Chapter Three: The Slaughter

The Russian mercenary, known as Vladimir Tepes, was soaking his blade in blood of innocent animals. The Dong guy had offered an entire building for him and his gang, the Tepes faction to stay in. Vladimir snarled at the thought of Phantom. No known description, as every description of him was different, and everyone had concluded that he was under a different glamour charm each job. Skilled in the use of a broadsword and talented in the area of Duelling, likely know Dark Arts, extremely talented at using illusions. Several accounts says that he had a tangible spectre with him, but this is unconfirmed.

Vladimir gritted his teeth at the thought of him. There was just simply no way for a boy to get that skilled, not when he, at the age of 39, was still alive and kicking, after defeating a horde of vampires, assassinated a leader of Giants and was still standing strong.

Dong Zezhao had said that there was a window of opportunity in two days, when the Beauxbaton and Durmstrang students would arrive at Hogwarts. It would be simple. Create chaos, get the girl, kill the boy if needed, and portkey to Beijing. His mouth curved upwards in a maniacal smile.

In two days, he would carve his legend as the man who defeated the S-Rank 'Phantom'.

In two days.

Cho and I were both sitting on the meadow, casually chatting about what Hogwarts offered. My aim was to make her change her focus to me. There were other, faster, easier ways, but I doubt Ko would be pleased if I brought his daughter completely changed.

I see my tertiary target, Draco Malfoy attempt to come over and talk to Cho. However, before Cho Chang spots him, I engage her in conversation, such as the numerous professors, their personalities and how strict they were on homework.

Not that I cared, but I had already done so on several occasions in regards to different topics. My current aim was to make Draco Malfoy jealous enough to confront me in a public setting. Which was soon. And judging by how Cho had displayed hostile from polite behaviour to him, it was working.

"Oi, newcomer. Mind if I talk to Cho for a minute?" Malfoy inquired, that arrogant look still on his face. Although he had phrased it as a question, his tone was of an order.

Not like I was going to listen to him.

"Later, Malfoy, after I finish talking to Xin about Professor McGonagall." Cho's entire demeanour had changed from friendly to hostile. "Now you see, Professor McGonagall..."

Malfoy furrowed his brows in frustration, seeing that his romantic target was ignoring him once again in favour of the new student, had glanced at me to see me paying attention towards Cho. He tried to interject himself every so slightly, but he found nothing on common ground.

Time for the finishing blow. I glance up after making sure Cho was not paying attention, and quirked up my eyebrow in a sarcastic matter at him.

As I expected, he blew up. His wand was out in an instant, and I blink quickly to control my reflexes.

"Leave Cho alone, you mongrel!" He was now shouting at me, his pale face flushed with colour. Nearby students gasped at him, for he only displayed such behaviour when he was clashing with Christopher Potter.

"Malfoy! Leave us alone, you can surely tell when you're not welcome!" Cho interjected on my behalf, and judging by how she was now defending me, Part 2 should be completed soon.

"Cho, you are heiress to a pureblood family, with great power. I, on the other hand, am scion to the House of Malfoy, who holds great influence in Britain. A marriage between us..." I did not hear the rest, for now his eyes were focused on Cho's body, and judging by how Cho had tightened her eyes, that could not do.

I would have to act the dashing knight now.

"Please, leave us be, Malfoy." My own wand was now pointing at him. "I would not like to put you in a coma. I am one of the strongest wizards in my generation."

What an understatement. I probably was the strongest, but I did not wish to be arrogant in front of her. That would only prove a fallback in terms of my plan.

"Entomor-" was the only thing I heard before my silently casted Impedimenta had smashed into his chest, hurling him into the soft grass as he screamed out in pain. The jinx itself was extremely weak, but my potent magical power had overpowered the curse even with me actively controlling my magic.

He did not even attempt to block the weak spell? Weakling.

The venom in my heart shift into words as they come out of my mouth, while my mouth twists into the familiar cruel smirk, which Talon and I are most familiar with.

"Is. That. It?"

Cho knew that the newcomer was not as kind as he looked.

For her father to contract a boy out of all things, and to use his vast influence to persuade Headmaster Dumbledore, she knew that the boy was special. At first, she was wary, but soon he had charmed her, and she had already forgotten that he was her bodyguard.

The events right now in front of her seemed to mock her innocent and naive nature.

Silent Casting. A skill that was taught to six years and above in Hogwarts. It required high mental discipline, and extreme hours of training. Such a skill was reserved for high ranking Aurors, Hit Wizards, and of course, legendary wizards. Even then, constant silent casting was extremely tiring, and although she was sure that Xin Chao or whatever his name was had only casted one spell, to do it spoke of enormous magical potential. She gulped.

