?! He thought with anger and hurt.

He sighed with a hiccup. He realized he had to get over this now. After all, his parents would only continue to call him crazy.

That night, Arthur had pleaded his parents that he could sleep in their bed with them, but they said no very sternly. They said he has to get used to sleeping alone, and they just dragged him to his bed. Now he was laying in it, staring up at the ceiling.

He just waited. Waiting for something to happen.


There it was again. He sat up and stared at the mirror, waiting for the spirit to come back. He noticed the mirror began to swirl once again. Angered, he jumped off his bed and stomped to the mirror, glaring at it. "Fine! You want to scare me? I don't care! I can take it! Kill me if you want!" He cried, a few tears escaping him.

In a matter of seconds, the reflection was back. For what seemed like forever they were staring at each other. Until finally the reflection broke the silence.

"Arthur…is that really you?"

"Who the hell are you?" Arthur snarled, backing up a little. How does he know my name?!

"I…I am you…but different!" The reflection started to turn a little happier, but his smile just looked fucked up and creepy. Almost like Jack the killer.

Arthur nearly screamed. The reflection flinched and covered his mouth, blushing nervously. "I-I'm sorry! Everyone is scared of my smile." He sniffed.

Arthur panted a little. "What do you mean by…you're me?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to know.

"I'm just you from another universe. I'm a little different then you of course, but I promise I won't hurt you! My name is Oliver." The reflection bowed. "I would shake hands but, unfortunately I'm in a mirror." He chuckled.

"Thank god you're in there." Arthur sneered, making his reflection frown sadly.

Arthur, somewhere deep down, felt a little guilty. "So…Oliver…you're like, my doppelganger or something?"

"I guess you can put it that way." He shrugged.

"Does…does everyone have a doppelganger?"

"Of course! Even you're parents!" He smiled.

Arthur grew worried. "I…I thought doppelgangers were evil."

"Not true." Oliver frowned. "Well, sort of true. Some of them are, but not me."

"So…why did you come see me now? Why not earlier?"

"It wasn't time yet." He spoke the truth. "You and I both were too young. But now since we're both nine, it's alright. Plus you're smart Arthur, I respect that. And you can see ghosts! How cool!" He smiled.

"So…so you're the same age as me?"

"I'm almost like you in every way. Except you curse and are sarcastic and mean sometimes. I hate being mean and cursing. It's wrong!" He crossed his arms with a pout.

Arthur rose an eyebrow. "Thanks for the complement." He grumbled sarcastically.

"Don't be mad." Oliver chuckled. "It's just the truth."

"Hmph." Arthur turned away with his arms crossed. "So anyway, why do you want to talk to me?"

"I…I thought we could be friends." Oliver shuffled his feet nervously. Arthur whipped around stared at him. The reflection had a sad expression on his face. Well, I guess that's something we have in common. No friends.

"You have no friends?"

"Not really. Well, Egil is pretty nice, but he's usually hanging out with his four other friends then me." He kicked dust.

Arthur sighed. "Same."

Oliver chuckled. "See! We're not so different! So…can we be friends?"

Arthur rose an eyebrow and his eyes narrowed. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"I won't hurt you, I promise. Look, I can't even get out of here." Oliver tried to push himself out, but it only backfired at the mirror shocked him, throwing him down.

"Oliver! Are you alright?!" Arthur shouted, running closer.

"No, no! Don't come near the mirror too close!" Oliver warned.

"W-why?" Arthur stopped dead in his tracks.

Oliver got up, rubbing his rump. "You, you could get trapped here…forever.

"So, I can get it, but you can't get out."



"I know."

Arthur looked away with a blush. "I…I guess we can be friends, I guess…"

Oliver looked up at him, hope in his sparkling blue eyes. "Seriously?!"


"Oh yay! I'd hug you if I could!" Oliver cried happily. "Since I'm sort of you, I'll hug myself." He wrapped his arms around himself happily. Arthur smiled. He was cute, sort of. I can't believe he's my doppelganger. Well, their supposed to be a little different I guess.

Oliver smiled with a yawn. "Well, I'm tired. Goodnight!" He smiled with a wave, disappearing. Arthur smiled, waving back. He yawned, feeling the same. He walked to his bed and jumped up, snuggling himself in his blankets.

This could work. Oliver, he meant. Sure, he'd have to watch out for him, but…a friend finally. For once in a long time, he was happy.

Author's note!

My first time writing 2p hetalia! I love Oliver he's such a cutie. X3 But I'm going to use his gentle and nice side instead of his murderous crazy side. You don't like it, don't read it.

See you in the next chapter! ;3
