Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and its subsequent story plotline, merely the design of "Talon"

"This…job, as you would call it, is dangerous, most likely lethal. My enemies will not be forgiving, and they will hunt those down who have associated with me. Despite this, are you willing to go through the contract?"

Ko Chang was a man who held great power and influence, perhaps comparable to Lucius Malfoy of England, although his own power was centered in Magical Asia. His daughter, Cho Chang, wielded the same power that flowed in him and his wife's body. Magic.

Being a daughter of a man who held great political, magical, economical power and was the Minster of Magic for Taiwan, she was bound to be targeted. Her previous bodyguards, who had posed as butlers had all died due to assassins, and Ko had repaid their services with considerable payments towards their families, although now none dared to take the challenge anymore.

He required a new bodyguard, whom was skilled enough, clever enough, powerful enough, and brave enough to protect Cho, hopefully without paying with their own life. This was what led him to meeting the...person in front of him.

Looking no older than fourteen or fifteen, his glowing green orbs bore into his own brown eyes.

"I accept."

Even his tone was empty, devoid of any emotion.

"The Cho family, although not to boast, speaks of a great line, back to the Han Dynasty. You have heard of Zhang Fei? The great brother of the Warlord Liu Bei?"

He nodded.

"It is from there that we can trace our line. Our family business, although changing over the years, keeps coming back to fighting. We are fighters, and it has always been our blood. Even though now we specialize in potions and alchemy, our fighting prowess has never been underestimated. Yet my daughter remains ignorant of this fact. It is my wish that you, while protecting her at Hogwarts, that you also teach her the basics of combat."

The boy frowned, the first signs of emotion appearing on his face.

Ko continued on, pushing aside the implied rejection that the boy exuded.

"I have…heard of your world, and you are legendary, even in the world of mercenaries and in our society. You have conducted near impossible feats, and letting Cho even having a speck of your skill would settle my worries."

"Perhaps I will teach her. Perhaps I will not. But it is curious that you use the word fighting, not dueling." The boy's tone had turned not changed, still remaining cold and calm.

Ko snorted derisively. "Dueling is for those who fight for glory. What we call fighting is fighting for survival."

"I see." A tint of respect was detectede.

"This year, Hogwarts School of Wizards and Witchcraft are hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year – a tournament that would easily let assassins in. Although Dumbledore is powerful, even he may slip at times. It would ease my mind if you taught her over the year."

"Dumbledore is powerful, and the wards at Hogwarts even more so. I doubt there will be need to teach her."

Ko let a ghost of a smile flit over his face. "Very well. I have already conversed with Albus Dumbledore on the matter of your enrolment. He gladly agrees, but he wishes to meet you on September 1st."

"So, the terms of the contract are that I protect your daughter for three years, until she has completed her education. For each year of protection, 100,000 galleons will be deposited for the service. I am, preferably, to develop an amicable relationship with her, and if required, to teach her the basics of fighting. Is that all?" The boy concluded softly.

"Additionally, there is one more thing. She has mentioned that an upperclassmen, a Cedric Diggory has expressed desire to court her. I would like it for you to see it to not happen."

The mercenary raised an eyebrow.

"Would your daughter be accepting of this? Her father meddling in her safety and her romantic affairs? And on top of that, a stranger, turns out to be your godson? A little too thick, don't you think?" The boy's tone had turned curious, with the slightest hint of mocking.

Ko smiled wryly. "My daughter when pushed has the fury of a Kirin. Nonetheless, I would gladly suffer through her anger just to see her safe. Cedric Diggory is an unknown card at this point. It is too dangerous."

The boy inclined his head, the first signs of respect. "A good man dabbling in politics is hard to find. A good father is even harder. But before the contract, I require something of you, Minister."

"Of course, the money paymen-"

"What I require, is a promise from you."

Ko narrowed his eyes, before his lips curved into a cold smile. "A promise for what?"

The boy's lips were now carved in a cruel smirk.

"For you to allow me to utlitize whatever that is necessary to deal with those that endanger your daughter's life."

"Do as you wish."