They next day Luxa and Howard along with Aurora and Nike took them the long hours back to the tunnel Gregor and his cousin fell through. Howard was going to ride with Luxa, but Wynnora made him go with her and Nike, and she gave a sly smile to Gregor. He appreciated that.

Luxa leaned on his back and rested her head on his shoulder like she used to do all those years ago. They did not bother to talk, though they heard Wynnora telling Howard to be quiet every time he repeated instructions for caring for her wound. Gregor took it all in, and appreciated every minute of it.

They landed where the battle had taken place, and began looking for the exit. It felt unreal to Gregor. He was just supposed to return home and go back to his normal life. How was that ever going to happen? He had seen and experienced things down here that he would never be able to forget, and he was not sure he wanted to. His only consolation was that he now had Wynnora to talk to, who no doubt had things she would never forget as well.

They found the tunnel fairly quickly, then Gregor braced himself for the final goodbye. Howard and Wynnora looked at each other awkwardly, then she asked him to go over the directions again. She led him away from Gregor and Luxa, to where Nike was waiting with the supply kit. Another kind gesture from her.

"So," he said to Luxa. She managed a weak smile, and took his hand.

"Good bye, Gregor," she said, looking into his eyes. He tried to memorize her eyes.

"Good bye, Luxa," he said back. He hoped his tone conveyed everything he was feeling, but he doubted it. He really did not know what he was feeling. Their cousins walked back over, and they quickly let go of each other's hands.

Howard gave a quick embrace to Gregor, "Tell your family that they are missed in the Underland," he said.

"I shall miss having your council, Wynnora," Luxa said.

"Oh," Wynnora said waving her hand to brush off the queen's words. "If I stay any longer, you would probably execute my insolent a-"

"Ok, Wynn. That's enough," Gregor cut her off. They laughed.

"You are correct in this," Luxa said.

They both said good bye to Aurora, who said little back. Gregor felt that she was in fact saddened by their leaving though. The Overlanders climbed onto Nike, who had volunteered to take them up. She spread her wings, and the updraft raised her up with little effort. Wynnora turned on her flashlight when the Underlander's torch light disappeared. They rose for several minutes before reaching the cave.

They climbed off the flier, and Wynnora immediately hugged Nike.

"I will miss you so much," she said. The flier closed her eyes in the embrace.

"And I will miss you," she said in return. Gregor gave his final good bye to Nike, and she dropped back down the hole.

The two Overlanders began walking out the cave without a word, and they both hoped it was night time. Neither wanted to know what it felt like to see the sun right after two months underground. Lucky for them, the sky had stars when the exited the cave.

"No car," Wynnora said.

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" Gregor asked.

"Depends on who has it, I guess. Come on, the house is only as short walk."

They walked for about fifteen minutes, though this was at a slow pace. Wynnora's wound was hurting her, and they both wanted to be outside. When they approached the house, only the kitchen light was on. Gregor noticed his cousin's car in the driveway, along with his parents' cars.

They walked quietly up to the driveway to the back door, and Wynnora unlocked it. Gregor hoped no one thought it was a break-in. Gregor set down their bags in the door way, and before he could take another step he heard a familiar voice.

"Gregor!" Maggie yelled. She ran up to him, and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Hey, you," he could not help but say this seeing his younger sister.

His parents and Lizzie appeared right after and hugged him too. Questions streamed out of them. They had gotten the note, but they were so worried. Gregor's dad hugged his niece. Gregor was so happy to be home with his family.

"What happened? Tell me everything," his mother demanded. Gregor gave a quick look at his cousin, then looked back at his mom.

"That's going to take a little while. Maybe we should all sit down."