Marco rested his elbow on the car window as they drove down the slopes into echo creek. The orangey citrus sun was in the process of setting and in a beautiful bit of symmetry the evening was just like when they first were riding the hills out of town nearly four weeks ago. Now they were travelling in the opposite direction, back to the spot they called home.

"Marco we're almost home!" Star said with excited glee.

Marco chuckled, "Yes Star we are almost home!"

Star leaned onto his shoulder as they watched the sunset from behind they dusty car window. "Hey remember when we first were coming out this way and we stopped to watch the sunset?"

"Oh ya I do remember, and then after you woke me up with a jump scare!"

Star giggled "Yea..."

She snuggled up to Marco, it had been a long day and she was feeling pretty tired and besides now that Marco was her boyfriend she could basically use him as a pillow whenever she wanted anyways.

The trip back had been less, well, deadly and more normal (not that their normal was even remotely close to most people's). There were no crazy Ludo attacks or devious schemes, no deadly storms and the two teens had managed to avoid any more confrontations with the law. The return trip had been a well earned break for our heroes, a relaxing time to enjoy one another's company and time for Star and Marco to bond after that first kiss during the wedding party.

At first Star and Marco were unsure how to break the news to Mr and Mrs Diaz. Though after pondering their choices for a bit outside the church building they opted for the straight on approach and were more than pleased to hear that Mr and Mrs Diaz were ecstatic to finally hear the news and had unsurprisingly seen it coming from miles away.

Star was jolted awake by Mrs Diaz, "Hey Star we're home!" She whisper-yelled to her.

The whole family gathered at the front door of home. The sun had dipped below the horizon and left a peaceful twilight.

Mr Diaz breathed in, "Ready guys?"

The group moaned, "Yes just put it in!" Mrs Diaz playfully chastised.

A metallic clinking could be heard as the lock released. Mr Diaz turned the cool door knob and the homely wooden door creaked open.

"Ahhh home sweet home!" Marco exclaimed and ran into the house, flopping lazily onto the couch.

"Hey wait for me!" Star said flopping down beside him.

It was perfect; everything was right where they left it. There's nothing better than coming home to see it's stayed the same.

"Come on you two you've got to unpack your stuff! And I know that Star brought quite a bit of stuff!" Mrs Diaz said walking inside.

"Alright..." The two responded with a moan.

Later that night...

Star and Marco were sitting on the couch watching tv as usual. It really didn't take that long for them to get back into a normal routine. Marco had whipped up some nachos and Star had picked out a movie.

"Back to normal eh?" Marco said between cheesy bites.

"Well almost normal... I'd say things are a little different now." Star said with a grin.

Marco laughed "Yeah now I know what it's like to sleep beside Star Butterfly... as in you don't sleep because there's always hair in your face."

Star giggled "Not what I meant but sure that works too."

She let out a tied yawn, "You know speaking of slumber I think I'm just going to go to sleep right here..." Star lifted bowl of nachos off the couch and placed it onto the floor.

"Hey was eating those!" Marco retaliated.

"Not anymore, ever since that kiss you have earned the privilege of being my pillow, my red sweater-y pillow."

Marco chuckled "Lucky me..."

Star sighed rested head on Marco "Good night Marco..."

Marco rolled his eyes and decided to go along,

"Good night Star..." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

The tv powered off casting the room into a dimly lit darkness and with a finale glance at his new girlfriend sleeping peacefully Marco to fell asleep.

It was for the better anyway as Star and Marco were going to need their rest, for who knew what the two teen's newest adventure had in store...

Hello its Unluckywrites here, addressing you for the last time! (In this fanfic at least). Man this has been one crazy heck of a ride you guys. You could say it's been quite the journey.

Terrible puns aside this really has been insane! At the time of me writing this the fic has 101 reviews, 80 followers, 61 favs and 45 thousand words! Like what?! When I first started out I had no expectations of it getting this popular...

But here we are! I don't want to only talk about numbers though, your guy's reviews never failed to put a smile on my face and it's really satisfying to see that people are actually enjoying what I'm writing and want to see more of it! I just want to say thanks (for like the billionth time) to everyone who reviewed, favourited or just read the story!

I'm also actually really interested to hear from you guys what was your favourite chapter was and what you think I could have done better and so on. If you want you can just tell me in the reviews! Personally my favourite chapter was the one where Star and Marco get stuck out in the desert, it was a blast to write and I think turned out really well.

Here i want to give a special thank you to EVAunit42 for mentioning me in his story: There's always a star and a hoodie. He really didn't have to and it means a lot that he did so it's only fair I give him a shout out!

And finally I just want to let you all know I have been working on my next story, I'm not too sure when the first chapter is going to come out but I think you're all going to like it! I may also come back later on and write a sequel to this story, I think it'd be fun but I make no promises!

Thanks for reading, -Unluckywrites