So, I'm importing all my stories from my other account, Gonome7, to this one because this one is cooler. And I very rarely even look at the other one. Basically a dead account. From a LOOOOONG time ago.

The stories included are:

A Double Edged Sword



That's all I'm really saying, go easy on me because I sucked at writing then.


Dead Space 2 belongs to EA and Visceral Games

This is my first fanfic and I am not sure how it will go, but I am optimistic.


C1- Prologue

Marcus Kennedy was at his desk in the Research Division wing on Titan station pouring over his latest failure to create a living Necromorph with all of the sentience of a real human being. He had thought that if he used the Engineer Isaac Clarke as a subject due to his seeming resistance to the Marker signal, he would be able to create a being with all of the evolutionary progress of a Necromorph but without all of the insanity and raw bloodlust that comes with the marker signal, giving it the ability to think rationally.

Unfortunately Isaac seemed to be resisting the effects of implanting the Necromorphic tissue into his body as well. And with this project, it would be best to avoid a high failure rate. Hell, Tiedemann was already pissed that Marcus was using the engineer in his experiments, the only reason him and the head of the research allowed it was because they had recovered more shards of the Red Marker and began exposing people to the signal so that they could build more Markers, so they really didn't need Isaac anymore after they made him build the one at Site 12. the only condition for the use of Clarke was the absolute guarantee of success that Marcus had given them.

A promise he was almost regretting right about now.

No matter what he tried Isaac wouldn't respond, and in the case that he did as happened only once when he tried projecting a Marker signal at the engineer, Clarke would immediately become suicidal, trying to smash his skull on the wall or floor, although that could be because he was in stasis until exposure. But he couldn't give up, if he did he would lose his job and most likely be killed for his knowledge. So he would just have to keep plugging away until he made a breakthrough.

As he was typing on his laptop the letters and numbers he had just written changed into an archaic runic language that seemed familiar in some way. 'Oh shit', he thought, these were the same markings he had seen written in blood on the walls of the Ishimura. But that was Impossible, all of the Shards as well as the S12 Marker were securely sealed away. If there was a breach, 'Oh God', if there was a breach then that means that the Dementia will already be setting in for the inhabitants of the Sprawl. Of which Marcus was one of them.

A sudden ache in his neck made Marcus reach for the pain relief ointment that he always keeps at his desk due to the long hours of sitting up at a desk. As he opened the cap he noticed blood on his fingers. Startled, he dropped the ointment only to realize that the cream that he was about to rub across his neck was in fact a box knife he had been using earlier to open a package he had received. Knowing his research would not matter if he was not alive to reap the benefits, he left his office to get to the tram that would bring him to the Government Sector so that he would be safe from the surely ensuing Outbreak. As he emerged into the tram station he saw a ghastly walking corpse with two sickle shaped blades protruding from its' wrists which were raised far above its' head and completely lacking any clothing, or skin for that matter.

'Christ it's that far gone already?', thought Marcus as he saw the horrified citizens rush to get away from the monster which had already hacked apart four of the unlucky people. It turned its' hollow glare on Marcus and he rushed away to get to the government tram and safety. The Slasher gave a gurgling roar and ran at Marcus who was almost at the trams' open doors. Immediately as he entered the doors closed, but that didn't stop the Necromorphs' bladed arm from smashing through the window and lashing out until it severed Marcus's left arm at the shoulder. He screamed in agony over his limb, and in anger punched the Necromorph in the face through the window, then ran to the front of the tram and started it at its' highest speed the Necromorph tried to keep up but soon its' arm was ripped off and it was sent rolling off the ledge to the ground below. Marcus tried to feel relieved but the ever urgent pain of dismemberment stopped that in its' tracks. He cried as he took his shirt off and tightly wrapped it around his chest and empty shoulder. His vision was swimming in and out, trying to focus as he grew dizzy."Huh, I guess running for your life is exhausting,", he said to himself.

He sat on the tram and took a moment to calm his heart. "If I ever find out who didn't seal the Marker or Shard chamber properly I am going to throw him out of the nearest airlock.", he said. "All I really want to do right now is sleep, I think I'll be safe till I get there". With that he finally succumbed to the sleep he'd been resisting. When he dreamed he thought of the men, women, and even the children slabbed in his own personal morgue of test subjects. When he saw them standing with all of the damage to their bodies he was chilled to the bone, on the walls the familiar red markings slid across the surfaces. All of the corpses looked at him and they all screamed,"LET US LIVE IN YOU!"

He awoke with a yell and took in his surroundings. The blue and yellow paint on the wall, the glass and blood puddles on the floor, and in the puddles, his left arm and the arm of the corpse sat alongside each other. He deliberated in his mind for a bit and decided that they could probably reattach an arm, so he grabbed his arm, and waited for the tram to arrive. He saw the tram was approaching the Government Sector and prepared to get off. Some nearby officers in security suits saw the tram and were quick to aim their guns at him. He held up his remaining arm, which was holding up his severed arm and said, "Don't shoot!". They didn't but neither did they lower their weapons until a man in a highly advanced suit said, "Stand down! Mr. Kennedy, Hurry and get in the building before more of those monsters come." Marcos was all too willing to oblige and he walked up to the door but before he got there he heard a metallic snap and felt an intense pain in his chest and when he looked down he saw a metal javelin jutting through his heart. He shakily turned back around and saw the man in the advanced RIG holding a javelin gun. His helmet folded back into the suit and Marcos saw that it was Director Tiedemann who impaled him. His face in an expression of confusion and betrayal, he simply asked,"Why?". The Director focused an emotionless gaze and said,"The Necromorphs have taken over the Research Division, your research is lost, and you have been infected by the Dementia of the Marker Signal. You are now useless to us. You have failed."

Tiedemann pressed the button on the side of the gun and electricity spread around Marcus as he was lit on fire and burned, but before he died he looked in Hans' eyes and he saw hatred, pure unfiltered hatred for everything that Marcus was. The fire spread to his face and he finally died. "Burn in Hell you ghoul", whispered Hans.

Back in Marcus's lab a young man pulled open a door to a padded cell labeled "Clarke, Isaac"