Hello all my lovelies! I am back! And with a long eventful chapter! I hope you all enjoy! This is barely the end. I have so many ideas and I'm just barely starting on them!

Wilma Marian Hart was a cold-blooded woman. As a child she grew up in the system, moving from group home to group home. In her early teens she started taking an interest in criminals, forming a "Pen-pal" relationship with an inmate at the Peach City Correctional Facility. He was accused of raping a young girl, but he said he was innocent. "Children lie to get attention." He told Wilma in their letters. "She said I did it because her mother was having another child. She wanted all the attention so her little baby brother wouldn't." And Wilma believed him. From the day she received that letter, all the way to now, she was determined to help criminals stay out of jail. Studying to become a criminal defense lawyer, she let no one get in her way. Her first real case was a man who raped and murdered a four year old girl. The police and the state had a small hair sample and some surveillance footage of the man going into the store the girl was last scene in. Miss Hart tore the states case apart. Stating how all the evidence were circumstantial and it was a coincidence her client was at the same store that day. For Miss Hart, it wasn't about disproving evidence, but about getting into the jury's heads. Making them question everything the prosecution gave them. In the end, the jury took forty-five minutes to come up with a verdict. That day, a murder and rapist walked out of the courtroom a free man. And it was all thanks to Miss Wilma Marian Hart.

Eddy's brother had hear about Miss Hart through some old friends. If anyone could get you off scotch free, it was her. He made a few phone calls and got her to meet with Eddy. The prosecution didn't have a lot of evidence against Eddy, their who case was based around two key witnesses. His former best friends. And that's why Wilma Marian Hart decided to take Eddy's case. If anyone could break witnesses it was her, and them being former best friends of her client only meant she had more on them than the state did. And boy was she going to break them.

Monday, October 18th. 9:38a.m. Peach Creek Court House, Court Room 2.

"Kevin, I'm scared." Edd said, grabbing his Redhead's hand and squeezing it tight. Today was the first day of Eddy's trial, and Edd had heard a lot about his new lawyer.

"It'll be okay Dork. You're smart. Anything she throws at you will just be to tear you down. But you wont give into it. I know you." Kevin said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I know, but this lady is ruthless. She's been a defense lawyer for ten years and shes only lost two cases. She doesn't take a case she thinks she can loose." Edd said, worry more apparent in his voice.

"It'll be okay. You know how I know? Because I said so. That's how." Kevin pulled Edd closer and put an arm around him.

"Eddward Vincent? It's time." A court usher peeked his head out of the courtroom to bring Edd to the stand. Kevin held his hand and they walked into the room. Kevin took a seat with Nat and quietly asked how things were going.

"Pretty good, they got Eddy's fingerprints on the baggy Jonny had so there's no denying he had it in his possession. That's really all they have evidence wise though. Its up to the Ed's to testify against them." Nat said. Edd had just finished being sworn in when he took his seat on the stand.

First the prosecution questioned Edd. They told the jury about their friendship, and their falling out. They also questioned Edd about his attack. Edd relived the ordeal and the jury sympatized with him. A stranger had attacked him and publically humiliated him. But, with the attacker not talking, all they had that tied Eddy to the attack was Joe telling him he had a message from a friend, and that's all Miss Hart needed.

"Mr. Vincent, you say that my client paid this man, Joe Baker, to attack you. Is that correct?" Miss Hart questioned.

"Y-yes, I believe so. Eddy is the only one I know that would want to hurt me." Edd answered.

"Do you recall what happened on August 6th?" Miss Hart asked with a sly grin.

"Well, uh lets see, it was a school day, but I can't put my finger on what exactly happened that day." Edd said.

"On August 6th, a young male student by the name of Lucas Peterly, attacked you on school campus. If the report is correct, he got suspended from all sports teams because of the inccident. Is that not correct Mr. Vincent? Does that not make him an enemy of you?" Miss Hart threw a huge curve ball at him.

"W-well I g-guess so. B-but Lucas hasn't been scene in weeks, h-he has no reason to attack me again." Edd stuttered.

"Ah, but he does! Being suspended from all sports teams cause him to lose his scholarships to UCLA, a college he was hopping to play football at. Is that not reason enough to attack you again, Mr. Vincent?" Miss Hart countered.

"Objection! That's speculation your honor!" The prosecution yelled.

"Sit down, Mr. Knoling. Based on evidence, she has every right to pull in all factors. Please continue Miss Hart." The judge said.

"Thank you, your honor. Now, Mr. Vincent, are you here to testify for immunity?" Miss Hart continued.

"Yes ma'am." Edd quietly replied.

"And how do we know you aren't behind all of this? How do we know you aren't the mastermind and are just throwing poor Eddy here under the bus?" Miss Hart gave the jury reasonable doubt. All they had to go on was the boys words. All three Ed's had their fingerprints over everything, but two out of the three said it was Eddy.

After that statement, Kevin's draw dropped. He didn't even think she'd pull that load of bull. Sure Edd was smart, but he was smart enough to know better. His little dork couldn't be the mastermind behind a drug scam operation. He and all the cul-de-sac kids knew that from their childhood experiences with the Ed's. He leaned back in his seat next to Nat. This was going to be a long day.

Because there was so little evidence, and not many witnesses, the prosecution and defense gave their closing statements after lunch. It was all up to the jury to decided if Edd was guilty or not now. And it was eating Kevin and Edd alive, because they had been deliberating for two days now. Miss Hart couldn't believe it either, her cases were usually in the bag and thd jury taking this long was not normal for her "in the bag" cases.

At 2:00p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, Edd got a call that the jury had reached a verdict. He and Kevin nearly sped to the courthouse. They got there by 2:30p.m. and took their seats in the front row in the courtroom.

"Mr. Foreman how does the jury find the defendant?" The judge asked once the coutroom was settled.

"Your honor, we the jury find the defendant Edward Sampson guilty of all charges." The foreman sent the whole court into a frenzy. Miss Hart couldn't believe she lost this one, there was basically no evidence! She demanded for a mistrial but the judge refused.

"Young man, sentencing will be scheduled for October 20th at 10am sharp. You will be placed in holding at the county jail until then. I do hope you learn the lesson you need to from all of this. Court is adjourned." The judge banged his mallet and everyone raised while he left the room.

"He can't hurt you anymore Dee." Kevin pulled a crying Edd into his arms, He hurt, but he knew it was for the better. A person like Eddy belonged in prison for what he had done.

"I still feel like there's more to come." Edd sighed as him and Kevin walked out of the courthouse.