In her own innocent nature, she had been completely charmed by him to forget his own nature.

A mercenary.

She swore to herself, that no one was ever going to charm her that easily again.

But she could not stop the tiny seed that had started blossoming in her heart.

Malfoy had lifted himself up, terror in his eyes. Nearby students were gasping or in awe, or in fear of the newcomers skill. Everyone was silent at this powerful display of magic, Malfoy included.

With a gesture of his hand, Xin motioned for Malfoy to leave, which he did so right away.

As though Xin could read his thoughts, he looked straight into Cho's eyes, piercing green against coal black, and he conveyed a silent message.

Are you alright?

I thank Malfoy mentally. He had provided me with an excellent opportunity. Glancing at her eyes, I am amused to see that faint blush. So a tiny crush has already formed. Easy.

I spot Cedric Diggory and Marietta Edgecombe hurrying back here. One's face is awestruck while the others is twisted in an ugly grimace. Still, both clear up their faces when I greet them with a smile.

Cedric had immediately tried to engage Cho in small talk, but she ignored it in favour of talking with Marietta of how I absolutely stomped Malfoy.

I sit down, noting that the few nearby students had already dissipated and went back into the school, probably to tell of the story. Good. It means that I have more opportunities to present myself as the superior male in front of Cedric Diggory, which means making the attraction go away faster is better, transferring it to me. After the end of these three years, when I break Cho's heart at the end, she will be heartbroken, and Ko can introduce her to any suitable male that he finds to his liking.

Simple and fast. Kindly smiling to the trio, I smirk at the success.

The Golden Trio could not believe what they were hearing in their common room.

Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas, their yearmates had charged in and announced that Malfoy had stupidly tried to court Cho Chang, the local bombshell and mock the new transfer student, only to whip out his wand to curse the newcomer, but instead had gotten his ass handed back to him.

Ron had immediately turned and started talking at rapid fire pace. "Isn't that great? The poncehead had actually failed for once!"

Hermione turned to glare at Ron. "Ron! This is big news! Malfoy won't just let this go! This could become horrible!"

Christopher interjected. "Its fine, Hermione. The newbie has already proven himself anyway. Besides, we've always wanted to see Malfoy finally shutting up. I think we should go talk to him, get a feel for him. Maybe he might teach us a few spells against Malfoy to use, heh."

Hermione admonished him. "Chris, we're not supposed to get in fights! But I wonder what does the Academy of Magicks teach indeed, we might learn some interesting magic from him."

It seemed that the news of Xin Chao versus Draco Malfoy had soared like wildfire, although no teachers knew. In the back of everyone's minds, everyone knew this would be the start to a massive change.

I had spent the entire day, conversing with Cho Chang, and I am pleased to see that she is subconsciously attracted to me now. This was far easier than expected.

The Triwizard Tournament...I just had a nagging feeling for it. Delegates from foreign countries, huh...I would need to be careful. There could be hidden assassins, either for me or for her.

I turn the corridor that would lead to the Great Hall, and I bump into a trio.

The 'Golden Trio'.

The one on the right to me, a tall lanky red headed boy widens his mouth in surprise, before taking long strides to me, a confident smile on his face.

He outstretches his hand, and I politely shake it. I smell bits of food from him, but I do not comment, since I had the smell of death emanating from me myself.

"You're the newcomer right? Its nice to see the guy that knocked Malfoy down a few notches!" He exclaimed.

A kind smile forms on my face, and I reply politely. "I did kindly tell him to back off, but he did not take the hint. I guess some people are just too thick to understand what kind of situation they are in." A sarcastic jab, but it goes unnoticed as I expected.

The girl on the left steps forward, and eagerly shakes my hand. "You come from the Academy of Magicks, right? How is it like over there?"

"The academy over there does not compare with Hogwarts, but nonetheless, it is a beautiful sight." This, I do not lie. The Academy of Magicks was pure white, to represent the purity of students, and it was grand and majestic. A shame I had to leave its walls painting red with the blood of a teacher. "There are also interesting magics of the old, but I'm sure it does not compare with Hogwarts."

"Oh no, Hogwarts doesn't really dare teach anything out of the ordinary. The curriculum over here is to let you expand your potential on your own." The girl giggles.

