Ok, so this is my first fanfic. Thanks for reading. Ill try to upload as often as possible and I do finish my stories.

So yes, there is a lot of canon and non-canon in this and sorry if you don't like the way a character is portrayed. Don't be afraid to leave a review and some constructive criticism and I'll try to work on it. If you have any ideas from shipping, characterization, pokemon... don't be afraid to say so and I'll see what I can add in.

So if it wasn't already obvious




"Pokemon speech/Aura/Psychic"

'Pokemon thoughts'





As dawn broke one clear morning in Pallet town, a beaten and broken 5 year old Ash Ketchum can be seen emerging from the surrounding forests, headed towards the lab of the infamous Professor Oak. As he approached, he adjusted his black shirt to cover the worst of his bruises and folded his red jacket over a gaping wound on his arm, using the other to dust the dirt from his faded black jeans. Knocking on the door, Ash eyed the ground as he nervously shifted his feet and waited.

Moments later the door swung open to reveal Gary Oak. Ash and Gary had never been friends, however they hadn't been enemies either. This had changed when Ash had been taken on as a student of the Professor. Since then Gary had made Ash's life hell. It had all begun on his first day of school when the quiet and reserved Ash Ketchum corrected Gary on a few pokemon facts. Gary, unable to admit when he was wrong had called Ash a liar and labelled him as 'stupid' and an 'idiot'. Convincing the other students had been easy, and with Ash's withdrawn and 'strange' behaviour, the teachers and soon other adults within Pallet town had come to view Ash as such. When Ash received perfect scores in his tests, he was accused of cheating and was barred from interacting with the schools pokemon for fear he would do something to get himself or the other children hurt. Of all the people in Pallet town, only Professor Oak had seen through it all and had opened his home to Ash as both a student and a surrogate son.

That was why Ash had been to visit the Professor at this early hour of the day, for help without fear of judgement or getting hurt. As Gary stood in the doorway, Ash mentally braced himself for the encounter. "Well if it isn't Ashy boy" Gary remarked, a smirk adorning his face "what'd you do this time, run into a beedrill nest again, or maybe you tripped on a shoelace and fell down a hole". "Gary, who i… oh, it's you Ash. Come on in my boy" interrupted the Professor before Gary could continue.

Ash sat on a bed in the medical bay of Professor Oaks lab while the Professor tended to his wounds. As he worked the Professor spoke "Ash, this is the third time this week. Maybe we should tell" "NO!" interrupted Ash, panic taking over his usually emotionless visage. "Ash, if we tell Officer Jenny we can get you away from that woman. You can stay here with me for as long as you need. You will be safe" "But" Ash interrupted. "No buts. Ashton Satoshi Ketchum, if this keeps happening you won't live to see your tenth birthday". Ash thought about it for a minute. The Professor only ever used his full name when he was serious, very serious; and Ash knew he had a point. His mother had been beating him to a bloody pulp ever since his father left. Although Ash had hoped it would only be a phase, time was proving otherwise. After some serious consideration Ash spoke. "She's the only real family I have professor, without her I have nothing. All I have to do is keep it up till my tenth birthday when I can get away from here and start my pokemon journey".

After much discussion, the Professor had agreed. But only on the condition that Ash train under him several hours a day until the time came. Readying him for his journey and keeping him safe.