Chapter 1 The man in black:

Chase's Pov

Sitting on a brigde. A guys walks up to up to the edge of the bridge. I stood up slowly. The man just stood their. I started to get a little freaked out.

The man was dressed in all black with a black hat on covering his eyes. All I could see was half of his face. I turned around and started to keep walking. As I hit the end of the bridge. I turned back arouned to see the man wasn't their anymore. I gasped slightly knowing that he could be anywhere. I was to scared to turn back around knowing that the man was gone. I was to afraid of what might happen next.

My heart was beating faster than ever. So I closed my eyes and turned slowly around. I opened them back up and suddenly the man in black was standing right there in the in front of me with a blazzing knife in his right hand getting ready stab.

I stayed in shock. I couldn't move. No really I couldn't move at all. The man in black stabed me in the stomach.

I groaned as I watched as blood poured straight out of my mouth. I fell on my knees. Next thing I knew. Darkness took over.

Don't worry about these two double lines, That was an accident. I meant to delete one of the two double lines. Anyways. Enjoy the rest of the story.

I woke up with pouring sweat. I whiped it of off. My eyes were burning. I coughed 3 times.

I got up and made my bed. I took shower to shake that feeling I had off. I got done and headed down stairs smelling breakfast.

I saw Mr. Davenport, Adam, Bree, Leo, Tasha, Douglas all sitting at the table. I walked slowly in kitchen.

''Oh hey Chase how did you sleep?'' My father asked putting a plate of food on the table looking at me with a smile on on his face. His smile faded away.

''What's wrong buddy?'' He asked in a worry voice.

I shook my head. "Oh nothing Mr. Davenport.''

''Are you hungry sweetie?'' Tasha asked.

''Uh, sure.'' I said. Then Tasha grabbed me a plate of food. I a little bit. I forgot I had school today. I through my plate away in the sink and Mr. Davenport drove me to school.

After school, I walked through the door. As I did, I headed to the couch and fell asleep.

Here I am standing on a random bridge. It was foggy out. So I looked down and their was water streaming through.

That's weird. Haven't I seen this bridge before? Infact. I think I've been on this bridge before.

Is this the same place I saw that man in black. I turned around. I saw that same guy. I closed my eyes to shake this feeling off. I opened them back up. And the man was gone.

I started to get a little scared. I walked a little faster to stay away from the man in black. I hit the woods.

I felt a rain drop on my forehead. Is it raining? I turned around and it wasn't raining where the bridge was. It was practically sunny over their.

I walked towards the bridge and stop in the middle of it. I was still on the side of the rainy part. It was sunny on half of the bridge I pulled my arm out in the sunny part of the bridge.

I walked out of the rainy part. I looked straight ahead. and their was fog on the onter half of the land. I saw the man in black again. I started to run in the rainy side. I than saw a sign that said. 'Rainy Woods.' I started to pant.

I put my hand on my heart. I started to run. I saw a dark cave.

I walked in to it. I back away as I saw that same guy again. I back off slowly and fell on the ground. I was lossing air.

I started to cough really hard. I was still backing up while on the ground. The man in black was still following me. He had that same knife in his hand. He stabbed me in the stomach.

''Nooooo!'' I screamed.

I woke up with sweat on my face and slobber on my pillow and my mouth as well. I whipped my mouth. I was in my this time. I think Adam pt me in here.

I sat up against my bed. I covered my self with my blankets and had tears rolling down my cheeks. I whipped my eyes. And laid back down.

I cried a little harder in my blankets. What did that guy want? I than fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up from my dream again. The same dream I had last night. I got up and took a shower. I didn't have school so I decided to head to the library, and by library I mean book store. Yes. They have a book store down town and I really want to go. They build it right next to the library. Anyways. So I headed down stairs and saw Mr. Davenport in the living room.

''Uh Mr. Davenport.'' I said walking In front of him.

''Oh hey Chase, Adam told me you were crying last night is that true buddy?'' He said standing up and walking towards me.

''Um.'' I stayed silent.

''Hey I'm always here for you. Okay. If you need me I'm here buddy okay.'' He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded. He walked in the kitchen and I followed.

''Um Mr. Davenport is it okay if you can drive me to the book store.'' I asked. He looked at me. ''Oh sure buddy, what for?'' He asked grabbing a drink. I struggled my shoulders. ''I need something.'' I replied.

''Oh okay I'll drive you than.'' He said. I smiled. ''I'll be in the car.'' I said. ''Okay buddy I'll be there.'' He said. I walked out and in the car.

Hey guys how was that so far. I really hope you guys enjoyed that so much. And I'll see you guys on the next chapter. Bye!