"Oh, how rude for us to not introduce ourselves." The boy on the middle finally interrupts. I recognize his face. Years ago, I would've torn at him, but now the smile is plastered on my face, and I greet him like a friend. "I'm Christopher Potter, the 'Boy Who Lived'. Hes Ron Weasley and the lady here is Hermione Granger."

Ron cut in, grinning madly. "Anyway, it was glad to see you knock that pureblood arse off his pedestal. That makes you and me friends already."

I shrug, the epitome of carelessness. "So this Malfoy person is a pureblood elitist? The kind that boasts of a pureblood line?" I hold nothing against purebloods, for they are weak and generally impudent. This makes it much more easier to swindle gold out of them.

All three nodded at my words, before the girl, Hermione commented. "I'm sure Asia doesn't have much of those."

"There are purebloods, but many marry through love, not of status, and they do not boast wildly of their line." I give her an answer that was vague. Ko had not instructed me on forming connections, and I had no wish to do so anyway.

Ron scoffed. "Yeah. Malfoy only gets away with it because his father's the Minister's Advisor and a Wizengamot Politician."

Christopher smiled widely. "Dad and Sirius won't have it though. Anyone who tries to introduce pureblood customs, they get beaten back."

Sirius Black. A name that brings back many memories.

I have no wish to confer with them further, and I motion for us to enter the Great Hall and eat. Meanwhile, my mind races.

If Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are to arrive tomorrow, it would prove an excellent opportunity for someone to get the girl, and escape amidst the chaos. That cannot be allowed. Idly fingering the fang pendant, I sit next to Cho and lightly converse with her, my mind settled on over two hundred possible scenarios.

Vladimir Tepes was ready.

His following had already arrived at Hogwarts through the Forbidden Forest. A small herd of Acromantula had been actively prowling for food, and twelve members of his faction had fallen, leaving only nine, not including himself. Battling through their way, they set up camp in tents of three, while he smiled manically at the grand castle.

Nineteen hours later, he would return to that meeting room for five hundred thousand galleons. Enough to be comfortably settled for the rest of his life. Additionally, killing the boy would bring him great fame and more followers. He shuddered in pleasure at the thought of it.


It was our four hundreth bout of the night.



"What do you think of the Triwizard Tournament?"

I furrow my brows. I had studied the subject in the library, as many students before me had done, but it only spoke of three tasks, that aimed to test your bravery, wit, and skill.

"The only thing that would be hampering the contract would be if either me or the girl would be chosen." I was deep in thought as I thought how to answer his question. "There has been little talk of how a champion is chosen, but naturally assuming, the contract would be backed by our magic. There has been cases of participants losing their magic if they refused to back out. Therefore, if I truly am chosen for a reason, I would be forced to expose myself. But that is impossible. No one knows of my real identity, and I have magically changed my name. It is impossible to bind me to a contract if I am not willing."

"But the girl." Talon's tone is now stern and admonishing. "The girl right now is a liability. She may be stupid enough to enter herself into that contract."

"I have already prepared for that possibility." I smile dangerously. "I do not know how participants are chosen, but I do not need to. All I need is my mind and mouth to convince her."

"Not with your illusions?" His tone, was now completely sardonic.

"I doubt our contractor would be pleased if I returned his daughter broken." I dryly reply. I hear a mocking snort, but I continue on regardless. "Do you sense any abnormalities, Talon?"

His voice becomes sharp and calculating once again. "I sense strange magic from the Forbidden Forest. It is different from the magic that Hogwarts exudes off. It reeks of bloodlust and death" I brush him off. It was called Forbidden for a reason.

"Leave it be. At most, it would be some strange magical creature. There is no need for us to endanger ourselves."

"As you wish, Phantom." I note the faint dissatisfaction in his tone, but I leave it be.

"Perhaps in our last year, we can slay ourselves the creature. But for now, the girl is our main concern."


I squint at the Great Lake, ignoring the flying speck that I already know is the Beauxbaton faction.

Cho had been actively seeking me out now. It would seem that I would have to cut my spar time shorter in order to go back to the common room in time with her - She had asked me to accompany her to the Great Hall for mealtimes now. I had accepted readily, and Cedric Diggory had looked livid as I entered the Hall with Cho. Cho had only smiled and nodded to him, where previously she had immediately ran over to him.

My mouth curves up in a smirk. Was manipulating children this easy? Perhaps I should take on more jobs like this in the future instead of my previous assassinations. It certainly would be a nice change of pace.

After breakfast, I had went to the library to read up more on household charms. Although I was skilled in Transfiguration, Duelling, Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, I was not that good with charms, healing magic and defensive magic, with the exception of my own variant of Protego. I preferred movement over defence after all - Time wasted defending was time lost in attacking.

Durmstrang had already arrived, and I had made sure Cho was in front of me. Other than the fact that many of them had the taint of Dark Magic reeking from them, nothing was wrong. The rest of the school gushes over one particular student, a Viktor Krum who was a renowned Quidditch Seeker. I had heard of his father, Alexander Krum, who was a renowned duelist. This one would need to be watched over.

Meanwhile I was musing, the speck in the sky became noticeably larger, and it had landed. The headmistress of Beauxbatons, a Madame Olympe, most likely half giant due to her stature, led a group of ten girls out. I narrow my eyes at one.

She was extremely beautiful, and I noticed signs of the Veela Allure, but it was diluted in a sense. Not a full Veela then? Her magic felt extremely warm and bright, brimming with emotions. She could be a possible assassin, using the Veela Allure to throw off the girl's protector.

But unfortunately for her, Occlumency helped block the Allure. It also helped that I, unlike many of the male fools blustering around was not attracted to her in the slightest. I could see tell-tale signs of many Hogwarts males drooling over her, Cedric Diggory included.

I snort and when Cho looked at me, I motion to Cedric. Judging by the darkening look on her face, she was not pleased.

The Veela girl crosses us, and she looks at me. Not at the girl. An assassin for me then? I finger my wand, but it is unneeded. She looks astounded at me lifting my eyebrows up at her instead of drooling. She visibly swallows and quickly hurries away. I narrow my eyes. Something was off about this girl. Out of the corner of my eye, Cho visibly glares at me and I act questioning.

I see. She is jealous.


Smirking to myself, I sense the presence that had been hiding underneath the Great Lake come out. Ten figures dashed out of the Lake, and I see Dumbledore momentarily surprised before whipping out his wand. He was too late though. The main leader, I surmised from his grin had already gone for my client.

Vladimir Tepes had gone straight after the girl to use as a hostage. No doubt, the boy could not harm her, and he motioned for his nine remaining followers to grab the girl. Two of them point their wands at her, while the rest and he himself point their wands at the crowd.

"I see a wand out, the girl dies." He rasps out. He noted that Albus Dumbledore had lowered his wand, the half-giant harlot still surprised. He also notices a Veela wench, but it would cause chaos if they abducted a foreign emissary apart from the girl. There was no need to start a war, of course.

"Now, who here is-"

"I am." A brown haired green eyed boy stepped forward, smiling serenely.

Vladimir sneered and pointed the wand at him. "So you are who they call-"

"Indeed." The boy was still looking calm, his smile still plastered on his face.

"Not very good, are you?" Vladimir jeered and motioned for his gang to leave through the Portkey that the Dong person had set up for them. He himself had another, a medallion hanging on his neck. "When this is over, I will be the one to be known for besting-"

In retrospect, he probably shouldn't have blinked. The girl, previously in his arms, was now back in the crowd.


I, in the depths of my mind, question these would-be assassins. Have they truly not heard of my skill with illusions? Did they really think I had not sensed them? Regardless, I allow them to take the girl. I need to know more about the enemy, and bait is required.

The Russian man in front of me grins manically. "Who here is-"

I step out, smiling warmly. "I am."

"So you are who they call-"

"Indeed." I look into his eyes, and it has already been planted.

He goes on. I do not care. His goons have left with the girl, and all that is left is the leader. Dumbledore has palmed his wand, but does not deign to take any further action. He is worried about the students, and with no known information on what is happening, he does not dare.

His eyes widen, as he spots the girl right beside me, as if he cannot believe that the girl, previously taken by his goons, was now safe and sound in the crowd.

I step forward and grab his medallion alongside him.

All this happens across the span of ten seconds.

Cho gasped, as she was brought to somewhere she did not know. She could still see the faint outline of Hogwarts, but she was surrounded by thick trees. She tried to frustrate, but she gasped out in pain as one of her kidnappers grabbed her breast roughly.

"Yer wild, aren't you? When Vladimir gets here, we'll have our fun with you first before delivering you. That fatass only said you needed to be alive, and I can see why with a body like that." The man had all the grace of a wild elephant and let loose several dark chuckles.

Around her, the rest had also begun defiling her with their hands, and she furiously tries to stop the opaque tears that roll down, hoping with all her might that someone would be able to save her.

"Please. Refrain from doing that." A thick, harsh grating sound interjects, and everybody in the clearing stopped their actions and look towards the direction of the voice before simultaneously gasping.

For there was a figure. Two metres tall. A black helmet with two side horns and a frontal horn jutting to the sky. Clad in midnight armour, with two gigantic tips on either side of his neck and shoulder, and smaller tips on his wrists, kneecaps and on the lower calf. A massive zweihander was grasped in his right hand, which resembled more of a claw, and two orbs of emerald fire could be seen from the helmet. A tattered cape fluttered, even when there was no wind.

Cho audibly gulped at the sight of it.

"Look at your surroundings. For I assure you, they will be your last sights." The harsh sound continues, this time laced with sarcasm and poison. Three men simultaneously act, snarling out Reducto, Confringo and Diffindo, but all passed through the figure.

While hidden behind the helm, Cho sensed a malicious sneer forming.

Everyone turned at at another flash of blue light - the light of a portkey. Vladimir Tepes arrived, visage still in the form of a sneer. Cho's fear multiplies tenfold and she let out a soundless scream.

"Vladimir! What is the meaning of this!" Cho hears a sound, laced with both fear and anger.

"So Vladimir is his name? Unfortunately..." This voice, she could remember quite well. Xin Chao. Hope wells up in her heart instead of her fear and disgust The body of Vladimir suddenly falls to the ground, like how a puppet falls when its strings are cut. Behind the body is Xin Chao, wand in hand and a massive broadsword. "He is dead."

Cho's horror is visible on her face, and a crimson bolt of light was the last sight she saw before she fainted.

I send a Stupefy at Cho. It would not do her any good to see this manslaughter.

The nine remaining goons were still gaping.

The words that form in my mind are sickeningly polite, with a friendly smile its intent all but friendly, but the tone which is used are undeniably poisonous. "The Forbidden Forest. Laced with wards that allow two specific portkeys to go through. Untraceable, Unbreakable, and Unpertuable? One would be in awe at this display of magic...if only you hadn't done something so vile. Tell me, what was the purpose?"

Talon rasps out hatefully. "They intended to rape her. They had already begun."

"Oh?" My friendly smile falters for a second before returning in full force. "Well, I intended to only kill you before, but now..."

I see a goon stutter out in half terror and hope. "You're not going to kill us now?"

I scoff at his stupidity, before my mouth formed into that cruel, venomous smirk. "No. I'm just going to have to kill you much more painfully. Tantibus."

I motion to Talon, and he nods. Both of us whirl into action. Out of the nine, only three successfully break out of Nightmare, and in the time it took them, Talon had already cleaved two man in two pieces, split one straight in the middle, and left the remainder three that slumber in my curse to me.

I dodge six curses that the remaining three throw at me, and I throw Confringo, Bombarda Maxima and successfully reduce two to nothing. Talon throws his zweihander, successfully impaling the last one standing right into a tree. For only three men to break out of Nightmare? Disappointing. I had hoped for more of a challenge.

Talon wrenches his sword out. "Fast and disappointing."

Although I could not see past the helm, I sense his displeasure. As do I.

I merely nod, and turn to bind the three that are still alive, and I break their illusion. They widen their eyes at the carnage, and struggle, before they are rendered immobile with a silent Petrificus Totalus. I utter Legillmens at each one of them to extract information.

After three minutes, Talon moves at my nod, and the three are beheaded, like how Chinese Prisoners of the old were decapitated.

Dong Zezhao. High-Ranking Official of the Chinese Federal Government. Two associates, Liang Wei and Jiang Gan. Unknown if acting on his own or instructed by a superior. Has put out a contract of 500,000 galleons for the girl. A-ranked Mercs initially arrived, but soon left after knowing that "Phantom" was protecting her. Arrived through the Forbidden Forest. Had more men, but lost them due to the Acromantula herd. A shame. I would've welcomed more worms to sent to Hades.

I motion to Talon, and he, understanding my silent order, nods to me before entering the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Waving my wand, I gather up the bodies before casting Incendio. Another Scourgify clears the area of residual evidence before I carry the girl back to Hogwarts.

Hi guys,

No, I'm not dead.

University has been really troublesome and annoying, thus I haven't been able to continue writing.

No, this time it really wasn't because I was lazy...

And this story is handed back over to me because we split up, yeah...

Working on refining my chapters, thus I've only been able to do this much since September.

Working on Chapter 4: Aftermath, hopefully out by the weekend.

Will be working on publishing chapters hopefully twice a week, a month at the maximum.

Yes, I know my author notes are abrupt now.

Sorry, trying to drown my sorrows.
